{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports#-}
module Data.KeyStore.Types
( module Data.KeyStore.Types
, module Data.KeyStore.Types.NameAndSafeguard
, module Data.KeyStore.Types.E
, module Data.KeyStore.Types.UTC
, PublicKey(..)
, PrivateKey(..)
) where
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import qualified Crypto.PBKDF.ByteString as P
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA (PublicKey(..), PrivateKey(..))
import Data.KeyStore.Types.Schema
import Data.KeyStore.Types.NameAndSafeguard
import Data.KeyStore.Types.E
import Data.KeyStore.Types.UTC
import Data.Aeson
import Data.API.Tools
import Data.API.JSON
import Data.API.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.Regex
$(generate keystoreSchema)
deriving instance Num Iterations
deriving instance Num Octets
data Pattern =
{ _pat_string :: String
, _pat_regex :: Regex
instance Eq Pattern where
(==) pat pat' = _pat_string pat == _pat_string pat'
instance Show Pattern where
show pat = "Pattern " ++ show(_pat_string pat) ++ " <regex>"
instance IsString Pattern where
fromString s =
{ _pat_string = s
, _pat_regex = mkRegex s
pattern :: String -> Pattern
pattern = fromString
inj_pattern :: REP__Pattern -> ParserWithErrs Pattern
inj_pattern (REP__Pattern t) =
return $
{ _pat_string = s
, _pat_regex = mkRegex s
s = T.unpack t
prj_pattern :: Pattern -> REP__Pattern
prj_pattern = REP__Pattern . T.pack . _pat_string
newtype Settings = Settings { _Settings :: Object }
deriving (Eq,Show)
inj_settings :: REP__Settings -> ParserWithErrs Settings
inj_settings REP__Settings { _stgs_json = Object hm}
= return $ Settings hm
inj_settings _ = fail "object expected for settings"
prj_settings :: Settings -> REP__Settings
prj_settings (Settings hm) = REP__Settings { _stgs_json = Object hm }
defaultSettings :: Settings
defaultSettings = mempty
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
instance Semigroup Settings where
(<>) = mappendSettings
instance Monoid Settings where
mempty = Settings HM.empty
mappend = mappendSettings
mappendSettings :: Settings -> Settings -> Settings
mappendSettings (Settings fm_0) (Settings fm_1) =
Settings $ HM.unionWith cmb fm_0 fm_1
cmb v0 v1 =
case (v0,v1) of
(Array v_0,Array v_1) -> Array $ v_0 V.++ v_1
_ -> marker
checkSettingsCollisions :: Settings -> [SettingID]
checkSettingsCollisions (Settings hm) =
[ SettingID k | (k,v)<-HM.toList hm, v==marker ]
marker :: Value
marker = String "*** Collision * in * Settings ***"
inj_safeguard :: REP__Safeguard -> ParserWithErrs Safeguard
inj_safeguard = return . safeguard . _sg_names
prj_safeguard :: Safeguard -> REP__Safeguard
prj_safeguard = REP__Safeguard . safeguardKeys
inj_name :: REP__Name -> ParserWithErrs Name
inj_name = e2p . name . T.unpack . _REP__Name
prj_name :: Name -> REP__Name
prj_name = REP__Name . T.pack . _name
inj_PublicKey :: REP__PublicKey -> ParserWithErrs PublicKey
inj_PublicKey REP__PublicKey{..} =
{ public_size = _puk_size
, public_n = _puk_n
, public_e = _puk_e
prj_PublicKey :: PublicKey -> REP__PublicKey
prj_PublicKey PublicKey{..} =
{ _puk_size = public_size
, _puk_n = public_n
, _puk_e = public_e
inj_PrivateKey :: REP__PrivateKey -> ParserWithErrs PrivateKey
inj_PrivateKey REP__PrivateKey{..} =
{ private_pub = _prk_pub
, private_d = _prk_d
, private_p = _prk_p
, private_q = _prk_q
, private_dP = _prk_dP
, private_dQ = _prk_dQ
, private_qinv = _prk_qinv
prj_PrivateKey :: PrivateKey -> REP__PrivateKey
prj_PrivateKey PrivateKey{..} =
{ _prk_pub = private_pub
, _prk_d = private_d
, _prk_p = private_p
, _prk_q = private_q
, _prk_dP = private_dP
, _prk_dQ = private_dQ
, _prk_qinv = private_qinv
e2p :: E a -> ParserWithErrs a
e2p = either (fail . showReason) return
data Dirctn
= Encrypting
| Decrypting
deriving (Show)
pbkdf :: HashPRF
-> ClearText
-> Salt
-> Iterations
-> Octets
-> (B.ByteString->a)
-> a
pbkdf hp (ClearText dat) (Salt st) (Iterations k) (Octets wd) c =
c $ fn (_Binary dat) (_Binary st) k wd
fn = case hp of
PRF_sha1 -> P.sha1PBKDF2
PRF_sha256 -> P.sha256PBKDF2
PRF_sha512 -> P.sha512PBKDF2
keyWidth :: Cipher -> Octets
keyWidth aes =
case aes of
CPH_aes128 -> Octets 16
CPH_aes192 -> Octets 24
CPH_aes256 -> Octets 32
void_ :: Void
void_ = Void 0
map_from_list :: Ord a
=> String
-> (c->[b])
-> (b->a)
-> (a->T.Text)
-> c
-> ParserWithErrs (Map.Map a b)
map_from_list ty xl xf xt c =
case [ xt $ xf b | b:_:_<-obss ] of
[] -> return $ Map.fromDistinctAscList ps
ds -> fail $ ty ++ ": " ++ show ds ++ "duplicated"
ps = [ (xf b,b) | [b]<-obss ]
obss = groupBy same $ sortBy (comparing xf) $ xl c
same b b' = comparing xf b b' == EQ
$(generateAPITools keystoreSchema
[ enumTool
, jsonTool'
, lensTool
instance ToJSON KeyStore where
toJSON = toJSON . toKeyStore_
instance FromJSON KeyStore where
parseJSON = fmap fromKeyStore_ . parseJSON
instance FromJSONWithErrs KeyStore where
parseJSONWithErrs = fmap fromKeyStore_ . parseJSONWithErrs
data KeyStore =
{ _ks_config :: Configuration
, _ks_keymap :: KeyMap
deriving (Show,Eq)
toKeyStore_ :: KeyStore -> KeyStore_
toKeyStore_ KeyStore{..} =
{ _z_ks_config = toConfiguration_ _ks_config
, _z_ks_keymap = toKeyMap_ _ks_keymap
fromKeyStore_ :: KeyStore_ -> KeyStore
fromKeyStore_ KeyStore_{..} =
{ _ks_config = fromConfiguration_ _z_ks_config
, _ks_keymap = fromKeyMap_ _z_ks_keymap
emptyKeyStore :: Configuration -> KeyStore
emptyKeyStore cfg =
{ _ks_config = cfg
, _ks_keymap = emptyKeyMap
data Configuration =
{ _cfg_settings :: Settings
, _cfg_triggers :: TriggerMap
deriving (Show,Eq)
toConfiguration_ :: Configuration -> Configuration_
toConfiguration_ Configuration{..} =
{ _z_cfg_settings = _cfg_settings
, _z_cfg_triggers = toTriggerMap_ _cfg_triggers
fromConfiguration_ :: Configuration_ -> Configuration
fromConfiguration_ Configuration_{..} =
{ _cfg_settings = _z_cfg_settings
, _cfg_triggers = fromTriggerMap_ _z_cfg_triggers
defaultConfiguration :: Settings -> Configuration
defaultConfiguration stgs =
{ _cfg_settings = stgs
, _cfg_triggers = Map.empty
type TriggerMap = Map.Map TriggerID Trigger
toTriggerMap_ :: TriggerMap -> TriggerMap_
toTriggerMap_ mp = TriggerMap_ $ Map.elems mp
fromTriggerMap_ :: TriggerMap_ -> TriggerMap
fromTriggerMap_ TriggerMap_{..} = Map.fromList
[ (,) _trg_id trg
| trg@Trigger{..} <- _z_tmp_map
type KeyMap = Map.Map Name Key
toKeyMap_ :: KeyMap -> KeyMap_
toKeyMap_ mp = KeyMap_ $
[ NameKeyAssoc_ nm $ toKey_ ky
| (nm,ky) <- Map.assocs mp
fromKeyMap_ :: KeyMap_ -> KeyMap
fromKeyMap_ mp_ = Map.fromList
[ (_z_nka_name,fromKey_ _z_nka_key)
| NameKeyAssoc_{..} <- _z_kmp_map mp_
emptyKeyMap :: KeyMap
emptyKeyMap = Map.empty
data Key =
{ _key_name :: Name
, _key_comment :: Comment
, _key_identity :: Identity
, _key_is_binary :: Bool
, _key_env_var :: Maybe EnvVar
, _key_hash :: Maybe Hash
, _key_public :: Maybe PublicKey
, _key_secret_copies :: EncrypedCopyMap
, _key_clear_text :: Maybe ClearText
, _key_clear_private :: Maybe PrivateKey
, _key_created_at :: UTCTime
deriving (Show,Eq)
toKey_ :: Key -> Key_
toKey_ Key{..} =
{ _z_key_name = _key_name
, _z_key_comment = _key_comment
, _z_key_identity = _key_identity
, _z_key_is_binary = _key_is_binary
, _z_key_env_var = _key_env_var
, _z_key_hash = _key_hash
, _z_key_public = _key_public
, _z_key_secret_copies = toEncrypedCopyMap _key_secret_copies
, _z_key_clear_text = _key_clear_text
, _z_key_clear_private = _key_clear_private
, _z_key_created_at = UTC _key_created_at
fromKey_ :: Key_ -> Key
fromKey_ Key_{..} =
{ _key_name = _z_key_name
, _key_comment = _z_key_comment
, _key_identity = _z_key_identity
, _key_is_binary = _z_key_is_binary
, _key_env_var = _z_key_env_var
, _key_hash = _z_key_hash
, _key_public = _z_key_public
, _key_secret_copies = fromEncrypedCopyMap _z_key_secret_copies
, _key_clear_text = _z_key_clear_text
, _key_clear_private = _z_key_clear_private
, _key_created_at = _UTC _z_key_created_at
type EncrypedCopyMap = Map.Map Safeguard EncrypedCopy
toEncrypedCopyMap :: EncrypedCopyMap -> EncrypedCopyMap_
toEncrypedCopyMap mp = EncrypedCopyMap_ $ Map.elems mp
fromEncrypedCopyMap :: EncrypedCopyMap_ -> EncrypedCopyMap
fromEncrypedCopyMap EncrypedCopyMap_{..} = Map.fromList
[ (,) _ec_safeguard ec
| ec@EncrypedCopy{..} <- _z_ecm_map
L.makeLenses ''KeyStore
L.makeLenses ''Configuration
L.makeLenses ''Key