-- | It is occasionally useful to define generic functions that can
-- not only compute their result as an integer, but also as a symbolic
-- expression in the form of an AST.
-- There are some Haskell hacks for this - it is for example not hard
-- to define an instance of 'Num' that constructs an AST.  However,
-- this falls down for some other interesting classes, like
-- 'Integral', which requires both the problematic method
-- 'fromInteger', and also that the type is an instance of 'Enum'.
-- We can always just define hobbled instances that call 'error' for
-- those methods that are impractical, but this is ugly.
-- Hence, this module defines similes to standard Haskell numeric
-- typeclasses that have been modified to make generic functions
-- slightly easier to write.
module Futhark.Util.IntegralExp
       ( IntegralExp (..)
       , Wrapped (..)
       , quotRoundingUp

import Data.Int

class Num e => IntegralExp e where
  quot :: e -> e -> e
  rem :: e -> e -> e
  div :: e -> e -> e
  mod :: e -> e -> e
  sgn :: e -> Maybe Int

  fromInt8  :: Int8 -> e
  fromInt16 :: Int16 -> e
  fromInt32 :: Int32 -> e
  fromInt64 :: Int64 -> e

-- | This wrapper allows you to use a type that is an instance of the
-- true class whenever the simile class is required.
newtype Wrapped a = Wrapped { wrappedValue :: a }
                  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

liftOp :: (a -> a)
        -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a
liftOp op (Wrapped x) = Wrapped $ op x

liftOp2 :: (a -> a -> a)
        -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a
liftOp2 op (Wrapped x) (Wrapped y) = Wrapped $ x `op` y

instance Num a => Num (Wrapped a) where
  (+) = liftOp2 (Prelude.+)
  (-) = liftOp2 (Prelude.-)
  (*) = liftOp2 (Prelude.*)
  abs = liftOp Prelude.abs
  signum = liftOp Prelude.signum
  fromInteger = Wrapped . Prelude.fromInteger
  negate = liftOp Prelude.negate

instance Integral a => IntegralExp (Wrapped a) where
  quot = liftOp2 Prelude.quot
  rem = liftOp2 Prelude.rem
  div = liftOp2 Prelude.div
  mod = liftOp2 Prelude.mod
  sgn = Just . fromIntegral . signum . toInteger . wrappedValue

  fromInt8  = fromInteger . toInteger
  fromInt16 = fromInteger . toInteger
  fromInt32 = fromInteger . toInteger
  fromInt64 = fromInteger . toInteger

-- | Like 'quot', but rounds up.
quotRoundingUp :: IntegralExp num => num -> num -> num
quotRoundingUp x y =
  (x + y - 1) `Futhark.Util.IntegralExp.quot` y