Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Restrictions "r-ban:"
cover commonly used fixed (short) size strings with restricted
characters such as GUID, credit card numbers, etc.
Alphanumeric chars are ordered: 0-9
followed by A-Z
followed by a-z
. Annotation specifies upper character bound.
Any non alpha numeric characters are considered fixed delimiters
and need to be present exactly as specified.
For example "r-ban:999-99-9999"
could be used to describe SSN numbers,
@"r-ban:FFFF" would describe strings consisting of 4 hex digits.
This is a simple implementation that converts to String
, should be used
only with short length data.
- type family IsBan (s :: Symbol) :: Bool where ...
- type Ban s = (KnownSymbol s, IsBan s ~ True)
- encFBan :: forall s c str. (IsStringR str, Ban s, Algorithm s "r-ban") => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s "r-ban" c str
- verifyBoundedAlphaNum :: forall s str. (KnownSymbol s, IsStringR str) => Proxy s -> str -> Either String str
:set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.TypedEncoding
encFBan :: forall s c str. (IsStringR str, Ban s, Algorithm s "r-ban") => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s "r-ban" c str Source #
runEncoding' encFBan . toEncoding () $ "C59F9FB7-4621-44D9-9020-CE37BF6E2BD1" :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-ban:FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF"] () T.Text)
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "C59F9FB7-4621-44D9-9020-CE37BF6E2BD1")
recreateFAll' @'["r-ban"] . toEncoding () $ "211-22-9934" :: Either RecreateEx (Enc '["r-ban:999-99-9999"] () T.Text)
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "211-22-9934")
verifyBoundedAlphaNum :: forall s str. (KnownSymbol s, IsStringR str) => Proxy s -> str -> Either String str Source #
verifyBoundedAlphaNum (Proxy :: Proxy "r-ban:FF-FF") (T.pack "12-3E")
Right "12-3E">>>
verifyBoundedAlphaNum (Proxy :: Proxy "r-ban:FF-FF") (T.pack "1G-3E")
Left "'G' not boulded by 'F'">>>
verifyBoundedAlphaNum (Proxy :: Proxy "r-ban:FF-FF") (T.pack "13G3E")
Left "'G' not matching '-'">>>
verifyBoundedAlphaNum (Proxy :: Proxy "r-ban:FFяFF") (T.pack "13я234")
Left "Not ASCII char in annotation '\\1103'"
Orphan instances
(KnownSymbol s, Ban s, Algorithm s "r-ban", IsStringR str, RecreateErr f, Applicative f) => Validate f s "r-ban" c str Source # | |
Methods validation :: Validation f s "r-ban" c str Source # | |
(KnownSymbol s, Restriction s, Algorithm s "r-ban", Applicative f) => Decode f s "r-ban" c str Source # | |
(Ban s, Algorithm s "r-ban", IsStringR str) => Encode (Either EncodeEx) s "r-ban" c str Source # | |