{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Data.KeyStore.KS.Crypto
( sizeAesIV
, sizeOAE
, defaultEncryptedCopyKS
, saveKS
, restoreKS
, mkAESKeyKS
, encryptKS
, decryptKS
, decryptE
, encodeRSASecretData
, decodeRSASecretData
, decodeRSASecretData_
, encryptRSAKS
, decryptRSAKS
, decryptRSAE
, oaep
, signKS
, verifyKS
, pssp
, encryptAESKS
, encryptAES
, decryptAES
, randomAESKeyKS
, randomIVKS
, hashKS
, defaultHashParams
, defaultHashParamsKS
, hashKS_
, generateKeysKS
, generateKeysKS_
, decodePrivateKeyDERE
, decodePublicKeyDERE
, encodePrivateKeyDER
, encodePublicKeyDER
, decodeDERE
, encodeDER
, test_crypto
) where
import Data.KeyStore.KS.KS
import Data.KeyStore.KS.Opt
import Data.KeyStore.Types
import Data.API.Types
import qualified Data.ASN1.Encoding as A
import qualified Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding as A
import qualified Data.ASN1.Types as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Crypto.PubKey.RSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP as OAEP
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS as PSS
import Crypto.PubKey.HashDescr
import Crypto.PubKey.MaskGenFunction
import Crypto.Cipher.AES
sizeAesIV, sizeOAE :: Octets
sizeAesIV = 16
sizeOAE = 256
test_crypto :: Bool
test_crypto = test_oaep && test_pss
test_oaep :: Bool
test_oaep = trun $
do (puk,prk) <- generateKeysKS
tm' <- encryptKS puk tm >>= decryptKS prk
return $ tm' == tm
tm = ClearText $ Binary "test message"
test_pss :: Bool
test_pss = trun $
do (puk,prk) <- generateKeysKS
sig <- signKS prk tm
return $ verifyKS puk tm sig && not (verifyKS puk tm' sig)
tm = ClearText $ Binary "hello"
tm' = ClearText $ Binary "gello"
defaultEncryptedCopyKS :: Safeguard -> KS EncrypedCopy
defaultEncryptedCopyKS sg =
do ciphr <- lookupOpt opt__crypt_cipher
prf <- lookupOpt opt__crypt_prf
itrns <- lookupOpt opt__crypt_iterations
st_sz <- lookupOpt opt__crypt_salt_octets
slt <- randomBytes st_sz (Salt . Binary)
{ _ec_safeguard = sg
, _ec_cipher = ciphr
, _ec_prf = prf
, _ec_iterations = itrns
, _ec_salt = slt
, _ec_secret_data = ECD_no_data void_
saveKS :: EncryptionKey -> ClearText -> KS EncrypedCopyData
saveKS ek ct =
case ek of
EK_public puk -> ECD_rsa <$> encryptKS puk ct
EK_private _ -> errorKS "Crypto.Save: saving with private key"
EK_symmetric aek -> ECD_aes <$> encryptAESKS aek ct
EK_none _ -> ECD_clear <$> return ct
restoreKS :: EncrypedCopyData -> EncryptionKey -> KS ClearText
restoreKS ecd ek =
case (ecd,ek) of
(ECD_rsa rsd,EK_private prk) -> decryptKS prk rsd
(ECD_aes asd,EK_symmetric aek) -> return $ decryptAES aek asd
(ECD_clear ct ,EK_none _ ) -> return ct
(ECD_no_data _ ,_ ) -> errorKS "restore: no data!"
_ -> errorKS "unexpected EncrypedCopy/EncryptionKey combo"
mkAESKeyKS :: EncrypedCopy -> [ClearText] -> KS AESKey
mkAESKeyKS _ [] = error "mkAESKey: no texts"
mkAESKeyKS EncrypedCopy{..} cts = p2 <$> lookupOpt opt__crypt_cipher
p2 ciphr = pbkdf _ec_prf ct _ec_salt _ec_iterations (keyWidth ciphr) $ AESKey . Binary
ct = ClearText $ Binary $ B.concat $ map (_Binary._ClearText) cts
encryptKS :: PublicKey -> ClearText -> KS RSASecretData
encryptKS pk ct =
do cip <- lookupOpt opt__crypt_cipher
aek <- randomAESKeyKS cip
rek <- encryptRSAKS pk aek
asd <- encryptAESKS aek ct
{ _rsd_encrypted_key = rek
, _rsd_aes_secret_data = asd
decryptKS :: PrivateKey -> RSASecretData -> KS ClearText
decryptKS pk dat = e2ks $ decryptE pk dat
decryptE :: PrivateKey -> RSASecretData -> E ClearText
decryptE pk RSASecretData{..} =
do aek <- decryptRSAE pk _rsd_encrypted_key
return $ decryptAES aek _rsd_aes_secret_data
encodeRSASecretData :: RSASecretData -> RSASecretBytes
encodeRSASecretData RSASecretData{..} =
RSASecretBytes $ Binary $
[ _Binary $ _RSAEncryptedKey _rsd_encrypted_key
, _Binary $ _IV _asd_iv
, _Binary $ _SecretData _asd_secret_data
AESSecretData{..} = _rsd_aes_secret_data
decodeRSASecretData :: RSASecretBytes -> KS RSASecretData
decodeRSASecretData (RSASecretBytes dat) = e2ks $ decodeRSASecretData_ $ _Binary dat
decodeRSASecretData_ :: B.ByteString -> E RSASecretData
decodeRSASecretData_ dat0 =
do (eky,dat1) <- slice sizeOAE dat0
(iv ,edat) <- slice sizeAesIV dat1
{ _rsd_encrypted_key = RSAEncryptedKey $ Binary eky
, _rsd_aes_secret_data =
{ _asd_iv = IV $ Binary iv
, _asd_secret_data = SecretData $ Binary edat
slice sz bs =
case B.length bs >= _Octets sz of
True -> Right $ B.splitAt (_Octets sz) bs
False -> Left $ strMsg "decrypt: not enough bytes"
encryptRSAKS :: PublicKey -> AESKey -> KS RSAEncryptedKey
encryptRSAKS pk (AESKey (Binary dat)) =
RSAEncryptedKey . Binary <$> randomRSA (\g->OAEP.encrypt g oaep pk dat)
decryptRSAKS :: PrivateKey -> RSAEncryptedKey -> KS AESKey
decryptRSAKS pk rek = either throwKS return $ decryptRSAE pk rek
decryptRSAE :: PrivateKey -> RSAEncryptedKey -> E AESKey
decryptRSAE pk rek =
rsa2e $ fmap (AESKey . Binary) $
OAEP.decrypt Nothing oaep pk $ _Binary $ _RSAEncryptedKey rek
oaep :: OAEP.OAEPParams
oaep =
{ OAEP.oaepHash = hashFunction hashDescrSHA512
, OAEP.oaepMaskGenAlg = mgf1
, OAEP.oaepLabel = Nothing
signKS :: PrivateKey -> ClearText -> KS RSASignature
signKS pk dat =
RSASignature . Binary <$>
randomRSA (\g->PSS.sign g Nothing pssp pk $ _Binary $ _ClearText dat)
verifyKS :: PublicKey -> ClearText -> RSASignature -> Bool
verifyKS pk (ClearText (Binary dat)) (RSASignature (Binary sig)) = PSS.verify pssp pk dat sig
pssp :: PSS.PSSParams
pssp = PSS.defaultPSSParams $ hashFunction hashDescrSHA512
encryptAESKS :: AESKey -> ClearText -> KS AESSecretData
encryptAESKS aek ct =
do iv <- randomIVKS
return $ encryptAES aek iv ct
encryptAES :: AESKey -> IV -> ClearText -> AESSecretData
encryptAES (AESKey (Binary ky)) (IV (Binary iv)) (ClearText (Binary dat)) =
{ _asd_iv = IV $ Binary iv
, _asd_secret_data = SecretData $ Binary $ encryptCTR (initAES ky) iv dat
decryptAES :: AESKey -> AESSecretData -> ClearText
decryptAES aek AESSecretData{..} =
ClearText $ Binary $
encryptCTR (initAES $ _Binary $ _AESKey aek )
(_Binary $ _IV _asd_iv )
(_Binary $ _SecretData _asd_secret_data)
randomAESKeyKS :: Cipher -> KS AESKey
randomAESKeyKS cip = randomBytes (keyWidth cip) (AESKey . Binary)
randomIVKS :: KS IV
randomIVKS = randomBytes sizeAesIV (IV . Binary)
hashKS :: ClearText -> KS Hash
hashKS ct = flip hashKS_ ct <$> defaultHashParamsKS
defaultHashParams :: HashDescription
defaultHashParams = trun defaultHashParamsKS
defaultHashParamsKS :: KS HashDescription
defaultHashParamsKS =
do h_cmt <- lookupOpt opt__hash_comment
h_prf <- lookupOpt opt__hash_prf
itrns <- lookupOpt opt__hash_iterations
hs_wd <- lookupOpt opt__hash_width_octets
st_wd <- lookupOpt opt__hash_salt_octets
st <- randomBytes st_wd (Salt . Binary)
return $ hashd h_cmt h_prf itrns hs_wd st_wd st
hashd h_cmt h_prf itrns hs_wd st_wd st =
{ _hashd_comment = h_cmt
, _hashd_prf = h_prf
, _hashd_iterations = itrns
, _hashd_width_octets = hs_wd
, _hashd_salt_octets = st_wd
, _hashd_salt = st
hashKS_ :: HashDescription -> ClearText -> Hash
hashKS_ hd@HashDescription{..} ct =
{ _hash_description = hd
, _hash_hash = pbkdf _hashd_prf ct _hashd_salt _hashd_iterations
_hashd_width_octets (HashData . Binary)
default_e :: Integer
default_e = 0x10001
default_key_size :: Int
default_key_size = 2048 `div` 8
generateKeysKS :: KS (PublicKey,PrivateKey)
generateKeysKS = generateKeysKS_ default_key_size
generateKeysKS_ :: Int -> KS (PublicKey,PrivateKey)
generateKeysKS_ ksz = randomKS $ \g->generate g ksz default_e
decodePrivateKeyDERE :: ClearText -> E PrivateKey
decodePrivateKeyDERE = decodeDERE . _Binary . _ClearText
decodePublicKeyDERE :: ClearText -> E PublicKey
decodePublicKeyDERE = decodeDERE . _Binary . _ClearText
encodePrivateKeyDER :: PrivateKey -> ClearText
encodePrivateKeyDER = ClearText . Binary . encodeDER
encodePublicKeyDER :: PublicKey -> ClearText
encodePublicKeyDER = ClearText . Binary . encodeDER
decodeDERE :: A.ASN1Object a => B.ByteString -> E a
decodeDERE bs =
case A.decodeASN1 A.DER $ lzy bs of
Left err -> Left $ strMsg $ show err
Right as ->
case A.fromASN1 as of
Left err -> Left $ strMsg $ show err
Right pr ->
case pr of
(pk,[]) -> return pk
_ -> Left $ strMsg "residual data"
lzy = LBS.pack . B.unpack
encodeDER :: A.ASN1Object a => a -> B.ByteString
encodeDER = egr . A.encodeASN1 A.DER . flip A.toASN1 []
egr = B.pack . LBS.unpack
rsa2e :: Either Error a -> E a
rsa2e = either (Left . rsaError) Right