Packages tagged io-streams

21 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (21), bsd3 (19), data (7), web (6), network (4), parsing (3), codec (2), compression (2), concurrency (2), snap (2), apache (1), csv (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
binary-streams60.01data serialization/deserialization io-streams library (bsd3, data, io-streams, library)2015-05-, petterb
brotli-streams140.01IO-Streams interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression (bsd3, codec, compression, io-streams, library)2019-04-, HerbertValerioRiedel
cassava-streams350.01io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library. (bsd3, csv, data, io-streams, library, text)2020-10-
cereal-io-streams40.01io-streams support for the cereal binary serialization library (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, parsing)2016-07-
cereal-streams (deprecated in favor of wire-streams)50.01Use cereal to encode/decode io-streams. (bsd3, data, deprecated, io-streams, library, parsing)2016-07-
heartbeat-streams180.01Heartbeats for io-streams (bsd3, concurrency, io-streams, library)2021-02-, LukeHoersten
http-client-streams240.01http-client for io-streams supporting openssl (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2015-04-
http-io-streams500.02HTTP and WebSocket client based on io-streams (io-streams, library, web)2024-02-, HerbertValerioRiedel
http-streams1322.030An HTTP client using io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2023-10-
io-streams2762.5101Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, network)2022-08-, GregoryCollins
io-streams-haproxy1190.01HAProxy protocol 1.5 support for io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, network)2019-01-, GregoryCollins
io-streams-http290.01http-client for io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)2015-05-
lzma-streams110.01IO-Streams interface for lzma/xz compression (bsd3, codec, compression, io-streams, library)2015-08-
openssl-streams930.08OpenSSL network support for io-streams. (bsd3, io-streams, library, network)2020-09-
seqid-streams440.01Sequence ID IO-Streams (bsd3, io-streams, library)2020-07-300.7.2wraithm, LukeHoersten
sha-streams140.01SHA hashes for io-streams. (bsd3, io-streams, library, program, system)2015-10-010.2.1VoMinhThu
snap-core4832.572Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types) (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)2023-02-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
snap-server4622.519A web server for the Snap Framework (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)2023-02-, GregoryCollins, imalsogreg
unagi-streams410.02Unagi Chan IO-Streams (bsd3, concurrency, io-streams, library)2020-07-300.2.7wraithm, LukeHoersten
unliftio-streams150.01Generalization of io-streams to MonadUnliftIO (apache, data, io-streams, library, network)2023-07-
wire-streams170.02Fast binary io-streams adapter. (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, parsing)2016-09-