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what4-1.0: Solver-agnostic symbolic values support for issuing queries

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2015-2020
Safe HaskellNone




This module defines the canonical implementation of the solver interface from What4.Interface. Type ExprBuilder t st is an instance of the classes IsExprBuilder and IsSymExprBuilder.



data ExprBuilder t (st :: Type -> Type) (fs :: Type) Source #

Cache for storing dag terms. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

IsSymExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


freshConstant :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

freshLatch :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

freshBoundedBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> NatRepr w -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

freshBoundedSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> NatRepr w -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

freshBoundedNat :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

freshBoundedInt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

freshBoundedReal :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Maybe Rational -> Maybe Rational -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

freshBoundVar :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> IO (BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

varExpr :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp Source #

forallPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

existsPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

definedFn :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Assignment (BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs)) args -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) ret -> UnfoldPolicy -> IO (SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) args ret) Source #

inlineDefineFun :: CurryAssignmentClass args => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> UnfoldPolicy -> CurryAssignment args (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) ret)) -> IO (SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) args ret) Source #

freshTotalUninterpFn :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> BaseTypeRepr ret -> IO (SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) args ret) Source #

applySymFn :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) args ret -> Assignment (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) args -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) ret) Source #

IsExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


getConfiguration :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Config Source #

setSolverLogListener :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Maybe (SolverEvent -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

getSolverLogListener :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO (Maybe (SolverEvent -> IO ())) Source #

logSolverEvent :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverEvent -> IO () Source #

getStatistics :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO Statistics Source #

getCurrentProgramLoc :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO ProgramLoc Source #

setCurrentProgramLoc :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> ProgramLoc -> IO () Source #

isEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

baseTypeIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

annotateTerm :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> IO (SymAnnotation (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp, SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

truePred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source #

falsePred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source #

notPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

andPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

orPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

impliesPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

xorPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

eqPred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

itePred :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Natural -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natAdd :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natSub :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natMul :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natDiv :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natMod :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natLe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natLt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Integer -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intAdd :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intSub :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intMul :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intLe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intLt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intAbs :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intDiv :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intMod :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

intDivisible :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> Natural -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvLit :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> BV w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvConcat :: (1 <= u, 1 <= v) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) u -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) v -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) (u + v)) Source #

bvSelect :: (1 <= n, (idx + n) <= w) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr idx -> NatRepr n -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) n) Source #

bvNeg :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvAdd :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvSub :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvMul :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvUdiv :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvUrem :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvSdiv :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvSrem :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

testBitBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> Natural -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvIsNeg :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvIte :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvEq :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvNe :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvUlt :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvUle :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvUge :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvUgt :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvSlt :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvSgt :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvSle :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvSge :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvIsNonzero :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvShl :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvLshr :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvAshr :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvRol :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvRor :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvZext :: (1 <= u, (u + 1) <= r) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr r -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) u -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) r) Source #

bvSext :: (1 <= u, (u + 1) <= r) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr r -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) u -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) r) Source #

bvTrunc :: (1 <= r, (r + 1) <= w) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr r -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) r) Source #

bvAndBits :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvOrBits :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvXorBits :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvNotBits :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvSet :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> Natural -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvFill :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

minUnsignedBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

maxUnsignedBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

maxSignedBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

minSignedBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvPopcount :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvCountLeadingZeros :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

bvCountTrailingZeros :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

addUnsignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

addSignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

subUnsignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

subSignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

carrylessMultiply :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) (w + w)) Source #

unsignedWideMultiplyBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w, SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

mulUnsignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

signedWideMultiplyBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w, SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

mulSignedOF :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs), SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

mkStruct :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Assignment (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) flds -> IO (SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds) Source #

structField :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds -> Index flds tp -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp) Source #

structEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds -> SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

structIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds -> SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds -> IO (SymStruct (ExprBuilder t st fs) flds) Source #

constantArray :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp) -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) b -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> tp) b) Source #

arrayFromFn :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) ret -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) ret) Source #

arrayMap :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) (ctx ::> d) r -> Assignment (ArrayResultWrapper (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (idx ::> itp)) (ctx ::> d) -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) r) Source #

arrayUpdate :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> tp) b -> Assignment (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (idx ::> tp) -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) b -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> tp) b) Source #

arrayLookup :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> tp) b -> Assignment (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (idx ::> tp) -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) b) Source #

arrayFromMap :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> itp) -> ArrayUpdateMap (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (idx ::> itp) tp -> SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) tp -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) tp) Source #

arrayUpdateAtIdxLits :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> ArrayUpdateMap (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) (idx ::> itp) tp -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) tp -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) tp) Source #

arrayIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx b -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx b -> IO (SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx b) Source #

arrayEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx b -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx b -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

allTrueEntries :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) idx BaseBoolType -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

arrayTrueOnEntries :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) BaseBoolType -> SymArray (ExprBuilder t st fs) (idx ::> itp) BaseBoolType -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

natToInteger :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

integerToReal :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvToNat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

bvToInteger :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

sbvToInteger :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

predToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

natToReal :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

uintToReal :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

sbvToReal :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realRound :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realRoundEven :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realFloor :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realCeil :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realTrunc :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

integerToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

integerToNat :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realToInteger :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realToNat :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

realToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

clampedIntToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

clampedIntToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> NatRepr w -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

intSetWidth :: (1 <= m, 1 <= n) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) m -> NatRepr n -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) n) Source #

uintSetWidth :: (1 <= m, 1 <= n) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) m -> NatRepr n -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) n) Source #

intToUInt :: (1 <= m, 1 <= n) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) m -> NatRepr n -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) n) Source #

uintToInt :: (1 <= m, 1 <= n) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) m -> NatRepr n -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) n) Source #

stringEmpty :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> StringInfoRepr si -> IO (SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si) Source #

stringLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> StringLiteral si -> IO (SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si) Source #

stringEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si) Source #

stringConcat :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si) Source #

stringContains :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringIsPrefixOf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringIsSuffixOf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringIndexOf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymInteger (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringLength :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> IO (SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

stringSubstring :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymNat (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymString (ExprBuilder t st fs) si) Source #

realZero :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source #

realLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Rational -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

sciLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Scientific -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realNe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realLe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realLt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realGe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realGt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realAdd :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realMul :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realSub :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realSq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realDiv :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realMod :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

isInteger :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realIsNonNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realAtan2 :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realPi :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realLog :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realExp :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realSin :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realCos :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realTan :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realSinh :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realCosh :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realTanh :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realAbs :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

realHypot :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> Rational -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatSub :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatMul :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatRem :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatMin :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatMax :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatNe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatLe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatLt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatGe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatGt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

floatIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatCast :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp' -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatRound :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatFromBinary :: (2 <= eb, 2 <= sb) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb) -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) (eb + sb) -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb)) Source #

floatToBinary :: (2 <= eb, 2 <= sb) => ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb) -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) (eb + sb)) Source #

bvToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

sbvToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

realToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp) Source #

floatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

floatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st fs) w) Source #

floatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymFloat (ExprBuilder t st fs) fpp -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

mkComplex :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Complex (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

getRealPart :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

getImagPart :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxGetParts :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Complex (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs))) Source #

mkComplexLit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Complex Rational -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxFromReal :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxIte :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxNeg :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxAdd :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxSub :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxMul :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxMag :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxSin :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxCos :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxTan :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxHypot :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxRound :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxFloor :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxCeil :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxConj :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxExp :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxEq :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

cplxNe :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> SymCplx (ExprBuilder t st fs) -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st fs)) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) => IsInterpretedFloatSymExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

MatlabSymbolicArrayBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


mkMatlabSolverFn :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> MatlabSolverFn (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs)) args ret -> IO (SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) args ret) Source #

type SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymFn (ExprBuilder t st fs) = ExprSymFn t (Expr t)
type SymAnnotation (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymAnnotation (ExprBuilder t st fs) = (Nonce t :: BaseType -> Type)
type BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) = ExprBoundVar t
type SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) = Expr t
type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

newExprBuilder Source #


:: FloatModeRepr fm

Float interpretation mode (i.e., how are floats translated for the solver).

-> st t

Current state for simple builder.

-> NonceGenerator IO t

Nonce generator for names

-> IO (ExprBuilder t st (Flags fm)) 

getSymbolVarBimap :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO (SymbolVarBimap t) Source #

Get current variable bindings.

sbMakeExpr :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> App (Expr t) tp -> IO (Expr t tp) Source #

sbNonceExpr :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> NonceApp t (Expr t) tp -> IO (Expr t tp) Source #

Create an element from a nonce app.

sbUnaryThreshold :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> OptionSetting BaseIntegerType Source #

The maximum number of distinct values a term may have and use the unary representation.

sbCacheStartSize :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> OptionSetting BaseIntegerType Source #

The starting size when building a new cache

sbBVDomainRangeLimit :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> OptionSetting BaseIntegerType Source #

The maximum number of distinct ranges in a BVDomain expression.

sbStateManager :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IORef (st t) Source #

Additional state maintained by the state manager

exprCounter :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> NonceGenerator IO t Source #

Counter to generate new unique identifiers for elements and functions.

startCaching :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO () Source #

Restart caching applications in backend (clears cache if it is currently caching).

stopCaching :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO () Source #

Stop caching applications in backend.

Specialized representations

bvUnary :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st fs -> UnaryBV (BoolExpr t) w -> IO (BVExpr t w) Source #

natSum :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> WeightedSum (Expr t) SemiRingNat -> IO (NatExpr t) Source #

Evaluate a weighted sum of natural number values.

intSum :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> WeightedSum (Expr t) SemiRingInteger -> IO (IntegerExpr t) Source #

Evaluate a weighted sum of integer values.

realSum :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> WeightedSum (Expr t) SemiRingReal -> IO (RealExpr t) Source #

Evaluate a weighted sum of real values.

bvSum :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> WeightedSum (Expr t) (SemiRingBV flv w) -> IO (BVExpr t w) Source #

configuration options

unaryThresholdOption :: ConfigOption BaseIntegerType Source #

Maximum number of values in unary bitvector encoding.

This option is named "backend.unary_threshold"

bvdomainRangeLimitOption :: ConfigOption BaseIntegerType Source #

Maximum number of ranges in bitvector abstract domains.

This option is named "backend.bvdomain_range_limit"

cacheStartSizeOption :: ConfigOption BaseIntegerType Source #

Starting size for element cache when caching is enabled.

This option is named "backend.cache_start_size"

cacheTerms :: ConfigOption BaseBoolType Source #

Indicates if we should cache terms. When enabled, hash-consing is used to find and deduplicate common subexpressions.

This option is named "use_cache"


data Expr t (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

The main ExprBuilder expression datastructure. The non-trivial Expr values constructed by this module are uniquely identified by a nonce value that is used to explicitly represent sub-term sharing. When traversing the structure of an Expr it is usually very important to memoize computations based on the values of these identifiers to avoid exponential blowups due to shared term structure.

Type parameter t is a phantom type brand used to relate nonces to a specific nonce generator (similar to the s parameter of the ST monad). The type index tp of kind BaseType indicates the type of the values denoted by the given expression.

Type Expr t instantiates the type family SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st).


SemiRingLiteral :: !(SemiRingRepr sr) -> !(Coefficient sr) -> !ProgramLoc -> Expr t (SemiRingBase sr) 
BoolExpr :: !Bool -> !ProgramLoc -> Expr t BaseBoolType 
StringExpr :: !(StringLiteral si) -> !ProgramLoc -> Expr t (BaseStringType si) 
AppExpr :: !(AppExpr t tp) -> Expr t tp 
NonceAppExpr :: !(NonceAppExpr t tp) -> Expr t tp 
BoundVarExpr :: !(ExprBoundVar t tp) -> Expr t tp 
TestEquality (Expr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


testEquality :: Expr t a -> Expr t b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

OrdF (Expr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


compareF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> OrderingF x y #

leqF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Bool #

ltF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Bool #

geqF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Bool #

gtF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Bool #

ShowF (Expr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


withShow :: p (Expr t) -> q tp -> (Show (Expr t tp) -> a) -> a #

showF :: Expr t tp -> String #

showsPrecF :: Int -> Expr t tp -> String -> String #

HashableF (Expr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> Expr t tp -> Int #

hashF :: Expr t tp -> Int #

HasAbsValue (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


getAbsValue :: Expr t tp -> AbstractValue tp Source #

IsExpr (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

Eq (Expr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


(==) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

Ord (Expr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


compare :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

(>) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Bool #

max :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Expr t tp #

min :: Expr t tp -> Expr t tp -> Expr t tp #

Show (Expr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


showsPrec :: Int -> Expr t tp -> ShowS #

show :: Expr t tp -> String #

showList :: [Expr t tp] -> ShowS #

Pretty (Expr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


pretty :: Expr t tp -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Expr t tp] -> Doc #

Hashable (Expr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Expr t tp -> Int #

hash :: Expr t tp -> Int #

PolyEq (Expr t x) (Expr t y) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


polyEqF :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Maybe (Expr t x :~: Expr t y) #

polyEq :: Expr t x -> Expr t y -> Bool #

asApp :: Expr t tp -> Maybe (App (Expr t) tp) Source #

Destructor for the AppExpr constructor.

asNonceApp :: Expr t tp -> Maybe (NonceApp t (Expr t) tp) Source #

Destructor for the NonceAppExpr constructor.

ppExpr :: Expr t tp -> Doc Source #

Pretty print an Expr using let bindings to create the term.

ppExprTop :: Expr t tp -> Doc Source #

Pretty print the top part of an element.

exprMaybeId :: Expr t tp -> Maybe (Nonce t tp) Source #

data Polarity Source #

Describes the occurrence of a variable or expression, whether it is negated or not.


Eq Polarity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.BoolMap

Ord Polarity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.BoolMap

Show Polarity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.BoolMap

Hashable Polarity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.BoolMap


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Polarity -> Int #

hash :: Polarity -> Int #

negatePolarity :: Polarity -> Polarity Source #

Swap a polarity value


data AppExpr t (tp :: BaseType) Source #

This type represents Expr values that were built from an App.

Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

Selector functions are provided to destruct AppExpr values, but the constructor is kept hidden. The preferred way to construct an Expr from an App is to use sbMakeExpr.

appExprId :: AppExpr t tp -> Nonce t tp Source #

appExprApp :: AppExpr t tp -> App (Expr t) tp Source #


data NonceAppExpr t (tp :: BaseType) Source #

This type represents Expr values that were built from a NonceApp.

Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

Selector functions are provided to destruct NonceAppExpr values, but the constructor is kept hidden. The preferred way to construct an Expr from a NonceApp is to use sbNonceExpr.

TestEquality (NonceAppExpr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


testEquality :: NonceAppExpr t a -> NonceAppExpr t b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

OrdF (NonceAppExpr t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


compareF :: NonceAppExpr t x -> NonceAppExpr t y -> OrderingF x y #

leqF :: NonceAppExpr t x -> NonceAppExpr t y -> Bool #

ltF :: NonceAppExpr t x -> NonceAppExpr t y -> Bool #

geqF :: NonceAppExpr t x -> NonceAppExpr t y -> Bool #

gtF :: NonceAppExpr t x -> NonceAppExpr t y -> Bool #

Eq (NonceAppExpr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


(==) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

Ord (NonceAppExpr t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


compare :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

(>) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> Bool #

max :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp #

min :: NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp -> NonceAppExpr t tp #

Type abbreviations

type BVExpr t n = Expr t (BaseBVType n) Source #


data App (e :: BaseType -> Type) (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

Type App e tp encodes the top-level application of an Expr expression. It includes first-order expression forms that do not bind variables (contrast with NonceApp).

Parameter e is used everywhere a recursive sub-expression would go. Uses of the App type will tie the knot through this parameter. Parameter tp indicates the type of the expression.


BaseIte :: !(BaseTypeRepr tp) -> !Integer -> !(e BaseBoolType) -> !(e tp) -> !(e tp) -> App e tp 
BaseEq :: !(BaseTypeRepr tp) -> !(e tp) -> !(e tp) -> App e BaseBoolType 
NotPred :: !(e BaseBoolType) -> App e BaseBoolType 
ConjPred :: !(BoolMap e) -> App e BaseBoolType 
SemiRingSum :: !(WeightedSum e sr) -> App e (SemiRingBase sr) 
SemiRingProd :: !(SemiRingProduct e sr) -> App e (SemiRingBase sr) 
SemiRingLe :: !(OrderedSemiRingRepr sr) -> !(e (SemiRingBase sr)) -> !(e (SemiRingBase sr)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
RealIsInteger :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseBoolType 
NatDiv :: !(e BaseNatType) -> !(e BaseNatType) -> App e BaseNatType 
NatMod :: !(e BaseNatType) -> !(e BaseNatType) -> App e BaseNatType 
IntDiv :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> !(e BaseIntegerType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
IntMod :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> !(e BaseIntegerType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
IntAbs :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
IntDivisible :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> Natural -> App e BaseBoolType 
RealDiv :: !(e BaseRealType) -> !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealSqrt :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
Pi :: App e BaseRealType 
RealSin :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealCos :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealATan2 :: !(e BaseRealType) -> !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealSinh :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealCosh :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealExp :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealLog :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseRealType 
BVTestBit :: 1 <= w => !Natural -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
BVSlt :: 1 <= w => !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
BVUlt :: 1 <= w => !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
BVOrBits :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(BVOrSet e w) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVUnaryTerm :: 1 <= n => !(UnaryBV (e BaseBoolType) n) -> App e (BaseBVType n) 
BVConcat :: (1 <= u, 1 <= v, 1 <= (u + v)) => !(NatRepr (u + v)) -> !(e (BaseBVType u)) -> !(e (BaseBVType v)) -> App e (BaseBVType (u + v)) 
BVSelect :: (1 <= n, (idx + n) <= w) => !(NatRepr idx) -> !(NatRepr n) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType n) 
BVFill :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e BaseBoolType) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVUdiv :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVUrem :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVSdiv :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVSrem :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVShl :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVLshr :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVAshr :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVRol :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVRor :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVZext :: (1 <= w, (w + 1) <= r, 1 <= r) => !(NatRepr r) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType r) 
BVSext :: (1 <= w, (w + 1) <= r, 1 <= r) => !(NatRepr r) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType r) 
BVPopcount :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVCountTrailingZeros :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
BVCountLeadingZeros :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
FloatPZero :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatNZero :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatNaN :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatPInf :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatNInf :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatNeg :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatAbs :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatSqrt :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatAdd :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatSub :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatMul :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatDiv :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatRem :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatMin :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatMax :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatFMA :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatFpEq :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatFpNe :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatLe :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatLt :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsNaN :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsInf :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsZero :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsPos :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsNeg :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsSubnorm :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatIsNorm :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
FloatCast :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp')) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatRound :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatFromBinary :: (2 <= eb, 2 <= sb) => !(FloatPrecisionRepr (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb)) -> !(e (BaseBVType (eb + sb))) -> App e (BaseFloatType (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb)) 
FloatToBinary :: (2 <= eb, 2 <= sb, 1 <= (eb + sb)) => !(FloatPrecisionRepr (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb)) -> !(e (BaseFloatType (FloatingPointPrecision eb sb))) -> App e (BaseBVType (eb + sb)) 
BVToFloat :: 1 <= w => !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
SBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
RealToFloat :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e BaseRealType) -> App e (BaseFloatType fpp) 
FloatToBV :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
FloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !RoundingMode -> !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
FloatToReal :: !(e (BaseFloatType fpp)) -> App e BaseRealType 
ArrayMap :: !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr (i ::> itp)) -> !(BaseTypeRepr tp) -> !(ArrayUpdateMap e (i ::> itp) tp) -> !(e (BaseArrayType (i ::> itp) tp)) -> App e (BaseArrayType (i ::> itp) tp) 
ConstantArray :: !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr (i ::> tp)) -> !(BaseTypeRepr b) -> !(e b) -> App e (BaseArrayType (i ::> tp) b) 
UpdateArray :: !(BaseTypeRepr b) -> !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr (i ::> tp)) -> !(e (BaseArrayType (i ::> tp) b)) -> !(Assignment e (i ::> tp)) -> !(e b) -> App e (BaseArrayType (i ::> tp) b) 
SelectArray :: !(BaseTypeRepr b) -> !(e (BaseArrayType (i ::> tp) b)) -> !(Assignment e (i ::> tp)) -> App e b 
NatToInteger :: !(e BaseNatType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
IntegerToNat :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> App e BaseNatType 
IntegerToReal :: !(e BaseIntegerType) -> App e BaseRealType 
RealToInteger :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
BVToNat :: 1 <= w => !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseNatType 
BVToInteger :: 1 <= w => !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
SBVToInteger :: 1 <= w => !(e (BaseBVType w)) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
IntegerToBV :: 1 <= w => !(e BaseIntegerType) -> NatRepr w -> App e (BaseBVType w) 
RoundReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
RoundEvenReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
FloorReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
CeilReal :: !(e BaseRealType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
Cplx :: !(Complex (e BaseRealType)) -> App e BaseComplexType 
RealPart :: !(e BaseComplexType) -> App e BaseRealType 
ImagPart :: !(e BaseComplexType) -> App e BaseRealType 
StringContains :: !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
StringIsPrefixOf :: !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
StringIsSuffixOf :: !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> App e BaseBoolType 
StringIndexOf :: !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e BaseNatType) -> App e BaseIntegerType 
StringSubstring :: !(StringInfoRepr si) -> !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> !(e BaseNatType) -> !(e BaseNatType) -> App e (BaseStringType si) 
StringAppend :: !(StringInfoRepr si) -> !(StringSeq e si) -> App e (BaseStringType si) 
StringLength :: !(e (BaseStringType si)) -> App e BaseNatType 
StructCtor :: !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr flds) -> !(Assignment e flds) -> App e (BaseStructType flds) 
StructField :: !(e (BaseStructType flds)) -> !(Index flds tp) -> !(BaseTypeRepr tp) -> App e tp 
FoldableFC App Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


foldMapFC :: Monoid m => (forall (x :: k). f x -> m) -> forall (x :: l). App f x -> m #

foldrFC :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> b -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> App f x -> b #

foldlFC :: (forall (x :: k). b -> f x -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> App f x -> b #

foldrFC' :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> b -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> App f x -> b #

foldlFC' :: (forall (x :: k). b -> f x -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> App f x -> b #

toListFC :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> a) -> forall (x :: l). App f x -> [a] #

(Eq (e BaseBoolType), Eq (e BaseRealType), HashableF e, HasAbsValue e, OrdF e) => TestEquality (App e :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


testEquality :: App e a -> App e b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

(OrdF e, HashableF e, HasAbsValue e, Hashable (e BaseBoolType), Hashable (e BaseRealType)) => HashableF (App e :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> App e tp -> Int #

hashF :: App e tp -> Int #

(Eq (e BaseBoolType), Eq (e BaseRealType), HashableF e, HasAbsValue e, OrdF e) => Eq (App e tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


(==) :: App e tp -> App e tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: App e tp -> App e tp -> Bool #

ShowF e => Show (App e u) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


showsPrec :: Int -> App e u -> ShowS #

show :: App e u -> String #

showList :: [App e u] -> ShowS #

ShowF e => Pretty (App e u) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


pretty :: App e u -> Doc #

prettyList :: [App e u] -> Doc #

traverseApp :: (Applicative m, OrdF f, Eq (f BaseBoolType), HashableF f, HasAbsValue f) => (forall tp. e tp -> m (f tp)) -> App e utp -> m (App f utp) Source #


data NonceApp t (e :: BaseType -> Type) (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

Type NonceApp t e tp encodes the top-level application of an Expr. It includes expression forms that bind variables (contrast with App).

Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces. Parameter e is used everywhere a recursive sub-expression would go. Uses of the NonceApp type will tie the knot through this parameter. Parameter tp indicates the type of the expression.


Annotation :: !(BaseTypeRepr tp) -> !(Nonce t tp) -> !(e tp) -> NonceApp t e tp 
Forall :: !(ExprBoundVar t tp) -> !(e BaseBoolType) -> NonceApp t e BaseBoolType 
Exists :: !(ExprBoundVar t tp) -> !(e BaseBoolType) -> NonceApp t e BaseBoolType 
ArrayFromFn :: !(ExprSymFn t e (idx ::> itp) ret) -> NonceApp t e (BaseArrayType (idx ::> itp) ret) 
MapOverArrays :: !(ExprSymFn t e (ctx ::> d) r) -> !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> itp)) -> !(Assignment (ArrayResultWrapper e (idx ::> itp)) (ctx ::> d)) -> NonceApp t e (BaseArrayType (idx ::> itp) r) 
ArrayTrueOnEntries :: !(ExprSymFn t e (idx ::> itp) BaseBoolType) -> !(e (BaseArrayType (idx ::> itp) BaseBoolType)) -> NonceApp t e BaseBoolType 
FnApp :: !(ExprSymFn t e args ret) -> !(Assignment e args) -> NonceApp t e ret 
FunctorFC (NonceApp t :: (BaseType -> Type) -> BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


fmapFC :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> g x) -> forall (x :: l). NonceApp t f x -> NonceApp t g x #

FoldableFC (NonceApp t :: (BaseType -> Type) -> BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


foldMapFC :: Monoid m => (forall (x :: k). f x -> m) -> forall (x :: l). NonceApp t f x -> m #

foldrFC :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> b -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> NonceApp t f x -> b #

foldlFC :: (forall (x :: k). b -> f x -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> NonceApp t f x -> b #

foldrFC' :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> b -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> NonceApp t f x -> b #

foldlFC' :: (forall (x :: k). b -> f x -> b) -> forall (x :: l). b -> NonceApp t f x -> b #

toListFC :: (forall (x :: k). f x -> a) -> forall (x :: l). NonceApp t f x -> [a] #

TraversableFC (NonceApp t :: (BaseType -> Type) -> BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


traverseFC :: Applicative m => (forall (x :: k). f x -> m (g x)) -> forall (x :: l). NonceApp t f x -> m (NonceApp t g x) #

TestEquality e => TestEquality (NonceApp t e :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


testEquality :: NonceApp t e a -> NonceApp t e b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

HashableF e => HashableF (NonceApp t e :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> NonceApp t e tp -> Int #

hashF :: NonceApp t e tp -> Int #

TestEquality e => Eq (NonceApp t e tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


(==) :: NonceApp t e tp -> NonceApp t e tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: NonceApp t e tp -> NonceApp t e tp -> Bool #

Bound Variable information

data ExprBoundVar t (tp :: BaseType) Source #

Information about bound variables. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

Type ExprBoundVar t instantiates the type family BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st).

Selector functions are provided to destruct ExprBoundVar values, but the constructor is kept hidden. The preferred way to construct a ExprBoundVar is to use freshBoundVar.

TestEquality (ExprBoundVar t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


testEquality :: ExprBoundVar t a -> ExprBoundVar t b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

OrdF (ExprBoundVar t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


compareF :: ExprBoundVar t x -> ExprBoundVar t y -> OrderingF x y #

leqF :: ExprBoundVar t x -> ExprBoundVar t y -> Bool #

ltF :: ExprBoundVar t x -> ExprBoundVar t y -> Bool #

geqF :: ExprBoundVar t x -> ExprBoundVar t y -> Bool #

gtF :: ExprBoundVar t x -> ExprBoundVar t y -> Bool #

ShowF (ExprBoundVar t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


withShow :: p (ExprBoundVar t) -> q tp -> (Show (ExprBoundVar t tp) -> a) -> a #

showF :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> String #

showsPrecF :: Int -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> String -> String #

HashableF (ExprBoundVar t :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Int #

hashF :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> Int #

Eq (ExprBoundVar t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


(==) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

Ord (ExprBoundVar t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


compare :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

(>) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Bool #

max :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp #

min :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> ExprBoundVar t tp #

Show (ExprBoundVar t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


showsPrec :: Int -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> ShowS #

show :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> String #

showList :: [ExprBoundVar t tp] -> ShowS #

Hashable (ExprBoundVar t tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSalt :: Int -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> Int #

hash :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> Int #

bvarId :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp Source #

data VarKind Source #

The Kind of a bound variable.



A variable appearing in a quantifier.


A variable appearing as a latch input.


A variable appearing in a uninterpreted constant

boundVars :: Expr t tp -> ST s (BoundVarMap s t) Source #

evalBoundVars :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> Expr t ret -> Assignment (ExprBoundVar t) args -> Assignment (Expr t) args -> IO (Expr t ret) Source #

This evaluates the term with the given bound variables rebound to the given arguments.

The algorithm works by traversing the subterms in the term in a bottom-up fashion while using a hash-table to memoize results for shared subterms. The hash-table is pre-populated so that the bound variables map to the element, so we do not need any extra map lookup when checking to see if a variable is bound.

NOTE: This function assumes that variables in the substitution are not themselves bound in the term (e.g. in a function definition or quantifier). If this is not respected, then evalBoundVars will call fail with an error message.

Symbolic Function

data ExprSymFn t e (args :: Ctx BaseType) (ret :: BaseType) Source #

This represents a symbolic function in the simulator. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces. Parameter e is used everywhere a recursive sub-expression would go. The args and ret parameters define the types of arguments and the return type of the function.

Type ExprSymFn t (Expr t) instantiates the type family SymFn (ExprBuilder t st).




IsExpr e => IsSymFn (ExprSymFn t e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


fnArgTypes :: ExprSymFn t e args ret -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args Source #

fnReturnType :: ExprSymFn t e args ret -> BaseTypeRepr ret Source #

Show (ExprSymFn t e args ret) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


showsPrec :: Int -> ExprSymFn t e args ret -> ShowS #

show :: ExprSymFn t e args ret -> String #

showList :: [ExprSymFn t e args ret] -> ShowS #

Hashable (ExprSymFn t e args tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSalt :: Int -> ExprSymFn t e args tp -> Int #

hash :: ExprSymFn t e args tp -> Int #

data SymFnInfo t e (args :: Ctx BaseType) (ret :: BaseType) Source #

This describes information about an undefined or defined function. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces. Parameter e is used everywhere a recursive sub-expression would go. The args and ret parameters define the types of arguments and the return type of the function.


UninterpFnInfo !(Assignment BaseTypeRepr args) !(BaseTypeRepr ret)

Information about the argument type and return type of an uninterpreted function.

DefinedFnInfo !(Assignment (ExprBoundVar t) args) !(e ret) !UnfoldPolicy

Information about a defined function. Includes bound variables and an expression associated to a defined function, as well as a policy for when to unfold the body.

MatlabSolverFnInfo !(MatlabSolverFn e args ret) !(Assignment (ExprBoundVar t) args) !(e ret)

This is a function that corresponds to a matlab solver function. It includes the definition as a ExprBuilder expr to enable export to other solvers.

symFnReturnType :: IsExpr e => ExprSymFn t e args ret -> BaseTypeRepr ret Source #


data SymbolVarBimap t Source #

A bijective map between vars and their canonical name for printing purposes. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

data SymbolBinding t Source #

This describes what a given SolverSymbol is associated with. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.


VarSymbolBinding !(ExprBoundVar t tp)


FnSymbolBinding !(ExprSymFn t (Expr t) args ret) 

emptySymbolVarBimap :: SymbolVarBimap t Source #

Empty symbol var bimap


data IdxCache t (f :: BaseType -> Type) Source #

An IdxCache is used to map expressions with type Expr t tp to values with a corresponding type f tp. It is a mutable map using an IO hash table. Parameter t is a phantom type brand used to track nonces.

newIdxCache :: MonadIO m => m (IdxCache t f) Source #

Create a new IdxCache

lookupIdx :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Nonce t tp -> m (Maybe (f tp)) Source #

lookupIdxValue :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Expr t tp -> m (Maybe (f tp)) Source #

Return the value associated to the expr in the index.

insertIdxValue :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Nonce t tp -> f tp -> m () Source #

Bind the value to the given expr in the index.

deleteIdxValue :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Nonce t (tp :: BaseType) -> m () Source #

Remove a value from the IdxCache

clearIdxCache :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> m () Source #

Remove all values from the IdxCache

idxCacheEval :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Expr t tp -> m (f tp) -> m (f tp) Source #

Implements a cached evaluated using the given element. Given an element this function returns the value of the element if bound, and otherwise calls the evaluation function, stores the result in the cache, and returns the value.

idxCacheEval' :: MonadIO m => IdxCache t f -> Nonce t tp -> m (f tp) -> m (f tp) Source #

Implements a cached evaluated using the given element. Given an element this function returns the value of the element if bound, and otherwise calls the evaluation function, stores the result in the cache, and returns the value.


data FloatMode Source #

Mode flag for how floating-point values should be interpreted.

type FloatIEEE = FloatIEEE Source #

type FloatUninterpreted = FloatUninterpreted Source #

type FloatReal = FloatReal Source #

data Flags (fi :: FloatMode) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi) Source #

IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder


iFloatPZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatPInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatNInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatLit :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatLitSingle :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) SingleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) DoubleFloat) Source #

iFloatLitLongDouble :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) X86_80Float) Source #

iFloatNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatAbs :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatSqrt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatAdd :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatSub :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMul :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatDiv :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatRem :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMin :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatMax :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatFMA :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatFpEq :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatFpNe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatLe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatLt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatGe :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatGt :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNaN :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsInf :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsZero :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsPos :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNeg :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsSubnorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIsNorm :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatIte :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> Pred (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatCast :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatRound :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatFromBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBinary :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #

iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iRealToFloat :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w) Source #

iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymBV (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) w) Source #

iFloatToReal :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> SymInterpretedFloat (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi -> IO (SymReal (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal))) Source #

iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal) -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi) Source #

type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

BV Or Set

data BVOrSet e w Source #

(OrdF e, TestEquality e) => Eq (BVOrSet e w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


(==) :: BVOrSet e w -> BVOrSet e w -> Bool #

(/=) :: BVOrSet e w -> BVOrSet e w -> Bool #

OrdF e => Hashable (BVOrSet e w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.App


hashWithSalt :: Int -> BVOrSet e w -> Int #

hash :: BVOrSet e w -> Int #

bvOrInsert :: (OrdF e, HashableF e, HasAbsValue e) => e (BaseBVType w) -> BVOrSet e w -> BVOrSet e w Source #

bvOrUnion :: OrdF e => BVOrSet e w -> BVOrSet e w -> BVOrSet e w Source #

bvOrAbs :: (OrdF e, 1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> BVOrSet e w -> BVDomain w Source #

traverseBVOrSet :: (HashableF f, HasAbsValue f, OrdF f, Applicative m) => (forall tp. e tp -> m (f tp)) -> BVOrSet e w -> m (BVOrSet f w) Source #


type family SymExpr (sym :: Type) :: BaseType -> Type Source #

The class for expressions.

type SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Expr.Builder

type SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) = Expr t

bvWidth :: IsExpr e => e (BaseBVType w) -> NatRepr w Source #

Get the width of a bitvector

exprType :: IsExpr e => e tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp Source #

Get type of expression.

data IndexLit idx where Source #

This represents a concrete index value, and is used for creating arrays.


NatIndexLit :: !Natural -> IndexLit BaseNatType 
BVIndexLit :: 1 <= w => !(NatRepr w) -> !(BV w) -> IndexLit (BaseBVType w) 
TestEquality IndexLit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


testEquality :: IndexLit a -> IndexLit b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

OrdF IndexLit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


compareF :: IndexLit x -> IndexLit y -> OrderingF x y #

leqF :: IndexLit x -> IndexLit y -> Bool #

ltF :: IndexLit x -> IndexLit y -> Bool #

geqF :: IndexLit x -> IndexLit y -> Bool #

gtF :: IndexLit x -> IndexLit y -> Bool #

ShowF IndexLit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


withShow :: p IndexLit -> q tp -> (Show (IndexLit tp) -> a) -> a #

showF :: IndexLit tp -> String #

showsPrecF :: Int -> IndexLit tp -> String -> String #

HashableF IndexLit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> IndexLit tp -> Int #

hashF :: IndexLit tp -> Int #

Eq (IndexLit tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


(==) :: IndexLit tp -> IndexLit tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: IndexLit tp -> IndexLit tp -> Bool #

Show (IndexLit tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


showsPrec :: Int -> IndexLit tp -> ShowS #

show :: IndexLit tp -> String #

showList :: [IndexLit tp] -> ShowS #

Hashable (IndexLit tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.IndexLit


hashWithSalt :: Int -> IndexLit tp -> Int #

hash :: IndexLit tp -> Int #

newtype ArrayResultWrapper f idx tp Source #




TestEquality f => TestEquality (ArrayResultWrapper f idx :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Interface


testEquality :: ArrayResultWrapper f idx a -> ArrayResultWrapper f idx b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

HashableF e => HashableF (ArrayResultWrapper e idx :: BaseType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Interface


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> ArrayResultWrapper e idx tp -> Int #

hashF :: ArrayResultWrapper e idx tp -> Int #