-- | Module with basic infrastructure for function inheritance

--   based on open rercusion.


--   See the work of William Cook.


--   We use the following terminology.


--     * A /closed/ function is an ordinary function. 


--     * A /mixin/ function is an open function that can be

--       inherited from, or that extends another open function.


--   We obtain a closed function from a base mixin 'base'

--   and a number of mixin extensions 'e1',...,'en' as follows:


-- >  mixin (en <@> ... <@> e1 <@> base)


module Control.Mixin.Mixin (






) where

infixl 5 <@>

-- | Type of mixin functions.

type Mixin a =  a -- the 'super' function

	     -> a -- the 'this'  function

	     -> a -- the current function

-- | Mixin composition.

(<@>) :: Mixin a -> Mixin a -> Mixin a

(f1 <@> f2) super this = f1 (f2 super this) this

-- | Turn a mixin into a closed function.

mixin :: Mixin a -> a

mixin openF 

  = let closedF = openF errorF closedF 

        errorF  = error $ "super called in base mixin"

    in closedF

-- | Mixin identity function.


-- Identity for mixin composition:



-- > mixinId <@> f  ==  f

-- > f <@> mixinId  ==  f


mixinId :: Mixin a

mixinId super this = super

-- | Mixin lift function


-- > mixin . mixinLift = id

mixinLift :: (a -> b) -> Mixin (a -> b)

mixinLift f _ _ = f