 - The Tree data type, a generic modelling language for constraint solvers.
 -      Monadic Constraint Programming
 -      http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~toms/Haskell/
 -      Tom Schrijvers

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Control.CP.SearchTree (




















) where

import Control.CP.Solver

import Control.Mixin.Mixin

import Control.Monad

import Control.Monad.Cont

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Control.Monad.Writer

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Monoid


----------------------------------- Tree --------------------------------------


data Tree s a where

  Fail    :: Tree s a                                  -- failure

  Return  :: a -> Tree s a                             -- finished

  Try     :: Tree s a -> Tree s a -> Tree s a          -- disjunction

  Add     :: Constraint s -> Tree s a -> Tree s a      -- sequentially adding a constraint to a tree

  NewVar  :: Term s t => (t -> Tree s a) -> Tree s a   -- add a new variable to a tree

  Label   :: s (Tree s a) -> Tree s a                  -- label with a strategy

flattenTree :: Solver s => Tree s a -> Maybe ([Constraint s],a)

flattenTree Fail = Nothing

flattenTree (Return a) = Just ([],a)

flattenTree (Try _ _) = Nothing

flattenTree (Add c t) = case flattenTree t of

  Nothing -> Nothing

  Just (l,a) -> Just (c:l,a)

flattenTree (NewVar _) = Nothing

flattenTree (Label _) = Nothing

transformTree :: Solver s => Mixin (Tree s a -> Tree s a)

transformTree _ _ Fail = Fail

transformTree _ _ (Return x) = Return x

transformTree _ t (Try x y) = Try (t x) (t y)

transformTree _ t (Add c x) = Add c (t x)

transformTree _ t (NewVar f) = NewVar (\x -> t $ f x)

transformTree _ t (Label m) = Label $ m >>= return . t

-- transformTree s _ x = s x

mapTree :: (Solver s1, Solver s2, MonadTree m, TreeSolver m ~ s2) => (forall t. s1 t -> s2 t) -> Tree s1 a -> m a

mapTree _ Fail = false

mapTree _ (Return a) = return a

mapTree f (Try a b) = mapTree f a \/ mapTree f b

-- mapTree f (Add c n) = label $ f $ (add c >>= \t -> if t then return (mapTree f n) else return false)

-- mapTree (NewVar _) = undefined

mapTree f (Label l) = label $ (f l) >>= (\t -> return (mapTree f t))

instance Solver s => Functor (Tree s) where

        fmap  = liftM 

instance Solver s => Applicative (Tree s) where

  pure = Return

  (<*>) = ap


instance Solver s => Monad (Tree s) where

  return = pure

  (>>=)  = bindTree


bindTree     :: Solver s => Tree s a -> (a -> Tree s b) -> Tree s b

Fail           `bindTree` k  = Fail

(Return x)     `bindTree` k  = k x

(Try m n)      `bindTree` k  = Try (m `bindTree` k) (n `bindTree` k)

(Add c m)      `bindTree` k  = Add c (m `bindTree` k)

(NewVar f)   `bindTree` k  = NewVar (\x -> f x `bindTree` k)    

(Label m)      `bindTree` k  = Label (m >>= \t -> return (t `bindTree` k))

insertTree     :: Solver s => Tree s a -> Tree s () -> Tree s a

(NewVar f)   `insertTree` t  = NewVar (\x -> f x `insertTree` t)    

(Add c  o)     `insertTree` t  = Add c (o `insertTree` t)

other          `insertTree` t  = t /\ other

{- Monad laws:
 - 1. return x >>= f  ==  f x
 -    return a >>= f  
 -    == Return a >>= f         (return def)
 -    == f x                    (bind def) 
 - 2. m >>= return  =  m
 -   By induction
 -     case m of
 -     1) Return x -> 
 -          Return x >>= return
 -          == return x                 (bind def)
 -          == Return x                 (return def)
 -     2) Fail ->
 -          Fail >>= return
 -          == Fail                     (bind def)
 -     3)  Try l r >>= return
 -         == Try (l >>= return) (r >>= return) (bind def)
 -         == Try l r                           (induction)
 -      4) Add c m >>= return
 -         == Add c (m >>= return)      (bind def)
 -         == Add c m                   (induction) 
 -      5) NewVar i f >>= return
 -         == NewVar i (\v -> f v >>= return)   (bind def) 
 -         == NewVar i (\v -> f v)              ((co)-induction?)
 -         == NewVar i f                                (eta reduction)
 -      6) Label sm >>= return
 -         == Label (sm >>= \m -> return (m >>= return))        (bind def)
 -         == Label (sm >>= \m -> return m)                     (co-induction)
 -         == Label (sm >>= return)                             (eta reduction)
 -         == Label sm                                          (2nd monad law for Monad s)
 - 3. (m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
 -   By induction
 -     case m of
 -     1) (Return y >>= f) >>= g 
 -        == f y >>= g                                  (bind def)
 -        == (\x -> f x >>= g) y                        (beta expansion)
 -        == Return y >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)             (bind def)
 -     2) (Fail >>= f) >>= g
 -        == Fail >>= g                                 (bind def)
 -        == Fail                                       (bind def)
 -        == Fail >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)                 (bind def) 
 -     3) (Try l r >>= f) >>= g
 -        == Try (l >>= f) (r >>= f)) >>= g                             (bind def)
 -        == Try ((l >>= f) >>= g) ((r >>= f) >>= g)                    (bind def)
 -        == Try (l >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)) (r >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))    (induction)
 -        == Try l r >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)                              (bind def)
 -     4) (NewVar i m >>= f) >>= g
 -        == NewVar i (\v -> m v >>= f) >>= g                   (bind def)
 -        == NewVar i (\w -> (\v -> m v >>= f) w >>= g)         (bind def)
 -        == NewVar i (\w -> (m w >>= f) >>= g)                 (beta reduction)  
 -        == NewVar i (\w -> m w >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))         (co-induction)
 -        == NewVar i m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)                   (bind def)
 -     5) (Label sm >>= f) >>= g
 -         == Label (sm >>= \m -> return (m >>= f)) >>= g       (bind def) 
 -         == Label ((sm >>= \m -> return (m >>= f)) >>= \m' -> return (m' >>= g))
 -         == Label (sm >>= (\m -> return (m >>= f) >>= \m' -> return (m' >>= g)))
 -         == Label (sm >>= \m -> return ((m >>= f) >>= g))
 -         == Label (sm >>= \m -> return (m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)))
 -         == Label sm >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)


----------------------------------- Monad Subclass ----------------------------


infixl 2 \/

-- | Generalization of the search tree data type,

--   allowing monad transformer decoration.

class (Monad m, Solver (TreeSolver m)) => MonadTree m where

  type TreeSolver m :: * -> *

  addTo   :: Constraint (TreeSolver m) -> m a -> m a

  false   :: m a

  (\/)    :: m a -> m a -> m a

  exists  :: Term (TreeSolver m) t => (t -> m a) -> m a

  label   :: (TreeSolver m) (m a) -> m a

instance Solver solver => MonadTree (Tree solver) where

  type TreeSolver (Tree solver)  = solver

  addTo   =  Add

  false   =  Fail

  (\/)    =  Try

  exists  =  NewVar

  label   =  Label

instance (MonadTree m, Solver (TreeSolver m)) => MonadTree (ContT r m) where

  type TreeSolver (ContT r m) = TreeSolver m

  addTo constraint cm = ContT $ \k -> addTo constraint (runContT cm k) 

  false               = lift false

  l \/ r              = ContT $ \k -> (runContT l k) \/ (runContT r k)

  exists f            = ContT $ \k -> exists (\t -> runContT (f t) k)

  label scm           = ContT $ \k -> label (scm >>= \cm -> return $ runContT cm k)


----------------------------------- Sugar -------------------------------------



infixr 3 /\

(/\) :: MonadTree tree => tree a -> tree b -> tree b

(/\) = (>>)


true :: MonadTree tree  => tree ()

true = return ()

disj :: MonadTree tree => [tree a] -> tree a

disj [] = false

disj a = foldr1 (\/) a

conj :: MonadTree tree => [tree ()] -> tree ()

conj [] = true

conj a = foldr1 (/\) a

disj2 :: MonadTree tree => [tree a] -> tree a

disj2 (x:  [])  = x

disj2 l        = let (xs,ys)      = split l

                     split []     = ([],[])

                     split (a:as) = let (bs,cs) = split as

                                    in  (a:cs,bs)

                 in  (disj2 xs) \/ (disj2 ys)

prim :: MonadTree tree => TreeSolver tree a -> tree a

prim action = label (action >>= return . return)

addC :: MonadTree tree => Constraint (TreeSolver tree) -> tree ()

addC c = c `addTo` true

addT :: MonadTree tree => Constraint (TreeSolver tree) -> tree Bool

addT c = c `addTo` (return True)

exist :: (MonadTree tree, Term (TreeSolver tree) t) => Int -> ([t] -> tree a) -> tree a

exist n ftree = f n []

         where f 0 acc  = ftree $ reverse acc

               f n acc  = exists $ \v -> f (n-1) (v:acc)

forall :: (MonadTree tree, Term (TreeSolver tree) t)  => [t] -> (t -> tree ()) -> tree ()

forall list ftree = conj $ map ftree list

-- Shortcut the search procedure for a Tree that does not contain Try nodes.

-- create a solver monad that returns the result of the Tree, or a specified

-- value upon failure

untree :: Solver s => v -> Tree s v -> s v

untree _ (Return x) = return x

untree _ (Try _ _) = error "convertion of Try nodes to solver is not supported"

untree e (Fail) = return e

untree e (Label s) = s >>= untree e

untree e (Add c t) = (add c) >>= (\x -> if x then untree e t else return e)

untree e (NewVar f) = do

    v <- newvar

    untree e (f v)

-- | show

indent :: Int -> String

indent l = replicate (2*l) ' '

showTree :: (Show (Constraint s), Show a, Solver s) => Int -> Tree s a -> s String

showTree l Fail = return $ indent l ++ "Fail\n"

showTree l (Return x) = return $ indent l ++ "Return [" ++ (show x) ++ "]\n"

showTree l (Try a b) = do

  m <- mark

  s1 <- showTree (l+1) a

  goto m

  s2 <- showTree (l+1) b

  return $ indent l ++ "Try\n" ++ s1 ++ s2

showTree l (Add c t) = do

  s <- showTree (l+1) t

  return $ indent l ++ "Add (" ++ (show c) ++ ")\n" ++ s

showTree l (NewVar f) = do

  n <- newvar

  s <- showTree (l+1) (f n)

  return $ indent l ++ "NewVar\n" ++ s

showTree l (Label a) = do

  r <- a

  s <- showTree (l+1) r

  return $ indent l ++ "Label\n" ++ s

instance Show (Tree s a)  where

  show Fail             = "Fail"

  show (Return _)       = "Return"

  show (Try l r)        = "Try (" ++ show l ++ ") (" ++ show r ++ ")"

  show (Add _ t)        = "Add (" ++ show t ++ ")"

  show (NewVar _)       = "NewVar <function>"

  show (Label _)        = "Label <monadic value>"


-- Monad Transformer Instances


instance MonadTree t => MonadTree (ReaderT env t) where

  type TreeSolver (ReaderT env t) = TreeSolver t

  addTo constraint tree  = ReaderT $ \env -> addTo constraint (runReaderT tree env)

  false     = lift false

  l \/ r    = ReaderT $ \env -> runReaderT l env \/ runReaderT r env

  exists f  = ReaderT $ \env -> exists (\var -> runReaderT (f var) env)

  label p   = ReaderT $ \env -> label (p >>= \m -> return $ runReaderT m env)

instance (Monoid w, MonadTree t) => MonadTree (WriterT w t) where

  type TreeSolver (WriterT w t)  = TreeSolver t

  addTo constraint tree  = WriterT $ addTo constraint (runWriterT tree)

  false     = lift false 

  l \/ r    = WriterT $ runWriterT l \/ runWriterT r

  exists f  = WriterT $ exists (\var -> runWriterT (f var))

  label p   = WriterT $ label (p >>= \m -> return $ runWriterT m)

instance MonadTree t => MonadTree (StateT s t) where

  type TreeSolver (StateT s t) = TreeSolver t

  addTo constraint tree  = StateT $ \s -> addTo constraint (runStateT tree s)

  false     = lift false

  l \/ r    = StateT $ \s -> runStateT l s \/ runStateT r s

  exists f  = StateT $ \s -> exists (\var -> runStateT (f var) s)

  label p   = StateT $ \s -> label (p >>= \m -> return $ runStateT m s)