
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Services using JSON notation



module Ideas.Encoding.EncoderJSON (jsonEncoder) where

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (exerciseId)

import Ideas.Encoding.Encoder hiding (symbol)

import Ideas.Service.State

import Ideas.Service.Types hiding (String)

import Ideas.Text.JSON

import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (distinct)

import qualified Ideas.Service.Diagnose as Diagnose

import qualified Ideas.Service.Submit as Submit

import qualified Ideas.Service.Types as Tp

type JSONEncoder a t = Encoder a t JSON

jsonEncoder :: TypedEncoder a JSON

jsonEncoder = encoderFor $ \tv@(val ::: tp) ->

   case tp of

      _ | length (tupleList tv) > 1 ->

         jsonTuple <$> sequence [ jsonEncoder // x | x <- tupleList tv ]

      Iso p t   -> jsonEncoder // (to p val ::: t)

      t1 :|: t2 -> case val of

         Left  x -> jsonEncoder // (x ::: t1)

         Right y -> jsonEncoder // (y ::: t2)

      Pair t1 t2 ->

         let f x y = jsonTuple [x, y]

         in liftA2 f (jsonEncoder // (fst val ::: t1))

                     (jsonEncoder // (snd val ::: t2))

      List (Const Rule) ->

         pure $ Array $ map ruleShortInfo val

      Tp.Tag s t

         | s == "Result"     -> encodeTyped encodeResult Submit.tResult

         | s == "Diagnosis"  -> encodeTyped encodeDiagnosis Diagnose.tDiagnosis

         | s == "Derivation" -> (encodeDerivation, tDerivation (tPair tRule tEnvironment) tContext) <?>

                                encodeTyped encodeDerivationText (tDerivation tString tContext)

         | s == "elem"       -> jsonEncoder // (val ::: t)

         | otherwise -> (\b -> Object [(s, b)]) <$> jsonEncoder // (val ::: t)

      Tp.Unit   -> pure Null

      Tp.List t -> Array <$> sequence [ jsonEncoder // (x ::: t) | x <- val ]

      Const ctp -> jsonEncodeConst // (val ::: ctp)

      _ -> fail $ "Cannot encode type: " ++ show tp


   tupleList :: TypedValue (TypeRep f) -> [TypedValue (TypeRep f)]

   tupleList (x ::: Tp.Iso p t)   = tupleList (to p x ::: t)

   tupleList (p ::: Tp.Pair t1 t2) =

      tupleList (fst p ::: t1) ++ tupleList (snd p ::: t2)

   tupleList (x ::: Tag s t)

      | s == "Message" = tupleList (x ::: t)

   tupleList (ev ::: (t1 :|: t2)) =

      either (\x -> tupleList (x ::: t1))

             (\x -> tupleList (x ::: t2)) ev

   tupleList tv = [tv]

jsonEncodeConst :: JSONEncoder a (TypedValue (Const a))

jsonEncodeConst = encoderFor $ \(val ::: tp) ->

   case tp of

      SomeExercise -> case val of

                         Some ex -> pure (exerciseInfo ex)

      State        -> encodeState // val

      Rule         -> pure (toJSON (showId val))

      Context      -> encodeContext // val

      Location     -> pure (toJSON (show val))

      Environment  -> encodeEnvironment // val

      Term         -> pure (termToJSON val)

      Text         -> pure (toJSON (show val))

      Int          -> pure (toJSON val)

      Bool         -> pure (toJSON val)

      Tp.String    -> pure (toJSON val)

      _ -> fail $ "Type " ++ show tp ++ " not supported in JSON"


-- legacy representation

encodeEnvironment :: JSONEncoder a Environment

encodeEnvironment = makeEncoder $ \env ->

   let f a = Object [(showId a, String (showValue a))]

   in Array [ f a | a <- bindings env ]

encodeContext :: JSONEncoder a (Context a)

encodeContext = withJSONTerm (exerciseEncoder . f)


   f True  ex = fromMaybe Null . liftA2 build (hasJSONView ex) . fromContext

   f False ex = String . prettyPrinterContext ex

encodeState :: JSONEncoder a (State a)

encodeState = encoderFor $ \st ->

   let ctx   = stateContext st

       get f = String (fromMaybe "" (f st))

       make pp env = Array $

          [ String $ showId (exercise st)

          , String $ if withoutPrefix st

                     then "no prefix"

                     else show (statePrefix st)

          , pp

          , env

          ] ++ if isNothing (stateUser st) then [] else

          [ Array [get stateUser, get stateSession, get stateStartTerm] ]

   in make <$> (encodeContext // ctx) <*> (encodeStateEnvironment // ctx)

encodeStateEnvironment :: JSONEncoder a (Context a)

encodeStateEnvironment = makeEncoder $ \ctx ->

   let loc = fromLocation (location ctx)

       env = (if null loc then id else insertRef (makeRef "location") loc)

           $ environment ctx

   in Object [ (showId a, String $ showValue a) | a <- bindings env ]

encodeDerivation :: JSONEncoder a (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))

encodeDerivation = encoderFor $ \d ->

   let xs = [ (s, a) | (_, s, a) <- triples d ]

   in jsonEncoder // (xs ::: tList (tPair (tPair tRule tEnvironment) tContext))

encodeDerivationText :: JSONEncoder a (Derivation String (Context a))

encodeDerivationText = encoderFor $ \d ->

   let xs = [ (s, a) | (_, s, a) <- triples d ]

   in jsonEncoder // (xs ::: tList (tPair tString tContext))

encodeResult :: JSONEncoder a (Submit.Result a)

encodeResult = encoderFor $ \result -> Object <$>

   case result of

      Submit.Buggy rs -> pure

         [ ("result", String "Buggy")

         , ("rules", Array $ map (String . showId) rs)


      Submit.NotEquivalent s -> pure $

         ("result", String "NotEquivalent") :

         [ ("reason", String s) | not (null s)]

      Submit.Ok rs st ->

         let f x =

                [ ("result", String "Ok")

                , ("rules", Array $ map (String . showId) rs)

                , ("state", x)


         in f <$> jsonEncoder // (st ::: tState)

      Submit.Detour rs st ->

         let f x =

                [ ("result", String "Detour")

                , ("rules", Array $ map (String . showId) rs)

                , ("state", x)


         in f <$> jsonEncoder // (st ::: tState)

      Submit.Unknown st ->

         let f x =

                [ ("result", String "Unknown")

                , ("state", x)


         in f <$> jsonEncoder // (st ::: tState)

encodeDiagnosis :: JSONEncoder a (Diagnose.Diagnosis a)

encodeDiagnosis = encoderFor $ \diagnosis ->

   case diagnosis of

      Diagnose.SyntaxError s ->

         pure $ Object [("syntaxerror", String s)]

      Diagnose.NotEquivalent s ->

         if null s then pure (Object [("notequiv", Null)])

                   else make "notequiv" [fromReason s]

      Diagnose.Buggy env r ->

         make "buggy" [fromEnv env, fromRule r]

      Diagnose.Similar b st ->

         make "similar" [fromReady b, fromState st]

      Diagnose.WrongRule b st mr ->

         make "wrongrule" [fromReady b, fromState st, fromMaybeRule mr]

      Diagnose.Expected b st r ->

         make "expected" [fromReady b, fromState st, fromRule r]

      Diagnose.Detour b st env r ->

         make "detour" [fromReady b, fromState st, fromEnv env, fromRule r]

      Diagnose.Correct b st ->

         make "correct" [fromReady b, fromState st]

      Diagnose.Unknown b st ->

         make "unknown" [fromReady b, fromState st]


   make s = fmap (\xs -> Object [(s, Array xs)]) . sequence

   fromEnv env      = jsonEncoder // (env ::: tEnvironment)

   fromRule r       = pure (toJSON (showId r))

   fromMaybeRule mr = pure (maybe Null (toJSON . showId) mr)

   fromReady b      = pure (Object [("ready", toJSON b)])

   fromState st     = jsonEncoder // (st ::: tState)

   fromReason s     = pure (Object [("reason", toJSON s)])

encodeTree :: Tree JSON -> JSON
encodeTree (Node r ts) =
  case r of
    Array [x, t] -> Object
       [ ("rootLabel", x)
       , ("type", t)
       , ("subForest", Array $ map encodeTree ts)
    _ -> error "ModeJSON: malformed tree!" -}

jsonTuple :: [JSON] -> JSON

jsonTuple xs =

   case catMaybes <$> mapM f xs of

      Just ys | distinct (map fst ys) -> Object ys

      _ -> Array xs


   f (Object [p]) = Just (Just p)

   f Null = Just Nothing

   f _ = Nothing

ruleShortInfo :: Rule a -> JSON

ruleShortInfo r = Object

   [ ("name",        toJSON (showId r))

   , ("buggy",       toJSON (isBuggy r))

   , ("arguments",   toJSON (length (getRefs r)))

   , ("rewriterule", toJSON (isRewriteRule r))


exerciseInfo :: Exercise a -> JSON

exerciseInfo ex = Object

   [ ("exerciseid", toJSON (showId ex))

   , ("description", toJSON (description ex))

   , ("status", toJSON (show (status ex)))
