{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Data.KeyStore.KS
( keyStoreBytes
, keyStoreFromBytes
, settingsFromBytes
, createRSAKeyPairKS
, encryptWithRSAKeyKS
, encryptWithRSAKeyKS_
, decryptWithRSAKeyKS
, decryptWithRSAKeyKS_
, signWithRSAKeyKS
, verifyWithRSAKeyKS
, encryptWithKeysKS
, decryptWithKeysKS
, createKeyKS
, backupKeysKS
, rememberKeyKS
, secureKeyKS
, getKeysKS
, listKS
, keyInfoKS
, loadKeyKS
, loadEncryptionKeyKS
, module Data.KeyStore.KS.Crypto
, module Data.KeyStore.KS.KS
, module Data.KeyStore.KS.Opt
, module Data.KeyStore.KS.Configuration
, module Data.KeyStore.KS.CPRNG
) where
import Data.KeyStore.KS.Packet
import Data.KeyStore.KS.Crypto
import Data.KeyStore.KS.KS
import Data.KeyStore.KS.Opt
import Data.KeyStore.KS.Configuration
import Data.KeyStore.KS.CPRNG
import Data.KeyStore.Types
import Data.API.JSON
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Time
import Text.Printf
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad
keyStoreBytes :: KeyStore -> LBS.ByteString
keyStoreBytes = encode . cln
cln ks =
ks { _ks_keymap = cleanKeyMap $ _ks_keymap ks
keyStoreFromBytes :: LBS.ByteString -> E KeyStore
keyStoreFromBytes = chk . either (const Nothing) Just . decodeWithErrs
chk Nothing = Left $ strMsg "failed to decode keystore file"
chk (Just ks) = Right ks
settingsFromBytes :: LBS.ByteString -> E Settings
settingsFromBytes = chk . either (const Nothing) Just . decodeWithErrs
chk (Just(Object fm)) = Right $ Settings fm
chk _ = Left $ strMsg "failed to decode JSON settings"
createRSAKeyPairKS :: Name -> Comment -> Identity -> [Safeguard] -> KS ()
createRSAKeyPairKS nm cmt ide nmz =
do _ <- createKeyKS nm cmt ide Nothing Nothing
(puk,prk) <- generateKeysKS
adjustKeyKS nm (add_puk puk)
rememberKeyKS nm $ encodePrivateKeyDER prk
mapM_ (secureKeyKS nm) nmz
add_puk puk key = key { _key_public = Just puk }
encryptWithRSAKeyKS :: Name -> ClearText -> KS EncryptionPacket
encryptWithRSAKeyKS nm ct =
encocdeEncryptionPacket (safeguard [nm]) .
encodeRSASecretData <$> encryptWithRSAKeyKS_ nm ct
encryptWithRSAKeyKS_ :: Name -> ClearText -> KS RSASecretData
encryptWithRSAKeyKS_ nm ct =
do scd <- _ec_secret_data <$> encryptWithKeysKS (safeguard [nm]) ct
case scd of
ECD_rsa rsd -> return rsd
_ -> errorKS "RSA key expected"
decryptWithRSAKeyKS :: EncryptionPacket -> KS ClearText
decryptWithRSAKeyKS ep =
do (sg,rsb) <- e2ks $ decocdeEncryptionPacketE ep
nm <- case safeguardKeys sg of
[nm] -> return nm
_ -> errorKS "expected a single (RSA) key in the safeguard"
rsd <- decodeRSASecretData rsb
decryptWithRSAKeyKS_ nm rsd
decryptWithRSAKeyKS_ :: Name -> RSASecretData -> KS ClearText
decryptWithRSAKeyKS_ nm rsd =
do key <- loadKeyKS nm
case _key_clear_private key of
Nothing -> errorKS "could not load private key"
Just prk -> decryptKS prk rsd
signWithRSAKeyKS :: Name -> ClearText -> KS SignaturePacket
signWithRSAKeyKS nm ct =
do key <- loadKeyKS nm
case _key_clear_private key of
Nothing -> errorKS "could not load private key"
Just prk -> encocdeSignaturePacket (safeguard [nm]) <$> signKS prk ct
verifyWithRSAKeyKS :: ClearText -> SignaturePacket -> KS Bool
verifyWithRSAKeyKS ct sp =
do (sg,rs) <- e2ks $ decocdeSignaturePacketE sp
nm <- case safeguardKeys sg of
[nm] -> return nm
_ -> errorKS "expected a single (RSA) key in the safeguard"
key <- lookupKey nm
case _key_public key of
Nothing -> errorKS "not an RSA key pair"
Just puk -> return $ verifyKS puk ct rs
encryptWithKeysKS :: Safeguard -> ClearText -> KS EncrypedCopy
encryptWithKeysKS nms ct =
do ec <- defaultEncryptedCopyKS nms
mb <- loadEncryptionKeyKS Encrypting ec
ek <- case mb of
Nothing -> errorKS "could not load keys"
Just ek -> return ek
ecd <- saveKS ek ct
return ec { _ec_secret_data = ecd }
decryptWithKeysKS :: EncrypedCopy -> KS ClearText
decryptWithKeysKS ec =
do mb <- loadEncryptionKeyKS Decrypting ec
ek <- case mb of
Nothing -> errorKS "could not load keys"
Just ek -> return ek
restoreKS (_ec_secret_data ec) ek
createKeyKS :: Name
-> Comment
-> Identity
-> Maybe EnvVar
-> Maybe ClearText
-> KS ()
createKeyKS nm cmt ide mb_ev mb_ct = withKey nm $
do now <- currentTime
{ _key_name = nm
, _key_comment = cmt
, _key_identity = ide
, _key_is_binary = False
, _key_env_var = mb_ev
, _key_hash = Nothing
, _key_public = Nothing
, _key_secret_copies = Map.empty
, _key_clear_text = Nothing
, _key_clear_private = Nothing
, _key_created_at = now
maybe (return ()) (rememberKeyKS nm) mb_ct
rememberKeyKS :: Name -> ClearText -> KS ()
rememberKeyKS nm ct =
do btw $ "remembering " ++ show nm ++ "\n"
key0 <- lookupKey nm
let key1 = key0 { _key_clear_text = Just ct }
vfy <- lookupOpt opt__verify_enabled
key2 <- case vfy of
True -> verify_key key1 ct
False -> return key1
key <-
case _key_hash key2 of
Nothing | isNothing $ _key_public key2 -> upd key2 <$> hashKS ct
_ -> return key2
insertKey key
backupKeyKS nm
upd key hsh =
key { _key_hash = Just hsh
backupKeysKS :: KS ()
backupKeysKS = getKeysKS >>= mapM_ (backupKeyKS . _key_name)
backupKeyKS :: Name -> KS ()
backupKeyKS nm = withKey nm $
do nms <- lookupOpt opt__backup_keys
mapM_ backup nms
backup nm' = secure_key nm $ safeguard [nm']
secureKeyKS :: Name -> Safeguard -> KS ()
secureKeyKS nm sg = withKey nm $ secure_key nm sg
secure_key :: Name -> Safeguard -> KS ()
secure_key nm sg =
do btw $ "securing " ++ show nm ++ " with " ++ show sg ++ "\n"
key <- loadKeyKS nm
when (isNothing $ Map.lookup sg $ _key_secret_copies key) $
do ct <- case _key_clear_text key of
Nothing -> errorKS $ _name nm ++ ": cannot load key"
Just ct -> return ct
ec0 <- defaultEncryptedCopyKS sg
mbk <- loadEncryptionKeyKS Encrypting ec0
ek <- case mbk of
Nothing -> errorKS $
printSafeguard sg ++ ": cannot load encryption keys"
Just ek -> return ek
ecd <- saveKS ek ct
let ec = ec0 { _ec_secret_data = ecd }
insertKey $ L.over key_secret_copies (Map.insert sg ec) key
listKS :: KS ()
listKS =
do nms <- map _key_name <$> getKeysKS
keys <- mapM loadKeyKS $ sort nms
putStrKS $ concat $ map (list_key False) keys
keyInfoKS :: Name -> KS ()
keyInfoKS nm =
do key <- loadKeyKS nm
putStrKS $ list_key True key
data Line
= LnHeader String
| LnDate UTCTime
| LnHash String
| LnCopiesHeader
| LnCopy String
deriving Show
list_key :: Bool -> Key -> String
list_key True key@Key{..} =
unlines $ map fmt $
[ LnHeader hdr ] ++
[ LnDate _key_created_at ] ++
[ LnHash hsh | Just hsh<-[mb_hsh] ] ++
[ LnCopiesHeader ] ++
[ LnCopy $ fmt_ec ec | ec<-Map.elems $ _key_secret_copies ]
fmt ln =
case ln of
LnHeader s -> s
LnDate u -> fmt_ln 2 "Date:" $ show u
LnHash s -> fmt_ln 2 "Hash:" s
LnCopiesHeader -> fmt_ln 2 "Copies:" ""
LnCopy s -> fmt_ln_ 4 s
hdr = printf "%s: %s%s -- %s" nm sts ev cmt
nm = _name _key_name
sts = status key
ev = maybe "" (printf " ($%s)" . T.unpack . _EnvVar) _key_env_var
cmt = T.unpack $ _Comment _key_comment
mb_hsh = fmt_hsh <$> _key_hash
fmt_ec EncrypedCopy{..} = printf "%s(%d*%s[%s])" ci is pf sg
ci = show _ec_cipher
Iterations is = _ec_iterations
pf = show _ec_prf
sg = printSafeguard _ec_safeguard
fmt_hsh Hash{_hash_description=HashDescription{..}} = printf "%d*%s(%d):%d" is pf sw wd
Iterations is = _hashd_iterations
pf = show _hashd_prf
Octets sw = _hashd_salt_octets
Octets wd = _hashd_width_octets
fmt_ln i s s' = fmt_ln_ i $ printf "%-8s %s" s s'
fmt_ln_ i s = replicate i ' ' ++ s
list_key False key@Key{..} = printf "%-40s : %s%s (%s)\n" nm sts ev ecs
nm = _name _key_name
sts = status key
ev = maybe "" (printf " ($%s)" . T.unpack . _EnvVar) _key_env_var
ecs = intercalate "," $ map (printSafeguard . _ec_safeguard) $
Map.elems _key_secret_copies
status :: Key -> String
status Key{..} = [sts_t,sts_p]
sts_t = maybe '-' (const 'T') _key_clear_text
sts_p = maybe '-' (const 'P') _key_public
getKeysKS :: KS [Key]
getKeysKS = Map.elems <$> getKeymap
loadKeyKS :: Name -> KS Key
loadKeyKS = load_key []
load_key :: [Name] -> Name -> KS Key
load_key nm_s nm =
do key <- lookupKey nm
maybe (load_key' nm_s nm) (const $ return key) $ _key_clear_text key
load_key' :: [Name] -> Name -> KS Key
load_key' nm_s nm =
do key0 <- lookupKey nm
let ld [] = return key0
ld (sc:scs) =
do key <- load_key'' nm_s nm key0 sc
case _key_clear_text key of
Nothing -> ld scs
Just _ -> return key
ld $ Map.elems $ _key_secret_copies key0
load_key'' :: [Name]
-> Name
-> Key
-> EncrypedCopy
-> KS Key
load_key'' nm_s nm key@Key{..} ec =
case nm `elem` nm_s of
True -> return key
False ->
do mbk <- loadEncryptionKeyKS_ Decrypting (nm:nm_s) ec
case mbk of
Nothing -> return key
Just ek ->
do ct <- restoreKS (_ec_secret_data ec) ek
rememberKeyKS nm ct
lookupKey nm
loadEncryptionKeyKS :: Dirctn -> EncrypedCopy -> KS (Maybe EncryptionKey)
loadEncryptionKeyKS dir sc = loadEncryptionKeyKS_ dir [] sc
loadEncryptionKeyKS_ :: Dirctn -> [Name] -> EncrypedCopy -> KS (Maybe EncryptionKey)
loadEncryptionKeyKS_ dir nms_s sc =
case nms of
[] -> return $ Just $ EK_none void_
[nm] ->
do key <- lookupKey nm
maybe sym (asm dir nm) $ _key_public key
_ -> sym
sym =
do keys <- mapM (load_key nms_s) nms
case all (isJust._key_clear_text) keys of
True -> Just . EK_symmetric <$>
(mkAESKeyKS sc $ catMaybes $ map _key_clear_text keys)
False -> return Nothing
asm Encrypting _ puk = return $ Just $ EK_public puk
asm Decrypting nm _ =
do key <- load_key nms_s nm
case _key_clear_private key of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just prk -> return $ Just $ EK_private prk
nms = safeguardKeys $ _ec_safeguard sc
verify_key :: Key -> ClearText -> KS Key
verify_key key@Key{..} ct =
case (_key_hash,_key_public) of
(Just hsh,_ ) ->
case verify_key_ hsh ct of
True -> return key { _key_clear_text = Just ct }
False -> errorKS "key failed to match hash"
(Nothing ,Just puk) ->
do prk <- e2ks $ verify_private_key_ puk ct
key { _key_clear_text = Just ct
, _key_clear_private = Just prk
_ -> return
key { _key_clear_text = Just ct
verify_key_ :: Hash -> ClearText -> Bool
verify_key_ hsh ct =
_hash_hash(hashKS_ (_hash_description hsh) ct) == _hash_hash hsh
verify_private_key_ :: PublicKey -> ClearText -> E PrivateKey
verify_private_key_ puk ct =
do prk <- decodePrivateKeyDERE ct
case puk==private_pub prk of
True -> return prk
False -> Left $ strMsg "private key mismatches public key"
cleanKeyMap :: KeyMap -> KeyMap
cleanKeyMap mp = Map.map cln mp
cln key =
key { _key_clear_text = Nothing
, _key_clear_private = Nothing