Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell98 |
- module Data.Parameterized.Ctx
- data Size (ctx :: Ctx k)
- sizeInt :: Size ctx -> Int
- zeroSize :: Size EmptyCtx
- incSize :: Size ctx -> Size (ctx ::> tp)
- decSize :: Size (ctx ::> tp) -> Size ctx
- extSize :: Size l -> Diff l r -> Size r
- addSize :: Size x -> Size y -> Size (x <+> y)
- data SizeView (ctx :: Ctx k) where
- viewSize :: Size ctx -> SizeView ctx
- class KnownContext (ctx :: Ctx k) where
- data Diff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k)
- noDiff :: Diff l l
- extendRight :: Diff l r -> Diff l (r ::> tp)
- class KnownDiff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k) where
- data DiffView a b where
- viewDiff :: Diff a b -> DiffView a b
- data Index (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k)
- indexVal :: Index ctx tp -> Int
- base :: Index (EmptyCtx ::> tp) tp
- skip :: Index ctx x -> Index (ctx ::> y) x
- lastIndex :: Size (ctx ::> tp) -> Index (ctx ::> tp) tp
- nextIndex :: Size ctx -> Index (ctx ::> tp) tp
- extendIndex :: KnownDiff l r => Index l tp -> Index r tp
- extendIndex' :: Diff l r -> Index l tp -> Index r tp
- forIndex :: forall ctx r. Size ctx -> (forall tp. r -> Index ctx tp -> r) -> r -> r
- forIndexRange :: forall ctx r. Int -> Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> r -> r) -> r -> r
- forIndexM :: forall ctx m. Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m ()) -> m ()
- intIndex :: Int -> Size ctx -> Maybe (Some (Index ctx))
- data IndexRange (ctx :: Ctx k) (sub :: Ctx k)
- allRange :: Size ctx -> IndexRange ctx ctx
- indexOfRange :: IndexRange ctx (EmptyCtx ::> e) -> Index ctx e
- dropHeadRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size x -> IndexRange ctx y
- dropTailRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size y -> IndexRange ctx x
- data Assignment (f :: k -> *) (ctx :: Ctx k)
- size :: Assignment f ctx -> Size ctx
- replicate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. f tp) -> Assignment f ctx
- generate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp) -> Assignment f ctx
- generateM :: Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m (f tp)) -> m (Assignment f ctx)
- generateSome :: forall f. Int -> (Int -> Some f) -> Some (Assignment f)
- generateSomeM :: forall m f. Applicative m => Int -> (Int -> m (Some f)) -> m (Some (Assignment f))
- empty :: Assignment f EmptyCtx
- null :: Assignment f ctx -> Bool
- extend :: Assignment f ctx -> f x -> Assignment f (ctx ::> x)
- update :: Index ctx tp -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx
- adjust :: (f tp -> f tp) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx
- adjustM :: Functor m => (f tp -> m (f tp)) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment f ctx)
- init :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> Assignment f ctx
- last :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> f tp
- data AssignView f ctx where
- AssignEmpty :: AssignView f EmptyCtx
- AssignExtend :: Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> AssignView f (ctx ::> tp)
- view :: forall f ctx. Assignment f ctx -> AssignView f ctx
- decompose :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> (Assignment f ctx, f tp)
- fromList :: [Some f] -> Some (Assignment f)
- (!) :: Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp
- (!^) :: KnownDiff l r => Assignment f r -> Index l tp -> f tp
- zipWith :: (forall x. f x -> g x -> h x) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> Assignment h a
- zipWithM :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> g x -> m (h x)) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> m (Assignment h a)
- (<++>) :: Assignment f x -> Assignment f y -> Assignment f (x <+> y)
- traverseWithIndex :: Applicative m => (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp -> m (g tp)) -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment g ctx)
module Data.Parameterized.Ctx
class KnownContext (ctx :: Ctx k) where Source #
A context that can be determined statically at compiler time.
Minimal complete definition
KnownContext k (EmptyCtx k) Source # | |
KnownContext k ctx => KnownContext k ((::>) k ctx tp) Source # | |
data Diff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k) Source #
Difference in number of elements between two contexts. The first context must be a sub-context of the other.
extendRight :: Diff l r -> Diff l (r ::> tp) Source #
Extend the difference to a sub-context of the right side.
class KnownDiff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k) where Source #
A difference that can be automatically inferred at compile time.
Minimal complete definition
data Index (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k) Source #
An index is a reference to a position with a particular type in a context.
ExtendContext' k' k' (Index k') Source # | |
ApplyEmbedding' k' k' (Index k') Source # | |
TestEquality k (Index k ctx) Source # | |
HashableF k (Index k ctx) Source # | |
ShowF k (Index k ctx) Source # | |
OrdF k (Index k ctx) Source # | |
Eq (Index k ctx tp) Source # | |
Ord (Index k ctx tp) Source # | |
Show (Index k ctx tp) Source # | |
Hashable (Index k ctx tp) Source # | |
nextIndex :: Size ctx -> Index (ctx ::> tp) tp Source #
Return the index of a element one past the size.
forIndex :: forall ctx r. Size ctx -> (forall tp. r -> Index ctx tp -> r) -> r -> r Source #
Given a size n
, an initial value v0
, and a function f
, 'forIndex n v0 f'
is equivalent to v0
when n
is zero, and 'f (forIndex (n-1) v0) (n-1)' otherwise.
forIndexRange :: forall ctx r. Int -> Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> r -> r) -> r -> r Source #
Given an index i
, size n
, a function f
, value v
, and a function f
'forIndex i n f v' is equivalent to v
when 'i >= sizeInt n', and
'f i (forIndexRange (i+1) n v0)' otherwise.
forIndexM :: forall ctx m. Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m ()) -> m () Source #
'forIndexM sz f' calls f
on indices '[]'.
intIndex :: Int -> Size ctx -> Maybe (Some (Index ctx)) Source #
Return index at given integer or nothing if integer is out of bounds.
data IndexRange (ctx :: Ctx k) (sub :: Ctx k) Source #
This represents a contiguous range of indices.
allRange :: Size ctx -> IndexRange ctx ctx Source #
Return a range containing all indices in the context.
indexOfRange :: IndexRange ctx (EmptyCtx ::> e) -> Index ctx e Source #
returns the only index in a range.
dropHeadRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size x -> IndexRange ctx y Source #
`dropHeadRange r n` drops the first n
elements in r
dropTailRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size y -> IndexRange ctx x Source #
`dropTailRange r n` drops the last n
elements in r
data Assignment (f :: k -> *) (ctx :: Ctx k) Source #
An assignment is a sequence that maps each index with type tp
a value of type 'f tp'.
size :: Assignment f ctx -> Size ctx Source #
Return number of elements in assignment.
replicate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. f tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #
replicate n
make a context with different copies of the same
polymorphic value.
generate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #
Generate an assignment
generateM :: Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m (f tp)) -> m (Assignment f ctx) Source #
Generate an assignment
generateSome :: forall f. Int -> (Int -> Some f) -> Some (Assignment f) Source #
Generate an assignment with some context type that is not known.
generateSomeM :: forall m f. Applicative m => Int -> (Int -> m (Some f)) -> m (Some (Assignment f)) Source #
Generate an assignment with some context type that is not known.
empty :: Assignment f EmptyCtx Source #
Return empty assignment
null :: Assignment f ctx -> Bool Source #
Return true if assignment is empty.
extend :: Assignment f ctx -> f x -> Assignment f (ctx ::> x) Source #
update :: Index ctx tp -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx Source #
Update the assignment at a particular index.
adjust :: (f tp -> f tp) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx Source #
Modify the value of an assignment at a particular index.
adjustM :: Functor m => (f tp -> m (f tp)) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment f ctx) Source #
Modify the value of an assignment at a particular index.
init :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #
Return assignment with all but the last block.
last :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> f tp Source #
Return the last element in the assignment.
data AssignView f ctx where Source #
View an assignment as either empty or an assignment with one appended.
AssignEmpty :: AssignView f EmptyCtx | |
AssignExtend :: Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> AssignView f (ctx ::> tp) |
view :: forall f ctx. Assignment f ctx -> AssignView f ctx Source #
View an assignment as either empty or an assignment with one appended.
decompose :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> (Assignment f ctx, f tp) Source #
(!) :: Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp Source #
Return value of assignment.
(!^) :: KnownDiff l r => Assignment f r -> Index l tp -> f tp Source #
Return value of assignment, where the index is into an initial sequence of the assignment.
zipWith :: (forall x. f x -> g x -> h x) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> Assignment h a Source #
zipWithM :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> g x -> m (h x)) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> m (Assignment h a) Source #
(<++>) :: Assignment f x -> Assignment f y -> Assignment f (x <+> y) Source #
traverseWithIndex :: Applicative m => (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp -> m (g tp)) -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment g ctx) Source #