{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}

module Control.CP.FD.FD (

  module Data.Expr.Sugar,




  FDSpecInfoBool(..), FDSpecInfoInt(..), FDSpecInfoCol(..),

  liftFD, addFD,

  SpecFn, SpecFnRes, SpecResult(..),

  getBoolSpec_, getIntSpec_, getColSpec_,

  getBoolSpec,  getIntSpec,  getColSpec,

  getEdge, markEdge,



  getIntVal, getBoolVal, getColVal,

  getIntTerm, getBoolTerm, getColTerm,


  getDefBoolSpec, getDefIntSpec, getDefColSpec,

  getFullBoolSpec, getFullIntSpec, getFullColSpec,



  specInfoBoolTerm, specInfoIntTerm,

  Control.CP.FD.FD.newInt, Control.CP.FD.FD.newBool, Control.CP.FD.FD.newCol,

  procSubModel, procSubModelEx, specSubModelEx,


  setMinimizeVar, boundMinimize, getMinimizeTerm, getMinimizeVar,


) where

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Control.Monad.Trans

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Map(Map)

import Data.Maybe

import Data.List

import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Data.Set(Set)

import Control.CP.Debug

import Data.Expr.Sugar

import Data.Expr.Data

-- import Control.CP.FD.Expr.Util

import Control.CP.FD.Model

import Control.CP.FD.Decompose

import Control.CP.FD.Graph

import Control.CP.SearchTree

import Control.CP.ComposableTransformers

import Control.CP.EnumTerm

import Control.CP.Solver

import Control.Mixin.Mixin

-- | state kept by FDInstance, in addition to the underlying solver's internal state

data FDSolver s => FDState s = FDState {

  -- | expression representing unprocessed constraints

  fdsExpr :: Model,

  -- | model being processed now

  fdsModel :: Maybe EGModel,

  -- | private data for the decomposer (kept to optimize constraints which aren't added in one go)

  fdsDecomp :: DecompData,

  -- | when adding constraints, the EGEdgeId's occurring in the decomposed model

  fdsNewEdges :: Set EGEdgeId,

  fdsDoneEdges :: Set EGEdgeId,

  -- | expressions that need to be decomposed

  fdsForceBool :: [ModelBool], fdsForcedBool :: Map ModelBool (FDBoolTerm s),

  fdsForceInt :: [ModelInt], fdsForcedInt :: Map ModelInt (FDIntTerm s),

  fdsForceCol :: [ModelCol],

  -- | variable counter

  fdsVars :: Int,

  -- | already introduced integer variables/terms/constants/expressions 

  fdsIntVars :: Map EGVarId (FDSpecInfoInt s),

  -- | needed sets of possible types

  fdsIntVarTypes :: Map EGVarId (Set (FDIntSpecTypeSet s)),

  -- | which variables are being decomposed right now

  fdsIntVarBusy :: Set EGVarId,

  -- | which nodes are unified with which others

  fdsIntUnifies :: Map EGVarId (Set EGVarId),

  -- | already introduced boolean variables/terms/constants/expressions 

  fdsBoolVars :: Map EGVarId (FDSpecInfoBool s),

  fdsBoolVarTypes :: Map EGVarId (Set (FDBoolSpecTypeSet s)),

  fdsBoolVarBusy :: Set EGVarId,

  fdsBoolUnifies :: Map EGVarId (Set EGVarId),

  -- | already introduced collection variables/terms/constants/expressions 

  fdsColVars :: Map EGVarId (FDSpecInfoCol s),

  fdsColVarTypes :: Map EGVarId (Set (FDColSpecTypeSet s)),

  fdsColVarBusy :: Set EGVarId,

  fdsColUnifies :: Map EGVarId (Set EGVarId),

  -- | db of specifiers

  fdsDb :: SpecDb s,

  -- | solver is failed?

  fdsFailed :: Bool,

  -- | level of nesting

  fdsLevel :: Int,

  -- | levels of dummyness

  fdsDummyLevel :: Int,

  fdsMinimizeVar :: Maybe ModelInt,

  fdsMinimizeTerm :: Maybe (FDIntTerm s)


myFromJust str m = case m of

  Nothing -> error $ "myFromJust: " ++ str

  Just x -> x

unifyInts a b = do

  s <- get

  let sa = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton a) a (fdsIntUnifies s)

  let sb = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton b) b (fdsIntUnifies s)

  let sc = Set.union sa sb

  put s { fdsIntUnifies = foldr (\a b -> Map.insert a sc b) (fdsIntUnifies s) $ Set.toList sc }

unifyBools a b = do

  s <- get

  let sa = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton a) a (fdsBoolUnifies s)

  let sb = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton b) b (fdsBoolUnifies s)

  let sc = Set.union sa sb

  put s { fdsBoolUnifies = foldr (\a b -> Map.insert a sc b) (fdsBoolUnifies s) $ Set.toList sc }

unifyCols a b = do

  s <- get

  let sa = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton a) a (fdsColUnifies s)

  let sb = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton b) b (fdsColUnifies s)

  let sc = Set.union sa sb

  put s { fdsColUnifies = foldr (\a b -> Map.insert a sc b) (fdsColUnifies s) $ Set.toList sc }

mapVals :: Show b => (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [String]

mapVals f l = nub $ sort $ map show $ catMaybes $ map f l

dumpSpec :: FDSolver s => FDState s -> String

dumpSpec s = 

  foldl (++) "" (map (\(i,r) -> "i" ++ (show $ unVarId i) ++ "\n" ++ foldl (++) "" (map (\x -> "  "++x++"\n") (mapVals (fdspIntSpec r) (Nothing : (map Just $ Set.toList $ fdspIntTypes r))))) $ Map.toList (fdsIntVars s)) ++

  foldl (++) "" (map (\(i,r) -> "b" ++ (show $ unVarId i) ++ "\n" ++ foldl (++) "" (map (\x -> "  "++x++"\n") (mapVals (fdspBoolSpec r) (Nothing : (map Just $ Set.toList $ fdspBoolTypes r))))) $ Map.toList (fdsBoolVars s)) ++

  foldl (++) "" (map (\(i,r) -> "c" ++ (show $ unVarId i) ++ "\n" ++ foldl (++) "" (map (\x -> "  "++x++"\n") (mapVals (fdspColSpec r) (Nothing : (map Just $ Set.toList $ fdspColTypes r))))) $ Map.toList (fdsColVars s))

setMinimizeVar :: (Show (FDIntTerm s), FDSolver s) => ModelInt -> FDInstance s ()

setMinimizeVar v = do

  s <- get

  case Map.lookup v (fdsForcedInt s) of

    Just t -> debug ("setMinimizeVar: (cached) var="++(show v)++" term="++(show t)) $ put s { fdsMinimizeVar = Just v, fdsMinimizeTerm = Just t }

    Nothing -> do

      var <- getSingleIntTerm v

      s2 <-  get

      debug ("setMinimizeVar: (not cached) var="++(show v)++" term="++(show var)) $ put s2 { fdsMinimizeVar = Just v, fdsMinimizeTerm = Just var }

getMinimizeVar :: (Show (FDIntTerm s), FDSolver s) => FDInstance s (Maybe ModelInt)

getMinimizeVar = do

  s <- get

  return $ fdsMinimizeVar s

getMinimizeTerm :: (Show (FDIntTerm s), FDSolver s) => FDInstance s (Maybe (FDIntTerm s))

getMinimizeTerm = do

  s <- get

  debug ("getMinimizeTerm: "++(show $ fdsMinimizeTerm s)) $ return ()

  return (fdsMinimizeTerm s)

--  case (fdsMinimizeTerm s) of

--    q@(Just _) -> return q

--    Nothing -> case (fdsMinimizeVar s) of

--      Nothing -> return Nothing

--      Just v -> do

--        q <- getSingleIntTerm v

--        put s { fdsMinimizeTerm = Just q }

--        return $ Just q

boundMinimize :: (Show (FDIntTerm s), FDSolver s, EnumTerm s (FDIntTerm s), Integral (TermBaseType s (FDIntTerm s))) => NewBound (FDInstance s)

boundMinimize = do

  bound <- getMinimizeTerm

  case bound of

    Nothing -> error "no bound variable defined"

    Just bndvar -> do

      x <- liftFD $ getValue bndvar

      case x of

        Just val -> do

          con <- liftFD $ fdConstrainIntTerm bndvar (toInteger val)

          let f = Bound (\x -> (Add (Right con) x))

          return f

        _ -> error "bound variable is not assigned"

runFD :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s a -> s a

runFD (FDInstance { unFDInstance = u }) = evalStateT u baseFDState

linkExterns :: FDSolver s => (Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoBool s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoInt s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoCol s)) -> EGEdgeId -> FDInstance s ()

linkExterns (sfb,sfi,sfc) id = do

  s <- get

  let Just jm = fdsModel s

  let Just edge = Map.lookup id $ egmEdges jm

  case (egeCons edge) of

    EGBoolExtern p -> do

      case sfb p of

        Nothing -> return ()

        Just spec -> do

          let [varid] = boolData $ egeLinks edge

          if (Map.member varid $ fdsBoolVars s) then error "double bool import" else return ()

          put $ s { fdsBoolVars = Map.insert varid spec $ fdsBoolVars s, fdsBoolVarTypes = Map.delete varid $ fdsBoolVarTypes s }

      markEdge id

    EGIntExtern p -> do

      case sfi p of

        Nothing -> return ()

        Just spec -> do

          let [varid] = intData $ egeLinks edge

          if (Map.member varid $ fdsIntVars s) then error "double int import" else return ()

          put $ s { fdsIntVars = Map.insert varid spec $ fdsIntVars s, fdsIntVarTypes = Map.delete varid $ fdsIntVarTypes s }

      markEdge id

    EGColExtern p -> do

      case sfc p of

        Nothing -> return ()

        Just spec -> do

          let [varid] = colData $ egeLinks edge

          if (Map.member varid $ fdsColVars s) then error "double col import" else return ()

          put $ s { fdsColVars = Map.insert varid spec $ fdsColVars s, fdsColVarTypes = Map.delete varid $ fdsColVarTypes s }

      markEdge id

    _ -> return ()

procSubModel :: FDSolver s => EGModel -> (Int -> FDSpecInfoBool s, Int -> FDSpecInfoInt s, Int -> FDSpecInfoCol s) -> FDInstance s ()

procSubModel sm (fb,fi,fc) = procSubModelEx sm (Just . fb,Just . fi,Just . fc)

procSubModelEx :: FDSolver s => EGModel -> (Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoBool s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoInt s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoCol s)) -> FDInstance s ()

procSubModelEx sm specfn = do

  s <- get

  let ss = baseFDState {

    fdsModel = Just sm,

    fdsVars = fdsVars s,

    fdsFailed = fdsFailed s,

    fdsLevel = 1 + fdsLevel s


  put ss


  s2 <- get

  mapM_ (linkExterns specfn) $ Set.toList $ fdsNewEdges s2


  s3 <- get

  put $ s { fdsFailed = fdsFailed s || fdsFailed s3, fdsVars = fdsVars s3 }

getLevel :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Int

getLevel = do

  s <- get

  return $ fdsLevel s

-- specSubModelEx :: FDSolver s => EGModel -> (Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoBool s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoInt s), Int -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoCol s)) -> FDInstance s ()

specSubModelEx sm specfn = do

  s <- get

  let ss = baseFDState {

    fdsModel = Just sm,

    fdsVars = fdsVars s,

    fdsFailed = fdsFailed s,

    fdsLevel = 1 + fdsLevel s


  put ss


  s2 <- get

  mapM_ (linkExterns specfn) $ Set.toList $ fdsNewEdges s2

  s3 <- get

  put s3 { fdsDummyLevel = 1 }

  processEx False

  s4 <- get

  put $ s { fdsFailed = fdsFailed s || fdsFailed s4, fdsVars = fdsVars s4 }

  return (fdsBoolVars s4, fdsIntVars s4, fdsColVars s4)

optimizeSetSet :: Ord a => Set (Set a) -> Set (Set a)

optimizeSetSet x = 

  let (min,xx) = Set.deleteFindMin x

      inter = Set.fold Set.intersection min xx

      in if Set.null inter then x else Set.singleton inter

optimizeVarTypes :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

optimizeVarTypes = do

  s <- get

  put $ s {

    fdsBoolVarTypes = Map.map optimizeSetSet $ fdsBoolVarTypes s,

    fdsIntVarTypes = Map.map optimizeSetSet $ fdsIntVarTypes s,

    fdsColVarTypes = Map.map optimizeSetSet $ fdsColVarTypes s


checkNeedSpecType var typ db = any (Set.member typ) $ Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty var db

decompSpec fn db un unfn ex vars typs = do

  s <- get

  let tri [] = do

        debug ("decompSpec vars="++(show vars)++": no spec left, failing") $ return ()

        return Nothing

      tri (((_,_,id),_):rest) | not (Set.member id vars) = tri rest

      tri ((key@(_,_,id),(eid,s)):rest) = case ex s of

        Nothing -> tri rest

        Just spec -> do

          res <- spec

          case res of

            SpecResNone -> tri rest

            SpecResSpec (typ,spec) -> if Set.member typ typs

              then do

                rr <- liftFD spec

                debug ("decompSpec: got spec: " ++ (show rr)) $ return ()

                fn (Set.findMin vars) typ rr

                case eid of

                  Nothing -> return ()

                  Just e -> do

                    debug ("decompSpec: marking edge "++(show e)) $ return ()

                    markEdge e

                return $ Just (typ,rr)

              else tri rest

            SpecResUnify v -> do

              unfn id v

              decompSpec fn db un unfn ex vars typs

  tri $ Map.toDescList $ db

decompBestHelp id spec fn unfn eid prio db = do

  res <- spec

  case res of

    SpecResNone -> do

      debug ("decompBestHelp: level "++(show prio)++" specifier for var "++(show id)++" by edge "++(show eid)++" has failed") $ return ()

      return ()

    SpecResSpec (typ,ss) -> if checkNeedSpecType id typ db

      then do

        rr <- liftFD ss

        res <- fn id typ rr

        case eid of

          Nothing -> return ()

          Just e -> do

            debug ("decompBestHelp: marking edge "++(show e)) $ return ()

            markEdge e

            return ()

        return res

      else do

        debug ("decompBestHelp: typ "++(show typ)++" specifier for id "++(show id)++" seems not needed") $ return ()

        return ()

    SpecResUnify v -> do

      unfn id v

      return ()

decompBest :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

decompBest = do

  s1 <- debug "in decompBest: get" $ get

  debug "in decompBest" $ return ()

  if Map.null $ fdsDb s1

    then return False

    else do

      let (((prio,knd,id),(eid,spec)),nm) = Map.deleteFindMax $ fdsDb $ debug "s1?" s1

          s2 = debug ("got best spec: prio="++(show prio)++", knd="++(show knd)++", id="++(show id)++", eid="++(show eid)++", spec=?") $ s1 { fdsDb = nm }

      put s2

      case knd of

        FDTBool -> do

          let s3 = s2 { fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.insert id $ fdsBoolVarBusy s2 }

          put s3

          let Just j = fdsBoolSel spec

          decompBestHelp id j addBoolVar unifyBools eid prio $ fdsBoolVarTypes s3

          s4 <- get

          put $ s4 { fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsBoolVarBusy s4 }

        FDTInt -> do

          let s3 = s2 { fdsIntVarBusy = Set.insert id $ fdsIntVarBusy s2 }

          put s3

          let Just j = fdsIntSel spec

          decompBestHelp id j addIntVar unifyInts eid prio $ fdsIntVarTypes s3

          s4 <- get

          put $ s4 { fdsIntVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsIntVarBusy s4 }

        FDTCol -> do

          let s3 = s2 { fdsColVarBusy = Set.insert id $ fdsColVarBusy s2 }

          put s3

          let Just j = fdsColSel spec

          decompBestHelp id j addColVar unifyCols eid prio $ fdsColVarTypes s3

          s4 <- get

          put $ s4 { fdsColVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsColVarBusy s4 }

      return True

decompDefaultBool :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

decompDefaultBool = do

  s1 <- get

  if Map.null $ fdsBoolVarTypes s1

    then return False

    else do

      let ((varid,set),nm) = Map.deleteFindMin $ fdsBoolVarTypes s1

          s2 = s1 { fdsBoolVarTypes = nm }

      put s2

      if Set.null set

        then return True

        else do

          defaultBoolDecomp varid Nothing

          return True

decompDefaultInt :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

decompDefaultInt = do

  s1 <- get

  if Map.null $ fdsIntVarTypes s1

    then return False

    else do

      let ((varid,set),nm) = Map.deleteFindMin $ fdsIntVarTypes s1

          s2 = s1 { fdsIntVarTypes = nm }

      put s2

      if Set.null set

        then return True

        else do

          defaultIntDecomp varid Nothing

          return True

defaultBoolDecomp :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> (Maybe (FDBoolSpecTypeSet s)) -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDBoolSpecType s, FDBoolSpec s))

defaultBoolDecomp var typs = do

  s <- get

  if fdsDummyLevel s > 0 

    then return Nothing

    else do

      vt <- liftFD $ fdTypeVarBool

      let Just jt = typs

      if (isNothing typs || not (Set.null $ Set.intersection vt jt))

        then do

          Just v <- fdNewvar

          let (ty,sp) = fdBoolSpec_term v

          rs <- liftFD sp

          addBoolVar var ty (rs, Nothing)

          return $ Just (ty,rs)

        else return Nothing

defaultIntDecomp :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> (Maybe (FDIntSpecTypeSet s)) -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDIntSpecType s, FDIntSpec s))

defaultIntDecomp var typs = do

  s <- get

  if fdsDummyLevel s > 0

    then return Nothing

    else do

      vt <- liftFD $ fdTypeVarInt

      let Just jt = typs

      if (isNothing typs || not (Set.null $ Set.intersection vt jt))

        then do

          Just v <- fdNewvar

          let (ty,sp) = fdIntSpec_term v

          rs <- liftFD sp

          addIntVar var ty (rs, Nothing)

          return $ Just (ty,rs)

        else return Nothing

getBoolSpec_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDBoolSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDBoolSpecType s, FDBoolSpec s))

getBoolSpec_ var typs = do

  s <- get

  let vars = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton var) var $ fdsBoolUnifies s

  getBoolSpec__ vars typs

getBoolSpec__ :: FDSolver s => Set EGVarId -> FDBoolSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDBoolSpecType s, FDBoolSpec s))

getBoolSpec__ vars typs = do

  s <- get

  let mp = foldl (\b a -> case Map.lookup a (fdsBoolVars s) of { Nothing -> b; Just x -> case b of { Nothing -> Just x; Just r -> Just $ unionSpecBool r x }}) Nothing (Set.toList vars)

  let sp = Set.intersection (maybe Set.empty fdspBoolTypes mp) typs

  let db = fdsDb s

  if Set.null sp

    then if not (Set.null $ Set.intersection vars $ fdsBoolVarBusy s)

      then return Nothing

      else do

        put $ s { fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.union vars $ fdsBoolVarBusy s }

        res <- decompSpec addBoolVar db (\x -> Map.lookup x $ fdsBoolUnifies s) unifyBools fdsBoolSel vars typs

        s2 <- get

        put $ s2 { fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.difference (fdsBoolVarBusy s) vars }

        case res of

          Just (tp,(sp,_)) -> return $ Just (tp,sp)

          _ -> defaultBoolDecomp (Set.findMin vars) $ Just typs

    else do

      let lp = Set.findMin sp

      let Just jmp = mp

      let Just j = fdspBoolSpec jmp $ Just lp

      return $ Just (lp,j)

getBoolSpec :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDBoolSpec s))

getBoolSpec var = do

  s <- allBoolSpec

  q <- getBoolSpec_ var s

  return $ case q of

    Just (_,x) -> Just x

    Nothing -> Nothing

getIntSpec_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDIntSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDIntSpecType s, FDIntSpec s))

getIntSpec_ var typs = do

  s <- get

  let vars = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton var) var $ fdsIntUnifies s

  getIntSpec__ vars typs

getIntSpec__ :: FDSolver s => Set EGVarId -> FDIntSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDIntSpecType s, FDIntSpec s))

getIntSpec__ vars typs = do

  s <- get

  let mp = foldl (\b a -> case Map.lookup a (fdsIntVars s) of { Nothing -> b; Just x -> case b of { Nothing -> Just x; Just r -> Just $ unionSpecInt r x }}) Nothing $ Set.toList vars

  let sp = Set.intersection (maybe Set.empty fdspIntTypes mp) typs

  let db = fdsDb s

  if Set.null sp

    then if not (Set.null $ Set.intersection vars $ fdsIntVarBusy s)

      then do

        debug ("getIntSpec__ "++(show (vars,typs))++": busy, failing") $ return ()

        return Nothing

      else do

        put $ s { fdsIntVarBusy = Set.union vars $ fdsIntVarBusy s }

        res <- decompSpec addIntVar db (\x -> Map.lookup x $ fdsIntUnifies s) unifyInts fdsIntSel vars typs

        s2 <- get

        put $ s2 { fdsIntVarBusy = Set.difference (fdsIntVarBusy s) vars }

        case res of

          Just (tp,(sp,_)) -> return $ Just (tp,sp)

          _ -> defaultIntDecomp (Set.findMin vars) $ Just typs

    else do

      let lp = Set.findMin sp

      let Just jmp = mp

      let Just j = fdspIntSpec jmp $ Just lp

      return $ Just (lp,j)

getIntSpec :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDIntSpec s))

getIntSpec var = do

  s <- allIntSpec

  q <- getIntSpec_ var s

  return $ case q of

    Just (_,x) -> Just x

    Nothing -> Nothing

getColSpec_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDColSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDColSpecType s, FDColSpec s))

getColSpec_ var typs = do

  s <- get

  let vars = Map.findWithDefault (Set.singleton var) var $ fdsColUnifies s

  getColSpec__ vars typs

getColSpec__ :: FDSolver s => Set EGVarId -> FDColSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDColSpecType s, FDColSpec s))

getColSpec__ vars typs = do

  s <- get

  let mp = foldl (\b a -> case Map.lookup a (fdsColVars s) of { Nothing -> b; Just x -> case b of { Nothing -> Just x; Just r -> Just $ unionSpecCol r x }}) Nothing (Set.toList vars)

  let sp = Set.intersection (maybe Set.empty fdspColTypes mp) typs

  let db = fdsDb s

  if Set.null sp

    then if not (Set.null $ Set.intersection vars $ fdsColVarBusy s)

      then return Nothing

      else do

        put $ s { fdsColVarBusy = Set.union vars $ fdsColVarBusy s }

        res <- decompSpec addColVar db (\x -> Map.lookup x $ fdsColUnifies s) unifyCols fdsColSel vars typs

        s2 <- get

        put $ s2 { fdsColVarBusy = Set.difference (fdsColVarBusy s) vars }

        case res of

          Just (tp,(sp,_)) -> return $ Just (tp,sp)

          _ -> return Nothing

    else do

      let lp = Set.findMin sp

      let Just jmp = mp

      let Just j = fdspColSpec jmp $ Just lp

      return $ Just (lp,j)

getColSpec :: (Show (FDColSpec s), FDSolver s) => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe (FDColSpec s))

getColSpec var = do

  s <- allColSpec

  q <- getColSpec_ var s

  return $ case q of

    Just (_,x) -> Just x

    Nothing -> Nothing

-- | initial FDState state 

baseFDState :: FDSolver s => FDState s

baseFDState = FDState {

  fdsVars = 0,

  fdsExpr = BoolConst True,

  fdsForceBool = [],

  fdsForcedBool = Map.empty,

  fdsForceInt = [],

  fdsForcedInt = Map.empty,

  fdsForceCol = [],

  fdsModel = Nothing,

  fdsNewEdges = Set.empty,

  fdsDoneEdges = Set.empty,

  fdsDecomp = baseDecompData,

  fdsIntVars = Map.empty,

  fdsIntVarTypes = Map.empty,

  fdsIntVarBusy = Set.empty,

  fdsIntUnifies = Map.empty,

  fdsBoolVars = Map.empty,

  fdsBoolVarTypes = Map.empty,

  fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.empty,

  fdsBoolUnifies = Map.empty,

  fdsColVars = Map.empty,

  fdsColVarTypes = Map.empty,

  fdsColVarBusy = Set.empty,

  fdsColUnifies = Map.empty,

  fdsDb = Map.empty,

  fdsFailed = False,

  fdsLevel = 0,

  fdsDummyLevel = 0,

  fdsMinimizeVar = Nothing,

  fdsMinimizeTerm = Nothing


edgesLeft :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

edgesLeft = get >>= return . Set.null . fdsNewEdges

-- | run the second argument as long as the first one produces true

whileM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m ()

whileM cond act = do

  x <- cond

  if x

    then do


      whileM cond act

    else return ()

whileM_ :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()

whileM_ cond = whileM cond $ return ()

-- | a label for an FDInstance; must store the FDState plus the Solver's internal state

data FDSolver s => FDLabel s = FDLabel {

  fdlState :: FDState s,

  fdlLabel :: Label s


-- | definition of FDInstance, a Solver wrapper that adds power to post boolean expressions as constraints

newtype FDSolver s => FDInstance s a = FDInstance { unFDInstance :: StateT (FDState s) s a }

  deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadState (FDState s))

-- | helper function to combine two Maybe's

joinWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a

joinWith f a b = case (a,b) of

  (Nothing,_) -> b

  (_,Nothing) -> a

  (Just x,Just y) -> Just $ f x y

-- | lift a monad action for the underlying solver to a monad action for an FDInstance around it

liftFD :: FDSolver s => s a -> FDInstance s a

liftFD = FDInstance . lift

liftFDTree :: (FDSolver s, MonadTree m, TreeSolver m ~ (FDInstance s)) => Tree s a -> m a

liftFDTree = mapTree liftFD

data SpecResult t =


  | SpecResSpec t

  | SpecResUnify EGVarId

type SpecBool s = FDInstance s (SpecResult (FDBoolSpecType s, s (FDBoolSpec s, Maybe EGBoolPar)))

type SpecInt s = FDInstance s (SpecResult (FDIntSpecType s, s (FDIntSpec s, Maybe EGPar)))

type SpecCol s = FDInstance s (SpecResult (FDColSpecType s, s (FDColSpec s, Maybe EGColPar)))

type SpecFnRes s = 


    [(Int, EGVarId, Bool, SpecBool s)],

    [(Int, EGVarId, Bool, SpecInt s)],

    [(Int, EGVarId, Bool, SpecCol s)]


type SpecFn s = EGEdge -> SpecFnRes s

data TermType = FDTBool | FDTInt | FDTCol

  deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Show)

fdsBoolSel x = case x of

  FDSBool a -> Just a

  _ -> Nothing

fdsIntSel x = case x of

  FDSInt a -> Just a

  _ -> Nothing

fdsColSel x = case x of

  FDSCol a -> Just a

  _ -> Nothing

data TermTypeSpec s = FDSBool (SpecBool s) | FDSInt (SpecInt s) | FDSCol (SpecCol s)

instance Show (TermTypeSpec s) where

  show (FDSBool _) = "FDSBool"

  show (FDSInt _) = "FDSInt"

  show (FDSCol _) = "FDSCol"

type SpecDb s = Map (Int,TermType,EGVarId) (Maybe EGEdgeId,TermTypeSpec s)

addBoolSpec :: FDSolver s => SpecDb s -> (Int,EGVarId,Maybe EGEdgeId,SpecBool s) -> SpecDb s

addBoolSpec db (prio,var,eid,spec) = Map.insert (prio,FDTBool,var) (eid,FDSBool spec) db

addIntSpec :: FDSolver s => SpecDb s -> (Int,EGVarId,Maybe EGEdgeId,SpecInt s) -> SpecDb s

addIntSpec db (prio,var,eid,spec) = Map.insert (prio,FDTInt,var) (eid,FDSInt spec) db

addColSpec :: FDSolver s => SpecDb s -> (Int,EGVarId,Maybe EGEdgeId,SpecCol s) -> SpecDb s

addColSpec db (prio,var,eid,spec) = Map.insert (prio,FDTCol,var) (eid,FDSCol spec) db

emptyFDSpecInfoBool :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> FDSpecInfoBool s

emptyFDSpecInfoBool v s = FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = const Nothing, fdspBoolVar = Just v, fdspBoolVal = getBoolVal_ v s, fdspBoolTypes = Set.empty }

emptyFDSpecInfoInt :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> FDSpecInfoInt s

emptyFDSpecInfoInt v s = FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = const Nothing, fdspIntVar = Just v, fdspIntVal = getIntVal_ v s, fdspIntTypes = Set.empty }

emptyFDSpecInfoCol :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> FDSpecInfoCol s

emptyFDSpecInfoCol v s = FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = const Nothing, fdspColVar = Just v, fdspColVal = getColVal_ v s, fdspColTypes = Set.empty }

data FDSpecInfoBool s = FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec :: Maybe (FDBoolSpecType s) -> Maybe (FDBoolSpec s), fdspBoolVar :: Maybe EGVarId, fdspBoolVal :: Maybe EGBoolPar, fdspBoolTypes :: Set (FDBoolSpecType s) }

data FDSpecInfoInt s = FDSpecInfoInt   { fdspIntSpec  :: Maybe (FDIntSpecType s)  -> Maybe (FDIntSpec s),  fdspIntVar ::  Maybe EGVarId, fdspIntVal ::  Maybe EGPar, fdspIntTypes :: Set (FDIntSpecType s) }

data FDSpecInfoCol s = FDSpecInfoCol   { fdspColSpec  :: Maybe (FDColSpecType s)  -> Maybe (FDColSpec s),  fdspColVar ::  Maybe EGVarId, fdspColVal ::  Maybe EGColPar, fdspColTypes :: Set (FDColSpecType s) }

unionSpecBool (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = s1, fdspBoolVar = n1, fdspBoolVal = v1, fdspBoolTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = s2, fdspBoolVar = n2, fdspBoolVal = v2, fdspBoolTypes = t2 }) =

  FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = \t -> (s1 t) `mplus` (s2 t), fdspBoolVal = v1 `mplus` v2, fdspBoolVar = n1 `mplus` n2, fdspBoolTypes = Set.union t1 t2 }

unionSpecInt (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = s1, fdspIntVar = n1, fdspIntVal = v1, fdspIntTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = s2, fdspIntVar = n2, fdspIntVal = v2, fdspIntTypes = t2 }) =

  FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = \t -> (s1 t) `mplus` (s2 t), fdspIntVal = v1 `mplus` v2, fdspIntVar = n1 `mplus` n2, fdspIntTypes = Set.union t1 t2 }

unionSpecCol (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = s1, fdspColVar = n1, fdspColVal = v1, fdspColTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = s2, fdspColVar = n2, fdspColVal = v2, fdspColTypes = t2 }) =

  FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = \t -> (s1 t) `mplus` (s2 t), fdspColVal = v1 `mplus` v2, fdspColVar = n1 `mplus` n2, fdspColTypes = Set.union t1 t2 }

instance (Ord (FDBoolSpec s), Ord (FDBoolSpecType s)) => Eq (FDSpecInfoBool s) where

  a == b = (compare a b) == EQ

instance (Ord (FDBoolSpec s), Ord (FDBoolSpecType s)) => Ord (FDSpecInfoBool s) where

  compare (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = s1, fdspBoolVar = r1, fdspBoolVal = v1, fdspBoolTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = s2, fdspBoolVar = r2, fdspBoolVal = v2, fdspBoolTypes = t2 }) =

    compare r1 r2 <<>> compare v1 v2 <<>> compare (s1 Nothing) (s2 Nothing) <<>> compare (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s1 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t1) (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s2 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t2)

instance (Ord (FDIntSpec s), Ord (FDIntSpecType s)) => Eq (FDSpecInfoInt s) where

  a == b = (compare a b) == EQ

instance (Ord (FDIntSpec s), Ord (FDIntSpecType s)) => Ord (FDSpecInfoInt s) where

  compare (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = s1, fdspIntVar = r1, fdspIntVal = v1, fdspIntTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = s2, fdspIntVar = r2, fdspIntVal = v2, fdspIntTypes = t2 }) =

    compare r1 r2 <<>> compare v1 v2 <<>> compare (s1 Nothing) (s2 Nothing) <<>> compare (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s1 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t1) (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s2 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t2)

instance (Ord (FDColSpec s), Ord (FDColSpecType s)) => Eq (FDSpecInfoCol s) where

  a == b = (compare a b) == EQ

instance (Ord (FDColSpec s), Ord (FDColSpecType s)) => Ord (FDSpecInfoCol s) where

  compare (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = s1, fdspColVar = r1, fdspColVal = v1, fdspColTypes = t1 }) (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = s2, fdspColVar = r2, fdspColVal = v2, fdspColTypes = t2 }) =

    compare r1 r2 <<>> compare v1 v2 <<>> compare (s1 Nothing) (s2 Nothing) <<>> compare (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s1 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t1) (Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,s2 $ Just x)) $ Set.toList t2)

specInfoMapBool :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoBool s -> Map (FDBoolSpecType s) (FDBoolSpec s)

specInfoMapBool (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = f, fdspBoolTypes = t }) = Map.fromList $ map (\t -> (t,myFromJust "specInfoMapBool" $ f $ Just t)) $ Set.toList t

specInfoMapInt :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoInt s -> Map (FDIntSpecType s) (FDIntSpec s)

specInfoMapInt (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = f, fdspIntTypes = t }) = Map.fromList $ map (\t -> (t,myFromJust "specInfoMapInt" $ f $ Just t)) $ Set.toList t

specInfoMapCol :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoCol s -> Map (FDColSpecType s) (FDColSpec s)

specInfoMapCol (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = f, fdspColTypes = t }) = Map.fromList $ map (\t -> (t,myFromJust "specInfoMapCol" $ f $ Just t)) $ Set.toList t

specInfoBoolTerm :: FDSolver s => FDBoolTerm s -> s (FDSpecInfoBool s)

specInfoBoolTerm t = do

  let (tp,sp) = fdBoolSpec_term t

  s <- sp

  return $ FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = \t -> case t of { Nothing -> Just s; Just tt | tp==tt -> Just s; _ -> Nothing }, fdspBoolVar = Nothing, fdspBoolVal = Nothing, fdspBoolTypes = Set.singleton tp }

specInfoIntTerm :: FDSolver s => FDIntTerm s -> s (FDSpecInfoInt s)

specInfoIntTerm t = do

  let (tp,sp) = fdIntSpec_term t

  s <- sp

  return $ FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = \t -> case t of { Nothing -> Just s; Just tt | tp==tt -> Just s; _ -> Nothing }, fdspIntVar = Nothing, fdspIntVal = Nothing, fdspIntTypes = Set.singleton tp }

instance Show (FDBoolSpec s) => Show (FDSpecInfoBool s) where

  show (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = f, fdspBoolVar = e, fdspBoolVal = v }) = "FSSpecInfoBool { default:" ++ (show $ f Nothing) ++ ", var:" ++ (show e) ++ ", val:" ++ (show v) ++ "}"

instance Show (FDIntSpec s) => Show (FDSpecInfoInt s) where

  show (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = f, fdspIntVar = e, fdspIntVal = v }) = "FSSpecInfoInt { default:" ++ (show $ f Nothing) ++ ", var:" ++ (show e) ++ ", val:" ++ (show v) ++ "}"

instance Show (FDColSpec s) => Show (FDSpecInfoCol s) where

  show (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = f, fdspColVar = e, fdspColVal = v }) = "FSSpecInfoCol { default:" ++ (show $ f Nothing) ++ ", var:" ++ (show e) ++ ", val:" ++ (show v) ++ "}"

type FDSpecInfo s = ([FDSpecInfoBool s],[FDSpecInfoInt s],[FDSpecInfoCol s])

fdSpecInfo_edge :: FDSolver s => EGEdgeId -> FDInstance s (FDSpecInfo s)

fdSpecInfo_edge f = do

  s <- get

  let edge = getJustEdge f s

      intS p = Map.findWithDefault (emptyFDSpecInfoInt p s) p $ fdsIntVars s

      boolS p = Map.findWithDefault (emptyFDSpecInfoBool p s) p $ fdsBoolVars s

      colS p = Map.findWithDefault (emptyFDSpecInfoCol p s) p $ fdsColVars s

--      an m x = case x of

--        Just i -> Map.lookup i m

--        Nothing -> if Map.null m then Nothing else Just $ snd $ Map.findMin m

--      boolX v = FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = an $ boolS v, fdspBoolVar = Just v, fdspBoolVal = getBoolVal_ v s, fdspBoolTypes = Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ boolS v }

--      intX v = FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = an $ intS v, fdspIntVar = Just v, fdspIntVal = getIntVal_ v s, fdspIntTypes = Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ intS v }

--      colX v = FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = an $ colS v, fdspColVar = Just v, fdspColVal = getColVal_ v s, fdspColTypes = Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ colS v }

  return (map boolS $ boolData $ egeLinks edge, map intS $ intData $ egeLinks edge, map colS $ colData $ egeLinks edge)

fdSpecInfo_spec :: FDSolver s => ([Either (FDSpecInfoBool s) (FDBoolSpecType s,FDBoolSpec s)],[Either (FDSpecInfoInt s) (FDIntSpecType s,FDIntSpec s)],[Either (FDSpecInfoCol s) (FDColSpecType s,FDColSpec s)]) -> FDSpecInfo s

fdSpecInfo_spec (b,i,c) = (fdSpecInfo_spec_b b, fdSpecInfo_spec_i i, fdSpecInfo_spec_c c)

fdSpecInfo_spec_b :: FDSolver s => [Either (FDSpecInfoBool s) (FDBoolSpecType s,FDBoolSpec s)] -> [FDSpecInfoBool s]

fdSpecInfo_spec_b b =

  let fb (Right x) = FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = nt x, fdspBoolVar = Nothing, fdspBoolVal = Nothing, fdspBoolTypes = Set.singleton $ fst x }

      fb (Left x) = x

      nt (_,x) Nothing = Just x

      nt (t1,x) (Just t2) | t1==t2 = Just x

      nt _ _ = Nothing

  in (map fb b)

fdSpecInfo_spec_i :: FDSolver s => [Either (FDSpecInfoInt s) (FDIntSpecType s,FDIntSpec s)] -> [FDSpecInfoInt s]

fdSpecInfo_spec_i i =

  let fi (Right x) = FDSpecInfoInt  { fdspIntSpec  = nt x, fdspIntVar  = Nothing, fdspIntVal  = Nothing, fdspIntTypes = Set.singleton $ fst x }

      fi (Left x) = x

      nt (_,x) Nothing = Just x

      nt (t1,x) (Just t2) | t1==t2 = Just x

      nt _ _ = Nothing

  in (map fi i)

fdSpecInfo_spec_c :: FDSolver s => [Either (FDSpecInfoCol s) (FDColSpecType s,FDColSpec s)] -> [FDSpecInfoCol s]

fdSpecInfo_spec_c c =

  let fc (Right x) = FDSpecInfoCol  { fdspColSpec  = nt x, fdspColVar  = Nothing, fdspColVal  = Nothing, fdspColTypes = Set.singleton $ fst x }

      fc (Left x) = x

      nt (_,x) Nothing = Just x

      nt (t1,x) (Just t2) | t1==t2 = Just x

      nt _ _ = Nothing

  in (map fc c)

-- | A solver needs to be an instance of this FDSolver class in order to

-- create an FDInstance around it.



    Solver s, 

    Term s (FDIntTerm s),

    Term s (FDBoolTerm s),

    Eq (FDBoolSpecType s), Ord (FDBoolSpecType s), Enum (FDBoolSpecType s), Bounded (FDBoolSpecType s), Show (FDBoolSpecType s),

    Eq (FDIntSpecType s),  Ord (FDIntSpecType s),  Enum (FDIntSpecType s),  Bounded (FDIntSpecType s), Show (FDIntSpecType s),

    Eq (FDColSpecType s),  Ord (FDColSpecType s),  Enum (FDColSpecType s),  Bounded (FDColSpecType s), Show (FDColSpecType s),

--    Integral (TermBaseType s (FDIntTerm s)), Num (TermBaseType s (FDBoolTerm s)),

    Show (FDIntSpec s), Show (FDColSpec s), Show (FDBoolSpec s)

  ) => FDSolver s where

  -- term types

  type FDIntTerm s    :: *    -- a Term of s, representing Integer variables

  type FDBoolTerm s   :: *    -- a Term of s, representing Bool variables

  -- spec types

  type FDIntSpec s    :: *    -- a type specifying an Integer expression; should at least support constant Integer's and FDIntTerm's

  type FDBoolSpec s   :: *    -- a type specifying a Bool expression; should at least support constant Bool's and FDBoolTerm's

  type FDColSpec s    :: *    -- a type specifying a Integer array expression; should at least support lists of Int's and lists of IntTerm's

  -- spec type type

  type FDIntSpecType s :: *   -- a type specifying the type of an FDIntSpec s, in case there is more than one

  type FDBoolSpecType s :: *  -- a type specifying the type of an FDIntSpec s, in case there is more than one

  type FDColSpecType s :: *   -- a type specifying the type of an FDIntSpec s, in case there is more than one


  -- constructors for specifiers

  fdIntSpec_const     :: EGPar         -> (FDIntSpecType s, s (FDIntSpec s))

  fdBoolSpec_const    :: EGBoolPar     -> (FDBoolSpecType s, s (FDBoolSpec s))

  fdColSpec_const     :: EGColPar      -> (FDColSpecType s, s (FDColSpec s))

  fdColSpec_list      :: [FDIntSpec s] -> (FDColSpecType s, s (FDColSpec s))

  fdIntSpec_term      :: FDIntTerm s   -> (FDIntSpecType s, s (FDIntSpec s))

  fdBoolSpec_term     :: FDBoolTerm s  -> (FDBoolSpecType s, s (FDBoolSpec s))

  fdColSpec_size      :: EGPar         -> (FDColSpecType s, s (FDColSpec s))

  fdIntVarSpec        :: FDIntSpec s   -> s (Maybe (FDIntTerm s))

  fdBoolVarSpec       :: FDBoolSpec s  -> s (Maybe (FDBoolTerm s))

  -- function to inform about allowed types for nodes

  fdTypeReqBool :: s (EGEdge -> [(EGVarId,FDBoolSpecTypeSet s)])

  fdTypeReqInt ::  s (EGEdge -> [(EGVarId,FDIntSpecTypeSet s)])

  fdTypeReqCol ::  s (EGEdge -> [(EGVarId,FDColSpecTypeSet s)])

  fdTypeReqBool = return (\(EGEdge { egeLinks = EGTypeData { boolData = l } }) -> map (\x -> (x,Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound])) l)

  fdTypeReqInt = return (\(EGEdge { egeLinks = EGTypeData { intData = l } }) -> map (\x -> (x,Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound])) l)

  fdTypeReqCol = return (\(EGEdge { egeLinks = EGTypeData { colData = l } }) -> map (\x -> (x,Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound])) l)

  fdTypeVarInt :: s (Set (FDIntSpecType s))

  fdTypeVarBool :: s (Set (FDBoolSpecType s))

  fdTypeVarInt = return $ Set.singleton maxBound

  fdTypeVarBool = return $ Set.singleton maxBound

  -- rating functions for specification of terms

  fdSpecify :: Mixin (SpecFn s)

  fdSpecify = mixinId

  -- inspect collections

  fdColInspect :: FDColSpec s -> s [FDIntTerm s]

  -- function to request processing an edge in a graph

  fdProcess :: Mixin (EGConstraintSpec -> FDSpecInfo s -> FDInstance s ())

  -- add equality constraints

  fdEqualBool :: FDBoolSpec s -> FDBoolSpec s -> FDInstance s ()

  fdEqualInt :: FDIntSpec s -> FDIntSpec s -> FDInstance s ()

  fdEqualCol :: FDColSpec s -> FDColSpec s -> FDInstance s ()

  fdConstrainIntTerm :: FDIntTerm s -> Integer -> s (Constraint s)

  fdSplitIntDomain :: FDIntTerm s -> s ([Constraint s],Bool)

  fdSplitBoolDomain :: FDBoolTerm s -> s ([Constraint s],Bool)

fdGetValBool :: (FDSolver s, EnumTerm s (FDBoolTerm s)) => FDBoolSpec s -> s (Maybe (TermBaseType s (FDBoolTerm s)))

fdGetValInt :: (FDSolver s, EnumTerm s (FDIntTerm s)) => FDIntSpec s -> s (Maybe (TermBaseType s (FDIntTerm s)))

fdGetValBool s = fdBoolVarSpec s >>= \x -> case x of

  Just t -> getValue t

  _ -> return Nothing

fdGetValInt s = fdIntVarSpec s >>= \x -> case x of

  Just t -> getValue t

  _ -> return Nothing

type FDBoolSpecTypeSet s = Set (FDBoolSpecType s)

type FDIntSpecTypeSet s = Set (FDIntSpecType s)

type FDColSpecTypeSet s = Set (FDColSpecType s)

fdCombineSpecify :: FDSolver s => SpecFn s -> SpecFn s -> SpecFn s

fdCombineSpecify a b edge = 

  let (a1,a2,a3) = a edge

      (b1,b2,b3) = b edge

      in (a1++b1,a2++b2,a3++b3)

procEdge :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

procEdge = do

  s <- get

  if (Set.null $ fdsNewEdges s)

    then return False

    else do

      let f = Set.findMin $ fdsNewEdges s

          edge = getJustEdge f s

      debug ("procEdge("++(show f)++")") $ return ()

      info <- fdSpecInfo_edge f

      full_fdProcess (egeCons edge) info

      debug ("procEdge: marking edge "++(show f)) $ return ()

      markEdge f

      s2 <- get

      return $ not $ Set.null $ fdsNewEdges s2

getEdge :: FDSolver s => EGEdgeId -> FDInstance s (Maybe EGEdge)

getEdge id = do

  s <- get

  return $ do

    v <- fdsModel s

    Map.lookup id $ egmEdges v

markEdge :: FDSolver s => EGEdgeId -> FDInstance s ()

markEdge id = do

  s <- get

  debug ("markEdge: "++(show $ id)) $ return ()

  put $ s { fdsNewEdges = Set.delete id $ fdsNewEdges s, fdsDoneEdges = Set.insert id $ fdsDoneEdges s }

sureMaybe :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]

sureMaybe [] = Just []

sureMaybe (Nothing:_) = Nothing

sureMaybe ((Just a):b) = case sureMaybe b of

  Nothing -> Nothing

  Just l -> Just (a:l)

allIntSpec :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s (Set (FDIntSpecType s))

allIntSpec = return $ Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound]

allBoolSpec :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s (Set (FDBoolSpecType s))

allBoolSpec = return $ Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound]

allColSpec :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s (Set (FDColSpecType s))

allColSpec = return $ Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound]

default_fdSpecify :: FDSolver s => SpecFn s

default_fdSpecify edge = case (debug ("default_fdSpecify("++(show edge)++")") edge) of

  EGEdge { egeCons = EGIntValue c, egeLinks = EGTypeData { intData = [v] } } ->


      let (tp, m) = fdIntSpec_const c

      return $ SpecResSpec (tp,m >>= (\x -> return (x, Just c)))


  EGEdge { egeCons = EGBoolValue c, egeLinks = EGTypeData { boolData = [v] } } ->


      let (tp, m) = fdBoolSpec_const c

      return $ SpecResSpec (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Just c)))


  EGEdge { egeCons = EGColValue c, egeLinks = EGTypeData { colData = [v] } } ->


      let (tp, m) = fdColSpec_const c

      return $ SpecResSpec (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Just c)))


  EGEdge { egeCons = EGList s, egeLinks = EGTypeData { colData = [c], intData = l } } -> 


      x <- mapM (\x -> getIntSpec x) l

      case sureMaybe x of

        Nothing -> return SpecResNone

        Just ll -> do

          let (tp, m) = fdColSpec_list ll

          return $ SpecResSpec $ (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Nothing)))


  EGEdge { egeCons = EGSize, egeLinks = EGTypeData { colData = [c], intData=[s] } } ->


      ss <- get

      let k = getIntVal_ s ss

      case k of

        Nothing -> return SpecResNone

        Just ll -> do

          let (tp, m) = fdColSpec_size ll

          return $ SpecResSpec $ (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Nothing)))


  EGEdge { egeCons = EGRange, egeLinks = EGTypeData { colData = [c], intData=[l,h] } } ->


      ss <- get

      let ll = getIntVal_ l ss

          hh = getIntVal_ h ss

      case (ll,hh) of

        (Just (Const jl), Just (Const jh)) -> do

          let (tp,m) = fdColSpec_size (Const $ jh-jl+1)

          return $ SpecResSpec $ (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Just $ ColList [Const x | x <- [jl..jh]])))

        (Just jl, Just jh) -> do

          let (tp,m) = fdColSpec_size (jh-jl+1)

          return $ SpecResSpec $ (tp, m >>= (\x -> return (x, Nothing)))

        _ -> return SpecResNone


  _ -> ([],[],[])

default_fdProcess :: FDSolver s => EGConstraintSpec -> FDSpecInfo s -> FDInstance s ()

default_fdProcess cons _ = error $ "Cannot process "++(show cons)

-- | mark all new edges(=constraints) of a model given in graph-form as to-be-processed

initForModel :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

initForModel = do

  s <- get

  let Just model = fdsModel s

  put $ s { 

    fdsNewEdges = Set.difference (Set.union (fdsNewEdges s) $ Set.fromList $ Map.keys $ egmEdges model) $ fdsDoneEdges s


setAlter :: Ord a => a -> Maybe (Set (Set a)) -> Maybe (Set (Set a))

setAlter _ Nothing = Nothing

setAlter typ (Just x) = let f = fl x in if Set.null f then Nothing else Just f

  where fl = Set.filter $ not . Set.member typ

addSpecInt :: FDSolver s => FDIntSpecType s -> (FDIntSpec s, Maybe EGPar) -> EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoInt s) -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoInt s)

addSpecInt tp def id s Nothing = addSpecInt tp def id s (Just $ emptyFDSpecInfoInt id s)

addSpecInt tp (def,val) _ _ (Just (m@(FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = f, fdspIntTypes = t }))) =

  Just $ m { 

    fdspIntSpec = \x -> case x of

      Just tt | tt==tp -> Just $ def

      Nothing -> case f Nothing of

        Nothing -> Just def

        Just ttt -> Just ttt

      k -> f k,

    fdspIntTypes = Set.insert tp t,

    fdspIntVal = case val of

      Nothing -> fdspIntVal m

      _ -> val


addSpecBool :: FDSolver s => FDBoolSpecType s -> (FDBoolSpec s, Maybe EGBoolPar) -> EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoBool s) -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoBool s)

addSpecBool tp def id s Nothing = addSpecBool tp def id s (Just $ emptyFDSpecInfoBool id s)

addSpecBool tp (def,val) _ _ (Just (m@(FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = f, fdspBoolTypes = t }))) = 

  Just $ m { 

    fdspBoolSpec = \x -> case x of

      Just tt | tt==tp -> Just $ def

      Nothing -> case f Nothing of

        Nothing -> Just def

        Just ttt -> Just ttt

      k -> f k,

    fdspBoolTypes = Set.insert tp t,

    fdspBoolVal = case val of

      Nothing -> fdspBoolVal m

      _ -> val


addSpecCol :: FDSolver s => FDColSpecType s -> (FDColSpec s, Maybe EGColPar) -> EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoCol s) -> Maybe (FDSpecInfoCol s)

addSpecCol tp def id s Nothing = addSpecCol tp def id s (Just $ emptyFDSpecInfoCol id s)

addSpecCol tp (def,val) _ _ (Just (m@(FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = f, fdspColTypes = t }))) = 

  Just $ m {

    fdspColSpec = \x -> case x of

      Just tt | tt==tp -> Just $ def

      Nothing -> case f Nothing of

        Nothing -> Just def

        Just ttt -> Just ttt

      k -> f k,

    fdspColTypes = Set.insert tp t,

    fdspColVal = case val of

      Nothing -> fdspColVal m

      _ -> val


-- | add an int term

addIntVar :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDIntSpecType s -> (FDIntSpec s, Maybe EGPar) -> FDInstance s ()

addIntVar id typ (spec@(rs,_)) = do

--  debug ("addIntVar id="++(show id)++" typ="++(show typ)++" spec="++(show spec)) $ return ()

  s <- get

  case (Map.lookup id $ fdsIntVars s) of

    Just t | not (Set.null $ fdspIntTypes t) -> case (fdspIntSpec t Nothing) of

      Just x -> fdEqualInt rs x

      Nothing -> case fdspIntSpec t $ Just $ Set.findMax $ fdspIntTypes t of

        Just x -> fdEqualInt rs x

        Nothing -> return ()

    _ -> return ()

  s2 <- get

  put $ s2


      fdsIntVars = Map.alter (addSpecInt typ spec id s2) id $ fdsIntVars s2,

      fdsIntVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsIntVarBusy s2,

      fdsIntVarTypes = Map.alter (setAlter typ) id $ fdsIntVarTypes s2


-- | add a bool term

addBoolVar :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDBoolSpecType s -> (FDBoolSpec s, Maybe EGBoolPar) -> FDInstance s ()

addBoolVar id typ (spec@(rs,_)) = do

--  debug ("addBoolVar id="++(show id)++" typ="++(show typ)++" spec="++(show spec)) $ return ()

  s <- get

  case (Map.lookup id $ fdsBoolVars s) of

    Just t | not (Set.null $ fdspBoolTypes t) -> case (fdspBoolSpec t Nothing) of

      Just x -> fdEqualBool rs x

      Nothing -> case fdspBoolSpec t $ Just $ Set.findMax $ fdspBoolTypes t of

        Just x -> fdEqualBool rs x

        Nothing -> return ()

    _ -> return ()

  s2 <- get

  put $ s2


      fdsBoolVars = Map.alter (addSpecBool typ spec id s2) id $ fdsBoolVars s2,

      fdsBoolVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsBoolVarBusy s2,

      fdsBoolVarTypes = Map.alter (setAlter typ) id $ fdsBoolVarTypes s2


-- | add a col term

addColVar :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDColSpecType s -> (FDColSpec s, Maybe EGColPar) -> FDInstance s ()

addColVar id typ (spec@(rs,_)) = do

--  debug ("addColVar id="++(show id)++" typ="++(show typ)++" spec="++(show spec)) $ return ()

  s <- get

  case (Map.lookup id $ fdsColVars s) of

    Just t | not (Set.null $ fdspColTypes t) -> case (fdspColSpec t Nothing) of

      Just x -> fdEqualCol rs x

      Nothing -> case fdspColSpec t $ Just $ Set.findMax $ fdspColTypes t of

        Just x -> fdEqualCol rs x

        Nothing -> return ()

    _ -> return ()

  s2 <- get

  put $ s2


      fdsColVars = Map.alter (addSpecCol typ spec id s2) id $ fdsColVars s2,

      fdsColVarBusy = Set.delete id $ fdsColVarBusy s2,

      fdsColVarTypes = Map.alter (setAlter typ) id $ fdsColVarTypes s2


full_fdProcess :: FDSolver s => EGConstraintSpec -> FDSpecInfo s -> FDInstance s ()

full_fdProcess = mixin (fdProcess <@> mixinLift default_fdProcess)

full_fdSpecify :: FDSolver s => SpecFn s

full_fdSpecify = mixin (fdSpecify <@> mixinLift default_fdSpecify)

getJustEdge :: FDSolver s => EGEdgeId -> FDState s -> EGEdge

getJustEdge i s = 

  let Just m = fdsModel s

      Just x = Map.lookup i (egmEdges m)

      in x

buildSpecDb :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

buildSpecDb = do

  s <- get

  let origDb = fdsDb s

      ne = debug "bsdb: ne" $ map (\k -> (k,getJustEdge k s)) $ Set.toList $ debug "bsbd: fdsne" $ fdsNewEdges s

      proc db (eid,edge) = do 

        let (lB,lI,lC) = debug ("bsbd: specify("++(show edge)++")") $ full_fdSpecify edge

            dB = foldr (\(prio,var,full,spec) d -> debug "bsbd: addbool" $ addBoolSpec d (prio,var,if full then Just eid else Nothing,spec)) db $ debug ("lB["++(show $ length lB)++"]") lB

            dI = foldr (\(prio,var,full,spec) d -> debug "bsbd: addint" $ addIntSpec d (prio,var,if full then Just eid else Nothing,spec)) dB $ debug ("lI["++(show $ length lI)++"]") lI

            dC = foldr (\(prio,var,full,spec) d -> debug "bsbd: addcol" $ addColSpec d (prio,var,if full then Just eid else Nothing,spec)) dI $ debug ("lC["++(show $ length lC)++"]") lC

            in dC

      newDb = foldl proc origDb ne

  put $ s { fdsDb = newDb }

addBoolTypeReq :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDBoolSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s ()

addBoolTypeReq var set = do

  s <- get

  let chk tp = case Map.lookup var (fdsBoolVars s) of

            Nothing -> False

            Just x -> Set.member tp (fdspBoolTypes x)

      sset = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty var (fdsBoolVarTypes s)

  if Set.member set sset

    then return ()

    else if any chk (Set.toList set)

      then return ()

      else do

        let nsset = Set.insert set sset

        put $ s 


            fdsBoolVarTypes = Map.insert var nsset $ fdsBoolVarTypes s


addIntTypeReq :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDIntSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s ()

addIntTypeReq var set = do

  s <- get

  let chk tp = case Map.lookup var (fdsIntVars s) of

            Nothing -> False

            Just x -> Set.member tp (fdspIntTypes x)

      sset = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty var (fdsIntVarTypes s)

  if Set.member set sset

    then return ()

    else if any chk (Set.toList set)

      then return ()

      else do

        let nsset = Set.insert set sset

        put $ s 


            fdsIntVarTypes = Map.insert var nsset $ fdsIntVarTypes s


addColTypeReq :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDColSpecTypeSet s -> FDInstance s ()

addColTypeReq var set = do

  s <- get

  let chk tp = case Map.lookup var (fdsColVars s) of

            Nothing -> False

            Just x  -> Set.member tp (fdspColTypes x)

      sset = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty var (fdsColVarTypes s)

  if Set.member set sset

    then return ()

    else if any chk (Set.toList set)

      then return ()

      else do

        let nsset = Set.insert set sset

        put $ s 


            fdsColVarTypes = Map.insert var nsset (fdsColVarTypes s)


addTypeReqs :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

addTypeReqs = do

  s <- get

  fBool <- liftFD fdTypeReqBool

  fInt  <- liftFD fdTypeReqInt

  fCol  <- liftFD fdTypeReqCol

  let ne = map (\k -> getJustEdge k s) $ Set.toList $ fdsNewEdges s

      proc edge = do

        mapM_ (uncurry addBoolTypeReq) $ fBool edge

        mapM_ (uncurry addIntTypeReq) $ fInt edge

        mapM_ (uncurry addColTypeReq) $ fCol edge

  mapM_ proc ne

processEx :: FDSolver s => Bool -> FDInstance s ()

processEx x = do

        ssm1 <- get

        let ss0 = ssm1 { fdsModel = Just $ pruneNodes $ myFromJust "processEx" $ fdsModel ssm1 }

        debug ("process ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") $ return ()

        -- search spec type requirements for all to-be-processed edges

        debug ("addTypeReqs ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") $ addTypeReqs

        -- optimize type requirements

        debug ("optimizeVarTypes["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") $ optimizeVarTypes

        ss <- get

        debug ("DUMP type reqs ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]: "++(show $ fdsIntVarTypes ss)) $ return ()

        -- build specifier database for all to-be-processed edges

        debug ("buildSpecDb ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") $ buildSpecDb

        ss2 <- get

        debug ("DUMP spec db ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]: "++(show $ fdsDb ss2)) $ return ()

        -- create as much specifiers as possible (marking consumed edges as processed)

        whileM_ $ debug ("decompBest ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") decompBest

        -- try default specifier for remaining boolean nodes (=create new underlying term for each)

        whileM_ $ debug ("decompDefBool ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") decompDefaultBool

        -- try default specifier for remaining integer nodes (=create new underlying term for each)

        whileM_ $ debug ("decompDefInt ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") decompDefaultInt

        ss3 <- get

        debug ("DUMP specs: "++(dumpSpec ss3)) $ return ()

        -- process remaining edges

        if x

          then whileM_ $ debug ("procEdge ["++(show $ fdsLevel ss0)++"]") procEdge

          else return ()

process :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

process = processEx True

commit :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

commit = do

  s <- get

  debug "begin commit" $ return ()

  case (fdsExpr s,fdsForceBool s,fdsForceInt s,fdsForceCol s) of

      (BoolConst True,[],[],[]) -> return ()

      (expr,_,_,_) -> do

        debug ("expr=["++(show expr)++"]") $ return ()

        let (dcd,graph,vars) = debug "decomposing" $ decomposeEx (fdsDecomp s) (fdsVars s) expr (fdsForceBool s,fdsForceInt s,fdsForceCol s) $ fdsModel s

        put $ s { fdsExpr = BoolConst True, fdsDecomp = dcd, fdsModel = Just graph, fdsForceBool=[], fdsForceInt=[], fdsForceCol=[], fdsVars = max vars (fdsVars s) }

        debug ("graph=["++(present graph)++"]"++"]") $ return ()

        -- mark all non-yet-processed edges as to-be-processed

        debug "initForModel" $ initForModel


instance FDSolver s => Solver (FDInstance s) where

  type Constraint (FDInstance s) = Either Model (Constraint s)

  type Label (FDInstance s) = FDLabel s

  add (Left expr) = do

    s <- get

    if (fdsFailed s)

      then return False

      else do

        put $ s { fdsExpr = (fdsExpr s) @&& expr }

        return True

  add (Right col) = do

    s <- get

    if (fdsFailed s)

      then return False

      else do

        ret <- liftFD $ add col

        if ret

          then return True

          else do


            return False

  mark = do


    ss <- get

    sl <- liftFD mark

    return $ FDLabel { fdlState=ss, fdlLabel=sl }

  markn n = do


    ss <- get

    sl <- liftFD $ markn n

    return $ FDLabel { fdlState=ss, fdlLabel=sl }

  goto label = do

    liftFD $ goto $ fdlLabel label

    put $ fdlState label

  run x = run $ runFD x

instance FDSolver s => Term (FDInstance s) ModelInt where

  newvar = do

    s <- get

    let i = fdsVars s

    put $ s { fdsVars = 1+i }

    return $ Term $ ModelIntVar i

  type Help (FDInstance s) ModelInt = ()

  help _ _ = ()

instance FDSolver s => Term (FDInstance s) ModelBool where

  newvar = do

    s <- get

    let i = fdsVars s

    put $ s { fdsVars = 1+i }

    return $ BoolTerm $ ModelBoolVar i

  type Help (FDInstance s) ModelBool = ()

  help _ _ = ()

instance FDSolver s => Term (FDInstance s) ModelCol where

  newvar = do

    s <- get

    let i = fdsVars s

    put $ s { fdsVars = 1+i }

    return $ ColTerm $ ModelColVar i

  type Help (FDInstance s) ModelCol = ()

  help _ _ = ()

newCol :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ModelCol

newCol = newvar

newInt :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ModelInt

newInt = newvar

newBool :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ModelBool

newBool = newvar

combine :: [Maybe a] -> [a] -> [a]

combine [] _ = []

combine (Nothing:r) (a:b) = a:(combine r b)

combine (Just x:r) b = x:(combine r b)

realGetIntTerm :: FDSolver s => [ModelInt] -> FDInstance s [FDIntTerm s]

realGetIntTerm m = do

  s <- debug ("realGetIntTerm: "++(show m)) $ get

  put $ s { fdsForceInt = m++(fdsForceInt s) }


  s2 <- get

  let ids = map (\x -> decompIntLookup (fdsDecomp s2) x) m

  tp <- liftFD $ fdTypeVarInt

  specs <- mapM (\(Just id) -> getIntSpec_ id tp) ids

  vars <- mapM (\(Just (_,spec)) -> liftFD $ fdIntVarSpec spec) specs

  let rvars = map (\(Just x) -> x) vars

  s3 <- get

  put $ s3 { fdsForcedInt = Map.union (fdsForcedInt s3) (Map.fromList $ zip m rvars) }

  return rvars

getSingleIntTerm :: FDSolver s => ModelInt -> FDInstance s (FDIntTerm s)

getSingleIntTerm m = do

  s <- get

  case Map.lookup m (fdsForcedInt s) of

    Nothing -> realGetIntTerm [m] >>= return.head

    Just d -> return d

getIntTerm :: FDSolver s => [ModelInt] -> FDInstance s [FDIntTerm s]

getIntTerm m = do

  s <- get

  let lo = map (\x -> (x,Map.lookup x $ fdsForcedInt s)) m

  let go = map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> isNothing x) lo

  vo <- case go of

    [] -> return []

    _ -> realGetIntTerm go

  return $ combine (map snd lo) vo

realGetBoolTerm :: FDSolver s => [ModelBool] -> FDInstance s [FDBoolTerm s]

realGetBoolTerm m = do

  s <- get

  put $ s { fdsForceBool = m++(fdsForceBool s) }


  s2 <- get

  let ids = map (\x -> decompBoolLookup (fdsDecomp s2) x) m

  tp <- liftFD $ fdTypeVarBool

  specs <- mapM (\(Just id) -> getBoolSpec_ id tp) ids

  vars <- mapM (\(Just (_,spec)) -> liftFD $ fdBoolVarSpec spec) specs

  let rvars = map (\(Just x) -> x) vars

  s3 <- get

  put $ s3 { fdsForcedBool = Map.union (fdsForcedBool s3) (Map.fromList $ zip m rvars) }

  return rvars

getBoolTerm :: FDSolver s => [ModelBool] -> FDInstance s [FDBoolTerm s]

getBoolTerm m = do

  s <- get

  let lo = map (\x -> (x,Map.lookup x $ fdsForcedBool s)) m

  let go = map fst $ filter (\(_,x) -> isNothing x) lo

  vo <- case go of

    [] -> return []

    _ -> realGetBoolTerm go

  return $ combine (map snd lo) vo

getColTerm :: FDSolver s => [ModelCol] -> FDColSpecType s -> FDInstance s [FDColSpec s]

getColTerm m tp = do

  s <- get

  put $ s { fdsForceCol = m++(fdsForceCol s) }


  s2 <- get

  let ids = map (\x -> decompColLookup (fdsDecomp s2) x) m

  specs <- mapM (\(Just id) -> getColSpec_ id (Set.singleton tp)) ids

  return $ map (snd . myFromJust ("getColTerm(tp="++(show tp)++")")) specs

getColItems :: FDSolver s => ModelCol -> FDColSpecType s -> FDInstance s [FDIntTerm s]

getColItems c tp = do

  [cc] <- getColTerm [c] tp

  lst <- liftFD $ fdColInspect cc

  return lst

instance (FDSolver s, EnumTerm s (FDIntTerm s)) => EnumTerm (FDInstance s) ModelInt where

  type TermBaseType (FDInstance s) ModelInt = TermBaseType s (FDIntTerm s)

  getDomainSize v = do

    f <- getFailed

    if f 

      then return 0

      else do

        var <- getSingleIntTerm v

        liftFD $ getDomainSize var

  getValue v = do

    var <- getSingleIntTerm v

    liftFD $ getValue var

--  setValue var val = return [var @== cte val]

  setValue _ = error "setting of boolean variable through FD interface is not implemented"

  getDomain var = error "retrieval of full domain not implemented in FD"

  splitDomain v = do

    var <- getSingleIntTerm v

    (doms,full) <- liftFD $ fdSplitIntDomain var

    return (map (\x -> [Right x]) doms, full)

  enumerator = case enumerator of

    Nothing -> Nothing

    Just e -> Just $ \l -> label $ do

      f <- getFailed

      if f

        then return false

        else do

          ll <- getIntTerm l

          return $ liftFDTree $ e ll

instance (FDSolver s, EnumTerm s (FDBoolTerm s)) => EnumTerm (FDInstance s) ModelBool where

  type TermBaseType (FDInstance s) ModelBool = TermBaseType s (FDBoolTerm s)

  getDomainSize v = do

    f <- getFailed

    if f

      then return 0

      else do

        [var] <- getBoolTerm [v]

        liftFD $ getDomainSize var

  getValue v = do

    [var] <- getBoolTerm [v]

    liftFD $ getValue var

--  setValue var val = return [var @= BoolConst (val /]

  setValue _ = error "setting of boolean variable through FD interface is not implemented"

  getDomain var = error "retrieval of full boolean domain not implemented in FD"

  splitDomain v = do

    [var] <- getBoolTerm [v]

    (doms,full) <- liftFD $ fdSplitBoolDomain var

    return (map (\x -> [Right x]) doms, full)

  enumerator = case enumerator of

    Nothing -> Nothing

    Just e -> Just $ \l -> label $ do

      f <- getFailed

      if f

        then return false

        else do

          ll <- getBoolTerm l

          return $ liftFDTree $ e ll

getIntVal_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe EGPar

getIntVal_ id s =

  let r1 = 

        case Map.lookup id (fdsIntVars s) of

          Nothing -> Nothing

          Just x -> fdspIntVal x

      in case r1 of

        Nothing ->

          let Just j = fdsModel s

              ei = findEdge j EGIntType id (==0) (\x -> case x of { EGIntValue _ -> True; _ -> False })

              in case ei of

                Nothing -> Nothing

                Just (_,ed) -> case egeCons ed of { EGIntValue c -> Just c }

        Just x -> r1

getIntVal :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe EGPar)

getIntVal id = gets $ getIntVal_ id

getBoolVal_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe EGBoolPar

getBoolVal_ id s =

  let r1 = 

        case Map.lookup id (fdsBoolVars s) of

          Nothing -> Nothing

          Just x -> fdspBoolVal x

      in case r1 of

        Nothing ->

          let Just j = fdsModel s

              l = getConnectedEdges j EGBoolType id

              f (EGEdge { egeCons = EGBoolValue c },_) _ = Just c

              f _ s = s

              in foldr f Nothing l

        Just x -> r1

getBoolVal :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe EGBoolPar)

getBoolVal id = gets $ getBoolVal_ id

getColVal_ :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDState s -> Maybe EGColPar

getColVal_ id s =

  let r1 = 

        case Map.lookup id (fdsColVars s) of

          Nothing -> Nothing

          Just x -> fdspColVal x

      in case r1 of

        Nothing ->

          let Just j = fdsModel s

              l = getConnectedEdges j EGColType id

              f (EGEdge { egeCons = EGColValue c },_) _ = Just c

              f _ s = s

              in foldr f Nothing l

        Just x -> r1

getColVal :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> FDInstance s (Maybe EGColPar)

getColVal id = gets $ getColVal_ id

setFailed :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s ()

setFailed = do 

  s <- get

  debug "setFailed!" $ return ()

  put $ s { fdsFailed = True }

getFailed :: FDSolver s => FDInstance s Bool

getFailed = do

  s <- get

  return $ fdsFailed s

addFD :: (Show (Constraint s), FDSolver s) => Constraint s -> FDInstance s ()

addFD c = do

  s <- get

  if (fdsFailed s)

    then debug ("addFD("++(show c)++"): already failed") $ return ()

    else do

      x <- liftFD $ add c

      debug ("addFD("++(show c)++"): result="++(show x)) $ return ()

      if not x then setFailed else return ()

getDefIntSpec :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoInt s -> FDIntSpec s

getDefIntSpec (FDSpecInfoInt { fdspIntSpec = f }) = case f Nothing of

  Just t -> t

  Nothing -> error "getDefIntSpec: no spec"

getDefBoolSpec :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoBool s -> FDBoolSpec s

getDefBoolSpec (FDSpecInfoBool { fdspBoolSpec = f }) = case f Nothing of

  Just t -> t

  Nothing -> error "getDefBoolSpec: no spec"

getDefColSpec :: FDSolver s => FDSpecInfoCol s -> FDColSpec s

getDefColSpec (FDSpecInfoCol { fdspColSpec = f }) = case f Nothing of

  Just t -> t

  Nothing -> error "getDefColSpec: no spec"

-- getFullIntSpec :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> s (FDSpecInfoInt s)

getFullIntSpec id = do

  s <- get

  return $ myFromJust "getFullIntSpec" $ Map.lookup id $ fdsIntVars s

-- getFullBoolSpec :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> s (FDSpecInfoBool s)

getFullBoolSpec id = do

  s <- get

  return $ myFromJust "getFullBoolSpec" $ Map.lookup id $ fdsBoolVars s

-- getFullColSpec :: FDSolver s => EGVarId -> s (FDSpecInfoCol s)

getFullColSpec id = do

  s <- get

  return $ myFromJust "getFullColSpec" $ Map.lookup id $ fdsColVars s

fdNewvar :: (FDSolver s, Term s t) => FDInstance s (Maybe t)

fdNewvar = do

  s <- get

  if fdsDummyLevel s > 0

    then return Nothing

    else liftFD newvar >>= return . Just