
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Locations that correspond to the labels in a strategy



module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Location

   ( checkLocation, subTaskLocation, nextTaskLocation

   , strategyLocations

   ) where

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Abstract

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree


--- Strategy locations

checkLocation :: Id -> LabeledStrategy a -> Bool

checkLocation loc =

   any ((==loc) . getId . snd) . strategyLocations

-- old (current) and actual (next major rule) location

subTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id

subTaskLocation s xs ys = g (rec (f xs) (f ys))


   f = fromMaybe [] . toLoc s

   g = fromMaybe (getId s) . fromLoc s

   rec (i:is) (j:js)

      | i == j    = i : rec is js

      | otherwise = []

   rec _ (j:_)    = [j]

   rec _ _        = []

-- old (current) and actual (next major rule) location

nextTaskLocation :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Id -> Id

nextTaskLocation s xs ys = g (rec (f xs) (f ys))


   f = fromMaybe [] . toLoc s

   g = fromMaybe (getId s) . fromLoc s

   rec (i:is) (j:js)

      | i == j    = i : rec is js

      | otherwise = [j]

   rec _ _        = []

-- | Returns a list of all strategy locations, paired with the label

strategyLocations :: LabeledStrategy a -> [([Int], Id)]

strategyLocations s = ([], getId s) : make s


   make = nrs . fold alg . toStrategyTree . unlabel

   alg  = monoidAlg

      { fLeaf  = \a   -> [(getId a, [])]

      , fLabel = \l x -> [(l, nrs x)]


   nrs  = concat . zipWith f [0..]

   f i (l, xs) = ([i], l) : [ (i:is, l2) | (is, l2) <- xs ]

fromLoc :: LabeledStrategy a -> [Int] -> Maybe Id

fromLoc s loc = fmap getId (lookup loc (strategyLocations s))

toLoc :: LabeledStrategy a -> Id -> Maybe [Int]

toLoc s i =

   fmap fst (listToMaybe (filter ((==i) . getId . snd) (strategyLocations s)))