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what4-1.0: Solver-agnostic symbolic values support for issuing queries

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2015-2020
Safe HaskellNone




This module declares a set of abstract domains used by the solver. These are mostly interval domains on numeric types.

Since these abstract domains are baked directly into the term representation, we want to get as much bang-for-buck as possible. Thus, we prioritize compact representations and simple algorithms over precision.



data ValueBound tp Source #

A lower or upper bound on a value.


Inclusive !tp 
Monad ValueBound Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


(>>=) :: ValueBound a -> (a -> ValueBound b) -> ValueBound b #

(>>) :: ValueBound a -> ValueBound b -> ValueBound b #

return :: a -> ValueBound a #

fail :: String -> ValueBound a #

Functor ValueBound Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ValueBound a -> ValueBound b #

(<$) :: a -> ValueBound b -> ValueBound a #

Applicative ValueBound Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


pure :: a -> ValueBound a #

(<*>) :: ValueBound (a -> b) -> ValueBound a -> ValueBound b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ValueBound a -> ValueBound b -> ValueBound c #

(*>) :: ValueBound a -> ValueBound b -> ValueBound b #

(<*) :: ValueBound a -> ValueBound b -> ValueBound a #

Eq tp => Eq (ValueBound tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


(==) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

Ord tp => Ord (ValueBound tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


compare :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

(>) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> Bool #

max :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp #

min :: ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp #

Show tp => Show (ValueBound tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains


showsPrec :: Int -> ValueBound tp -> ShowS #

show :: ValueBound tp -> String #

showList :: [ValueBound tp] -> ShowS #


data ValueRange tp Source #

Describes a range of values in a totally ordered set.


SingleRange !tp

Indicates that range denotes a single value

MultiRange !(ValueBound tp) !(ValueBound tp)

Indicates that the number is somewhere between the given upper and lower bound.

unboundedRange :: ValueRange tp Source #

Defines a unbounded value range.

mapRange :: (a -> b) -> ValueRange a -> ValueRange b Source #

rangeLowBound :: ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp Source #

Return lower bound of range.

rangeHiBound :: ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp Source #

Return upper bound of range.

singleRange :: tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Defines a value range containing a single element.

concreteRange :: Eq tp => tp -> tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Defines a unbounded value range.

valueRange :: Eq tp => ValueBound tp -> ValueBound tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Define a value range with the given bounds

rangeScalarMul :: (Ord tp, Num tp) => tp -> ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Multiply a range by a scalar value

mulRange :: (Ord tp, Num tp) => ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Multiply two ranges together.

joinRange :: Ord tp => ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp Source #

Compute the smallest range containing both ranges.

asSingleRange :: ValueRange tp -> Maybe tp Source #

Check if range is just a single element.

rangeCheckEq :: Ord tp => ValueRange tp -> ValueRange tp -> Maybe Bool Source #

Return maybe Boolean if range is equal, is not equal, or indeterminant.

integer range operations

intDivRange :: ValueRange Integer -> ValueRange Integer -> ValueRange Integer Source #

Compute an abstract range for integer division. We are using the SMTLib division operation, where the division is floor when the divisor is positive and ceiling when the divisor is negative. We compute the ranges assuming that division by 0 doesn't happen, and we are allowed to return nonsense ranges for these cases.

Boolean abstract value


natCheckEq :: NatValueRange -> NatValueRange -> Maybe Bool Source #

Return maybe Boolean if nat is equal, is not equal, or indeterminant.

natCheckLe :: NatValueRange -> NatValueRange -> Maybe Bool Source #

Return maybe Boolean if nat is equal, is not equal, or indeterminant.

natRangeJoin :: NatValueRange -> NatValueRange -> NatValueRange Source #

Compute the smallest range containing both ranges.

intRangeToNatRange :: ValueRange Integer -> NatValueRange Source #

Clamp an integer range to nonnegative values


ravConcreteRange Source #


:: Rational

Lower bound

-> Rational

Upper bound

-> RealAbstractValue 

Range accepting everything between lower and upper bound.

ravAdd :: RealAbstractValue -> RealAbstractValue -> RealAbstractValue Source #

Add two real abstract values.


newtype StringAbstractValue Source #

The string abstract domain tracks an interval range for the length of the string.





avTop :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #

Create an abstract value that contains every concrete value.

avSingle :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> ConcreteValue tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #

Create an abstract value that contains the given concrete value.

avContains :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> ConcreteValue tp -> AbstractValue tp -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the concrete value is a member of the set represented by the abstract value.

class Abstractable (tp :: BaseType) where Source #


avJoin :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> AbstractValue tp -> AbstractValue tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #

Take the union of the two abstract values.

avOverlap :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> AbstractValue tp -> AbstractValue tp -> Bool Source #

Returns true if the abstract values could contain a common concrete value.

avCheckEq :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> AbstractValue tp -> AbstractValue tp -> Maybe Bool Source #

Check equality on two abstract values. Return true or false if we can definitively determine the equality of the two elements, and nothing otherwise.

Abstractable BaseComplexType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable BaseRealType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable BaseNatType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable BaseIntegerType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable BaseBoolType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable (BaseStructType ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable (BaseStringType si) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable (BaseFloatType fpp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

1 <= w => Abstractable (BaseBVType w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

Abstractable (BaseArrayType idx b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Utils.AbstractDomains

class HasAbsValue f where Source #

A utility class for values that contain abstract values


getAbsValue :: f tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #

HasAbsValue (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


getAbsValue :: Expr t tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #