-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.Utils.PP
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Cryptol.Utils.PP where

import           Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad (mplus)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PJ

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

-- Name Displaying -------------------------------------------------------------

{- | How to display names, inspired by the GHC `Outputable` module.
Getting a value of 'Nothing' from the NameDisp function indicates
that the display has no opinion on how this name should be displayed,
and some other display should be tried out. -}
data NameDisp = EmptyNameDisp
              | NameDisp (ModName -> Ident -> Maybe NameFormat)
                deriving (Generic, NFData)

instance Show NameDisp where
  show _ = "<NameDisp>"

instance S.Semigroup NameDisp where
  NameDisp f    <> NameDisp g    = NameDisp (\m n -> f m n `mplus` g m n)
  EmptyNameDisp <> EmptyNameDisp = EmptyNameDisp
  EmptyNameDisp <> x             = x
  x             <> _             = x

instance Monoid NameDisp where
  mempty = EmptyNameDisp
  mappend = (S.<>)

data NameFormat = UnQualified
                | Qualified !ModName
                | NotInScope
                  deriving (Show)

-- | Never qualify names from this module.
neverQualifyMod :: ModName -> NameDisp
neverQualifyMod mn = NameDisp $ \ mn' _ ->
  if mn == mn' then Just UnQualified
               else Nothing

alwaysQualify :: NameDisp
alwaysQualify  = NameDisp $ \ mn _ -> Just (Qualified mn)

neverQualify :: NameDisp
neverQualify  = NameDisp $ \ _ _ -> Just UnQualified

fmtModName :: ModName -> NameFormat -> T.Text
fmtModName _  UnQualified    = T.empty
fmtModName _  (Qualified mn) = modNameToText mn
fmtModName mn NotInScope     = modNameToText mn

-- | Compose two naming environments, preferring names from the left
-- environment.
extend :: NameDisp -> NameDisp -> NameDisp
extend  = mappend

-- | Get the format for a name. When 'Nothing' is returned, the name is not
-- currently in scope.
getNameFormat :: ModName -> Ident -> NameDisp -> NameFormat
getNameFormat m i (NameDisp f)  = fromMaybe NotInScope (f m i)
getNameFormat _ _ EmptyNameDisp = NotInScope

-- | Produce a document in the context of the current 'NameDisp'.
withNameDisp :: (NameDisp -> Doc) -> Doc
withNameDisp k = Doc (\disp -> runDoc disp (k disp))

-- | Fix the way that names are displayed inside of a doc.
fixNameDisp :: NameDisp -> Doc -> Doc
fixNameDisp disp (Doc f) = Doc (\ _ -> f disp)

-- Documents -------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype Doc = Doc (NameDisp -> PJ.Doc) deriving (Generic, NFData)

instance S.Semigroup Doc where
  (<>) = liftPJ2 (PJ.<>)

instance Monoid Doc where
  mempty = liftPJ PJ.empty
  mappend = (S.<>)

runDoc :: NameDisp -> Doc -> PJ.Doc
runDoc names (Doc f) = f names

instance Show Doc where
  show d = show (runDoc mempty d)

instance IsString Doc where
  fromString = text

render :: Doc -> String
render d = PJ.render (runDoc mempty d)

class PP a where
  ppPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc

class PP a => PPName a where
  -- | Fixity information for infix operators
  ppNameFixity :: a -> Maybe (Assoc, Int)

  -- | Print a name in prefix: @f a b@ or @(+) a b)@
  ppPrefixName :: a -> Doc

  -- | Print a name as an infix operator: @a + b@
  ppInfixName  :: a -> Doc

pp :: PP a => a -> Doc
pp = ppPrec 0

pretty :: PP a => a -> String
pretty  = show . pp

optParens :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
optParens b body | b         = parens body
                 | otherwise = body

-- | Information about associativity.
data Assoc = LeftAssoc | RightAssoc | NonAssoc
              deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | Information about an infix expression of some sort.
data Infix op thing = Infix
  { ieOp    :: op       -- ^ operator
  , ieLeft  :: thing    -- ^ left argument
  , ieRight :: thing    -- ^ right argumrnt
  , iePrec  :: Int      -- ^ operator precedence
  , ieAssoc :: Assoc    -- ^ operator associativity

commaSep :: [Doc] -> Doc
commaSep = fsep . punctuate comma

-- | Pretty print an infix expression of some sort.
ppInfix :: (PP thing, PP op)
        => Int            -- ^ Non-infix leaves are printed with this precedence
        -> (thing -> Maybe (Infix op thing))
                          -- ^ pattern to check if sub-thing is also infix
        -> Infix op thing -- ^ Pretty print this infix expression
        -> Doc
ppInfix lp isInfix expr =
  sep [ ppSub (wrapSub LeftAssoc ) (ieLeft expr) <+> pp (ieOp expr)
      , ppSub (wrapSub RightAssoc) (ieRight expr) ]
  wrapSub dir p = p < iePrec expr || p == iePrec expr && ieAssoc expr /= dir

  ppSub w e
    | Just e1 <- isInfix e = optParens (w (iePrec e1)) (ppInfix lp isInfix e1)
  ppSub _ e                = ppPrec lp e

-- | Display a numeric values as an ordinar (e.g., 2nd)
ordinal :: (Integral a, Show a, Eq a) => a -> Doc
ordinal x = text (show x) <.> text (ordSuffix x)

-- | The suffix to use when displaying a number as an oridinal
ordSuffix :: (Integral a, Eq a) => a -> String
ordSuffix n0 =
  case n `mod` 10 of
    1 | notTeen -> "st"
    2 | notTeen -> "nd"
    3 | notTeen -> "rd"
    _ -> "th"

  n       = abs n0
  m       = n `mod` 100
  notTeen = m < 11 || m > 19

-- Wrapped Combinators ---------------------------------------------------------

liftPJ :: PJ.Doc -> Doc
liftPJ d = Doc (const d)

liftPJ1 :: (PJ.Doc -> PJ.Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
liftPJ1 f (Doc d) = Doc (\env -> f (d env))

liftPJ2 :: (PJ.Doc -> PJ.Doc -> PJ.Doc) -> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc)
liftPJ2 f (Doc a) (Doc b) = Doc (\e -> f (a e) (b e))

liftSep :: ([PJ.Doc] -> PJ.Doc) -> ([Doc] -> Doc)
liftSep f ds = Doc (\e -> f [ d e | Doc d <- ds ])

infixl 6 <.>, <+>

(<.>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<.>)  = liftPJ2 (PJ.<>)

(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<+>)  = liftPJ2 (PJ.<+>)

infixl 5 $$

($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
($$)  = liftPJ2 (PJ.$$)

sep :: [Doc] -> Doc
sep  = liftSep PJ.sep

fsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
fsep  = liftSep PJ.fsep

hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
hsep  = liftSep PJ.hsep

hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat  = liftSep PJ.hcat

vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
vcat  = liftSep PJ.vcat

hang :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
hang (Doc p) i (Doc q) = Doc (\e -> PJ.hang (p e) i (q e))

nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
nest n = liftPJ1 (PJ.nest n)

parens :: Doc -> Doc
parens  = liftPJ1 PJ.parens

braces :: Doc -> Doc
braces  = liftPJ1 PJ.braces

brackets :: Doc -> Doc
brackets  = liftPJ1 PJ.brackets

quotes :: Doc -> Doc
quotes  = liftPJ1 PJ.quotes

punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate p = go
  go (d:ds) | null ds   = [d]
            | otherwise = d <.> p : go ds
  go []                 = []

text :: String -> Doc
text s = liftPJ (PJ.text s)

char :: Char -> Doc
char c = liftPJ (PJ.char c)

integer :: Integer -> Doc
integer i = liftPJ (PJ.integer i)

int :: Int -> Doc
int i = liftPJ (PJ.int i)

comma :: Doc
comma  = liftPJ PJ.comma

empty :: Doc
empty  = liftPJ PJ.empty

colon :: Doc
colon  = liftPJ PJ.colon

instance PP T.Text where
  ppPrec _ str = text (T.unpack str)

instance PP Ident where
  ppPrec _ i = text (T.unpack (identText i))

instance PP ModName where
  ppPrec _   = text . T.unpack . modNameToText