module Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory.IndexFunction
, index
, iota
, offsetIndex
, strideIndex
, permute
, rotate
, reshape
, slice
, base
, rebase
, repeat
, shape
, rank
, linearWithOffset
, rearrangeWithOffset
, isLinear
, isDirect
, substituteInIxFun
, getInfoMaxUnification
, subsInIndexIxFun
, ixFunsCompatibleRaw
, ixFunHasIndex
, offsetIndexDWIM
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List hiding (repeat)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Prelude hiding (mod, repeat)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Futhark.Transform.Substitute
import Futhark.Transform.Rename
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Syntax
(ShapeChange, DimChange(..), DimIndex(..), Slice, sliceDims, unitSlice, VName(..))
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes.Names
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes.Reshape
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes.Rearrange
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Pretty ()
import Futhark.Util.IntegralExp
import Futhark.Util.Pretty
import Futhark.Util
import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp.Convert
type Shape num = [num]
type Indices num = [num]
type Permutation = [Int]
data IxFun num = Direct (Shape num)
| Permute (IxFun num) Permutation
| Rotate (IxFun num) (Indices num)
| Index (IxFun num) (Slice num)
| Reshape (IxFun num) (ShapeChange num)
| Repeat (IxFun num) [Shape num] (Shape num)
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Pretty num => Pretty (IxFun num) where
ppr (Direct dims) =
text "Direct" <> parens (commasep $ map ppr dims)
ppr (Permute fun perm) = ppr fun <> ppr perm
ppr (Rotate fun offsets) = ppr fun <> brackets (commasep $ map ((text "+" <>) . ppr) offsets)
ppr (Index fun is) = ppr fun <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr is)
ppr (Reshape fun oldshape) =
ppr fun <> text "->reshape" <>
parens (commasep (map ppr oldshape))
ppr (Repeat fun outer_shapes inner_shape) =
ppr fun <> text "->repeat" <> parens (commasep (map ppr $ outer_shapes++ [inner_shape]))
instance Substitute num => Substitute (IxFun num) where
substituteNames substs = fmap $ substituteNames substs
instance FreeIn num => FreeIn (IxFun num) where
freeIn = foldMap freeIn
instance Functor IxFun where
fmap f = runIdentity . traverse (return . f)
instance Foldable IxFun where
foldMap f = execWriter . traverse (tell . f)
instance Traversable IxFun where
traverse f (Direct dims) =
Direct <$> traverse f dims
traverse f (Permute ixfun perm) =
Permute <$> traverse f ixfun <*> pure perm
traverse f (Rotate ixfun offsets) =
Rotate <$> traverse f ixfun <*> traverse f offsets
traverse f (Index ixfun is) =
Index <$> traverse f ixfun <*> traverse (traverse f) is
traverse f (Reshape ixfun dims) =
Reshape <$> traverse f ixfun <*> traverse (traverse f) dims
traverse f (Repeat ixfun outer_shapes inner_shape) =
Repeat <$> traverse f ixfun <*>
traverse (traverse f) outer_shapes <*>
traverse f inner_shape
instance Substitute num => Rename (IxFun num) where
rename = substituteRename
index :: (Pretty num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> Indices num -> num -> num
index (Direct dims) is element_size =
sum (zipWith (*) is slicesizes) * element_size
where slicesizes = drop 1 $ sliceSizes dims
index (Permute fun perm) is_new element_size =
index fun is_old element_size
where is_old = rearrangeShape (rearrangeInverse perm) is_new
index (Rotate fun offsets) is element_size =
index fun (zipWith mod (zipWith (+) is offsets) dims) element_size
where dims = shape fun
index (Index fun js) is element_size =
index fun (adjust js is) element_size
where adjust (DimFix j:js') is' = j : adjust js' is'
adjust (DimSlice j _ s:js') (i:is') = j + i * s : adjust js' is'
adjust _ _ = []
index (Reshape fun newshape) is element_size =
let new_indices = reshapeIndex (shape fun) (newDims newshape) is
in index fun new_indices element_size
index (Repeat fun outer_shapes _) is element_size =
index fun is' element_size
where flags dims = replicate (length dims) True ++ [False]
is' = map snd $ filter (not . fst) $ zip (concatMap flags outer_shapes) is
iota :: Shape num -> IxFun num
iota = Direct
offsetIndex :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> IxFun num
offsetIndex ixfun i | i == 0 = ixfun
offsetIndex ixfun i =
case shape ixfun of
d:ds -> slice ixfun (DimSlice i (d-i) 1 : map (unitSlice 0) ds)
[] -> error "offsetIndex: underlying index function has rank zero"
strideIndex :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> IxFun num
strideIndex ixfun s =
case shape ixfun of
d:ds -> slice ixfun (DimSlice (fromInt32 0) d s : map (unitSlice (fromInt32 0)) ds)
[] -> error "offsetIndex: underlying index function has rank zero"
permute :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Permutation -> IxFun num
permute (Permute ixfun oldperm) perm
| rearrangeInverse oldperm == perm = ixfun
| otherwise = permute ixfun (rearrangeCompose perm oldperm)
permute ixfun perm
| perm == sort perm = ixfun
| otherwise = Permute ixfun perm
rotate :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Indices num -> IxFun num
rotate (Rotate ixfun old_offsets) offsets =
Rotate ixfun $ zipWith (+) old_offsets offsets
rotate ixfun offsets = Rotate ixfun offsets
repeat :: IxFun num -> [Shape num] -> Shape num -> IxFun num
repeat = Repeat
reshape :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> ShapeChange num -> IxFun num
reshape Direct{} newshape =
Direct $ map newDim newshape
reshape (Reshape ixfun _) newshape =
reshape ixfun newshape
reshape (Permute ixfun perm) newshape
| Just (head_coercions, reshapes, tail_coercions) <-
splitCoercions newshape,
num_coercions <- length (head_coercions ++ tail_coercions),
(head_perms, mid_perms, end_perms) <-
splitAt3 (length head_coercions) (length perm - num_coercions) perm,
sequential mid_perms,
first_reshaped <- foldl min (rank ixfun) mid_perms,
extra_dims <- length newshape - length (shape ixfun),
perm' <- map (shiftDim first_reshaped extra_dims) head_perms ++
take (length reshapes) [first_reshaped..] ++
map (shiftDim first_reshaped extra_dims) end_perms,
newshape' <- rearrangeShape (rearrangeInverse perm') newshape =
Permute (reshape ixfun newshape') perm'
where splitCoercions newshape' = do
let (head_coercions, newshape'') = span isCoercion newshape'
let (reshapes, tail_coercions) = break isCoercion newshape''
guard (all isCoercion tail_coercions)
return (head_coercions, reshapes, tail_coercions)
isCoercion DimCoercion{} = True
isCoercion _ = False
shiftDim last_reshaped extra_dims x
| x > last_reshaped = x + extra_dims
| otherwise = x
sequential [] = True
sequential (x:xs) = and $ zipWith (==) xs [x+1, x+2..]
reshape (Index ixfun slicing) newshape
| [newdim] <- newDims newshape,
Just slicing' <- findSlice slicing (Just newdim) =
Index ixfun slicing'
| (is, rem_slicing) <- splitSlice slicing,
(fixed_ds, sliced_ds) <- splitAt (length is) $ shape ixfun,
and $ zipWith isSliceOf rem_slicing sliced_ds =
let newshape' = map DimCoercion fixed_ds ++ newshape
in Index (reshape ixfun newshape') $
map DimFix is ++ map (unitSlice (fromInt32 0)) (newDims newshape)
where isSliceOf (DimSlice _ d1 1) d2 = d1 == d2
isSliceOf _ _ = False
findSlice (DimFix i:is) d = (DimFix i:) <$> findSlice is d
findSlice (DimSlice j _ stride:is) d = do
d' <- d
(DimSlice j d' stride:) <$> findSlice is Nothing
findSlice [] Just{} = Nothing
findSlice [] Nothing = Just []
reshape ixfun newshape
| shape ixfun == map newDim newshape =
| rank ixfun == length newshape,
Just _ <- shapeCoercion newshape =
| otherwise =
Reshape ixfun newshape
splitSlice :: Slice num -> ([num], Slice num)
splitSlice [] = ([], [])
splitSlice (DimFix i:is) = first (i:) $ splitSlice is
splitSlice is = ([], is)
slice :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> Slice num -> IxFun num
slice ixfun is
| is == map (unitSlice 0) (shape ixfun) = ixfun
slice (Index ixfun mis) is =
Index ixfun $ reslice mis is
where reslice mis' [] = mis'
reslice (DimFix j:mis') is' =
DimFix j : reslice mis' is'
reslice (DimSlice orig_k _ orig_s:mis') (DimSlice new_k n new_s:is') =
DimSlice (orig_k + new_k * orig_s) n (orig_s*new_s) : reslice mis' is'
reslice (DimSlice orig_k _ orig_s:mis') (DimFix i:is') =
DimFix (orig_k+i*orig_s) : reslice mis' is'
reslice _ _ = error "IndexFunction slice: invalid arguments"
slice ixfun [] = ixfun
slice ixfun is = Index ixfun is
rank :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Int
rank = length . shape
shape :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Shape num
shape (Direct dims) =
shape (Permute ixfun perm) =
rearrangeShape perm $ shape ixfun
shape (Rotate ixfun _) =
shape ixfun
shape (Index _ how) =
sliceDims how
shape (Reshape _ dims) =
map newDim dims
shape (Repeat ixfun outer_shapes inner_shape) =
concat (zipWith repeated outer_shapes (shape ixfun)) ++ inner_shape
where repeated outer_ds d = outer_ds ++ [d]
base :: IxFun num -> Shape num
base (Direct dims) =
base (Permute ixfun _) =
base ixfun
base (Rotate ixfun _) =
base ixfun
base (Index ixfun _) =
base ixfun
base (Reshape ixfun _) =
base ixfun
base (Repeat ixfun _ _) =
base ixfun
rebase :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num
-> IxFun num
-> IxFun num
rebase new_base (Direct old_shape)
| old_shape == shape new_base = new_base
| otherwise = reshape new_base $ map DimCoercion old_shape
rebase new_base (Permute ixfun perm) =
permute (rebase new_base ixfun) perm
rebase new_base (Rotate ixfun offsets) =
rotate (rebase new_base ixfun) offsets
rebase new_base (Index ixfun is) =
slice (rebase new_base ixfun) is
rebase new_base (Reshape ixfun new_shape) =
reshape (rebase new_base ixfun) new_shape
rebase new_base (Repeat ixfun outer_shapes inner_shape) =
Repeat (rebase new_base ixfun) outer_shapes inner_shape
linearWithOffset :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> Maybe num
linearWithOffset (Direct _) _ =
Just 0
linearWithOffset (Reshape ixfun _) element_size =
linearWithOffset ixfun element_size
linearWithOffset (Index ixfun is) element_size = do
is' <- fixingOuter is inner_shape
inner_offset <- linearWithOffset ixfun element_size
let slices = take m $ drop 1 $ sliceSizes $ shape ixfun
return $ inner_offset + sum (zipWith (*) slices is') * element_size
where m = length is
inner_shape = shape ixfun
fixingOuter (DimFix i:is') (_:ds) = (i:) <$> fixingOuter is' ds
fixingOuter (DimSlice off _ 1:is') (_:ds)
| is' == map (unitSlice 0) ds = Just [off]
fixingOuter is' ds
| is' == map (unitSlice 0) ds = Just []
fixingOuter _ _ = Nothing
linearWithOffset _ _ = Nothing
rearrangeWithOffset :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> Maybe (num, [(Int,num)])
rearrangeWithOffset (Reshape ixfun _) element_size =
rearrangeWithOffset ixfun element_size
rearrangeWithOffset (Permute ixfun perm) element_size = do
offset <- linearWithOffset ixfun element_size
return (offset, zip perm $ rearrangeShape perm $ shape ixfun)
rearrangeWithOffset _ _ =
isLinear :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> Bool
isLinear =
(==Just 0) . flip linearWithOffset 1
isDirect :: IxFun num -> Bool
isDirect Direct{} = True
isDirect _ = False
substituteInIxFun :: (Ord a) => M.Map a (PrimExp a) -> IxFun (PrimExp a)
-> IxFun (PrimExp a)
substituteInIxFun tab (Direct pes) =
Direct $ map (substituteInPrimExp tab) pes
substituteInIxFun tab (Permute ixfun p) =
Permute (substituteInIxFun tab ixfun) p
substituteInIxFun tab (Rotate ixfun pes) =
Rotate (substituteInIxFun tab ixfun) $ map (substituteInPrimExp tab) pes
substituteInIxFun tab (Index ixfun sl) =
Index (substituteInIxFun tab ixfun) $ map (fmap $ substituteInPrimExp tab) sl
substituteInIxFun tab (Reshape ixfun newshape) =
Reshape (substituteInIxFun tab ixfun) $ map (fmap $ substituteInPrimExp tab) newshape
substituteInIxFun tab (Repeat ixfun outer_shapes inner_shape) =
Repeat (substituteInIxFun tab ixfun) outer_shapes inner_shape
type IxFn = IxFun (PrimExp VName)
getInfoMaxUnification :: IxFn -> Maybe (IxFn, Slice (PrimExp VName), VName)
getInfoMaxUnification (Index ixfun_start slc) =
case L.span isDimFix slc of
(indices_start, [DimSlice _start_offset
(LeafExp final_dim@VName{} (IntType Int32))
_stride]) ->
Just (ixfun_start, indices_start, final_dim)
_ -> Nothing
where isDimFix DimFix{} = True
isDimFix _ = False
getInfoMaxUnification _ = Nothing
ixFunsCompatibleRaw :: Eq num => IxFun num -> IxFun num -> Bool
ixFunsCompatibleRaw ixfun0 ixfun1 = ixfun0 `primEq` ixfun1
where primEq a b = case (a, b) of
(Direct sa, Direct sb) ->
sa == sb
(Permute a1 pa, Permute b1 pb) ->
a1 `primEq` b1 && pa == pb
(Rotate a1 ia, Rotate b1 ib) ->
a1 `primEq` b1 && ia == ib
(Index a1 sa, Index b1 sb) ->
a1 `primEq` b1 && sa == sb
(Reshape a1 sa, Reshape b1 sb) ->
a1 `primEq` b1 && sa == sb
(Repeat a1 ssa sa, Repeat b1 ssb sb) ->
a1 `primEq` b1 && ssa == ssb && sa == sb
_ -> False
ixFunHasIndex :: IxFun num -> Bool
ixFunHasIndex ixfun = case ixfun of
Direct _ -> False
Permute ixfun' _ -> ixFunHasIndex ixfun'
Rotate ixfun' _ -> ixFunHasIndex ixfun'
Index{} -> True
Reshape ixfun' _ -> ixFunHasIndex ixfun'
Repeat ixfun' _ _ -> ixFunHasIndex ixfun'
subsInIndexIxFun :: IxFn -> VName -> VName -> IxFn
subsInIndexIxFun (Index ixfun_start slc) final_dim final_dim_max_v =
let tab = M.singleton final_dim (LeafExp final_dim_max_v (IntType Int32))
ixfun_start' = substituteInIxFun tab ixfun_start
in Index ixfun_start' slc
subsInIndexIxFun _ _ _ = error "In IxFun.subsInIndexIxFun: should-not-happen case reached!"
offsetIndexDWIM :: Int -> IxFn -> PrimExp VName -> IxFn
offsetIndexDWIM n_ignore_initial ixfun offset =
fromMaybe (offsetIndex ixfun offset) $ case ixfun of
Index ixfun1 dimindices ->
let (dim_first, dim_rest) = L.splitAt n_ignore_initial dimindices
in case dim_rest of
(DimFix i : dim_rest') ->
Just $ Index ixfun1 (dim_first ++ DimFix (i + offset) : dim_rest')
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing