-- | This module provides Unicode variants of the operators.
-- Unfortunately, ⊤, ⊥, and ¬ don't fit into Haskell lexical structure well.
module Algebra.Lattice.Unicode where

import Algebra.Heyting
import Algebra.Lattice

infixr 6 
infixr 5 
infixr 4 
infix 4 

-- | Meet, alias for '/\'.
() :: Lattice a => a -> a -> a
() = (/\)

-- | Join, alias for '\/'.
() :: Lattice a => a -> a -> a
() = (\/)

-- | Implication, alias for '==>'.
() :: Heyting a => a -> a -> a
() = (==>)

-- | Equivalence, alias for '<=>'.
() :: Heyting a => a -> a -> a
() = (<=>)