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parameterized-utils-1.0.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Safe HaskellTrustworthy





data Size (ctx :: Ctx k) Source #

Represents the size of a context.


Show (Size k ctx) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Size k ctx -> ShowS #

show :: Size k ctx -> String #

showList :: [Size k ctx] -> ShowS #

sizeInt :: Size ctx -> Int Source #

zeroSize :: Size EmptyCtx Source #

The size of an empty context.

incSize :: Size ctx -> Size (ctx ::> tp) Source #

Increment the size to the next value.

decSize :: Size (ctx ::> tp) -> Size ctx Source #

extSize :: Size l -> Diff l r -> Size r Source #

Extend the size by a given difference.

addSize :: Size x -> Size y -> Size (x <+> y) Source #

The total size of two concatenated contexts.

data SizeView (ctx :: Ctx k) where Source #

Allows interpreting a size.


ZeroSize :: SizeView EmptyCtx 
IncSize :: !(Size ctx) -> SizeView (ctx ::> tp) 

viewSize :: Size ctx -> SizeView ctx Source #

Project a size

class KnownContext (ctx :: Ctx k) where Source #

A context that can be determined statically at compiler time.

Minimal complete definition



knownSize :: Size ctx Source #


KnownContext k (EmptyCtx k) Source # 


knownSize :: Size (EmptyCtx k) ctx Source #

KnownContext k ctx => KnownContext k ((::>) k ctx tp) Source # 


knownSize :: Size ((k ::> ctx) tp) ctx Source #


data Diff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k) Source #

Difference in number of elements between two contexts. The first context must be a sub-context of the other.


Category (Ctx k) (Diff k) Source # 


id :: cat a a #

(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c #

noDiff :: Diff l l Source #

The identity difference.

extendRight :: Diff l r -> Diff l (r ::> tp) Source #

Extend the difference to a sub-context of the right side.

class KnownDiff (l :: Ctx k) (r :: Ctx k) where Source #

A difference that can be automatically inferred at compile time.

Minimal complete definition



knownDiff :: Diff l r Source #


KnownDiff k l l Source # 


knownDiff :: Diff l l r Source #

KnownDiff k l r => KnownDiff k l ((::>) k r tp) Source # 


knownDiff :: Diff l ((k ::> r) tp) r Source #

data DiffView a b where Source #


NoDiff :: DiffView a a 
ExtendRightDiff :: Diff a b -> DiffView a (b ::> r) 

viewDiff :: Diff a b -> DiffView a b Source #


data Index (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k) Source #

An index is a reference to a position with a particular type in a context.


ExtendContext' k' k' (Index k') Source # 


extendContext' :: Diff (Index k') ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #

ApplyEmbedding' k' k' (Index k') Source # 


applyEmbedding' :: CtxEmbedding (Index k') ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #

TestEquality k (Index k ctx) Source # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Index k ctx :~: a) b) #

HashableF k (Index k ctx) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

ShowF k (Index k ctx) Source # 


withShow :: p f -> q tp -> (Show (f tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: f tp -> String Source #

showsF :: f tp -> String -> String Source #

OrdF k (Index k ctx) Source # 


compareF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> OrderingF (Index k ctx) x y Source #

leqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

Eq (Index k ctx tp) Source # 


(==) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

Ord (Index k ctx tp) Source # 


compare :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

(>) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Bool #

max :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp #

min :: Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp -> Index k ctx tp #

Show (Index k ctx tp) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Index k ctx tp -> ShowS #

show :: Index k ctx tp -> String #

showList :: [Index k ctx tp] -> ShowS #

Hashable (Index k ctx tp) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Index k ctx tp -> Int #

hash :: Index k ctx tp -> Int #

indexVal :: Index ctx tp -> Int Source #

base :: Index (EmptyCtx ::> tp) tp Source #

Index for first element in context.

skip :: Index ctx x -> Index (ctx ::> y) x Source #

Increase context while staying at same index.

lastIndex :: Size (ctx ::> tp) -> Index (ctx ::> tp) tp Source #

Return the last index of a element.

nextIndex :: Size ctx -> Index (ctx ::> tp) tp Source #

Return the index of a element one past the size.

extendIndex :: KnownDiff l r => Index l tp -> Index r tp Source #

extendIndex' :: Diff l r -> Index l tp -> Index r tp Source #

forIndex :: forall ctx r. Size ctx -> (forall tp. r -> Index ctx tp -> r) -> r -> r Source #

Given a size n, an initial value v0, and a function f, 'forIndex n v0 f' is equivalent to v0 when n is zero, and 'f (forIndex (n-1) v0) (n-1)' otherwise.

forIndexRange :: forall ctx r. Int -> Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> r -> r) -> r -> r Source #

Given an index i, size n, a function f, value v, and a function f, 'forIndex i n f v' is equivalent to v when 'i >= sizeInt n', and 'f i (forIndexRange (i+1) n v0)' otherwise.

forIndexM :: forall ctx m. Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m ()) -> m () Source #

'forIndexM sz f' calls f on indices '[0..sz-1]'.

intIndex :: Int -> Size ctx -> Maybe (Some (Index ctx)) Source #

Return index at given integer or nothing if integer is out of bounds.


data IndexRange (ctx :: Ctx k) (sub :: Ctx k) Source #

This represents a contiguous range of indices.

allRange :: Size ctx -> IndexRange ctx ctx Source #

Return a range containing all indices in the context.

indexOfRange :: IndexRange ctx (EmptyCtx ::> e) -> Index ctx e Source #

indexOfRange returns the only index in a range.

dropHeadRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size x -> IndexRange ctx y Source #

`dropHeadRange r n` drops the first n elements in r.

dropTailRange :: IndexRange ctx (x <+> y) -> Size y -> IndexRange ctx x Source #

`dropTailRange r n` drops the last n elements in r.


data Assignment (f :: k -> *) (ctx :: Ctx k) Source #

An assignment is a sequence that maps each index with type tp to a value of type 'f tp'.


TraversableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


traverseFC :: Applicative m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m (f s)) -> t e c -> m (t f c) Source #

FoldableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


foldMapFC :: Monoid m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m) -> t e c -> m Source #

foldrFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldrFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

toListFC :: (forall (tp :: Assignment k). f tp -> a) -> t f c -> [a] Source #

OrdFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


compareFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> OrderingF (Assignment k) x y) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> OrderingF l x y Source #

TestEqualityFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


testEqualityFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> Maybe ((Assignment k :~: x) y)) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> Maybe ((l :~: x) y) Source #

FunctorFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


fmapFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k). f x -> g x) -> forall (x :: k). m f x -> m g x Source #

IxedF' k (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


ixF' :: IndexF k (Assignment k f ctx) x -> Lens' (Assignment k f ctx) (IxValueF k (Assignment k f ctx) x) Source #

IxedF k (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


ixF :: IndexF k (Assignment k f ctx) x -> Traversal' (Assignment k f ctx) (IxValueF k (Assignment k f ctx) x) Source #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Assignment k f :~: a) b) #

HashableF k f => HashableF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

ShowF k f => ShowF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


withShow :: p f -> q tp -> (Show (f tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: f tp -> String Source #

showsF :: f tp -> String -> String Source #

OrdF k f => OrdF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


compareF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> OrderingF (Assignment k f) x y Source #

leqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) (EmptyCtx k) Source # 


knownRepr :: EmptyCtx k ctx Source #

(KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ctx, KnownRepr k f bt) => KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ((::>) k ctx bt) Source # 


knownRepr :: (k ::> ctx) bt ctx Source #

TestEquality k f => Eq (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


(==) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

(/=) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

OrdF k f => Ord (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


compare :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Ordering #

(<) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

(<=) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

(>) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

(>=) :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Bool #

max :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx #

min :: Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx -> Assignment k f ctx #

ShowF k f => Show (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Assignment k f ctx -> ShowS #

show :: Assignment k f ctx -> String #

showList :: [Assignment k f ctx] -> ShowS #

NFData (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


rnf :: Assignment k f ctx -> () #

HashableF k f => Hashable (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Assignment k f ctx -> Int #

hash :: Assignment k f ctx -> Int #

type IxValueF k (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 
type IxValueF k (Assignment k f ctx) = f
type IndexF k (Assignment k f ctx) Source # 
type IndexF k (Assignment k f ctx) = Index k ctx

size :: Assignment f ctx -> Size ctx Source #

Return number of elements in assignment.

replicate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. f tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #

replicate n make a context with different copies of the same polymorphic value.

generate :: Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #

Generate an assignment

generateM :: Applicative m => Size ctx -> (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> m (f tp)) -> m (Assignment f ctx) Source #

Generate an assignment

generateSome :: forall f. Int -> (Int -> Some f) -> Some (Assignment f) Source #

Generate an assignment with some context type that is not known.

generateSomeM :: forall m f. Applicative m => Int -> (Int -> m (Some f)) -> m (Some (Assignment f)) Source #

Generate an assignment with some context type that is not known.

empty :: Assignment f EmptyCtx Source #

Return empty assignment

null :: Assignment f ctx -> Bool Source #

Return true if assignment is empty.

extend :: Assignment f ctx -> f x -> Assignment f (ctx ::> x) Source #

update :: Index ctx tp -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx Source #

Update the assignment at a particular index.

adjust :: (f tp -> f tp) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx Source #

Modify the value of an assignment at a particular index.

adjustM :: Functor m => (f tp -> m (f tp)) -> Index ctx tp -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment f ctx) Source #

Modify the value of an assignment at a particular index.

init :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> Assignment f ctx Source #

Return assignment with all but the last block.

last :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> f tp Source #

Return the last element in the assignment.

data AssignView f ctx where Source #

View an assignment as either empty or an assignment with one appended.


AssignEmpty :: AssignView f EmptyCtx 
AssignExtend :: Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> AssignView f (ctx ::> tp) 

view :: forall f ctx. Assignment f ctx -> AssignView f ctx Source #

View an assignment as either empty or an assignment with one appended.

decompose :: Assignment f (ctx ::> tp) -> (Assignment f ctx, f tp) Source #

fromList :: [Some f] -> Some (Assignment f) Source #

Create an assignment from a list of values.

(!) :: Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp Source #

Return value of assignment.

(!^) :: KnownDiff l r => Assignment f r -> Index l tp -> f tp Source #

Return value of assignment, where the index is into an initial sequence of the assignment.

zipWith :: (forall x. f x -> g x -> h x) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> Assignment h a Source #

zipWithM :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> g x -> m (h x)) -> Assignment f a -> Assignment g a -> m (Assignment h a) Source #

(<++>) :: Assignment f x -> Assignment f y -> Assignment f (x <+> y) Source #

traverseWithIndex :: Applicative m => (forall tp. Index ctx tp -> f tp -> m (g tp)) -> Assignment f ctx -> m (Assignment g ctx) Source #