{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.KeyStore.IO.IC
( IC(..)
, CtxParams(..)
, defaultCtxParams
, defaultSettingsFilePath
, settingsFilePath
, defaultKeyStoreFilePath
, determineCtx
, establishState
, newGenerator
, readKeyStore
, readSettings
, scanEnv
, errorIO
, logit
) where
import Data.KeyStore.KS
import Data.KeyStore.Types
import Data.API.Types
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.IORef
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import Safe
data IC =
IC { ic_ctx_params :: CtxParams
, ic_cache :: Maybe (IORef (Ctx,State))
data CtxParams
= CtxParams
{ cp_store :: Maybe FilePath
, cp_debug :: Maybe Bool
, cp_readonly :: Maybe Bool
deriving (Show)
defaultCtxParams :: CtxParams
defaultCtxParams =
{ cp_store = Nothing
, cp_debug = Nothing
, cp_readonly = Nothing
defaultSettingsFilePath :: FilePath
defaultSettingsFilePath = settingsFilePath "settings"
settingsFilePath :: String -> FilePath
settingsFilePath base = base ++ ".json"
defaultKeyStoreFilePath :: FilePath
defaultKeyStoreFilePath = "keystore.json"
determineCtx :: CtxParams -> IO (Ctx,State)
determineCtx CtxParams{..} =
do str_fp_ <-
case cp_store of
Nothing ->
do mb_ev_pth <- lookupEnv "KEYSTORE"
case mb_ev_pth of
Nothing ->
do pth <- mk_path
lu_path defaultKeyStoreFilePath pth $
errorIO "keystore not found"
Just str_fp -> return str_fp
Just str_fp -> return str_fp
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
now <- getCurrentTime
let str_fp = cwd </> str_fp_
ctx0 = Ctx
{ ctx_now = now
, ctx_store = str_fp
, ctx_settings = defaultSettings
ks <- readKeyStore ctx0
g <- newGenerator
let st =
{ st_keystore = ks
, st_cprng = g
sdbg = setSettingsOpt opt__debug_enabled $ maybe False id cp_debug
stg = sdbg $ configurationSettings $ _ks_config ks
ctx = ctx0 { ctx_settings = stg }
return (ctx,st)
establishState :: Ctx -> IO State
establishState ctx =
do ks <- readKeyStore ctx
g <- newGenerator
{ st_keystore = ks
, st_cprng = g
newGenerator :: IO CPRNG
newGenerator = newCPRNG
readKeyStore :: Ctx -> IO KeyStore
readKeyStore ctx = ioE $ keyStoreFromBytes <$> LBS.readFile (ctx_store ctx)
scanEnv :: KeyStore -> IO (KeyStore,[LogEntry])
scanEnv ks = getCurrentTime >>= \now -> scanEnv' now ks
scanEnv' :: UTCTime -> KeyStore -> IO (KeyStore,[LogEntry])
scanEnv' now ks = s_e <$> mapM lu k_evs
lu (key,EnvVar enm) = fmap ((,) key) <$> lookupEnv (T.unpack enm)
s_e mbs =
case e of
Left _ -> error "scanEnv: unexpected error"
Right _ -> (st_keystore st',les)
(e,st',les) = run_ ctx st0 $ mapM_ s_e' $ catMaybes mbs
s_e' (key,sv) =
case _key_is_binary key of
False -> s_e'' key $ B.pack sv
True ->
case B64.decode $ B.pack sv of
Left _ -> putStrKS $ _name(_key_name key) ++ ": " ++ T.unpack enm ++ ": base-64 decode failure"
Right bs -> s_e'' key bs
EnvVar enm = fromJustNote "scan_env" $ _key_env_var key
s_e'' Key{..} bs =
do btw $ _name _key_name ++ " loaded\n"
_ <- rememberKeyKS _key_name (ClearText $ Binary bs)
return ()
k_evs = [ (key,ev) | key<-Map.elems mp, Just ev<-[_key_env_var key],
isNothing(_key_clear_text key) ]
mp = _ks_keymap ks
ctx =
{ ctx_now = now
, ctx_store = ""
, ctx_settings = defaultSettings
st0 =
{ st_cprng = testCPRNG
, st_keystore = ks
readSettings :: FilePath -> IO Settings
readSettings fp =
do lbs <- LBS.readFile fp
case eitherDecode lbs of
Left msg -> errorIO msg
Right val ->
case val of
Object hm -> return $ Settings hm
_ -> errorIO "JSON object expected in the configuration file"
errorIO :: String -> IO a
errorIO msg = e2io $ Left $ strMsg msg
ioE :: IO (E a) -> IO a
ioE p = p >>= either X.throw return
logit :: Ctx -> LogEntry -> IO ()
logit ctx LogEntry{..} =
case dbg || not le_debug of
True -> hPutStr h $ pfx ++ le_message
False -> return ()
dbg = getSettingsOpt opt__debug_enabled $ ctx_settings ctx
pfx = if le_debug then "(debug) " else ""
h = if le_debug then stderr else stdout
lu_path :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO FilePath -> IO FilePath
lu_path _ [] nope = nope
lu_path fp (dp:dps) nope =
do fps <- getDirectoryContents dp `X.catch` \(_::X.SomeException) -> return []
case fp `elem` fps of
True -> return $ dp </> fp
False -> lu_path fp dps nope
mk_path :: IO [FilePath]
mk_path =
do mb <- lookupEnv "HOME"
return $
[ "." ] ++
[ hd </> ".keystore" | Just hd<-[mb] ] ++
[ "/var/lib/keystore" ]