Server API
This page lists all of the resources available on this server. The same list is also available in machine readable formats (see link below).
Enabled server features
- users
- core
- security
- mirror
- upload
- tarIndexCache
- package-contents
- recentPackages
- user-details
- user-signup-reset
- legacy-passwds
- distro
- candidates
- reports-core
- reports-candidates
- documentation-core
- documentation-candidates
- download
- tags
- AnalyticsPixels
- versions
- reverse
- search
- list
- platform
- html
- legacy
- edit-cabal-files
- admin-frontend
- hoogle-data
- votes
- admin-actions-log
- sitemap
- user-notify
- package feed
- package-info-json
- endorse
- static-files
- serverapi
- search/browse backend
The users feature
Manipulate the user database.
- List of users
- Admins
- /users/
- GET: json -- list of users
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- list of users
- POST: html -- create a new user
- /user/:username
- GET: json -- user id info
- PUT: -- create user
- DELETE: -- delete user
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- show user page
- /user/:username/password
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- show password change form
- PUT: html -- change password
- /user/:username/enabled
- GET: json -- return if the user is enabled
- PUT: json -- set if the user is enabled
- /user/:username/manage
- GET: -- user management page
- POST: -- Method description unavailable
- /users/account-management
- GET: -- user's personal account management page
- /users/admins/
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
- /users/admins/user/:username
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
The core feature
Core functionality
- Main package database
- /packages/index.tar.gz
- GET: tarball -- tarball of package descriptions (legacy format, not incremental)
- /01-index.tar.gz
- GET: tarball -- tarball of package descriptions (incremental, compressed)
- /01-index.tar
- GET: tarball -- tarball of package descriptions (incremental, uncompressed)
- /packages/
- GET: json -- List of all packages
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show package index
In the html feature
- POST: html -- Upload package
- /package/:package
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show detailed package information
In the package-info-json feature
- GET: json -- Get basic package information: The response contains a JSON object where the keys are version numbers as strings, and the values are whether the version is preferred or not
- /package/
- GET: -- Redirect to /packages/
- /package/:package/:tarball.tar.gz
- GET: tarball -- Get package tarball
Methods defined in other features:
In the mirror feature
- PUT: -- Upload or replace a package tarball
- /package/:package/:cabal.cabal
- GET: cabal -- Get package .cabal file
Methods defined in other features:
In the mirror feature
- PUT: -- Replace a package description
- /package/:package/revisions/
- GET: json -- List all package .cabal file revisions
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/revision/:revision
- GET: cabal -- Get package .cabal file revision
Methods defined in other features:
In the package-info-json feature
- GET: json -- Get basic package information at a specific metadata revision
- /package/:package/revision/:tarball-:revision
- GET: cabal -- Get package .cabal file revision with name
- /packages/deauth
- GET: -- Deauth Package user
- /admin/deauth
- GET: -- Deauth Admin
- /user/:user/deauth
- GET: -- Deauth User
The security feature
TUF Security
- TUF specific state
- /timestamp.json
- GET: json -- Get TUF timestamp
- /snapshot.json
- GET: json -- Get TUF snapshot
- /root.json
- GET: json -- Get TUF root
- /mirrors.json
- GET: json -- Get TUF mirrors
The mirror feature
Support direct (PUT) tarball uploads and overrides
- Mirror clients
- /package/:package/:tarball.tar.gz
- PUT: -- Upload or replace a package tarball
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: tarball -- Get package tarball
- /package/:package/upload-time
- GET: -- Get a package upload time
- PUT: -- Replace package upload time
- /package/:package/uploader
- GET: -- Get a package uploader (username)
- PUT: -- Replace a package uploader
- /package/:package/:cabal.cabal
- PUT: -- Replace a package description
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: cabal -- Get package .cabal file
- /packages/mirrorers/
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
- /packages/mirrorers/user/:username
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
The upload feature
Support for package uploads, and define groups for trustees, uploaders, and package maintainers
- Trustees
- Uploaders
- Package maintainers
- /packages/
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: json -- List of all packages
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show package index
In the html feature
- POST: html -- Upload package
- /package/:package/maintainers/
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of the members (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
- /package/:package/maintainers/user/:username
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Delete a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
- /packages/trustees/
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
- /packages/trustees/user/:username
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
- /packages/uploaders/
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
- /packages/uploaders/user/:username
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
The tarIndexCache feature
Generic cache for tarball indices
- Mapping from tarball blob IDs to tarindex blob IDs
- /server-status/tarindices
- GET: json -- Which tar indices have been generated?
- DELETE: -- Delete all tar indices (will be regenerated on the fly)
The package-contents feature
The PackageContents feature shows the contents of packages and caches their TarIndexes
This feature does not have any state.
- /package/:package/src/..
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/changelog
- GET: txt, html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/readme
- GET: txt, html -- Method description unavailable
The recentPackages feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
The user-details feature
Extra information about user accounts, email addresses etc.
- Extra details associated with user accounts, email addresses etc
- /user/:username/name-contact
- GET: json, html -- get the name and contact details of a user account
- PUT: json -- set the name and contact details of a user account
- DELETE: -- delete the name and contact details of a user account
- /user/:username/admin-info
- GET: json -- get the administrators' notes for a user account
- PUT: json -- set the administrators' notes for a user account
- DELETE: -- delete the administrators' notes for a user account
The user-signup-reset feature
Extra information about user accounts, email addresses etc.
- State to keep track of outstanding requests for user signup and password resets
- /users/register-request
- GET: -- Page to let you make a request for an account
- POST: -- Create a new account signup request
- /users/register/captcha
- GET: json -- Get a new captcha
- /users/register-request/:nonce
- GET: -- Page for confirming outstanding signup request
- POST: -- Confirm signup request and create the new account
- /users/password-reset
- GET: -- Page to let you make a request for a password reset
- POST: -- Create a new password reset request
- /users/password-reset/:nonce
- GET: -- Page for confirming password reset request and entering new password
- POST: -- Confirm password reset and set new password
The legacy-passwds feature
Support for upgrading accounts from htpasswd-style passwords
- Support for upgrading accounts from htpasswd-style passwords
- /user/:username/htpasswd
- PUT: -- Set a legacy password for a user account
- DELETE: -- Method description unavailable
- /users/htpasswd-upgrade
- GET: html -- Upgrade a user account with a legacy password
- POST: -- Method description unavailable
The distro feature
Feature description unavailable
- /distros/
- GET: txt -- Method description unavailable
- POST: -- Method description unavailable
- /distro/:distro
- PUT: -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: -- Method description unavailable
- /distro/:distro/packages
- GET: txt, csv -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: csv -- Method description unavailable
- /distro/:distro/package/:package
- GET: txt -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: -- Method description unavailable
The candidates feature
Support for package candidates
- Candidate packages
- /packages/candidates/
- GET: json -- List all available package candidates
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show all package candidates
- POST: html -- Upload a new candidate
- /package/:package/candidate
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show candidate maintenance form
- PUT: html -- Upload new package candidate
- DELETE: html -- Delete a package candidate
- /package/:package/candidate/:cabal.cabal
- GET: cabal -- Candidate .cabal file
- /package/:package/candidate/:tarball.tar.gz
- GET: tarball -- Candidate tarball
- /package/:package/candidates/
- GET: json -- List available candidates for a single package
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show candidate upload form
- POST: -- Upload new package candidate
- /package/:package/candidate/publish
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show candidate publish form
- POST: html -- Publish a package candidate
- /package/:package/candidate/src/..
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/candidate/changelog
- GET: txt, html -- Method description unavailable
The reports-core feature
Build reports and build logs
- Build reports
- /package/:package/reports/
- GET: txt -- List available build reports
- PUT: json -- Upload all build files
- POST: -- Upload a new build report
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reports/:id
- GET: txt -- Get a specific build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a specific build report
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reports/:id/log
- GET: txt -- Get the build log associated with a build report
- PUT: -- Upload a build log for a build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a build log
- /package/:package/reports/:id/test
- GET: txt -- Get the test log associated with a build report
- PUT: -- Upload a test log for a build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a test log
- /package/:package/reports/reset/
- GET: -- Reset fail count and trigger rebuild
- /package/:package/reports/testsEnabled/
- GET: json -- Get reports test settings
- POST: -- Set reports test settings
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
The reports-candidates feature
Build reports and build logs
- Build reports
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/
- GET: txt -- List available build reports
- PUT: json -- Upload all build files
- POST: -- Upload a new build report
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/:id
- GET: txt -- Get a specific build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a specific build report
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/:id/log
- GET: txt -- Get the build log associated with a build report
- PUT: -- Upload a build log for a build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a build log
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/:id/test
- GET: txt -- Get the test log associated with a build report
- PUT: -- Upload a test log for a build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a test log
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/reset/
- GET: -- Reset fail count and trigger rebuild
- /package/:package/candidate/reports/testsEnabled/
- GET: json -- Get reports test settings
- POST: -- Set reports test settings
The documentation-core feature
Maintain and display documentation
- Package documentation
- /package/:package/docs/..
- GET: -- Browse documentation
- /package/:package/docs
- GET: tar -- Download documentation
- PUT: tar -- Upload documentation
- DELETE: -- Delete documentation
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/docs
- GET: json -- Get information about which packages have documentation
The documentation-candidates feature
Maintain and display documentation
- Package documentation
- /package/:package/candidate/docs/..
- GET: -- Browse documentation
- /package/:package/candidate/docs
- GET: tar -- Download documentation
- PUT: tar -- Upload documentation
- DELETE: -- Delete documentation
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/candidates/docs
- GET: json -- Get information about which packages have documentation
The download feature
Feature description unavailable
- Today's download counts
- All time download counts
- /packages/top
- GET: json -- Get top downloaded packages for the last 30 days
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/downloads
- GET: csv -- Get download counts
- PUT: csv -- Upload download counts (for import)
The tags feature
Feature description unavailable
- Package tags
- /packages/tags/
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/tag/:tag
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/tags
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
The AnalyticsPixels feature
Allow users to attach analytics pixels to their packages
- Backing store for AnalyticsPixels feature
- /package/:package/analytics-pixels
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- POST: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
- /user/:username/analytics-pixels
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- POST: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
The versions feature
Feature description unavailable
- Preferred package versions
- /packages/preferred
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/preferred
- GET: json -- List package's versions divided by type: normal, unpreferred, and deprecated
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/deprecated
- GET: json -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/deprecated
- GET: json -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: json -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/preferred-versions
- GET: txt -- Method description unavailable
The reverse feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
The search feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /packages/opensearch.xml
- GET: xml -- An OpenSearch description of the package search
- /packages/search
- GET: json -- Search for packages matching query terms
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
The list feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
The platform feature
List packages which are part of the Haskell platform (this is work in progress)
- Platform packages
- /platform/package/:package
- /platform/
The html feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /package/:package
- GET: html -- Show detailed package information
Methods defined in other features:
In the package-info-json feature
- GET: json -- Get basic package information: The response contains a JSON object where the keys are version numbers as strings, and the values are whether the version is preferred or not
- /package/:package/dependencies
- GET: html -- Show detailed package dependency information
- /packages/names
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/browse
- GET: html -- Show browsable list of all packages
- /packages/search
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the search feature
- GET: json -- Search for packages matching query terms
- /packages/graph.json
- GET: json -- Show JSON of package dependency information
- /packages/graph
- GET: html -- Show graph of package dependency information
- /packages/
- GET: html -- Show package index
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: json -- List of all packages
In the upload feature
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/maintain
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/distro-monitor
- GET: html -- A handy page for distro package change monitor tools
- /package/:package/revisions/
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: json -- List all package .cabal file revisions
- /packages/recent
- GET: html, rss -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/recent/revisions
- GET: html, rss -- Method description unavailable
- /users/
- GET: html -- list of users
- POST: html -- create a new user
Methods defined in other features:
In the users feature
- GET: json -- list of users
- /users/register
- GET: html -- show "add user" form
- /user/:username
- GET: html -- show user page
Methods defined in other features:
In the users feature
- GET: json -- user id info
- PUT: -- create user
- DELETE: -- delete user
- /user/:username/password
- GET: html -- show password change form
- PUT: html -- change password
- /packages/
- POST: html -- Upload package
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: json -- List of all packages
In the upload feature
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/upload
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/docs
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the documentation-core feature
- GET: tar -- Download documentation
- PUT: tar -- Upload documentation
- DELETE: -- Delete documentation
- /package/:package/maintain/docs
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reports/
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the reports-core feature
- GET: txt -- List available build reports
- PUT: json -- Upload all build files
- POST: -- Upload a new build report
- /package/:package/reports/:id
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the reports-core feature
- GET: txt -- Get a specific build report
- DELETE: -- Delete a specific build report
- /package/:package/reports/testsEnabled/
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the reports-core feature
- GET: json -- Get reports test settings
- POST: -- Set reports test settings
- /packages/candidates/
- GET: html -- Show all package candidates
- POST: html -- Upload a new candidate
Methods defined in other features:
In the candidates feature
- GET: json -- List all available package candidates
- POST: txt -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/candidates/
- GET: html -- Show candidate upload form
- POST: -- Upload new package candidate
Methods defined in other features:
In the candidates feature
- GET: json -- List available candidates for a single package
- /package/:package/candidate
- GET: html -- Show candidate maintenance form
- PUT: html -- Upload new package candidate
- DELETE: html -- Delete a package candidate
- /package/:package/candidate/dependencies
- GET: html -- Show detailed candidate dependency information
- /packages/candidates/upload
- GET: html -- Show package candidate upload form
- /package/:package/candidate/upload
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/candidate/maintain
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/candidate/maintain/docs
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/candidate/publish
- GET: html -- Show candidate publish form
- POST: html -- Publish a package candidate
- /package/:package/candidate/delete
- GET: html -- Show candidate deletion form
- POST: html -- Delete a package candidate
- /package/:package/candidates/delete
- GET: html -- Show package candidates delete form
- POST: html -- Delete package candidates
- /package/:package/candidate/docs
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the documentation-candidates feature
- GET: tar -- Download documentation
- PUT: tar -- Upload documentation
- DELETE: -- Delete documentation
- /package/:package/deprecated/edit
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/preferred/edit
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/preferred
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/preferred
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the versions feature
- GET: json -- List package's versions divided by type: normal, unpreferred, and deprecated
- /packages/deprecated
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the versions feature
- GET: json -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/deprecated
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the versions feature
- GET: json -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: json -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/top
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
Methods defined in other features:
In the download feature
- GET: json -- Get top downloaded packages for the last 30 days
- /packages/tags/
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/tag/:tag
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/tags
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/tag/:tag/alias
- PUT: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/tag/:tag/alias/edit
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/tags/edit
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/analytics-pixels
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- POST: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
- /user/:username/analytics-pixels
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- POST: html -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reverse
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reverse/old
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reverse/flat
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/reverse/verbose
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /packages/reverse
- GET: html -- Method description unavailable
- /package/:package/maintainers/
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of the members (defined in 'users' feature)
- /package/:package/maintainers/user/:username
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Delete a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- /package/:package/maintainers/edit
- GET: html -- Show edit form for the group
- /packages/trustees/
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/trustees/user/:username
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/trustees/edit
- GET: html -- Show edit form for the group
- /packages/uploaders/
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/uploaders/user/:username
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the upload feature
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/uploaders/edit
- GET: html -- Show edit form for the group
- /users/admins/
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the users feature
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
- /users/admins/user/:username
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the users feature
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- /users/admins/edit
- GET: html -- Show edit form for the group
- /packages/mirrorers/
- GET: html -- Show list of users
- POST: html -- Add a user to the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the mirror feature
- GET: json -- Description of the group and a list of its members (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/mirrorers/user/:username
- DELETE: html -- Delete a user from the group
Methods defined in other features:
In the mirror feature
- PUT: -- Add a user to the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- DELETE: -- Remove a user from the group (defined in 'users' feature)
- /packages/mirrorers/edit
- GET: html -- Show edit form for the group
The legacy feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /..
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- POST: -- Method description unavailable
The edit-cabal-files feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /package/:package/:cabal.cabal/edit
- GET: html -- Page to edit package metadata
- POST: html -- Modify the package metadata
The admin-frontend feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /admin
- GET: html -- Server admin portal
- /admin/accounts
- GET: html -- All user accounts
- /admin/account/:uid
- GET: html -- User account info
- /admin/signups
- GET: html -- All account signup requests
- /admin/resets
- GET: html -- All password reset requests
- /admin/legacy
- GET: html -- All accounts with legacy passwords
The hoogle-data feature
Provide a tarball of all package's hoogle files
This feature does not have any state.
- /packages/hoogle.tar.gz
- GET: tarball -- get the tarball of hoogle files for all packages
The votes feature
Allow users to upvote packages
- Backing store for Map PackageName -> Users who voted for it
- /packages/votes
- GET: json -- Returns the number of votes for each package
- /package/:package/votes
- GET: json -- Returns the number of votes a package has
- POST: -- Method description unavailable
- DELETE: -- Remove a user's vote from this package
The admin-actions-log feature
Log of additions and removals of users from groups.
- AdminLog
- /admin/log
- GET: html -- Full list of group additions and removals
The sitemap feature
Provides sitemap for search engines
This feature does not have any state.
- /sitemap_index.xml
- GET: xml -- The dynamically generated sitemap index, in XML format
- /sitemap/:filename
- GET: xml -- The dynamically generated sitemap, in XML format
The user-notify feature
Notifications to users on metadata updates.
- State to keep track of revision notifications
- /user/:username/notify
- GET: json, html -- get the notify preference of a user account
- PUT: json -- set the notify preference of a user account
The package feed feature
Provides RSS feed for individual packages
This feature does not have any state.
- /package/:package.rss
- GET: rss -- Package feed
The package-info-json feature
Provide JSON endpoints for basic package descriptions
- Preferred package versions
- /package/:package
- GET: json -- Get basic package information: The response contains a JSON object where the keys are version numbers as strings, and the values are whether the version is preferred or not
Methods defined in other features:
In the html feature
- GET: html -- Show detailed package information
- /package/:package/revision/:revision
- GET: json -- Get basic package information at a specific metadata revision
Methods defined in other features:
In the core feature
- GET: cabal -- Get package .cabal file revision
The endorse feature
Endorsing users such that they get upload permission.
- Keeps track of vouches
- /user/:username/endorse
- GET: html -- list people endorsing
- POST: html -- endorse for user
The static-files feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /static/..
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /hackageErrorPage
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /accounts
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /upload
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /new-features
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
- /index
- GET: -- Method description unavailable
The serverapi feature
Lists the resources available on this server.
This feature does not have any state.
- /api
- GET: html, json -- This page
- /server-status/memory
- GET: html -- Server memory usage
The search/browse backend feature
Feature description unavailable
This feature does not have any state.
- /packages/search
- POST: json -- Browse and search for users with JavaScript enabled
- /packages/noscript-search
- GET: html -- Browse and search for users without JavaScript enabled
- POST: html -- Browse and search for users without JavaScript enabled