-- A global set of preferred versions. -- -- This is to indicate a current recommended version, to allow stable and -- experimental versions to co-exist on hackage and to help transitions -- between major API versions. -- -- Tools like cabal-install take these preferences into account when -- constructing install plans. -- ADPfusion < || > AFSM < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > AesonBson <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 Agda <2.5.1 || >2.5.1 && < || > && <2.5.4 || >2.5.4 && < || > && <2.6.0 || >2.6.0 && <2.6.1 || >2.6.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > Allure < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > BNFC < || > && < || > && < || > && <2.8.3 || >2.8.3 BiobaseXNA < || > BufferedSocket < || > && < || > Cabal < || > ChannelT < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Color <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 FTGL <1.4 || >1.4 Facebook-Password-Hacker-Online-Latest-Version <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 FailT < || > && < || > Flint2 < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Flint2-Examples < || > && < || > FloatingHex <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 Frames-streamly < || > && < || > GOST34112012-Hash > GPipe <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 && <1.0.3 || >1.0.3 && <1.0.4 || >1.0.4 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 && <1.1.2 || >1.1.2 && <1.1.3 || >1.1.3 && <1.1.4 || >1.1.4 && <1.1.5 || >1.1.5 && <1.1.6 || >1.1.6 && <1.1.7 || >1.1.7 && <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 && <1.2.1 || >1.2.1 && <1.3 || >1.3 && <1.3.1 || >1.3.1 && <1.3.2 || >1.3.2 && <1.4 || >1.4 && <2.0 || >2.0 && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.2 || >2.0.2 && <2.1 || >2.1 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.1.2 || >2.1.2 && <2.1.3 || >2.1.3 && <2.1.4 || >2.1.4 && <2.1.5 || >2.1.5 && <2.1.6 || >2.1.6 && <2.1.7 || >2.1.7 && <2.2 || >2.2 && <2.2.1 || >2.2.1 && <2.2.2 || >2.2.2 GPipe-GLFW >= HPDF <1.5.2 || >1.5.2 HSet <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 HSlippyMap < || > && <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.2 || >1.2 && <1.4 || >1.4 && <1.6 || >1.6 && <1.8 || >1.8 && <2.0 || >2.0 && <2.1 || >2.1 HaTeX-qq < || > && < || > HaXml <1.25.10 || >1.25.10 HaskellNet >=0.5.3 Hs2lib <0.5.7 || >0.5.7 && <0.5.8 || >0.5.8 HsOpenSSL < || > Hungarian-Munkres <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 IPv6Addr >=0.5 LambdaDB < || > LambdaHack < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Lambdajudge >= LazyVault <0.0 || >0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 ListT < || > Lykah <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 MissingH < || > && < || > && < || > Munkres-simple < || > NTRU < || > && < || > NetSNMP < || > Octree < || > QuickCheck <2.11 || >2.11 && <2.11.1 || >2.11.1 && <2.11.2 || >2.11.2 && <2.12.6 || >2.12.6 && <2.13 || >2.13 && <2.15 || >2.15 RLP <1 SCalendar < || > SConfig < || > && < || > SecureHash-SHA3 < || > && < || > ShellCheck <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 Spock >0.5 && < || > && < || > && < || > Spock-lucid < || > StrictCheck <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 Villefort < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Win32 < || > Win32-dhcp-server <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 Win32-services <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && < || > XSaiga < || > Z-Botan < || > && < || > Z-Data < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Z-IO < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > Z-MessagePack < || > abnf < || > accelerate-cuda < || > && < || > acme-everything <2015.4.15 || >2015.4.15 advent-of-code-api < || > && < || > aern2-mp < || > aeson < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > aeson-flatten < || > && < || > aeson-gadt-th <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 aeson-iproute >=0.2.1 aeson-prefix < || > && < || > aeson-schemas <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 aeson-tiled < || > && < || > agda-language-server < || > airgql < || > && < || > alarmclock >= alex <3.2.7 || >3.2.7 && < || > alg < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > algebraic-graphs-io < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4 || >0.4 algebraic-prelude < || > algorithmic-composition-additional >=0.2 algorithmic-composition-basic >=0.6 algorithmic-composition-complex >=0.2 algorithmic-composition-overtones >=0.1.1 almost-fix <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 alternators < || > amazonka >=1.0.0 && <1.3.5 || >1.3.5 && <1.4.4 || >1.4.4 amazonka-core >=0.3 && <1.3.3 || >1.3.3 && <1.3.5 || >1.3.5 amazonka-iam-policy < || > amazonka-s3-streaming < || > amazonka-test <1.3.5 || >1.3.5 annotated-exception < || > && < || > && < || > ansi-terminal <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 ansi-terminal-game < || > && < || > antiope-athena <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 antiope-core <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 antiope-dynamodb <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 antiope-s3 <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 && <6.1.0 || >6.1.0 antiope-sns <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 antiope-sqs <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <4.0.1 || >4.0.1 apiary < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.12.0 || >0.12.0 && <0.12.1 || >0.12.1 && <1.4.1 || >1.4.1 apiary-cookie < || > apiary-memcached <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 apiary-persistent < || > apiary-purescript <0.17.0 || >0.17.0 apiary-redis <1.5.0 || >1.5.0 apiary-websockets < || > app-settings < || > archive-sig < || > && < || > arithmoi < || > arrow-extras < || > ascii <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 ascii-char < || > ascii-holidays < || > ascii-superset < || > astro < || > && < || > atlassian-connect-core < || > atom-conduit < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > atomic-primops < || > && < || > && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && < || > && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.5 || >0.5 atp-haskell <1.14.2 || >1.14.2 ats-pkg < || > && < || > attoparsec-ip <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 audacity <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 aura <3.1.1 || >3.1.1 && <3.1.3 || >3.1.3 && <3.2.0 || >3.2.0 && <3.2.1 || >3.2.1 auto < || > && < || > && < || > autoexporter <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 autom < || > && < || > avro < || > && < || > && < || > b9 <0.5.31 || >0.5.31 && <0.5.32 || >0.5.32 && <0.5.34 || >0.5.34 && <0.5.35 || >0.5.35 && <0.5.44 || >0.5.44 && <0.5.46 || >0.5.46 && <0.5.60 || >0.5.60 && <0.5.61 || >0.5.61 && <0.5.62 || >0.5.62 backprop < || > barbies < || > base-compat >=0.8.0 && <0.8.1 || >0.8.1 && <0.10.2 || >0.10.2 && <0.10.3 || >0.10.3 base-orphans ==0 || >=0.4.1 && <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 && <0.8.8 || >0.8.8 && < || > base-prelude <0.1.18 || >0.1.18 && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 && <1.1 || >1.1 base32-bytestring < || > && < || > base64 >=0.0.1 base91 >=2 && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 beam-th >=0.2 bench <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 bencode < || > bencoding < || > bifunctors <5.4 || >5.4 binary < || > && < || > binary-conduit < || > binary-io <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 binary-parsers < || > binary-typed < || > && < || > bindings-DSL <1.0.18 || >1.0.18 bindings-wlc >= biohazard <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 biscuit-haskell < || > && < || > bitcoin-payment-channel >= bitvec <0.1 || >0.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > bitwise-enum < || > && < || > && < || > bitx-bitcoin < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > bizzlelude <1.0 || >1.0 blas >=0.7.6 bloodhound < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > bloomfilter-redis < || > bludigon < || > bond < || > && < || > && < || > boots >=0.2 boots-app >=0.2 bower-json <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 box-tuples < || > brittany < || > broadcast-chan-conduit <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && < || > && < || > bsb-http-chunked < || > buchhaltung <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 buffer-builder < || > && < || > bugsnag-hs < || > bugzilla < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > byline < || > byteslice < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > bytestring-builder < || > && < || > bytestring-tree-builder < || > && < || > bz2 >= c2hs <0.28.4 || >0.28.4 cabal-appimage < || > cabal-bounds <0.9.1 || >0.9.1 && <1.0.3 || >1.0.3 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.2.0 || >2.2.0 cabal-cache < || > && < || > && < || > cabal-debian <3.4 || >3.4 cabal-helper < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > cabal-lenses <0.11.0 || >0.11.0 cabal-rpm <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && <2.1.4 || >2.1.4 cabal2nix <2.4 || >2.4 && <2.7.1 || >2.7.1 cabal2spec <1.0 || >1.0 && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.2 || >2.0.2 && <2.1 || >2.1 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.2.0 || >2.2.0 && <2.2.1 || >2.2.1 && <2.2.2 || >2.2.2 && <2.4.2 || >2.4.2 cacophony >=0.10 calculator < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > call <0.2 || >0.2 camfort <0.903 || >0.903 carray < || > && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && <0.1.4 || >0.1.4 && <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && < || > && < || > casing < || > category < || > cdeps >= cereal-plus <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 cgi <3000.0.0 || >3000.0.0 && <3001.0.0 || >3001.0.0 && <3001.1.0 || >3001.1.0 && <3001.1.3 || >3001.1.3 && <3001.1.4 || >3001.1.4 && <3001.1.5 || >3001.1.5 && <3001.1.5.1 || >3001.1.5.1 && <3001.1.5.2 || >3001.1.5.2 && <3001.1.6.0 || >3001.1.6.0 && <3001.1.7.0 || >3001.1.7.0 && <3001.1.7.1 || >3001.1.7.1 && <3001.1.7.2 || >3001.1.7.2 && <3001.1.7.3 || >3001.1.7.3 && <3001.1.8 || >3001.1.8 && <3001.1.8.1 || >3001.1.8.1 chart-svg < || > chatter < || > check-cfg-ambiguity < || > check-pvp <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 checkers <0.5.5 || >0.5.5 chorale <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 chorale-geo <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 chronologique < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > clafer >= claferIG >= claferwiki >= clang-pure < || > && < || > && < || > clarifai < || > && < || > && < || > clash-ghc <0.3 || >0.3 && < || > && < || > && <0.5 || >0.5 && <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 && <0.6.2 || >0.6.2 && <0.6.11 || >0.6.11 && <0.6.12 || >0.6.12 && <0.6.13 || >0.6.13 && <0.6.14 || >0.6.14 && <0.7 || >0.7 && <1.6.0 || >1.6.0 clash-lib <0.6.11 || >0.6.11 && <0.6.12 || >0.6.12 && <1.6.0 || >1.6.0 clash-prelude <1.6.0 || >1.6.0 clash-vhdl <0.6.9 || >0.6.9 clay <0.12.3 || >0.12.3 clckwrks <0.23.17 || >0.23.17 && <0.23.19 || >0.23.19 cleff < || > cli-arguments >=0.7 cli-arguments-strict >=0.1 cli-setup >=0.1 && < || > cloben < || > closed-classes < || > clustering <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 cmark <0.3.5 || >0.3.5 && <0.5.3 || >0.5.3 codex < || > comfort-array <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.5.2 || >0.5.2 comfort-glpk <0.0 || >0.0 commutative <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && < || > commutative-semigroups < || > compact-word-vectors <0.2 || >0.2 composition-extra < || > && < || > && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && < || > && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 && < || > && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 && <1.3.0 || >1.3.0 composition-prelude < || > && < || >= conduino < || > conduit-extra <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && <0.1.4 || >0.1.4 && <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.7 || >0.1.7 && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 conduit-parse < || > config-value < || > connections <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && < || > && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 console-program < || > && < || > && < || > constraints <0.13.3 || >0.13.3 constraints-emerge <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 containers < || > && < || > conversion-bytestring < || > convert-annotation < || > copilot-c99 <3.1 || >3.1 && <3.1.1 || >3.1.1 core-data < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > core-program < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > core-telemetry < || > && < || > core-text < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > cornea < || > && < || > cpphs <1.13 || >1.13 && <1.19.1 || >1.19.1 && <1.20.4 || >1.20.4 && <1.20.5 || >1.20.5 && <1.20.6 || >1.20.6 && <1.20.7 || >1.20.7 crackNum <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.1 || >1.1 && <1.2 || >1.2 && <1.3 || >1.3 && <1.4 || >1.4 && <1.5 || >1.5 && <1.6 || >1.6 && <1.7 || >1.7 && <1.8 || >1.8 crawlchain < || > crdt <6.0 || >6.0 && <9.2 || >9.2 credentials-cli < || > criterion < || > && < || > crypto-api <0.13.1 || >0.13.1 crypto-enigma >= cryptoids <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 crypton <0.31 || >0.31 css-simple < || > cubical <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 cublas < || > cuda < || > currency-codes >= dag <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && <0.1 || >0.1 && < || > damnpacket >=1 data-diverse < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > data-diverse-lens < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > data-interval <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 data-ordlist <0.0 || >0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 data-reify <0.6.2 || >0.6.2 dear-imgui <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 decidable < || > deepseq < || > deepseq-bounded <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && <0.5.1 || >0.5.1 && <0.5.2 || >0.5.2 && <0.5.3 || >0.5.3 && <0.5.4 || >0.5.4 && <0.5.5 || >0.5.5 defaultable-map <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 deferred-folds <0.9.14 || >0.9.14 dejafu < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > dependent-sum <0.6 || >0.6 && <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 && < || > depends <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 derive-storable-plugin < || > deriving-aeson <0.1 || >0.1 deriving-compat <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 deriving-trans < || > dhall <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.4.0 || >1.4.0 && <1.4.1 || >1.4.1 && <1.15.0 || >1.15.0 && <1.16.0 || >1.16.0 && <1.20.0 || >1.20.0 && <1.26.0 || >1.26.0 && <1.31.0 || >1.31.0 && <1.40.0 || >1.40.0 && <1.41.0 || >1.41.0 diagnose <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.5.0 || >2.5.0 diagrams-builder < || > diagrams-gtk < || > diagrams-haddock < || > diagrams-svg < || > diagrams-wx < || > dictionaries <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 dir-traverse < || > && < || > direct-rocksdb <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 directory < || > disposable < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > distributed-closure <0.3.5 || >0.3.5 distributed-process <0.6.3 || >0.6.3 distributed-process-tests <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && < || > && < || > ditto <0.3 || >0.3 ditto-lucid < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.3 || >0.3 diversity < || > do-notation-dsl < || > dobutok >= dobutokO >=0.3.2 dobutokO-effects >=0.13.1 dobutokO-frequency >=0.1.2 dobutokO-poetry >=0.17 dobutokO-poetry-general-languages >=0.2 dobutokO2 >=0.43 dobutokO3 >=0.3 dobutokO4 >=0.8 docker < || > doctest <0.12.0 || >0.12.0 doctest-discover < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > doctest-driver-gen < || > doi <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 doldol > dom-lt <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 dotenv < || > dotenv-micro < || > double-conversion < || > doublezip >=0.1 dresdner-verkehrsbetriebe <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 dual < || > dublincore-xml-conduit < || > dunai <0.10.0 || >0.10.0 dunai-test <0.10.0 || >0.10.0 easytensor < || > ebird-cli < || > ebird-client < || > ecstasy < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ecta >= ede <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.8 || >0.2.8 && < || > editor-open < || > effectful < || > ehs < || > && < || > eibd-client-simple >=0.0.4 eigen <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 && <1.2.3 || >1.2.3 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.1.2 || >2.1.2 && <2.1.3 || >2.1.3 && <2.1.4 || >2.1.4 && <2.1.5 || >2.1.5 ekg-cloudwatch < || > elbow < || > && < || > elm-init < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 elm-street < || > email-validate >=2.0 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.2.1 || >2.2.1 emd < || > && < || > end-of-exe >=0.1.2 endo > engine-io <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 enummaps < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > envy < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > equational-reasoning < || > && < || > equivalence <0.2.6 || >0.2.6 errorcall-eq-instance >=0.3 && <0.4 espial <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && < || > && <0.0.7 || >0.0.7 && <0.0.9 || >0.0.9 && <0.0.10 || >0.0.10 && <0.0.11 || >0.0.11 esqueleto < || > && <3.2.0 || >3.2.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > evdev < || > && < || > && <2.3.1 || >2.3.1 eventstore < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 eventuo11y < || > eventuo11y-batteries < || > exceptional < || > exceptions <0.9.0 || >0.9.0 && <0.10.6 || >0.10.6 exherbo-cabal < || > && < || > exigo-schema < || > && < || > exon < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > experimenter >= extensible-effects <1.5.0 || >1.5.0 && <1.6.0 || >1.6.0 fast-logger <2.4.4 || >2.4.4 && <2.4.12 || >2.4.12 && <3.0.4 || >3.0.4 && <3.2.0 || >3.2.0 fasta < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > fbmessenger-api < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > fbrnch <0.9.1 || >0.9.1 feed-gipeda < || > ffmpeg-light < || > fgl < || > file-io < || > && < || > && < || > filepath < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > filestore < || > filters-basic >=0.2 fin-int < || > fingertree < || > && < || > finitary < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > finitary-derive < || > && < || > && < || > finite-typelits < || > flow <1.0.4 || >1.0.4 fn < || > focus >=0 && <1 || >1 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > foldable-ix >=0.3 foldl-statistics >0.1.3 && < || > foreign < || > fptest < || > fractionizer >=0.17 franz <0.5 || >0.5 free <5 || >5 free-category < || > free-game < || > && <0.9 || >0.9 && <0.9.2 || >0.9.2 fsnotify <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > full-text-search < || > funcons-values >= functor-combinators < || > && < || > && < || > fused-effects < || > gambler < || > gargoyle-postgresql < || > gdo <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 gegl < || > && < || > && < || > generic-deriving <1.10.1 || >1.10.1 generic-lens < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > generics-sop < || > geojson >=4.1.0 gf >3.9 && <3.11.0 ghc < || > ghc-events-analyze <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 ghc-events-parallel == || >= ghc-exactprint <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 ghc-lib-parser-ex < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ghc-mod >5 && <5.0.0 || >5.0.0 ghc-session < || > && < || > ghc-tags-core < || > && < || > && < || > ghc-tags-plugin < || > ghc-tcplugin-api < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ghc-tcplugins-extra <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 ghc-typelits-natnormalise <0.5.5 || >0.5.5 && <0.6 || >0.6 && <0.7.5 || >0.7.5 ghc-typelits-presburger < || > && < || > && < || > ghcide < || > ghcjs-base-stub < || > ghcjs-websockets < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ghcup < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-cairo < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 && <1.0.3 || >1.0.3 && <1.0.4 || >1.0.4 && <1.0.5 || >1.0.5 && <1.0.6 || >1.0.6 gi-gdk < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-glib < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-gobject < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-gtk < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-gtk-hs < || > gi-pango < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > gi-webkit2 <4.0.16 || >4.0.16 gigaparsec < || > && < || > ginger < || > ginsu <0.8.2 || >0.8.2 git-freq <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 git-mediate >=1.0.1 gitit < || > gl < || > glaze < || > && < || > && < || > glazier >=0.8 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > glazier-pipes >= gll >= && < || > gloss-accelerate < || > gloss-raster-accelerate < || > gloss-raster-massiv < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > goggles < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 google-isbn <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 google-maps-geocoding < || > gore-and-ash-network < || > && < || > grab-form < || > graphql < || > graphql-w-persistent < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > graphviz <2008.7.10 || >2008.7.10 && <2008.7.11 || >2008.7.11 && <2008.9.6 || >2008.9.6 && <2008.9.20 || >2008.9.20 && <2009.5.1 || >2009.5.1 && <2999.0.0.0 || >2999.0.0.0 && <2999.1.0.0 || >2999.1.0.0 && <2999.1.0.1 || >2999.1.0.1 && <2999.1.0.2 || >2999.1.0.2 && <2999.5.0.0 || >2999.5.0.0 && <2999.5.1.0 || >2999.5.1.0 && <2999.5.1.1 || >2999.5.1.1 && <2999.6.0.0 || >2999.6.0.0 && <2999.7.0.0 || >2999.7.0.0 && <2999.8.0.0 || >2999.8.0.0 && <2999.9.0.0 || >2999.9.0.0 groundhog-inspector < || > groups-generic < || > gtk <0.14.9 || >0.14.9 && <0.14.10 || >0.14.10 gtk3 <0.14.9 || >0.14.9 gvti >=0.4.1 hArduino <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.5 || >0.5 && <0.6 || >0.6 && <0.7 || >0.7 && <0.8 || >0.8 && <0.9 || >0.9 && <1.0 || >1.0 hMPC < || > && < || > hOpenPGP <2.8.2 || >2.8.2 && <2.8.3 || >2.8.3 hPDB <0.99 || >0.99 && <0.999 || >0.999 && <0.9999 || >0.9999 && <0.9999.1 || >0.9999.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > hXmixer < || > && < || > && < || > hackage-db >=1.22 hackport < || > haddock-library <1.6.1 || >1.6.1 hadoop-formats < || > hadoop-rpc < || > hadoop-tools <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 hakaru >=0.1 && <0.3 hakyll-images >=0.4 halfsplit >=0.4.3 halive < || > hans-pcap < || > && < || > happy <1.16 || >1.16 && <1.17 || >1.17 && <1.20.1 || >1.20.1 && <1.21.0 || >1.21.0 harmony < || > && < || > && < || > hascas < || > && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 haskakafka < || > haskell-awk <1.0 || >1.0 haskell-eigen-util < || > && < || > && < || > haskell-gi >=0.26.9 haskell-gi-base <0.16 || >0.16 && <0.19 || >0.19 && <0.20.5 || >0.20.5 && <0.20.6 || >0.20.6 && <0.20.7 || >0.20.7 haskell-igraph <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 haskell-lsp < || > haskell-lsp-types < || > haskell-src-exts-sc < || > haskey >=0.2 haskey-btree >=0.2 haskey-mtl < || > haskmon < || > hasktags <0.68.4 || >0.68.4 && <0.68.5 || >0.68.5 && <0.68.6 || >0.68.6 && <0.69.2 || >0.69.2 && <0.70.0 || >0.70.0 && <0.70.1 || >0.70.1 && <0.71.0 || >0.71.0 && <0.71.1 || >0.71.1 hasql <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <1.5.1 || >1.5.1 hasql-implicits < || > hasql-interpolate < || > hasql-optparse-applicative <0.7.2 || >0.7.2 hasql-pool < || > hasql-resource-pool < || > && < || > haste-compiler <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 && <0.4.4 || >0.4.4 && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.5.2 || >0.5.2 && <0.5.3 || >0.5.3 && <0.5.4 || >0.5.4 && < || > && < || > && < || > hax <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 haxy >=1.0.1 hblas < || > hcltest <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 headed-megaparsec < || > heddit <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 hedgehog-classes < || > hedgehog-extras < || > && < || > hedn >=0.2 helics <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 helm <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && <0.6.0 || >0.6.0 && <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 && <0.7.0 || >0.7.0 && <0.7.1 || >0.7.1 help-esb <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 heroku <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 heyting-algebras < || > && < || > hie-bios <0.7.3 || >0.7.3 hierarchical-spectral-clustering < || > higher-leveldb < || > && < || > && < || > highjson < || > hindent <5.2.4 || >5.2.4 hinotify <0.3.10 || >0.3.10 hint < || > hjsonschema < || > hkd-default < || > && < || > hkgr < || > && <0.4.3 || >0.4.3 hledger <1.24.99 || >1.24.99 hledger-iadd <1.2.4 || >1.2.4 hledger-lib <1.24.99 || >1.24.99 hledger-ui <1.24.99 || >1.24.99 hledger-web <1.24.99 || >1.24.99 hlint <2.1.18 || >2.1.18 && <2.1.19 || >2.1.19 hls-class-plugin < || > hls-splice-plugin < || > hmatrix-vector-sized < || > hmemdb < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > hnix < || > && <0.15.0 || >0.15.0 hoauth2 >=2.0.0 hoauth2-tutorial >=0.1.1 holmes < || > homotuple < || > homplexity <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > hoobuddy < || > hoogle < || > hora >=2.0.2 hpack <0.9.0 || >0.9.0 && <0.34.0 || >0.34.0 hpath >=0.11.0 && <0.12.0 || >0.12.0 hpath-directory <0.13.0 || >0.13.0 && <0.13.1 || >0.13.1 hpath-io <0.10.0 || >0.10.0 && <0.10.1 || >0.10.1 hpath-posix <0.13.0 || >0.13.0 && <0.13.1 || >0.13.1 hpdft < || > && < || > hpqtypes <1.3.1 || >1.3.1 hpqtypes-extras < || > hquantlib-time < || > hs-carbon < || > && < || > hs-functors < || > hs-samtools < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > hsblst <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 hscim <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && < || > hscolour <1.24.3 || >1.24.3 hslua <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 hspec >=2.0 hspec-discover <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && < || > && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 hspec-expectations <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 hspec-hedgehog < || > hspec-meta <2.9.0 || >2.9.0 hspec-snap < || > hsrelp < || > hsshellscript <3.6.0 || >3.6.0 && <3.6.1 || >3.6.1 && <3.6.2 || >3.6.2 && <3.6.3 || >3.6.3 hsx2hs < || > hsyslog <3 || >3 html-presentation-text >=0.2.1 http-api-data <0.3.9 || >0.3.9 http-common < || > && < || > && < || > http-directory <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.7 || >0.1.7 http-io-streams < || > http-semantics <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 http-streams >= http3 <0.0.8 || >0.0.8 huckleberry < || > && < || > hw-ip < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > hw-json < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > hw-kafka-client <4.0.4 || >4.0.4 hw-prim < || > hw-rankselect-base < || > && < || > hw-uri < || > hxt >=9.3 && < || > hydrogen-cli >=0.14 hydrogen-cli-args >=0.14 hydrogen-data >=0.14 hydrogen-prelude >=0.14 hydrogen-syntax >=0.14 hydrogen-version >=1.3 hzenhan <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 if-instance < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ihaskell < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > imagemagick >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && < || > && < || > && < || > imperative-edsl <0.8.2 || >0.8.2 && <0.8.3 || >0.8.3 implicit-hie < || > incipit < || > incipit-base < || > && < || > && < || > incipit-core < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > include-env < || > indexed-list-literals < || > indextype < || > inline-c-cpp < || > && < || > inline-java <0.8.0 || >0.8.0 inspection-proxy < || > && < || > intermediate-structures >=0.1.1 intero <0.1.36 || >0.1.36 && <0.1.37 || >0.1.37 interval-patterns < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > interval-tree-clock < || > ip6addr >= && < || > isobmff-builder < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ixset-typed-cassava < || > j < || > && < || > && < || > javascript-extras < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > javelin < || > && < || > jespresso >=1.0.1 jni <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 jpl-horizons-api < || > && < || > && < || > jsaddle-dom < || > json-autotype <1.0.8 || >1.0.8 && <1.0.9 || >1.0.9 && <1.0.11 || >1.0.11 && <1.0.12 || >1.0.12 && <1.0.16 || >1.0.16 && <1.0.17 || >1.0.17 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 json-spec < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > json-spec-elm < || > && < || > && < || > json-spec-openapi < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > json-stream < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > json-syntax < || > json-togo < || > json5hs < || > jsonifier <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 jsonl-conduit < || > && < || > jsonnet < || > && < || > jvm <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 jvm-batching <0.1 || >0.1 katip-logstash < || > keid-core < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > keid-render-basic < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > kewar < || > && < || > ki <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && < || > && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && < || > && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > knead <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > knit-haskell < || > l10n < || > lambdabot <5.0.2 || >5.0.2 lambdabot-haskell-plugins <5.0.2 || >5.0.2 lambdabot-novelty-plugins <5.0.2 || >5.0.2 lambdabot-reference-plugins <5.0.2 || >5.0.2 lambdabot-trusted <5.0.2 || >5.0.2 lambdacube-gl <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 landlock < || > && < || > language-ats < || > language-c-inline < || > language-c99-simple <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 language-javascript <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || >= language-lua <0.7.0 || >0.7.0 language-rust < || > language-thrift >=0.9 lapack <0.3 || >0.3 layers-game <0.5.1 || >0.5.1 leankit-api <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 leapseconds-announced <2017.0.0.1 || >2017.0.0.1 leksah <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.4 || >0.4 && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 && < || > && <0.4.3 || >0.4.3 && <0.4.4 || >0.4.4 && < || > && <0.6.0 || >0.6.0 && <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 && <0.8 || >0.8 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > leksah-server <0.8 || >0.8 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.10.0 || >0.10.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > lens-process < || > lentil < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > lenz < || > libBF <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && <0.6.5 || >0.6.5 libarchive >= && <= || >= && < || > liblastfm <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 liblawless <0.25.0 || >0.25.0 && <0.25.1 || >0.25.1 libroman >3.0.0 lifx-lan < || > && < || > line-bot-sdk < || > line-drawing < || > && < || > && < || > linear-generics < || > linear-grammar < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 linebreak < || > && < || > lingo < || > && < || > && < || > linux-inotify < || > liquid-fixpoint <8.10.7 || >8.10.7 liquidhaskell < || > && < || > && < || > liquidhaskell-cabal < || > liquidhaskell-cabal-demo < || > list-tuple < || > lists-flines >=0.1.3 llvm-extra <0.8 || >0.8 llvm-hs <6.1.0 || >6.1.0 log-warper >=1.8.9 log4hs >=0.7 logical-constraints >= logict-sequence <0.2 || >0.2 logstash < || > lol < || > && < || > lol-apps < || > lol-benches < || > && < || > lsp-types < || > ltext < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && < || > && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && < || > ltiv1p1 <1.0 || >1.0 && < || > && < || > ltk <0.8 || >0.8 && < || > && < || > && <0.10.0 || >0.10.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > lucid <2.9.13 || >2.9.13 lvish <1.0 || >1.0 && < || > lz4-frame-conduit < || > lzlib == || >= && < || > && < || > lzo >= mac < || > managed <1.0.3 || >1.0.3 map-reduce-folds < || > mapquest-api < || > && < || > markdown-unlit <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 markov-realization <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 markup <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.0.6 || >0.0.6 && < || > && <0.0.7 || >0.0.7 && <0.0.8 || >0.0.8 && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.2.0 || >2.2.0 && <3.0.0 || >3.0.0 markup-preview < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > maxent-learner-hw <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 mediabus < || > && < || > && < || > megaparsec <9.4.0 || >9.4.0 menshen <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 microlens < || > && < || > && <0.4.11 || >0.4.11 microlens-aeson < || > microlens-ghc <0.4.11 || >0.4.11 microlens-mtl <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 microlens-th < || > && <0.4.3 || >0.4.3 && < || > microspec >= midi-util <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 mighttpd2 <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 minimal-configuration <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 minioperational <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.4.4 || >0.4.4 minitypeset-opengl < || > minmax >=0.1.1 mintty <0.1 || >0.1 mixed-types-num < || > && < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && <0.3 || >0.3 && < || > && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 mmorph <1.0.7 || >1.0.7 && <1.0.8 || >1.0.8 && <1.1.4 || >1.1.4 mmsyn2 >=0.3.2 mmsyn2-array >= mmsyn2-array-ukrainian-data >=0.2 mmsyn3 >=0.2 mmsyn4 >=0.6.4 mmsyn5 >=0.6 mmsyn6ukr >=0.9 mmsyn6ukr-array >=0.3.3 mmsyn7h >=0.8.1 mmsyn7l >=0.9.1 mmsyn7s >=0.9.1 mmsyn7ukr >=0.17 mmsyn7ukr-array >=0.2 mmsyn7ukr-common >=0.2 modify-fasta < || > && < || > modular-arithmetic < || > monad-control-identity < || > monad-interleave <0.2 || >0.2 monad-log < || > monad-logger-extras < || > && < || > monad-logger-logstash < || > monad-metrics < || > monad-par < || > monad-timing < || > mongodb-queue <0.4 || >0.4 mono-traversable >=0.5 monoid-insertleft >= monoidal-containers < || > && < || > more-extensible-effects < || > && < || > movie-monad < || > ms-azure-api < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ms-graph-api < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > mtl <2.1 || >2.1 && <2.3 || >2.3 multilinear <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 mustache < || > && <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 && <2.2 || >2.2 mwc-random < || > mxnet < || > myanimelist-export < || > && < || > && < || > mysql-haskell < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > naqsha < || > nat-optics < || > && < || > nationstates < || > neat-interpolation < || > nested-routes <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && < || > && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && < || > && < || > && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 && < || > && <1.0 || >1.0 && < || > && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <2.2.0 || >2.2.0 && <3.0.0 || >3.0.0 && < || > && < || > && <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <3.2.0 || >3.2.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && <5.0.0 || >5.0.0 && <6.0.0 || >6.0.0 && < || > && <7.1.0 || >7.1.0 network < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > network-messagepack-rpc < || > network-msg <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 network-packet-linux >= network-simple-sockaddr <0.1 || >0.1 network-transport-zeromq >0.2.1 network-uri < || > ngx-export < || > && < || > ngx-export-distribution < || > ngx-export-tools < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.2.3 || >1.2.3 ngx-export-tools-extra < || > && < || > nix-diff <1.0.13 || >1.0.13 nix-thunk < || > normalize < || > nuxeo < || > && < || > nvim-hs >=2.3.1 && < || > objective <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 odpic-raw <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && <0.1.4 || >0.1.4 && <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.7 || >0.1.7 && <0.1.8 || >0.1.8 && <0.1.9 || >0.1.9 && <0.1.10 || >0.1.10 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 olwrapper >0.4.0 ombra < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > one-line-aeson-text < || > one-liner-instances < || > && < || > opaleye < || > && < || > && <0.6.7000.0 || >0.6.7000.0 && <0.6.7001.0 || >0.6.7001.0 && <0.6.7002.0 || >0.6.7002.0 && < || > opaleye-sqlite < || > open-union < || > openapi3 <3.0.0 || >3.0.0 opench-meteo < || > && < || > && < || > opml-conduit < || > optics-operators < || > optics-th < || > optparse-applicative < || > optparse-generic <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.2 || >1.1.2 opusfile < || > orderly-workers >= orgmode-parse <0.3.0 orgstat <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 otp-authenticator < || > overloaded-records < || > && < || > pagerduty >=0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 pandoc <1.14 || >1.14 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.15 || >1.15 && < || > && < || > pandoc-crossref >= && <0.2 || == || == || == || == || >=0.2.5 && <0.3 || == || == || >=0.3.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > pandoc-plot < || > && < || > pandoc-pyplot < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > pandoc-types <1.19 || >1.19 pandoc-vimhl < || > parameterized < || > paramtree >=0.1.1 parser241 < || > && < || > passman-core < || > patch < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > path <0.7.1 || >0.7.1 path-extra <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 paypal-adaptive-hoops < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > pcgen <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 pcre-utils <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.7 || >0.1.7 && <0.1.8 || >0.1.8 penrose < || > && < || > && < || > perceptual-hash >= perfect-hash-generator < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > periodic-polynomials >=0.2 persistent < || > && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && < || > && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && < || > && <2.0.2 || >2.0.2 && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && < || > && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && < || > && <2.0.7 || >2.0.7 && < || > && <2.0.8 || >2.0.8 && <2.7.2 || >2.7.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > persistent-mongoDB <1.3.0 || >1.3.0 && <1.3.1 || >1.3.1 && <1.4.4 || >1.4.4 && < || > && < || > && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && < || > && < || > && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.2 || >2.0.2 && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && < || > && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && <2.0.6 || >2.0.6 && <2.0.7 || >2.0.7 && <2.0.8 || >2.0.8 && < || > && <2.0.9 || >2.0.9 persistent-mysql <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && < || > persistent-postgresql <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && < || > && <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && < || > persistent-qq < || > persistent-redis <2.5.0 || >2.5.0 && <2.5.1 || >2.5.1 persistent-sqlite <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && < || > && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && <2.0.5 || >2.0.5 && < || > && <2.10.2 || >2.10.2 && <2.10.3 || >2.10.3 && < || > && < || > persistent-template <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && < || > && < || > && < || > && <2.0.1 || >2.0.1 && <2.0.2 || >2.0.2 && < || > && < || > && <2.0.3 || >2.0.3 && < || > && < || > && <2.0.4 || >2.0.4 && < || > && < || > peyotls-codec < || > pg < || > pgdl <6.2 || >6.2 && <6.3 || >6.3 && <6.4 || >6.4 && <9.0 || >9.0 phladiprelio-general-datatype >=0.10.1 phladiprelio-general-shared >=0.1.2 phladiprelio-general-simple >= phladiprelio-rhythmicity-shared >=0.1 phladiprelio-tests >=0.1 phladiprelio-ukrainian-shared >= phladiprelio-ukrainian-simple >= phone-metadata < || > phonetic-languages-basis >=0.3 phonetic-languages-common >=0.1.2 phonetic-languages-constaints >=0.3 phonetic-languages-constraints >=0.4 phonetic-languages-constraints-array >=0.8 phonetic-languages-examples >=0.7 phonetic-languages-filters-array >=0.6 phonetic-languages-general >= phonetic-languages-permutations >=0.2 phonetic-languages-permutations-array >=0.5 phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics >=0.11 phonetic-languages-plus >=0.7.1 phonetic-languages-properties >=0.4 phonetic-languages-rhythmicity >= phonetic-languages-simplified-base >=0.9 phonetic-languages-simplified-common >=0.4 phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array >=0.21 phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-common >=0.6.2 phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array >= phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-common >=0.6.1 phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-properties-array >=0.13.1 phonetic-languages-simplified-lists-examples >=0.7 phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array >=0.17.2 phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array-common >=0.4.1 phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-lists >=0.4 phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-lists-double >=0.2 phonetic-languages-ukrainian >=0.3 phonetic-languages-ukrainian-array >=0.12.2 pickle < || > pinch < || > ping < || > pipe-enumerator < || > && < || > pipes-bgzf < || > pipes-cacophony >=0.5 pipes-category < || > && < || > && < || > pipes-cereal < || > pipes-cereal-plus <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 pipes-errors <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 pipes-fluid < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > pipes-misc < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > pipes-p2p <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 pipes-p2p-examples <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 pipes-parse <3.0.0 || >3.0.0 pipes-safe <2.3.0 || >2.3.0 plot-gtk-ui < || > && < || > && < || > plot-lab < || > && < || > plot-light < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 && <0.2.4 || >0.2.4 && <0.2.5 || >0.2.5 && <0.2.6 || >0.2.6 && <0.2.7 || >0.2.7 && <0.2.9 || >0.2.9 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 && < || > && <0.3.3 || >0.3.3 && < || > && < || > && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 plots < || > plucky < || > poly < || > poly-arity <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && < || > && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.0.6 || >0.0.6 polysemy < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > polysemy-account < || > polysemy-account-api < || > polysemy-chronos < || > polysemy-conc < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > polysemy-http < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > polysemy-kvstore < || > && < || > polysemy-log < || > && < || > && < || > polysemy-log-co < || > polysemy-log-di < || > polysemy-plugin < || > && < || > && < || > polysemy-process < || > polysemy-test < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > polyvariadic < || > && < || > && < || > posix-pty >=0.2.1 possible < || > && < || > postgresql-libpq < || > postgresql-orm <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 postgresql-pure < || > postgresql-query <3.8.0 || >3.8.0 postgresql-simple < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > potoki-core <0.9 || >0.9 && <0.9.1 || >0.9.1 praglude < || > pred-set <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 pred-trie <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.0.6 || >0.0.6 && < || > && <0.0.7 || >0.0.7 && < || > && <0.0.8 || >0.0.8 && < || > && <0.0.9 || >0.0.9 && <0.0.10 || >0.0.10 && < || > && < || > && <0.0.11 || >0.0.11 && <0.0.12 || >0.0.12 && <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 && <0.2.4 || >0.2.4 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 prelude-compat <0.0 || >0.0 present <2.0 || >2.0 pretty-html < || > pretty-types < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > prettyprinter <0.1 || >0.1 prettyprinter-ansi-terminal <0.1 || >0.1 prettyprinter-compat-annotated-wl-pprint <0.1 || >0.1 prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint <0.1 || >0.1 prettyprinter-compat-wl-pprint >=0 && <1 || >1 prettyprinter-lucid < || > primal < || > && < || > primal-memory < || > && < || > primitive <0.6 || >0.6 && < || > && < || > && < || > primitive-unlifted < || > print-info >=0.1.3 prizm < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 && <1.0.2 || >1.0.2 && <1.0.3 || >1.0.3 && <1.0.4 || >1.0.4 && <1.0.5 || >1.0.5 prob-fx < || > process < || > process-extras <0.7 || >0.7 process-sequential >=0.1.2 prompt < || > proteome < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > protobuf < || > protolude >0.1.9 pseudo-trie <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && < || > pthread <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 pureMD5 <2.1.2 || >2.1.2 pvector < || > && < || > qchas <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && < || > quantizer >=0.3.1 quic <0.1.23 || >0.1.23 && <0.1.25 || >0.1.25 quickcheck-classes <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 && <0.3.3 || >0.3.3 && <0.4.11 || >0.4.11 && < || > quickjs-hs > r-glpk-phonetic-languages-ukrainian-durations >=0.5 raaz <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 && <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 && <0.3.3 || >0.3.3 raketka <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.1 || >1.1 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 && <1.1.2 || >1.1.2 ralist < || > && < || > random < || > random-bytestring <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 random-class < || > && < || > random-fu < || > random-source < || > rank-product < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > rank2classes <1.4.5 || >1.4.5 rawstring-qm <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 reactive-banana < || > && < || > readcsv <0.1 || >0.1 readline-in-other-words < || > && < || > rebase <1.9.1 || >1.9.1 record <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 recover-rtti < || > && < || > && < || > recursion < || > recursion-schemes <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && < || > && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && < || > && < || > reddit < || > && < || > reedsolomon < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > ref < || > refined <0.4 || >0.4 reflex < || > && < || > && < || > reflex-dom < || > reflex-gi-gtk < || > reform-lucid < || > && < || > regex < || > && < || > regex-do <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.1 || >1.1 && <1.3 || >1.3 && <1.4 || >1.4 && <1.5 || >1.5 && <1.6 || >1.6 && <1.7 || >1.7 && <1.8 || >1.8 && <1.9 || >1.9 && <2.0 || >2.0 && <2.1 || >2.1 && <2.2 || >2.2 && <2.3 || >2.3 && <2.4 || >2.4 && <2.5 || >2.5 && <2.6 || >2.6 && <2.6.1 || >2.6.1 && <2.6.2 || >2.6.2 && <3.0 || >3.0 && <3.0.1 || >3.0.1 && <3.1 || >3.1 regex-examples < || > && < || > regex-pcre-builtin < || > && < || > regex-rure >= regex-tdfa < || > regex-with-pcre < || > && < || > regex-wrapper < || > relapse >= relational-query < || > relational-query-HDBC < || > relational-record-examples < || > && < || > && < || > remote-monad < || > && < || > repa-v4l2 >=0.2 reroute < || > resolv < || > rest-gen <0.12 || >0.12 ret < || > rev-scientific >=0.2.1 rhythmic-sequences >=0.8 ribosome < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > rings <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > rio < || > && < || > rivet-core < || > && < || > roller <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 rose-trees <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > rot13 <= || > rowdy-yesod < || > rpm-nvr <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 rpmbuild-order <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 rrb-vector < || > rss <3000.2.0.6 || >3000.2.0.6 rss-conduit < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > rts-loader < || > && < || > && < || > run-st < || > rungekutta2 <0.1 || >0.1 safe <0.3.18 || >0.3.18 salak >=0.3.5 salak-toml >=0.3.5 salak-yaml >=0.3.5 sasl < || > sbv <0.9 || >0.9 && <0.9.1 || >0.9.1 && <0.9.2 || >0.9.2 && <0.9.3 || >0.9.3 && <0.9.4 || >0.9.4 && <0.9.5 || >0.9.5 && <0.9.6 || >0.9.6 && <0.9.7 || >0.9.7 && <0.9.8 || >0.9.8 && <0.9.9 || >0.9.9 && <0.9.10 || >0.9.10 && <0.9.11 || >0.9.11 && <0.9.12 || >0.9.12 && <0.9.13 || >0.9.13 && <0.9.14 || >0.9.14 && <0.9.15 || >0.9.15 && <0.9.16 || >0.9.16 && <0.9.17 || >0.9.17 && <0.9.18 || >0.9.18 && <0.9.19 || >0.9.19 && <0.9.20 || >0.9.20 && <0.9.21 || >0.9.21 && <0.9.22 || >0.9.22 && <0.9.23 || >0.9.23 && <0.9.24 || >0.9.24 && <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.1 || >1.1 && <1.2 || >1.2 && <1.3 || >1.3 && <1.4 || >1.4 && <2.0 || >2.0 && <2.1 || >2.1 && <2.2 || >2.2 && <2.3 || >2.3 && <2.4 || >2.4 && <2.5 || >2.5 && <2.6 || >2.6 && <2.7 || >2.7 && <2.8 || >2.8 && <2.9 || >2.9 && <2.10 || >2.10 && <3.0 || >3.0 && <3.1 || >3.1 && <3.2 || >3.2 && <3.3 || >3.3 && <3.4 || >3.4 && <3.5 || >3.5 && <4.0 || >4.0 && <4.1 || >4.1 && <4.2 || >4.2 && <4.3 || >4.3 && <4.4 || >4.4 && <5.0 || >5.0 && <5.1 || >5.1 && <5.2 || >5.2 && <5.3 || >5.3 && <5.4 || >5.4 && <5.5 || >5.5 && <5.6 || >5.6 && <5.7 || >5.7 && <5.8 || >5.8 && <5.9 || >5.9 && <5.10 || >5.10 && <5.11 || >5.11 && <5.12 || >5.12 && <5.13 || >5.13 && <5.14 || >5.14 && <5.15 || >5.15 && <6.0 || >6.0 && <6.1 || >6.1 && <7.0 || >7.0 && <7.1 || >7.1 && <7.2 || >7.2 && <7.3 || >7.3 && <7.4 || >7.4 && <7.5 || >7.5 && <7.6 || >7.6 && <7.7 || >7.7 && <7.8 || >7.8 && <7.9 || >7.9 && <7.10 || >7.10 && <7.11 || >7.11 && <7.12 || >7.12 && <7.13 || >7.13 && <8.0 || >8.0 && <8.1 || >8.1 && <8.2 || >8.2 && <8.3 || >8.3 && <8.4 || >8.4 && <8.5 || >8.5 && <8.6 || >8.6 && <8.7 || >8.7 && <8.8 || >8.8 && <8.9 || >8.9 && <8.10 || >8.10 && <8.11 || >8.11 && <8.12 || >8.12 && <8.13 || >8.13 && <8.14 || >8.14 && <8.15 || >8.15 && <8.16 || >8.16 && <8.17 || >8.17 && <9.0 || >9.0 && <9.1 || >9.1 && <9.2 || >9.2 && <10.0 || >10.0 && <10.1 || >10.1 && <10.2 || >10.2 && <10.3 || >10.3 && <10.4 || >10.4 && <10.5 || >10.5 && <10.6 || >10.6 && <10.7 || >10.7 && <10.8 || >10.8 && <10.9 || >10.9 && <10.10 || >10.10 sbvPlugin <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.5 || >0.5 && <0.6 || >0.6 && <0.7 || >0.7 sc2-proto < || > schedule-planner < || > sci-ratio < || > scotty >0.5.0 && <0.11.6 || >0.11.6 && <0.20 || >0.20 sdl2 < || > && < || > && < || > sdl2-compositor <1.2 || >1.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > selda < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.1.12 || >0.1.12 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > selective <0.6.1 || >0.6.1 semigroupoids <4.5 || >4.5 && <5.3 || >5.3 && <6 || >6 seqalign < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > seqid <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 serokell-util < || > && < || > servant-auth-cookie <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && < || > servant-auth-server < || > && < || > servant-auth-token < || > && < || > servant-auth-token-api < || > servant-benchmark < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > servant-client <0.20.1 || >0.20.1 servant-client-core <0.20.1 || >0.20.1 servant-docs < || > servant-errors >= servant-openapi3 <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 servant-pagination >=2.1.0 servant-proto-lens < || > && < || > servant-serf >=0.0.3 servant-snap < || > servant-static-th < || > && < || > serviette >= setlocale < || > sets <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && < || > && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 sexp-grammar <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 && < || > && <1.2.4 || >1.2.4 && <2.3.2 || >2.3.2 shadower >= shake <0.18 || >0.18 && <0.18.1 || >0.18.1 && <0.19.3 || >0.19.3 shake-bindist <= shake-c >= && <= || >= shake-dhall < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > shake-elm < || > shake-ext < || >= shake-futhark < || > shellmate <0.3.2 || >0.3.2 && < || > && <0.3.4 || >0.3.4 && < || > && < || > shellmate-extras <0.3.4 || >0.3.4 && < || > shelly <1.5 || >1.5 && <1.5.3 || >1.5.3 shortbytestring < || > && < || > signal < || > && < || > simple-effects < || > simple-prompt <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 simple-sendfile <0.2.29 || >0.2.29 simpoole <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 singletons-presburger < || > sized < || > sized-vector < || > skylighting <0.3.5 || >0.3.5 smallcheck <1.1.6 || >1.1.6 smallcheck-laws <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 smh <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 snap-utils <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 soap > socket < || > && < || > some < || > spade < || > && < || > && < || > sparkle <0.5 || >0.5 sparse-linear-algebra < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.2.9 || >0.2.9 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > spectral-clustering < || > splay <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 sqlite-easy >= sqlite-simple < || > srt < || > srtree < || > stack <9.9.9 || >9.9.9 stack-all <0.6 || >0.6 stateWriter >=0.3 statistics < || > && < || > stb-image-redux < || > stm < || > && < || > && < || > stm-containers < || > stm-extras < || > && < || > store <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && <0.7.3 || >0.7.3 streaming-bytestring < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > streaming-concurrency < || > streaming-postgresql-simple < || > streamly-bytestring >=0.1.2 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 streamly-fsnotify <2.1.1 || >2.1.1 string-interpreter >=0.8 string-transform <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 stripe < || > stylish-cabal < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > subG >=0.6.1 sublists >= sv-core <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 svg-tree < || > swiss-ephemeris < || > && < || > syb < || > symbols < || > table-layout < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > taco < || > && < || > && < || > tai64 <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && < || > && < || > tar < || > && < || > tar-bytestring < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > task-distribution < || > tasty-bench <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.2.4 || >0.2.4 tasty-hspec <0.1 || >0.1 && < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && <1.0 || >1.0 && <1.1 || >1.1 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 && <1.1.2 || >1.1.2 && <1.1.3 || >1.1.3 && < || > && <1.1.7 || >1.1.7 tasty-laws <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 tasty-rerun >=1.1.0 tasty-silver < || > tasty-stats < || > tasty-test-reporter < || > tasty-th <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 tasty-travis >=0.1.2 telegram-api < || > termbox-bindings > terminal-progress-bar <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 testcontainers < || > texbuilder < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > texmath < || > && <0.6.7 || >0.6.7 && <0.9.2 || >0.9.2 text-all < || > text-builder-dev <0.3.4 || >0.3.4 text-icu < || > th-data-compat < || > th-lift-instances <0.1.12 || >0.1.12 && <0.1.15 || >0.1.15 th-printf < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.3.1 || >0.3.1 thorn >= thread-local-storage < || > && < || > && < || > threepenny-gui < || > throttled-io-loop < || > && < || > thyme < || > && <0.3.6 || >0.3.6 tighttp < || > time <1.13 || >1.13 timemap <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 timeprint < || > && < || > timerep < || > timestats <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.4 || >0.1.4 timezone-series <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.9 || >0.1.9 titan < || > tls <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 toml-reader-parse < || > too-many-cells < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > toxcore <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 transformers < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > transformers-compat <0.6.3 || >0.6.3 trasa-server <0.5 || >0.5 && <0.5.1 || >0.5.1 && <0.5.2 || >0.5.2 traverse-code <0.1 || >0.1 tries <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 tslogger < || > && < || > ttrie < || > tup-functor <0.2 || >0.2 && < || > && < || > turtle <1.6.0 || >1.6.0 twitter-conduit <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.6 || >0.0.6 && <0.0.7 || >0.0.7 && <0.0.8 || >0.0.8 && < || > && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && < || > && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.2.2 || >0.2.2 && < || > && < || > && <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 txt < || > && < || > type-natural < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > type-tree < || > && < || > typecheck-plugin-nat-simple < || > && < || > typed-spreadsheet <1.0.1 || >1.0.1 typelits-witnesses < || > typenums < || > && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && < || > && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && < || > typerbole >= typerep-map <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 typst-symbols <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 tzdata <0.2.20201016.0 || >0.2.20201016.0 ucd < || > ukrainian-phonetics-basic >=0.4.1 ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array >=0.10 ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-bytestring >=0.1.1 ukrainian-phonetics-common >=0.2 unbeliever < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > unboxed-ref < || > && < || > unicode-data <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && < || > unicode-data-parser <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 && < || > unicode-data-scripts <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 unicode-transforms <0.3.7 || >0.3.7 uniqueness-periods >=0.2 uniqueness-periods-general >=0.2 uniqueness-periods-vector >= uniqueness-periods-vector-common >= uniqueness-periods-vector-examples >=0.15 uniqueness-periods-vector-filters >=0.3 uniqueness-periods-vector-general >=0.5.3 uniqueness-periods-vector-properties >=0.6 uniqueness-periods-vector-stats >=0.4 universum >=1.1.0 unix-compat < || > unix-time <0.1.10 || >0.1.10 && <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && <0.4.1 || >0.4.1 && <0.4.2 || >0.4.2 unleash-client-haskell <0.4.8 || >0.4.8 unordered-containers < || > unsafely < || > up-grade <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 urlpath <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.0.6 || >0.0.6 && <0.1 || >0.1 && < || > && <0.2 || >0.2 && <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <2.0.0 || >2.0.0 && <2.1.0 || >2.1.0 && <3.0.0 || >3.0.0 && <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <3.1.1 || >3.1.1 && <3.2.0 || >3.2.0 && <3.2.1 || >3.2.1 && < || > && <3.3.0 || >3.3.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 && < || > && <4.1.0 || >4.1.0 && <4.2.0 || >4.2.0 && <5.0.0 || >5.0.0 uuid-crypto < || > uusi < || > && < || > && < || > vabal <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.2.0 || >1.2.0 validated-literals <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && < || > varying > vector < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > vector-algorithms < || > && < || > && < || > vector-binary-instances < || > vector-doublezip >=0.2 vector-instances <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && < || > && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && < || > vector-sized <1.4.3 || >1.4.3 vector-th-unbox >=0.2.1 && < || > && < || > && < || > vectortiles < || > versions <3.0.1 || >3.0.1 && <3.1.0 || >3.1.0 && <4.0.0 || >4.0.0 vinyl <0.12.2 || >0.12.2 vinyl-gl < || > && < || > && <0.1.2 || >0.1.2 && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && < || > vivid >= vty <5.12 || >5.12 vulkan < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > vulkan-api < || > && < || > && < || > wai-accept-language < || > wai-extra < || > && <3.1.9 || >3.1.9 wai-handler-hal < || > wai-logger <2.3.3 || >2.3.3 wai-middleware-content-type <0.0.0 || >0.0.0 && <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && < || > && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 && < || > && <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1 && <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 wai-middleware-verbs <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && <0.0.4 || >0.0.4 && <0.0.5 || >0.0.5 && <0.1.0 || >0.1.0 && <0.1.1 || >0.1.1 wai-saml2 < || > wai-transformers <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 wai-util <0.1 || >0.1 && <0.2 || >0.2 && <0.3 || >0.3 && <0.4 || >0.4 && <0.5 || >0.5 && <0.6 || >0.6 warp <3.2.4 || >3.2.4 warp-tls <3.3.7 || >3.3.7 web-inv-route < || > webapi < || > webapp >=0.6.1 webdriver >=0.6 && <0.6.3 || >0.6.3 && <0.8 || >0.8 && < || > && < || > webp < || > && < || > && < || > webpage <0.0.1 || >0.0.1 && <0.0.2 || >0.0.2 && <0.0.3 || >0.0.3 && < || > websockets < || > weigh <0.0.15 || >0.0.15 wherefrom-compat < || > witherable < || > word < || > word-compat <0.0 || >0.0 word12 <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 wreq < || > writer-cps-lens < || > writer-cps-morph < || > && < || > x509-ocsp < || > && < || > xdcc <1.0.0 || >1.0.0 && <1.0.5 || >1.0.5 && <1.1.0 || >1.1.0 && <1.1.1 || >1.1.1 xinu < || > xinu-ffi < || > xml-conduit < || > && <1.8.0 || >1.8.0 xml-conduit-microlens < || > && < || > xmlbf >=0.4 xmonad <0.14.1 || >0.14.1 xmonad-spotify < || >= xxhash-ffi < || > yam <0.4.0 || >0.4.0 && <0.5.0 || >0.5.0 && <0.5.1 || >0.5.1 && <0.5.3 || >0.5.3 && <0.5.4 || >0.5.4 && <0.5.5 || >0.5.5 && <0.5.9 || >0.5.9 && <0.5.10 || >0.5.10 yam-app >=0.2.0 yam-config <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 yam-datasource <0.5.1 || >0.5.1 && <0.5.3 || >0.5.3 && <0.5.4 || >0.5.4 && <0.5.5 || >0.5.5 && <0.5.10 || >0.5.10 yam-job >=0.2.0 yam-logger <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 yam-servant >=0.2.0 yam-transaction <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 yam-transaction-odbc < || > && < || > && < || > && <0.1.3 || >0.1.3 && <0.1.4 || >0.1.4 && <0.1.5 || >0.1.5 && <0.1.6 || >0.1.6 && <0.1.7 || >0.1.7 yam-transaction-postgresql >=0.2.0 yam-web <0.3.0 || >0.3.0 yaml-light-lens < || > yaml-streamly <0.12.3 || >0.12.3 yaya >=0.4.1 yaya-hedgehog >=0.2.0 yaya-test >=0.3.1 && <0.4 yaya-unsafe >=0.2.0 yesod-bin <1.5.0 || >1.5.0 yesod-static-streamly < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > && < || > yocto >=1 zeolite-lang < || > zifter < || > zip-archive <0.2.3 || >0.2.3 && < || > zoovisitor < || >