Server memory use

This page lists the memory use all of the in-memory data stores and caches on the server.



Total memory use of all state components and all caches:

Note that the real heap size is usually 2x-3x greater than this due to the way the GC works.

By size

  1. 1213 MB: sitemap — cache from feature sitemap
  2. 1133 MB: main package index tarball — cache from feature core
  3. 1086 MB: recent packages and revisions — cache from feature recentPackages
  4. 973 MB: Main package database — state component from feature core
  5. 730 MB: Build reports — state component from feature reports-core
  6. 538 MB: reverse index — cache from feature reverse
  7. 178 MB: Preferred package versions — state component from feature package-info-json
  8. 152 MB: Mapping from tarball blob IDs to tarindex blob IDs — state component from feature tarIndexCache
  9. 98 MB: user group index — cache from feature users
  10. 89 MB: Candidate packages — state component from feature candidates
  11. 68 MB: Build reports — state component from feature reports-candidates
  12. 52 MB: per-package-name summary info — cache from feature list
  13. 43 MB: Package documentation — state component from feature documentation-core
  14. 37 MB: Package tags — state component from feature tags
  15. 36 MB: calculated tags — cache from feature tags
  16. 35 MB: — state component from feature distro
  17. 34 MB: package search engine — cache from feature search
  18. 9 MB: List of users — state component from feature users
  19. 6 MB: Package maintainers — state component from feature upload
  20. 6 MB: total package downloads cache — cache from feature download
  21. 6 MB: recent package downloads cache — cache from feature download
  22. 4 MB: Package documentation — state component from feature documentation-candidates
  23. 4 MB: packages page by name — cache from feature html
  24. 3 MB: Extra details associated with user accounts, email addresses etc — state component from feature user-details
  25. 3 MB: AdminLog — state component from feature admin-actions-log
  26. 2 MB: packages page by category — cache from feature html
  27. 1 MB: Preferred package versions — state component from feature versions
  28. 0 MB: Backing store for Map PackageName -> Users who voted for it — state component from feature votes
  29. 0 MB: Support for upgrading accounts from htpasswd-style passwords — state component from feature legacy-passwds
  30. 0 MB: Uploaders — state component from feature upload
  31. 0 MB: Today's download counts — state component from feature download
  32. 0 MB: State to keep track of revision notifications — state component from feature user-notify
  33. 0 MB: Keeps track of vouches — state component from feature endorse
  34. 0 MB: TUF specific state — state component from feature security
  35. 0 MB: Trustees — state component from feature upload
  36. 0 MB: State to keep track of outstanding requests for user signup and password resets — state component from feature user-signup-reset
  37. 0 MB: Admins — state component from feature users
  38. 0 MB: Mirror clients — state component from feature mirror
  39. 0 MB: All time download counts — state component from feature download
  40. 0 MB: Backing store for AnalyticsPixels feature — state component from feature AnalyticsPixels
  41. 0 MB: Platform packages — state component from feature platform

By feature


Manipulate the user database.

State components:

Cache components:


Core functionality

State components:

Cache components:


TUF Security

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Support direct (PUT) tarball uploads and overrides

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Support for package uploads, and define groups for trustees, uploaders, and package maintainers

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Generic cache for tarball indices

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


The PackageContents feature shows the contents of packages and caches their TarIndexes

This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


Extra information about user accounts, email addresses etc.

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Extra information about user accounts, email addresses etc.

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Support for upgrading accounts from htpasswd-style passwords

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Support for package candidates

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Build reports and build logs

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Build reports and build logs

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Maintain and display documentation

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Maintain and display documentation

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


State components:

Cache components:


State components:

Cache components:


Allow users to attach analytics pixels to their packages

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


List packages which are part of the Haskell platform (this is work in progress)

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


Provide a tarball of all package's hoogle files

This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


Allow users to upvote packages

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Log of additions and removals of users from groups.

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Provides sitemap for search engines

This feature does not have any state.

Cache components:


Notifications to users on metadata updates.

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.

package feed

Provides RSS feed for individual packages

This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


Provide JSON endpoints for basic package descriptions

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


Endorsing users such that they get upload permission.

State components:

This feature does not have any caches.


This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.


Lists the resources available on this server.

This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.

search/browse backend

This feature does not have any state.

This feature does not have any caches.