
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Run a feedbackscript



module Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Run

   ( Script

   , Environment(..), newEnvironment

   , feedbackDiagnosis, feedbackHint, feedbackHints

   , ruleToString, feedbackIds, attributeIds, conditionIds

   , eval

   ) where

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (ready, Environment)

import Ideas.Service.BasicServices

import Ideas.Service.Diagnose

import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Syntax

import Ideas.Service.State

data Environment a = Env

   { oldReady   :: Bool

   , expected   :: Maybe (Rule (Context a))

   , recognized :: Maybe (Rule (Context a))

   , motivation :: Maybe (Rule (Context a))

   , diffPair   :: Maybe (String, String)

   , before     :: Maybe Term

   , after      :: Maybe Term

   , afterText  :: Maybe String


newEnvironment :: State a -> Maybe (Rule (Context a)) -> Environment a

newEnvironment st motivationRule = newEnvironmentFor st motivationRule next


    next = either (const Nothing) Just (onefirst st)

newEnvironmentFor :: State a -> Maybe (Rule (Context a)) -> Maybe ((Rule (Context a), b, c), State a) -> Environment a

newEnvironmentFor st motivationRule next = Env

  { oldReady   = finished st

  , expected   = fmap (\((x,_,_),_) -> x) next

  , motivation = motivationRule

  , recognized = Nothing

  , diffPair   = Nothing

  , before     = f st

  , after      = fmap snd next >>= f

  , afterText  = fmap snd next >>= g



  f s  = fmap (`build` stateTerm s) (hasTermView (exercise s))

  g s  = return $ prettyPrinter (exercise s) (stateTerm s)

toText :: Environment a -> Script -> Text -> Maybe Text

toText env script = eval env script . Right

ruleToString :: Environment a -> Script -> Rule b -> String

ruleToString env script r =

   let f = eval env script . Left . getId

   in maybe (showId r) show (f r)

eval :: Environment a -> Script -> Either Id Text -> Maybe Text

eval env script = either (return . findIdRef) evalText


   evalText :: Text -> Maybe Text

   evalText = fmap mconcat . mapM unref . textItems


      unref (TextRef a)

         | a == expectedId   = fmap (findIdRef . getId) (expected env)

         | a == recognizedId = fmap (findIdRef . getId) (recognized env)

         | a == diffbeforeId = fmap (TextString . fst) (diffPair env)

         | a == diffafterId  = fmap (TextString . snd) (diffPair env)

         | a == beforeId     = fmap TextTerm (before env)

         | a == afterId      = fmap TextTerm (after env)

         | a == afterTextId  = fmap TextString (afterText env)

         | a == motivationId = fmap (findIdRef . getId) (motivation env)

         | otherwise         = findRef (==a)

      unref t = Just t

   evalBool :: Condition -> Bool

   evalBool (RecognizedIs a) = maybe False (eqId a . getId) (recognized env)

   evalBool (MotivationIs a) = maybe False (eqId a . getId) (motivation env)

   evalBool (CondNot c)      = not (evalBool c)

   evalBool (CondConst b)    = b

   evalBool (CondRef a)

      | a == oldreadyId        = oldReady env

      | a == hasexpectedId     = isJust (expected env)

      | a == hasrecognizedId   = isJust (recognized env)

      | a == hasmotivationId   = isJust (motivation env)

      | a == recognizedbuggyId = maybe False isBuggy (recognized env)

      | otherwise              = False

   namespaces = nub $ mempty : [ a | NameSpace as <- scriptDecls script, a <- as ]

   -- equality with namespaces

   eqId :: Id -> Id -> Bool

   eqId a b = any (\n -> n#a == b) namespaces

   findIdRef :: Id -> Text

   findIdRef x = fromMaybe (TextString (showId x)) (findRef (`eqId` x))

   findRef :: (Id -> Bool) -> Maybe Text

   findRef p = listToMaybe $ catMaybes

      [ evalText t

      | (as, c, t) <- allDecls

      , any p as && evalBool c


   allDecls =

      let f (Simple _ as t)   = [ (as, CondConst True, t) ]

          f (Guarded _ as xs) = [ (as, c, t) | (c, t) <- xs ]

          f _ = []

      in concatMap f (scriptDecls script)

feedbackDiagnosis :: Diagnosis a -> Environment a -> Script -> Text

feedbackDiagnosis diagnosis env =

   case diagnosis of

      SyntaxError s    -> const (makeText s)

      Buggy _ r        -> makeWrong "buggy"     env {recognized = Just r}

      NotEquivalent s  -> makeNotEq s "noteq"   env

      Expected _ _ r   -> makeOk    "ok"        env {recognized = Just r}

      WrongRule _ _ mr -> makeWrong "wrongrule" env {recognized = mr}

      Similar _ _      -> makeOk    "same"      env

      Detour _ _ _ r   -> makeOk    "detour"    env {recognized = Just r}

      Correct _ _      -> makeOk    "correct"   env

      Unknown _ _      -> makeOk    "unknown"   env


   makeOk    = makeDefault "Well done!"

   makeWrong = makeDefault "This is incorrect."

   makeNotEq s = if null s then makeWrong else makeDefault s

   makeDefault dt s e = fromMaybe (TextString dt) . make (newId s) e

feedbackHint :: Id -> Environment a -> Script -> Text

feedbackHint feedbackId env script =

   fromMaybe (defaultHint env script) $ make feedbackId env script

feedbackHints :: Id -> [((Rule (Context a), b, c), State a)] -> State a -> Maybe (Rule (Context a)) -> Script -> [Text]

feedbackHints feedbackId nexts state motivationRule script =

   map (\env -> fromMaybe (defaultHint env script) $

     make feedbackId env script) envs


    envs = map (newEnvironmentFor state motivationRule . Just) nexts

defaultHint :: Environment a -> Script -> Text

defaultHint env script = makeText $

   case expected env of

      Just r  -> ruleToString env script r

      Nothing -> "Sorry, no hint available."

make :: Id -> Environment a -> Script -> Maybe Text

make feedbackId env script = toText env script (TextRef feedbackId)

feedbackIds :: [Id]

feedbackIds = map newId

   ["same", "noteq", "correct", "unknown", "ok", "buggy", "detour", "wrongrule", "hint", "step", "label"]

attributeIds :: [Id]

attributeIds =

   [expectedId, recognizedId, diffbeforeId, diffafterId, beforeId, afterId, afterTextId, motivationId]

conditionIds :: [Id]

conditionIds = [oldreadyId, hasexpectedId, hasrecognizedId, hasmotivationId, recognizedbuggyId]

expectedId, recognizedId, diffbeforeId, diffafterId, beforeId, afterId, afterTextId, motivationId :: Id

expectedId   = newId "expected"

recognizedId = newId "recognized"

diffbeforeId = newId "diffbefore"

diffafterId  = newId "diffafter"

beforeId     = newId "before"

afterId      = newId "after"

afterTextId  = newId "aftertext"

motivationId = newId "motivation"

oldreadyId, hasexpectedId, hasrecognizedId, hasmotivationId, recognizedbuggyId :: Id

oldreadyId        = newId "oldready"

hasexpectedId     = newId "hasexpected"

hasrecognizedId   = newId "hasrecognized"

hasmotivationId   = newId "hasmotivation"

recognizedbuggyId = newId "recognizedbuggy"