module Unbound.LocallyNameless.Subst where
import Data.List (find)
import Generics.RepLib
import Data.Proxy
import Unbound.DynR
import Unbound.LocallyNameless.Types
import Unbound.LocallyNameless.Alpha
data SubstName a b where
SubstName :: (a ~ b) => Name a -> SubstName a b
data SubstCoerce a b where
SubstCoerce :: Name b -> (b -> Maybe a) -> SubstCoerce a b
substBind :: Subst a b => Bind (Name a) b -> a -> b
substBind (B _ t) u = substPat initial u t
class (Rep1 (SubstD b) a) => Subst b a where
isvar :: a -> Maybe (SubstName a b)
isvar _ = Nothing
isCoerceVar :: a -> Maybe (SubstCoerce a b)
isCoerceVar _ = Nothing
subst :: Name b -> b -> a -> a
subst n u x | isFree n =
case (isvar x :: Maybe (SubstName a b)) of
Just (SubstName m) -> if m == n then u else x
Nothing -> case (isCoerceVar x :: Maybe (SubstCoerce a b)) of
Just (SubstCoerce m f) -> if m == n then maybe x id (f u) else x
Nothing -> substR1 rep1 n u x
subst m _ _ = error $ "Cannot substitute for bound variable " ++ show m
substs :: [(Name b, b)] -> a -> a
substs ss x
| all (isFree . fst) ss =
case (isvar x :: Maybe (SubstName a b)) of
Just (SubstName m) ->
case find ((==m) . fst) ss of
Just (_, u) -> u
Nothing -> x
Nothing -> case isCoerceVar x :: Maybe (SubstCoerce a b) of
Just (SubstCoerce m f) ->
case find ((==m) . fst) ss of
Just (_, u) -> maybe x id (f u)
Nothing -> x
Nothing -> substsR1 rep1 ss x
| otherwise =
error $ "Cannot substitute for bound variable in: " ++ show (map fst ss)
substPat ::AlphaCtx -> b -> a -> a
substPat ctx u x =
case (isvar x :: Maybe (SubstName a b)) of
Just (SubstName (Bn r j 0)) | level ctx == j -> u
_ -> substPatR1 rep1 ctx u x
substPats :: Proxy b -> AlphaCtx -> [ Dyn ] -> a -> a
substPats p ctx us x =
case (isvar x :: Maybe (SubstName a b)) of
Just (SubstName (Bn r j i)) | level ctx == j && fromInteger i < length us ->
case fromDynR r (us !! fromInteger i) of
Just tm -> tm
Nothing -> error "internal error: sort mismatch"
_ -> substPatsR1 rep1 p ctx us x
data SubstD b a = SubstD {
isvarD :: a -> Maybe (SubstName a b),
substD :: Name b -> b -> a -> a ,
substsD :: [(Name b, b)] -> a -> a ,
substPatD :: AlphaCtx -> b -> a -> a ,
substPatsD :: Proxy b -> AlphaCtx -> [ Dyn ] -> a -> a
instance Subst b a => Sat (SubstD b a) where
dict = SubstD isvar subst substs substPat substPats
substDefault :: Rep1 (SubstD b) a => Name b -> b -> a -> a
substDefault = substR1 rep1
substR1 :: R1 (SubstD b) a -> Name b -> b -> a -> a
substR1 (Data1 _dt cons) = \ x y d ->
case (findCon cons d) of
Val c rec kids ->
let z = map_l (\ w -> substD w x y) rec kids
in (to c z)
substR1 _ = \ _ _ c -> c
substsR1 :: R1 (SubstD b) a -> [(Name b, b)] -> a -> a
substsR1 (Data1 _dt cons) = \ s d ->
case (findCon cons d) of
Val c rec kids ->
let z = map_l (\ w -> substsD w s) rec kids
in (to c z)
substsR1 _ = \ _ c -> c
substPatsR1 :: R1 (SubstD b) a -> Proxy b -> AlphaCtx -> [ Dyn ] -> a -> a
substPatsR1 (Data1 _dt cons) = \ p ct s d ->
case (findCon cons d) of
Val c rec kids ->
let z = map_l (\ w -> substPatsD w p ct s) rec kids
in (to c z)
substPatsR1 _ = \ _ _ _ c -> c
substPatR1 :: R1 (SubstD b) a -> AlphaCtx -> b -> a -> a
substPatR1 (Data1 _dt cons) = \ ct s d ->
case (findCon cons d) of
Val c rec kids ->
let z = map_l (\ w -> substPatD w ct s) rec kids
in (to c z)
substPatR1 _ = \ _ _ c -> c
instance (Rep order, Rep card, Alpha p, Alpha t, Subst b p, Subst b t) => Subst b (GenBind order card p t) where
substPat c us (B p t) =
B (substPat (pat c) us p) (substPat (incr c) us t)
substPats pr c us (B p t) =
B (substPats pr (pat c) us p) (substPats pr (incr c) us t)
instance (Alpha p, Alpha q, Subst b p, Subst b q) => Subst b (Rebind p q) where
substPat c us (R p q) = R (substPat c us p) (substPat (incr c) us q)
substPats pr c us (R p q) = R (substPats pr c us p) (substPats pr (incr c) us q)
instance (Alpha p, Subst b p) => Subst b (Rec p) where
substPat c us (Rec p) = Rec (substPat (incr c) us p)
substPats pr c us (Rec p) = Rec (substPats pr (incr c) us p)
instance (Alpha t, Subst b t) => Subst b (Embed t) where
substPat c us (Embed x) = case mode c of
Pat -> Embed (substPat (term c) us x)
Term -> error "substPat on Embed"
substPats pr c us (Embed x) = case mode c of
Pat -> Embed (substPats pr (term c) us x)
Term -> error "substPat on Embed"
instance (Alpha a, Subst b a) => Subst b (Shift a) where
substPat c us (Shift x) = Shift (substPat (decr c) us x)
substPats pr c us (Shift x) = Shift (substPats pr (decr c) us x)
instance Subst b Int
instance Subst b Bool
instance Subst b ()
instance Subst b Char
instance Subst b Integer
instance Subst b Float
instance Subst b Double
instance Subst b AnyName
instance Rep a => Subst b (R a)
instance Rep a => Subst b (Name a)
instance (Subst c a, Subst c b) => Subst c (a,b)
instance (Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d) => Subst c (a,b,d)
instance (Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d, Subst c e) => Subst c (a,b,d,e)
instance (Subst c a, Subst c b, Subst c d, Subst c e, Subst c f) =>
Subst c (a,b,d,e,f)
instance (Subst c a) => Subst c [a]
instance (Subst c a) => Subst c (Maybe a)
instance (Subst c a, Subst c b) => Subst c (Either a b)