worldturtle- LOGO-like Turtle graphics with a monadic interface.
Copyright(c) Archibald Neil MacDonald 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Graphics.WorldTurtle is a module for writing and rendering turtle graphics in Haskell.

Take a look at the examples on Github!


Running a WorldTurtle simulation.

Running on a single turtle.

To start animating a single turtle, you just pass your commands to runTurtle like so:

   import Graphics.WorldTurtle

   drawSquare :: Float -> TurtleCommand ()
   drawSquare size = repeatFor 4 $ forward size >> right 90

   main :: IO ()
   main = runTurtle $ drawSquare 100

Which will produce this animation.

runTurtle Source #


:: TurtleCommand ()

Command sequence to execute.

-> IO () 

Takes a TurtleCommand and executes the command on an implicitly created turtle that starts at position (0, 0) with heading north.

This is a convenience function written in terms of runWorld as:

runTurtle c = runWorld $ makeTurtle >>= run c

See also: makeTurtle.

runTurtle' Source #


:: Color

Background color.

-> TurtleCommand ()

Command sequence to execute.

-> IO () 

Variant of runTurtle which takes an additional background color parameter.

data TurtleCommand a Source #

A TurtleCommand represents an instruction to execute on a turtle. It could be as simple as "draw a line" or more complicated like "draw 300 circles."

TurtleCommands can be executed in order by combining them using the monadic operator (>>).

For example, to draw an equilateral triangle using do notation:

drawTriangle :: TurtleCommand ()
drawTriangle = do
  setHeading east
  forward 100
  left 120
  forward 100
  left 120
  forward 100

Which would produce:


Instances details
Monad TurtleCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

Functor TurtleCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TurtleCommand a -> TurtleCommand b #

(<$) :: a -> TurtleCommand b -> TurtleCommand a #

MonadFail TurtleCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fail :: String -> TurtleCommand a

Applicative TurtleCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

MonadIO TurtleCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


liftIO :: IO a -> TurtleCommand a

Running a world of turtles.

For executing commands on multiple turtles, we use runWorld which executes on WorldCommands. Here is an example where 2 turtles draw a circle independently:

import Graphics.WorldTurtle

main :: IO ()
main = runWorld $ do
  t1 <- makeTurtle
  t2 <- makeTurtle

  t1 >/> circle 90 
  t2 >/> circle (-90)

Notice that in a WorldCommand context we must create our own turtles with makeTurtle! We them apply the TurtleCommand on our turtles using the run operator (>/>).

runWorld Source #


:: WorldCommand ()

Command sequence to execute

-> IO () 

runWorld takes a WorldCommand and produces the animation in a new window!

Interacting with the window.

While running, you can interact with the window in the following way:

Pan the viewport.Click and drag
Zoom in/out.Mousewheel up/down
Reset the viewport to initial position.Spacebar
Reset the animation.R key
Pause the animation.P key
QuitEscape key

runWorld' Source #


:: Color

Background color

-> WorldCommand ()

Command sequence to execute

-> IO () 

Variant of runWorld which takes an additional background color parameter.

data WorldCommand a Source #

A WorldCommand represents an instruction that affects the entire animation canvas.

This could be as simple as "make a turtle" or more complicated, such as "run these 5 turtles in parallel."

Like TurtleCommands, WorldCommands can be executed in sequence by combining commands in order using the monadic operator (>>).

To execute a TurtleCommand within a WorldCommand, use the run function or >/> operator.

For parallel animations, see >!>.


Instances details
Monad WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

Functor WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WorldCommand a -> WorldCommand b #

(<$) :: a -> WorldCommand b -> WorldCommand a #

MonadFail WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fail :: String -> WorldCommand a

Applicative WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

MonadParallel WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


bindM2 :: (a -> b -> WorldCommand c) -> WorldCommand a -> WorldCommand b -> WorldCommand c #

MonadIO WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


liftIO :: IO a -> WorldCommand a

run Source #


:: TurtleCommand a

Command to execute

-> Turtle

Turtle to apply the command upon.

-> WorldCommand a

Result as a WorldCommand

run takes a TurtleCommand and a Turtle to execute the command on. The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a WorldCommand.

For example, to create a turtle and get its x position one might write:

 myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand Float
 myCommand t = do
   (x, _) <- run position t
   return x

Or to create a command that accepts a turtle and draws a right angle:

myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand ()
myCommand = run $ forward 10 >> right 90 >> forward 10

(>/>) infixl 4 Source #


:: Turtle

Turtle to apply the command upon.

-> TurtleCommand a

Command to execute

-> WorldCommand a

Result as a WorldCommand

This is an infix version of run where the arguments are swapped.

We take a turtle and a command to execute on the turtle. The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a WorldCommand.

To create a turtle and draw a right-angle:

myCommand :: WorldCommand ()
myCommand = do
  t <- makeTurtle
  t >/> do 
    forward 10
    right 90
    forward 10

Parallel animation

(>!>) infixl 3 Source #


:: WorldCommand ()

First command to execute in parallel

-> WorldCommand ()

Second command to execute in parallel.

-> WorldCommand ()

Result command

While WorldCommands can be combined with (>>) to produce sequential instructions, we can also use the parallel animation operator (>!>) to achieve parallel instructions. That is: animate two turtles at time!

Here is an example:

 import Graphics.WorldTurtle

 main :: IO ()
 main = runWorld $ do
   t1 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north green
   t2 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north red

   -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in sequence. 
   t1 >/> circle 90 >> t2 >/> circle (-90)

   -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in parallel.
   t1 >/> circle 90 >!> t2 >/> circle (-90)

Which would produce an animation like this

Note that (>!>) is an alias for bindM2, and is defined as:

 (>!>) = bindM2 (const . return)

Further documentation