{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf
( fastTypeOf
, fastSchemaOf
) where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
fastTypeOf :: Map Name Schema -> Expr -> Type
fastTypeOf tyenv expr =
case expr of
EList es t -> tSeq (tNum (length es)) t
ETuple es -> tTuple (map (fastTypeOf tyenv) es)
ERec fields -> tRec [ (name, fastTypeOf tyenv e) | (name, e) <- fields ]
ESel e sel -> typeSelect (fastTypeOf tyenv e) sel
EIf _ e _ -> fastTypeOf tyenv e
EComp len t _ _ -> tSeq len t
EAbs x t e -> tFun t (fastTypeOf (Map.insert x (Forall [] [] t) tyenv) e)
EApp e _ -> case tIsFun (fastTypeOf tyenv e) of
Just (_, t) -> t
Nothing -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastTypeOf"
[ "EApp with non-function operator" ]
EVar {} -> polymorphic
ETAbs {} -> polymorphic
ETApp {} -> polymorphic
EProofAbs {} -> polymorphic
EProofApp {} -> polymorphic
EWhere {} -> polymorphic
polymorphic =
case fastSchemaOf tyenv expr of
Forall [] [] ty -> ty
_ -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastTypeOf"
[ "unexpected polymorphic type" ]
fastSchemaOf :: Map Name Schema -> Expr -> Schema
fastSchemaOf tyenv expr =
case expr of
EVar x -> case Map.lookup x tyenv of
Just ty -> ty
Nothing -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastSchemaOf"
[ "EVar failed to find type variable:", show x ]
ETAbs tparam e -> case fastSchemaOf tyenv e of
Forall tparams props ty -> Forall (tparam : tparams) props ty
ETApp e t -> case fastSchemaOf tyenv e of
Forall (tparam : tparams) props ty
-> Forall tparams (map (plainSubst s) props) (plainSubst s ty)
where s = singleSubst (tpVar tparam) t
_ -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastSchemaOf"
[ "ETApp body with no type parameters" ]
EProofAbs p e -> case fastSchemaOf tyenv e of
Forall [] props ty -> Forall [] (p : props) ty
_ -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastSchemaOf"
[ "EProofAbs with polymorphic expression" ]
EProofApp e -> case fastSchemaOf tyenv e of
Forall [] (_ : props) ty -> Forall [] props ty
_ -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastSchemaOf"
[ "EProofApp with polymorphic expression or"
, "no props in scope"
EWhere e dgs -> fastSchemaOf (foldr addDeclGroup tyenv dgs) e
where addDeclGroup (Recursive ds) = flip (foldr addDecl) ds
addDeclGroup (NonRecursive d) = addDecl d
addDecl d = Map.insert (dName d) (dSignature d)
EList {} -> monomorphic
ETuple {} -> monomorphic
ERec {} -> monomorphic
ESel {} -> monomorphic
EIf {} -> monomorphic
EComp {} -> monomorphic
EApp {} -> monomorphic
EAbs {} -> monomorphic
monomorphic = Forall [] [] (fastTypeOf tyenv expr)
plainSubst :: Subst -> Type -> Type
plainSubst s ty =
case ty of
TCon tc ts -> TCon tc (map (plainSubst s) ts)
TUser f ts t -> TUser f (map (plainSubst s) ts) (plainSubst s t)
TRec fs -> TRec [ (x, plainSubst s t) | (x, t) <- fs ]
TVar x -> apSubst s (TVar x)
typeSelect :: Type -> Selector -> Type
typeSelect (TUser _ _ ty) sel = typeSelect ty sel
typeSelect (tIsTuple -> Just ts) (TupleSel i _)
| i < length ts = ts !! i
typeSelect (TRec fields) (RecordSel n _)
| Just ty <- lookup n fields = ty
typeSelect (tIsSeq -> Just (_, a)) ListSel{} = a
typeSelect (tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)) sel@TupleSel{} = tSeq n (typeSelect a sel)
typeSelect (tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)) sel@RecordSel{} = tSeq n (typeSelect a sel)
typeSelect ty _ = panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.typeSelect"
[ "cannot apply selector to value of type", render (pp ty) ]