{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels
( compileProg
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List
import Prelude hiding (quot)
import Futhark.Error
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels as Imp
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels (bytes)
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen as ImpGen
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.Base
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.SegRed
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen (sFor, sWhen,
dPrim, dPrim_, dPrimV)
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.Transpose
import qualified Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory.IndexFunction as IxFun
import Futhark.CodeGen.SetDefaultSpace
import Futhark.Util.IntegralExp (quotRoundingUp, quot, IntegralExp)
callKernelOperations :: ImpGen.Operations ExplicitMemory Imp.HostOp
callKernelOperations =
ImpGen.Operations { ImpGen.opsExpCompiler = expCompiler
, ImpGen.opsCopyCompiler = callKernelCopy
, ImpGen.opsOpCompiler = opCompiler
, ImpGen.opsStmsCompiler = ImpGen.defCompileStms
compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m => Prog ExplicitMemory -> m (Either InternalError Imp.Program)
compileProg prog =
fmap (setDefaultSpace (Imp.Space "device")) <$>
ImpGen.compileProg callKernelOperations (Imp.Space "device") [Imp.Space "local"] prog
opCompiler :: Pattern ExplicitMemory -> Op ExplicitMemory
-> CallKernelGen ()
opCompiler dest (Alloc e space) =
ImpGen.compileAlloc dest e space
opCompiler dest (Inner kernel) =
kernelCompiler dest kernel
sizeClassWithEntryPoint :: Name -> Imp.SizeClass -> Imp.SizeClass
sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname (Imp.SizeThreshold path) =
Imp.SizeThreshold $ map f path
where f (name, x) = (keyWithEntryPoint fname name, x)
sizeClassWithEntryPoint _ size_class = size_class
kernelCompiler :: Pattern ExplicitMemory -> Kernel InKernel
-> CallKernelGen ()
kernelCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (GetSize key size_class) = do
fname <- asks ImpGen.envFunction
sOp $ Imp.GetSize (patElemName pe) (keyWithEntryPoint fname key) $
sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname size_class
kernelCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (CmpSizeLe key size_class x) = do
fname <- asks ImpGen.envFunction
let size_class' = sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname size_class
sOp . Imp.CmpSizeLe (patElemName pe) (keyWithEntryPoint fname key) size_class'
=<< ImpGen.compileSubExp x
kernelCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (GetSizeMax size_class) =
sOp $ Imp.GetSizeMax (patElemName pe) size_class
kernelCompiler pat (Kernel desc space _ kernel_body) = do
(constants, init_constants) <- kernelInitialisation space
kernel_body' <-
makeAllMemoryGlobal $ ImpGen.subImpM_ (inKernelOperations constants) $ do
compileKernelBody pat constants kernel_body
let bound_in_kernel =
M.keys $
scopeOfKernelSpace space <>
scopeOf (kernelBodyStms kernel_body)
(uses, local_memory) <- computeKernelUses kernel_body' bound_in_kernel
forM_ (kernelHints desc) $ \(s,v) -> do
ty <- case v of
Constant pv -> return $ Prim $ primValueType pv
Var vn -> lookupType vn
unless (primType ty) $ fail $ concat [ "debugKernelHint '", s, "'"
, " in kernel '", kernelName desc, "'"
, " did not have primType value." ]
ImpGen.compileSubExp v >>= ImpGen.emit . Imp.DebugPrint s (elemType ty)
sOp $ Imp.CallKernel Imp.Kernel
{ Imp.kernelBody = kernel_body'
, Imp.kernelLocalMemory = local_memory
, Imp.kernelUses = uses
, Imp.kernelNumGroups = [ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 $ spaceNumGroups space]
, Imp.kernelGroupSize = [ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 $ spaceGroupSize space]
, Imp.kernelName = nameFromString $ kernelName desc ++ "_" ++
show (baseTag $ kernelGlobalThreadIdVar constants)
kernelCompiler pat (SegRed space comm red_op nes _ body) =
compileSegRed pat space comm red_op nes body
kernelCompiler pat e =
compilerBugS $ "ImpGen.kernelCompiler: Invalid pattern\n " ++
pretty pat ++ "\nfor expression\n " ++ pretty e
expCompiler :: ImpGen.ExpCompiler ExplicitMemory Imp.HostOp
expCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (BasicOp (Iota n x s et)) = do
n' <- ImpGen.compileSubExp n
x' <- ImpGen.compileSubExp x
s' <- ImpGen.compileSubExp s
destloc <- ImpGen.entryArrayLocation <$> ImpGen.lookupArray (patElemName pe)
(constants, set_constants) <- simpleKernelConstants n' "iota"
sKernel constants "iota" $ do
let gtid = kernelGlobalThreadId constants
sWhen (kernelThreadActive constants) $ do
(destmem, destspace, destidx) <-
ImpGen.fullyIndexArray' destloc [gtid] (IntType et)
ImpGen.emit $
Imp.Write destmem destidx (IntType et) destspace Imp.Nonvolatile $
Imp.ConvOpExp (SExt Int32 et) gtid * s' + x'
expCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (BasicOp (Replicate (Shape ds) se)) = do
t <- subExpType se
dims <- mapM ImpGen.compileSubExp $ ds ++ arrayDims t
(constants, set_constants) <-
simpleKernelConstants (product dims) "replicate"
let is' = unflattenIndex dims $ kernelGlobalThreadId constants
sKernel constants "replicate" $ do
sWhen (kernelThreadActive constants) $
ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) is' se $ drop (length ds) is'
expCompiler _ (Op (Alloc _ (Space "local"))) =
return ()
expCompiler dest e =
ImpGen.defCompileExp dest e
callKernelCopy :: ImpGen.CopyCompiler ExplicitMemory Imp.HostOp
callKernelCopy bt
destloc@(ImpGen.MemLocation destmem destshape destIxFun)
srcloc@(ImpGen.MemLocation srcmem srcshape srcIxFun)
| Just (destoffset, srcoffset,
num_arrays, size_x, size_y,
src_elems, dest_elems) <- isMapTransposeKernel bt destloc srcloc = do
fname <- mapTransposeForType bt
ImpGen.emit $ Imp.Call [] fname
[Imp.MemArg destmem, Imp.ExpArg destoffset,
Imp.MemArg srcmem, Imp.ExpArg srcoffset,
Imp.ExpArg num_arrays, Imp.ExpArg size_x, Imp.ExpArg size_y,
Imp.ExpArg src_elems, Imp.ExpArg dest_elems]
| bt_size <- primByteSize bt,
(Shape $ map Imp.sizeToExp destshape) destIxFun,
(Shape $ map Imp.sizeToExp srcshape) srcIxFun,
Just destoffset <-
IxFun.linearWithOffset destIxFun bt_size,
Just srcoffset <-
IxFun.linearWithOffset srcIxFun bt_size = do
let row_size = product $ map ImpGen.dimSizeToExp $ drop 1 srcshape
srcspace <- ImpGen.entryMemSpace <$> ImpGen.lookupMemory srcmem
destspace <- ImpGen.entryMemSpace <$> ImpGen.lookupMemory destmem
ImpGen.emit $ Imp.Copy
destmem (bytes destoffset) destspace
srcmem (bytes srcoffset) srcspace $
(n * row_size) `Imp.withElemType` bt
| otherwise = do
let shape = map Imp.sizeToExp srcshape
shape_se = map (Imp.innerExp . ImpGen.dimSizeToExp) srcshape
kernel_size = Imp.innerExp n * product (drop 1 shape)
(constants, set_constants) <- simpleKernelConstants kernel_size "copy"
sKernel constants "copy" $ do
let gtid = kernelGlobalThreadId constants
dest_is = unflattenIndex shape_se gtid
src_is = dest_is
(_, destspace, destidx) <- ImpGen.fullyIndexArray' destloc dest_is bt
(_, srcspace, srcidx) <- ImpGen.fullyIndexArray' srcloc src_is bt
sWhen (gtid .<. kernel_size) $ ImpGen.emit $
Imp.Write destmem destidx bt destspace Imp.Nonvolatile $
Imp.index srcmem srcidx bt srcspace Imp.Nonvolatile
mapTransposeForType :: PrimType -> ImpGen.ImpM ExplicitMemory Imp.HostOp Name
mapTransposeForType bt = do
let fname = nameFromString $ "_" <> mapTransposeName bt
exists <- ImpGen.hasFunction fname
unless exists $ ImpGen.emitFunction fname $ mapTransposeFunction bt
return fname
mapTransposeName :: PrimType -> String
mapTransposeName bt = "map_transpose_" ++ pretty bt
mapTransposeFunction :: PrimType -> Imp.Function
mapTransposeFunction bt =
Imp.Function False [] params transpose_code [] []
where params = [memparam destmem, intparam destoffset,
memparam srcmem, intparam srcoffset,
intparam num_arrays, intparam x, intparam y,
intparam in_elems, intparam out_elems]
space = Space "device"
memparam v = Imp.MemParam v space
intparam v = Imp.ScalarParam v $ IntType Int32
[destmem, destoffset, srcmem, srcoffset,
num_arrays, x, y, in_elems, out_elems,
mulx, muly, block] =
zipWith (VName . nameFromString)
v32 v = Imp.var v int32
block_dim_int = 16
block_dim :: IntegralExp a => a
block_dim = 16
can_use_copy =
let in_out_eq = CmpOpExp (CmpEq $ IntType Int32) (v32 in_elems) (v32 out_elems)
onearr = CmpOpExp (CmpEq $ IntType Int32) (v32 num_arrays) 1
noprob_widthheight = CmpOpExp (CmpEq $ IntType Int32)
(v32 x * v32 y)
(v32 in_elems)
height_is_one = CmpOpExp (CmpEq $ IntType Int32) (v32 y) 1
width_is_one = CmpOpExp (CmpEq $ IntType Int32) (v32 x) 1
in BinOpExp LogAnd
(BinOpExp LogAnd
(BinOpExp LogOr onearr noprob_widthheight)
(BinOpExp LogOr width_is_one height_is_one))
transpose_code =
Imp.If input_is_empty mempty $ mconcat
[ Imp.DeclareScalar muly (IntType Int32)
, Imp.SetScalar muly $ block_dim `quot` v32 x
, Imp.DeclareScalar mulx (IntType Int32)
, Imp.SetScalar mulx $ block_dim `quot` v32 y
, Imp.If can_use_copy copy_code $
Imp.If should_use_lowwidth (callTransposeKernel TransposeLowWidth) $
Imp.If should_use_lowheight (callTransposeKernel TransposeLowHeight) $
Imp.If should_use_small (callTransposeKernel TransposeSmall) $
callTransposeKernel TransposeNormal]
input_is_empty =
v32 num_arrays .==. 0 .||. v32 x .==. 0 .||. v32 y .==. 0
should_use_small = BinOpExp LogAnd
(CmpOpExp (CmpSle Int32) (v32 x) (block_dim `quot` 2))
(CmpOpExp (CmpSle Int32) (v32 y) (block_dim `quot` 2))
should_use_lowwidth = BinOpExp LogAnd
(CmpOpExp (CmpSle Int32) (v32 x) (block_dim `quot` 2))
(CmpOpExp (CmpSlt Int32) block_dim (v32 y))
should_use_lowheight = BinOpExp LogAnd
(CmpOpExp (CmpSle Int32) (v32 y) (block_dim `quot` 2))
(CmpOpExp (CmpSlt Int32) block_dim (v32 x))
copy_code =
let num_bytes =
v32 in_elems * Imp.LeafExp (Imp.SizeOf bt) (IntType Int32)
in Imp.Copy
destmem (Imp.Count $ v32 destoffset) space
srcmem (Imp.Count $ v32 srcoffset) space
(Imp.Count num_bytes)
callTransposeKernel =
Imp.Op . Imp.CallKernel .
mapTransposeKernel (mapTransposeName bt) block_dim_int
(destmem, v32 destoffset, srcmem, v32 srcoffset,
v32 x, v32 y, v32 in_elems, v32 out_elems,
v32 mulx, v32 muly, v32 num_arrays,
block) bt
isMapTransposeKernel :: PrimType -> ImpGen.MemLocation -> ImpGen.MemLocation
-> Maybe (Imp.Exp, Imp.Exp,
Imp.Exp, Imp.Exp, Imp.Exp,
Imp.Exp, Imp.Exp)
isMapTransposeKernel bt
(ImpGen.MemLocation _ _ destIxFun)
(ImpGen.MemLocation _ _ srcIxFun)
| Just (dest_offset, perm_and_destshape) <- IxFun.rearrangeWithOffset destIxFun bt_size,
(perm, destshape) <- unzip perm_and_destshape,
srcshape' <- IxFun.shape srcIxFun,
Just src_offset <- IxFun.linearWithOffset srcIxFun bt_size,
Just (r1, r2, _) <- isMapTranspose perm =
isOk (product srcshape') (product destshape) destshape swap r1 r2 dest_offset src_offset
| Just dest_offset <- IxFun.linearWithOffset destIxFun bt_size,
Just (src_offset, perm_and_srcshape) <- IxFun.rearrangeWithOffset srcIxFun bt_size,
(perm, srcshape) <- unzip perm_and_srcshape,
destshape' <- IxFun.shape destIxFun,
Just (r1, r2, _) <- isMapTranspose perm =
isOk (product srcshape) (product destshape') srcshape id r1 r2 dest_offset src_offset
| otherwise =
where bt_size = primByteSize bt
swap (x,y) = (y,x)
isOk src_elems dest_elems shape f r1 r2 dest_offset src_offset = do
let (num_arrays, size_x, size_y) = getSizes shape f r1 r2
return (dest_offset, src_offset,
num_arrays, size_x, size_y,
src_elems, dest_elems)
getSizes shape f r1 r2 =
let (mapped, notmapped) = splitAt r1 shape
(pretrans, posttrans) = f $ splitAt r2 notmapped
in (product mapped, product pretrans, product posttrans)
simpleKernelConstants :: Imp.Exp -> String
-> CallKernelGen (KernelConstants, ImpGen.ImpM InKernel Imp.KernelOp ())
simpleKernelConstants kernel_size desc = do
thread_gtid <- newVName $ desc ++ "_gtid"
thread_ltid <- newVName $ desc ++ "_ltid"
group_id <- newVName $ desc ++ "_gid"
(group_size, num_groups) <- computeMapKernelGroups kernel_size
let set_constants = do
dPrim_ thread_gtid int32
dPrim_ thread_ltid int32
dPrim_ group_id int32
sOp (Imp.GetGlobalId thread_gtid 0)
sOp (Imp.GetLocalId thread_ltid 0)
sOp (Imp.GetGroupId group_id 0)
return (KernelConstants
(Imp.var thread_gtid int32) (Imp.var thread_ltid int32) (Imp.var group_id int32)
thread_gtid thread_ltid group_id
group_size num_groups (group_size*num_groups) 0
[] (Imp.var thread_gtid int32 .<. kernel_size) mempty,
computeMapKernelGroups :: Imp.Exp -> CallKernelGen (Imp.Exp, Imp.Exp)
computeMapKernelGroups kernel_size = do
group_size <- dPrim "group_size" int32
fname <- asks ImpGen.envFunction
let group_size_var = Imp.var group_size int32
group_size_key = keyWithEntryPoint fname $ nameFromString $ pretty group_size
sOp $ Imp.GetSize group_size group_size_key Imp.SizeGroup
num_groups <- dPrimV "num_groups" $ kernel_size `quotRoundingUp` Imp.ConvOpExp (SExt Int32 Int32) group_size_var
return (Imp.var group_size int32, Imp.var num_groups int32)
compileKernelBody :: Pattern InKernel
-> KernelConstants
-> KernelBody InKernel
-> InKernelGen ()
compileKernelBody pat constants kbody =
compileKernelStms constants (stmsToList $ kernelBodyStms kbody) $
zipWithM_ (compileKernelResult constants) (patternElements pat) $
kernelBodyResult kbody
compileKernelResult :: KernelConstants -> PatElem InKernel -> KernelResult
-> InKernelGen ()
compileKernelResult constants pe (ThreadsReturn OneResultPerGroup what) = do
i <- newVName "i"
in_local_memory <- arrayInLocalMemory what
let me = kernelLocalThreadId constants
if not in_local_memory then do
who' <- ImpGen.compileSubExp $ intConst Int32 0
sWhen (me .==. who') $
ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) [kernelGroupId constants] what []
else do
ws <- mapM ImpGen.compileSubExp . arrayDims =<< subExpType what
let w = product ws
ltid = kernelLocalThreadId constants
group_size = kernelGroupSize constants
to_write = (w - ltid) `quotRoundingUp` group_size
is = unflattenIndex ws $ ImpGen.varIndex i * group_size + ltid
sFor i Int32 to_write $
ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) (kernelGroupId constants : is) what is
compileKernelResult constants pe (ThreadsReturn AllThreads what) =
ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) [kernelGlobalThreadId constants] what []
compileKernelResult constants pe (ThreadsReturn (ThreadsPerGroup limit) what) =
sWhen (isActive limit) $
ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) [kernelGroupId constants] what []
compileKernelResult constants pe (ThreadsReturn ThreadsInSpace what) = do
let is = map (ImpGen.varIndex . fst) $ kernelDimensions constants
sWhen (kernelThreadActive constants) $ ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) is what []
compileKernelResult constants pe (ConcatReturns SplitContiguous _ per_thread_elems moffset what) = do
dest_loc <- ImpGen.entryArrayLocation <$> ImpGen.lookupArray (patElemName pe)
let dest_loc_offset = ImpGen.offsetArray dest_loc offset
dest' = ImpGen.arrayDestination dest_loc_offset
ImpGen.copyDWIMDest dest' [] (Var what) []
where offset = case moffset of
Nothing -> ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 per_thread_elems *
kernelGlobalThreadId constants
Just se -> ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 se
compileKernelResult constants pe (ConcatReturns (SplitStrided stride) _ _ moffset what) = do
dest_loc <- ImpGen.entryArrayLocation <$> ImpGen.lookupArray (patElemName pe)
let dest_loc' = ImpGen.strideArray
(ImpGen.offsetArray dest_loc offset) $
ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 stride
dest' = ImpGen.arrayDestination dest_loc'
ImpGen.copyDWIMDest dest' [] (Var what) []
where offset = case moffset of
Nothing -> kernelGlobalThreadId constants
Just se -> ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32 se
compileKernelResult constants pe (WriteReturn rws _arr dests) = do
rws' <- mapM ImpGen.compileSubExp rws
forM_ dests $ \(is, e) -> do
is' <- mapM ImpGen.compileSubExp is
let condInBounds i rw = 0 .<=. i .&&. i .<. rw
write = foldl (.&&.) (kernelThreadActive constants) $
zipWith condInBounds is' rws'
sWhen write $ ImpGen.copyDWIM (patElemName pe) (map (ImpGen.compileSubExpOfType int32) is) e []
compileKernelResult _ _ KernelInPlaceReturn{} =
return ()
arrayInLocalMemory :: SubExp -> InKernelGen Bool
arrayInLocalMemory (Var name) = do
res <- ImpGen.lookupVar name
case res of
ImpGen.ArrayVar _ entry ->
(Space "local"==) . ImpGen.entryMemSpace <$>
ImpGen.lookupMemory (ImpGen.memLocationName (ImpGen.entryArrayLocation entry))
_ -> return False
arrayInLocalMemory Constant{} = return False