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parameterized-utils-1.0.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2015
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Safe HaskellSafe




This module defines type-level lists used for representing the type of variables in a context.



data Ctx k Source #

Kind Ctx k comprises lists of types of kind k.


(Ctx k) ::> k 


TraversableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


traverseFC :: Applicative m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m (f s)) -> t e c -> m (t f c) Source #

TraversableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


traverseFC :: Applicative m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m (f s)) -> t e c -> m (t f c) Source #

FoldableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


foldMapFC :: Monoid m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m) -> t e c -> m Source #

foldrFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldrFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

toListFC :: (forall (tp :: Assignment k). f tp -> a) -> t f c -> [a] Source #

FoldableFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


foldMapFC :: Monoid m => (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> m) -> t e c -> m Source #

foldrFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldrFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). e s -> b -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

foldlFC' :: (forall (s :: Assignment k). b -> e s -> b) -> b -> t e c -> b Source #

toListFC :: (forall (tp :: Assignment k). f tp -> a) -> t f c -> [a] Source #

OrdFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


compareFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> OrderingF (Assignment k) x y) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> OrderingF l x y Source #

OrdFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


compareFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> OrderingF (Assignment k) x y) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> OrderingF l x y Source #

TestEqualityFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


testEqualityFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> Maybe ((Assignment k :~: x) y)) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> Maybe ((l :~: x) y) Source #

TestEqualityFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


testEqualityFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k) (y :: Assignment k). f x -> f y -> Maybe ((Assignment k :~: x) y)) -> forall (x :: l) (y :: l). t f x -> t f y -> Maybe ((l :~: x) y) Source #

FunctorFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


fmapFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k). f x -> g x) -> forall (x :: k). m f x -> m g x Source #

FunctorFC k (Ctx k) (Assignment k) Source # 


fmapFC :: (forall (x :: Assignment k). f x -> g x) -> forall (x :: k). m f x -> m g x Source #

Category (Ctx k) (Diff k) # 


id :: cat a a #

(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c #

Category (Ctx k) (Diff k) # 


id :: cat a a #

(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Assignment k f :~: a) b) #

TestEquality k f => TestEquality (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) # 


testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Assignment k f :~: a) b) #

HashableF k f => HashableF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k f => HashableF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

ShowF k f => ShowF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


withShow :: p f -> q tp -> (Show (f tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: f tp -> String Source #

showsF :: f tp -> String -> String Source #

ShowF k f => ShowF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


withShow :: p f -> q tp -> (Show (f tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: f tp -> String Source #

showsF :: f tp -> String -> String Source #

OrdF k f => OrdF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


compareF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> OrderingF (Assignment k f) x y Source #

leqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

OrdF k f => OrdF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


compareF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> OrderingF (Assignment k f) x y Source #

leqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: ktp x -> ktp y -> Bool Source #

KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) (EmptyCtx k) Source # 


knownRepr :: EmptyCtx k ctx Source #

KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) (EmptyCtx k) Source # 


knownRepr :: EmptyCtx k ctx Source #

(KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ctx, KnownRepr k f bt) => KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ((::>) k ctx bt) Source # 


knownRepr :: (k ::> ctx) bt ctx Source #

(KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ctx, KnownRepr k f bt) => KnownRepr (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) ((::>) k ctx bt) Source # 


knownRepr :: (k ::> ctx) bt ctx Source #

type (::>) (c :: Ctx k) (a :: k) = c ::> a Source #

type family (x :: Ctx k) <+> (y :: Ctx k) :: Ctx k where ... Source #

Append two type-level contexts.


x <+> EmptyCtx = x 
x <+> (y ::> e) = (x <+> y) ::> e 

Type context manipulation

type family CtxSize (a :: Ctx k) :: Nat where ... Source #

This type family computes the number of elements in a Ctx


CtxSize EmptyCtx = 0 
CtxSize (xs ::> x) = 1 + CtxSize xs 

type CtxLookup (n :: Nat) (ctx :: Ctx k) = CtxLookupRight (FromLeft ctx n) ctx Source #

Lookup the value in a context by number, from the left. Produce a type error if the index is out of range.

type CtxUpdate (n :: Nat) (x :: k) (ctx :: Ctx k) = CtxUpdateRight (FromLeft ctx n) x ctx Source #

Update the value in a context by number, from the left. If the index is out of range, the context is unchanged.

type family CtxLookupRight (n :: Nat) (ctx :: Ctx k) :: k where ... Source #

Lookup the value in a context by number, from the right


CtxLookupRight 0 (ctx ::> r) = r 
CtxLookupRight n (ctx ::> r) = CtxLookupRight (n - 1) ctx 

type family CtxUpdateRight (n :: Nat) (x :: k) (ctx :: Ctx k) :: Ctx k where ... Source #

Update the value in a context by number, from the right. If the index is out of range, the context is unchanged.


CtxUpdateRight n x EmptyCtx = EmptyCtx 
CtxUpdateRight 0 x (ctx ::> old) = ctx ::> x 
CtxUpdateRight n x (ctx ::> y) = CtxUpdateRight (n - 1) x ctx ::> y 

type family CheckIx (ctx :: Ctx k) (n :: Nat) (b :: Bool) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Helper type family used to generate descriptive error messages when an index is larger than the length of the Ctx being indexed.


CheckIx ctx n True = () 
CheckIx ctx n False = TypeError (((Text "Index " :<>: ShowType n) :<>: Text " out of range in ") :<>: ShowType ctx) 

type ValidIx (n :: Nat) (ctx :: Ctx k) = CheckIx ctx n ((n + 1) <=? CtxSize ctx) Source #

A constraint that checks that the nat n is a valid index into the context ctx, and raises a type error if not.

type FromLeft ctx n = (CtxSize ctx - 1) - n Source #

Ctx is a snoc-list. In order to use the more intuitive left-to-right ordering of elements the desired index is subtracted from the total number of elements.