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typed-encoding- Type safe string transformations

Safe HaskellSafe




>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
>>> import           Data.TypedEncoding
>>> import           Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.UTF8 ()
>>> import           Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.ASCII ()
>>> import           Data.Text as T

type family IsSuperset (y :: Symbol) (x :: Symbol) :: Bool where ... Source #

Replaces previous Superset typeclass.

Subsets are useful for restriction encodings like r-UFT8 but should not be used for other encodings as this would be dangerous. For example, considering "enc-" encoding as a superset of "r-" encoding would permit converting encoded binary "Enc '["enc-"] c ByteString to "Enc '["r-ASCII"] c ByteString and then to "Enc '["r-ASCII"] c Text, which could result in runtime errors.

The requirement is that that the decoding in the superset can replace the decoding from injected subset.

IsSuperset bigger smaller reads as bigger is a superset of smaller

Note, no IsSuperset "r-UNICODE.D76" "r-CHAR8" even though the numeric range of D76 includes all CHAR8 bytes. This is more nominal decision that prevents certain unwanted conversions from being possible.



IsSuperset "r-ASCII" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UTF8" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UTF8" "r-UTF8" = True 
IsSuperset "r-CHAR8" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-CHAR8" "r-ByteRep" = True 
IsSuperset "r-CHAR8" x = Or (IsSuperset "r-ASCII" x) (IsSupersetOpen "r-CHAR8" x (TakeUntil x ":") (ToList x)) 
IsSuperset "r-UNICODE.D76" "r-UNICODE.D76" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UNICODE.D76" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UNICODE.D76" x = Or (IsSuperset "r-CHAR8" x) (IsSupersetOpen "r-UNICODE.D76" x (TakeUntil x ":") (ToList x)) 
IsSuperset y x = IsSupersetOpen y x (TakeUntil x ":") (ToList x) 

type family IsSupersetOpen (big :: Symbol) (nm :: Symbol) (alg :: Symbol) (nmltrs :: [Symbol]) :: Bool Source #


type IsSupersetOpen "r-ASCII" x "r-ban" xs Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.BoundedAlphaNums

type IsSupersetOpen "r-ASCII" x "r-ban" xs = True

type Superset big small = IsSuperset big small ~ True Source #

injectInto :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (y ': xs) c str Source #

>>> let Right tstAscii = encodeFAll . toEncoding () $ "Hello World" :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-ASCII"] () T.Text)
>>> displ (injectInto @ "r-UTF8" tstAscii)
"Enc '[r-UTF8] () (Text Hello World)"


propSuperset' :: forall algb algs b s str. (Superset b s, Eq str) => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) b algb () str -> Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s algs () str -> str -> Bool Source #

Test for Supersets defined in this module

Actual tests in the project test suite.

propSuperset_ :: forall b s str algb algs. (Superset b s, Eq str, AlgNm b ~ algb, AlgNm s ~ algs) => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) b algb () str -> Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s algs () str -> str -> Bool Source #

class EncodingSuperset (enc :: Symbol) where Source #

IsSuperset is not intended for "enc-" encodings. This class is.

It allows to specify constraints that say, for example, that Base 64 encodes into a subset of ASCII.


Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type EncSuperset enc :: Symbol Source #


implEncInto :: forall xs c str. Enc (enc ': xs) c str -> Enc (EncSuperset enc ': (enc ': xs)) c str Source #

Warning: Using this method at the call site may not be backward compatible between minor version upgrades, use _encodesInto instead.

EncodingSuperset "enc-B64" Source #

This is not precise, actually Base 64 uses a subset of ASCII and that would require a new definition "r-B64".

This instance likely to be changed / corrected in the future if "r-B64" is defined.

>>> let tstB64 = encodeAll . toEncoding () $ "Hello World" :: Enc '["enc-B64"] () B.ByteString
>>> displ (_encodesInto @"r-ASCII" $ tstB64)
"Enc '[r-ASCII,enc-B64] () (ByteString SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=)"
>>> displ (_encodesInto @"r-UTF8" $ tstB64)
"Enc '[r-UTF8,enc-B64] () (ByteString SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=)"


Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Enc.Base64

Associated Types

type EncSuperset "enc-B64" :: Symbol Source #


implEncInto :: Enc ("enc-B64" ': xs) c str -> Enc (EncSuperset "enc-B64" ': ("enc-B64" ': xs)) c str Source #

EncodingSuperset "enc-B64-len" Source #
>>> tstChar8Encodable @ '["enc-B64-len", "enc-B64"]
"I am CHAR8 encodable"
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Enc.Base64

Associated Types

type EncSuperset "enc-B64-len" :: Symbol Source #


implEncInto :: Enc ("enc-B64-len" ': xs) c str -> Enc (EncSuperset "enc-B64-len" ': ("enc-B64-len" ': xs)) c str Source #

_encodesInto :: forall y enc xs c str r. (IsSuperset y r ~ True, EncodingSuperset enc, r ~ EncSuperset enc) => Enc (enc ': xs) c str -> Enc (y ': (enc ': xs)) c str Source #

propEncodesInto' :: forall algb algr b r str. (EncodingSuperset b, r ~ EncSuperset b, Eq str) => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) b algb () str -> Encoding (Either EncodeEx) r algr () str -> str -> Bool Source #

validates superset restriction

Actual tests in the project test suite.

propEncodesInto_ :: forall b r str algb algr. (EncodingSuperset b, r ~ EncSuperset b, Eq str, AlgNm b ~ algb, AlgNm r ~ algr) => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) b algb () str -> Encoding (Either EncodeEx) r algr () str -> str -> Bool Source #

class AllEncodeInto (superset :: Symbol) (encnms :: [Symbol]) Source #

Aggregate version of EncodingSuperset

This is not ideal but easy to implement. The issue is that this assumes restricted co-domain which is what often happens but often does not, e.g. it will not work well with id transformation.


AllEncodeInto "r-CHAR8" ([] :: [Symbol]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

AllEncodeInto "r-UNICODE.D76" ([] :: [Symbol]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

AllEncodeInto "r-UTF8" ([] :: [Symbol]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

(AllEncodeInto "r-CHAR8" xs, IsSuperset "r-CHAR8" r ~ True, EncodingSuperset enc, r ~ EncSuperset enc) => AllEncodeInto "r-CHAR8" (enc ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

(AllEncodeInto "r-UNICODE.D76" xs, IsSuperset "r-UNICODE.D76" r ~ True, EncodingSuperset enc, r ~ EncSuperset enc) => AllEncodeInto "r-UNICODE.D76" (enc ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

(AllEncodeInto "r-UTF8" xs, IsSuperset "r-UTF8" r ~ True, EncodingSuperset enc, r ~ EncSuperset enc) => AllEncodeInto "r-UTF8" (enc ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Class.Superset

tstChar8Encodable :: forall nms. AllEncodeInto "r-CHAR8" nms => String Source #

tstD76Encodable :: forall nms. AllEncodeInto "r-UNICODE.D76" nms => String Source #

tstUTF8Encodable :: forall nms. AllEncodeInto "r-UTF8" nms => String Source #