
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Analysis of a feedbackscript



module Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Analysis

   ( -- Analysis functions

     makeScriptFor, parseAndAnalyzeScript, analyzeScript

     -- Message type

   , Message(..)

   ) where

import Data.Either

import Data.List

import Ideas.Common.Library

import Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner

import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Parser

import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Run

import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Syntax

import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate

makeScriptFor :: IsId a => DomainReasoner -> a -> IO ()

makeScriptFor dr exId = do

   Some ex <- findExercise dr (newId exId)

   let (brs, nrs) = partition isBuggy (ruleset ex)

   print $ makeScript $

      Supports [getId ex] :

      [ feedbackDecl s mempty | s <- feedbackIds ] ++

      [ textForIdDecl r (makeText (description r)) | r <- nrs ] ++

      [ textForIdDecl r (makeText (description r)) | r <- brs ]

parseAndAnalyzeScript :: DomainReasoner -> FilePath -> IO ()

parseAndAnalyzeScript dr file = do

   putStrLn $ "Parsing " ++ show file

   script <- parseScript file

   let exs = [ maybe unknown Right (findExercise dr a)

              | Supports as <- scriptDecls script

              , a <- as

              , let unknown = Left (UnknownExercise a)


   let ms = lefts exs ++ analyzeScript (rights exs) script

   putStrLn $ unlines $ map show ms

   putStrLn $ "(errors: " ++ show (length ms) ++ ")"

analyzeScript :: [Some Exercise] -> Script -> [Message]

analyzeScript exs script =

   map FeedbackUndefined (filter (`notElem` fbids) feedbackIds) ++

   map UnknownFeedback   (filter (`notElem`feedbackIds ) fbids) ++

   [ NoTextForRule (getId r) (getId ex)

   | Some ex <- exs, r <- ruleset ex, noTextFor (getId r)

   ] ++

   [ UnknownAttribute a | a <- textRefs

   , a `notElem` feedbackIds ++ attributeIds ++ strids ] ++

   [ UnknownCondAttr a | a <- condRefs, a `notElem` conditionIds ]


   decls = scriptDecls script

   fbids = [ a | Simple  Feedback as _ <- decls, a <- as ] ++

           [ a | Guarded Feedback as _ <- decls, a <- as ]

   txids = [ a | Simple  TextForId as _ <- decls, a <- as ] ++

           [ a | Guarded TextForId as _ <- decls, a <- as ]

   strids = [ a | Simple  StringDecl as _ <- decls, a <- as ] ++

            [ a | Guarded StringDecl as _ <- decls, a <- as ]

   namespaces = nub $ mempty : [ a | NameSpace as <- scriptDecls script, a <- as ]

   noTextFor a = null [ () | n <- namespaces, b <- txids, n#b == a ]

   texts = [ t | Simple  _ _ t <- decls ] ++

           [ t | Guarded _ _ xs <- decls, (_, t) <- xs ]

   textRefs = [ a | t <- texts, TextRef a <- universe t ]

   conditions  = [ c | Guarded _ _ xs <- decls , (c, _) <- xs ]

   condRefs = [ a | c <- conditions, CondRef a <- universe c ]

data Message = UnknownExercise   Id

             | UnknownFeedback   Id

             | FeedbackUndefined Id

             | NoTextForRule Id Id

             | UnknownAttribute Id

             | UnknownCondAttr  Id

instance Show Message where

   show message =

      case message of

         UnknownExercise a   -> "Unknown exercise id " ++ show a

         UnknownFeedback a   -> "Unknown feedback category " ++ show a

         FeedbackUndefined a -> "Feedback category " ++ show a ++ " is not defined"

         NoTextForRule a b   -> "No text for rule " ++ show a ++ " of exercise " ++ show b

         UnknownAttribute a  -> "Unknown attribute @" ++ show a ++ " in text"

         UnknownCondAttr a   -> "Unknown attribute @" ++ show a ++ " in condition"