yi-core: Yi editor core library

[ gpl, library, yi ] [ Propose Tags ]


[Last Documentation]

  • Parser
    • Parser.Incremental
  • Paths_yi_core
  • System
    • System.FriendlyPath
  • Yi
    • Yi.Buffer
      • Yi.Buffer.HighLevel
      • Yi.Buffer.Indent
      • Yi.Buffer.Misc
      • Yi.Buffer.Normal
      • Yi.Buffer.Region
      • Yi.Buffer.TextUnit
      • Yi.Buffer.Undo
    • Yi.Command
      • Yi.Command.Help
    • Yi.Completion
    • Yi.CompletionTree
    • Yi.Config
      • Yi.Config.Default
      • Yi.Config.Lens
      • Yi.Config.Misc
      • Yi.Config.Simple
        • Yi.Config.Simple.Types
    • Yi.Core
    • Yi.Debug
    • Yi.Dired
    • Yi.Editor
    • Yi.Eval
    • Yi.Event
    • Yi.File
    • Yi.History
    • Yi.Hoogle
    • Yi.Hooks
    • Yi.IncrementalParse
    • Yi.Interact
    • Yi.JumpList
    • Yi.Keymap
      • Yi.Keymap.Keys
    • Yi.KillRing
    • Yi.Layout
    • Yi.MiniBuffer
    • Yi.Misc
    • Mode
      • Yi.Mode.Common
      • Yi.Mode.Compilation
      • Yi.Mode.Interactive
    • Yi.Monad
    • Yi.Paths
    • Yi.PersistentState
    • Yi.Process
    • Yi.Rectangle
    • Yi.Search
      • Yi.Search.Internal
    • Yi.String
    • Syntax
      • Yi.Syntax.Driver
      • Yi.Syntax.Layout
      • Yi.Syntax.OnlineTree
      • Yi.Syntax.Tree
    • Yi.Tab
    • Yi.Tag
    • Yi.TextCompletion
    • Yi.Types
    • UI
      • Yi.UI.Common
      • Yi.UI.LineNumbers
      • Yi.UI.SimpleLayout
      • Yi.UI.TabBar
      • Yi.UI.Utils
    • Yi.Window


Manual Flags


Build with hint (haskell interpreter)


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


Versions [RSS] 0.13,,, 0.13.1, 0.13.2, 0.13.3, 0.13.4, 0.13.5, 0.13.6, 0.13.7, 0.14.0, 0.14.1, 0.15.0, 0.16.0, 0.17.0, 0.17.1, 0.18.0, 0.19.0, 0.19.1, 0.19.2, 0.19.3
Dependencies array, attoparsec, base (>=4.8 && <5), binary (>=0.7), bytestring (>=0.9.1), containers, data-default, directory, dlist (>=0.4.1), dynamic-state (>=, exceptions, filepath (>=1.1), hashable (>=, ListLike (>=4.5), microlens-platform, mtl (>=, old-locale, oo-prototypes, parsec (>=3.0), pointedlist (>=0.5), process (>=, process-extras (>=, split (>=0.2), text (>=, time (>=1.1), transformers-base, unix, unix-compat (>=0.1), unordered-containers (>=0.1.3), Win32, xdg-basedir (>=0.2.1), yi-language (>=0.19), yi-rope (>=0.10) [details]
License GPL-2.0-only
Maintainer Yi developers <yi-devel@googlegroups.com>
Category Yi
Home page https://github.com/yi-editor/yi#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/yi-editor/yi/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/yi-editor/yi
Uploaded by MarcelFourne at 2024-06-25T10:30:14Z
Distributions Debian:0.19.2
Reverse Dependencies 12 direct, 1 indirect [details]
Downloads 12012 total (19 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2024-06-25 [all 2 reports]