unbound-0.5.0: Generic support for programming with names and binders

LicenseBSD-like (see LICENSE)
MaintainerStephanie Weirich <sweirich@cis.upenn.edu>
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone




An implementation of names in a locally nameless representation.


Name types

data Name a Source #

Names are things that get bound. This type is intentionally abstract; to create a Name you can use string2Name or integer2Name. The type parameter is a tag, or sort, which tells us what sorts of things this name may stand for. The sort must be a representable type, i.e. an instance of the Rep type class from the RepLib generic programming framework.

To hide the sort of a name, use AnyName.


Nm (R a) (String, Integer) 
Bn (R a) Integer Integer 


(Rep a0, Sat (ctx0 (R a0)), Sat (ctx0 (String, Integer)), Sat (ctx0 Integer)) => Rep1 ctx0 (Name a0) Source # 


rep1 :: R1 ctx0 (Name a0) #

Rep a => Subst b (Name a) Source # 


isvar :: Name a -> Maybe (SubstName (Name a) b) Source #

isCoerceVar :: Name a -> Maybe (SubstCoerce (Name a) b) Source #

subst :: Name b -> b -> Name a -> Name a Source #

substs :: [(Name b, b)] -> Name a -> Name a Source #

substPat :: AlphaCtx -> b -> Name a -> Name a Source #

substPats :: Proxy * b -> AlphaCtx -> [Dyn] -> Name a -> Name a Source #

Eq (Name a) Source # 


(==) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

Ord (Name a) Source # 


compare :: Name a -> Name a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

(>) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Name a -> Name a -> Bool #

max :: Name a -> Name a -> Name a #

min :: Name a -> Name a -> Name a #

Show (Name a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Name a -> ShowS #

show :: Name a -> String #

showList :: [Name a] -> ShowS #

Rep a0 => Rep (Name a0) Source # 


rep :: R (Name a0) #

Rep a => Alpha (Name a) Source # 


swaps' :: AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> Name a -> Name a Source #

fv' :: Collection f => AlphaCtx -> Name a -> f AnyName Source #

lfreshen' :: LFresh m => AlphaCtx -> Name a -> (Name a -> Perm AnyName -> m b) -> m b Source #

freshen' :: Fresh m => AlphaCtx -> Name a -> m (Name a, Perm AnyName) Source #

aeq' :: AlphaCtx -> Name a -> Name a -> Bool Source #

acompare' :: AlphaCtx -> Name a -> Name a -> Ordering Source #

close :: Alpha b => AlphaCtx -> b -> Name a -> Name a Source #

open :: Alpha b => AlphaCtx -> b -> Name a -> Name a Source #

isPat :: Name a -> Maybe [AnyName] Source #

isTerm :: Name a -> Bool Source #

isEmbed :: Name a -> Bool Source #

nthpatrec :: Name a -> NthCont Source #

findpatrec :: Name a -> AnyName -> FindResult Source #

data AnyName Source #

A name with a hidden (existentially quantified) sort. To hide the sort of a name, use the AnyName constructor directly; to extract a name with a hidden sort, use toSortedName.


Rep a => AnyName (Name a) 


Eq AnyName Source # 


(==) :: AnyName -> AnyName -> Bool #

(/=) :: AnyName -> AnyName -> Bool #

Ord AnyName Source # 
Show AnyName Source # 
Rep AnyName Source # 


rep :: R AnyName #

Alpha AnyName Source # 
Rep1 ctx0 AnyName Source # 


rep1 :: R1 ctx0 AnyName #

Subst b AnyName Source # 

Constructing and destructing free names

integer2Name :: Rep a => Integer -> Name a Source #

Create a free Name from an Integer.

string2Name :: Rep a => String -> Name a Source #

Create a free Name from a String.

s2n :: Rep a => String -> Name a Source #

Convenient synonym for string2Name.

makeName :: Rep a => String -> Integer -> Name a Source #

Create a free Name from a String and an Integer index.

name2Integer :: Name a -> Integer Source #

Get the integer index of a Name.

name2String :: Name a -> String Source #

Get the string part of a Name.

anyName2Integer :: AnyName -> Integer Source #

Get the integer index of an AnyName.

anyName2String :: AnyName -> String Source #

Get the string part of an AnyName.


toSortedName :: Rep a => AnyName -> Maybe (Name a) Source #

Cast a name with an existentially hidden sort to an explicitly sorted name.

translate :: Rep b => Name a -> Name b Source #

Change the sort of a name.

getR :: Name a -> R a Source #

Determine the sort of a Name.


isBound :: Name a -> Bool Source #

Test whether a name is a bound variable (i.e. a reference to some binding site, represented as a de Bruijn index). Normal users of the library should not need this function, as it is impossible to encounter a bound name when using the abstract interface provided by Unbound.LocallyNameless.

isFree :: Name a -> Bool Source #

Test whether a name is a free variable. Normal users of the library should not need this function, as all the names encountered will be free variables when using the abstract interface provided by Unbound.LocallyNameless.


Automatically generated representation objects.

rR :: forall a. Rep a => R (R a) Source #

rR1 :: forall ctx a. Rep a => R1 ctx (R a) Source #

rName :: forall a. Rep a => R (Name a) Source #

rName1 :: forall ctx a. Rep a => (ctx (R a), ctx (String, Integer)) -> (ctx (R a), ctx Integer, ctx Integer) -> R1 ctx (Name a) Source #

rAnyName1 :: forall ctx. R1 ctx AnyName Source #

Orphan instances

Rep a0 => Rep1 ctx0 (R a0) Source # 


rep1 :: R1 ctx0 (R a0) #

Rep a0 => Rep (R a0) Source # 


rep :: R (R a0) #