Type of html
is a library for generating html in a highly
performant, modular and type safe manner.
Please look at the documentation of the module for an overview of the api:
Note that you need at least ghc 8.2.
Part of the html spec is encoded at the typelevel, turning a lot of
mistakes into type errors.
Let's check out the /type safety/ in ghci:
>>> td_ (tr_ "a")
<interactive>:1:1: error:
• 'Tr is not a valid child of 'Td
• In the expression: td_ (tr_ "a")
In an equation for ‘it’: it = td_ (tr_ "a")
<interactive>:1:6: error:
• 'Tr can't contain a string
• In the first argument of ‘td_’, namely ‘(tr_ "a")’
In the expression: td_ (tr_ "a")
In an equation for ‘it’: it = td_ (tr_ "a")
>>> tr_ (td_ "a")
>>> td_A (A.coords_ "a") "b"
<interactive>:1:1: error:
• 'CoordsA is not a valid attribute of 'Td
• In the expression: td_A (A.coords_ "a") "b"
In an equation for ‘it’: it = td_A (A.coords_ "a") "b"
>>> td_A (A.id_ "a") "b"
<td id="a">b</td>
Every parent child relation of html elements is checked against the
specification of html and non conforming elements result in compile
The same is true for html attributes.
The checking is a bit lenient at the moment:
- some elements can't contain itself as any descendant: at the moment we look only at direct children. This allows some (quite exotic) invalid html documents.
- some elements change their permitted content based on attributes: we always allow content as if all relevant attributes are set.
Never the less: these cases are seldom. In the vast majority of cases you're only allowed to construct valid html.
These restrictions aren't fundamental, they could be turned into compile time errors. Perhaps a future version will be even more strict.
Html documents are just ordinary haskell values which can be composed or abstracted over:
>>> let table = table_ . map (tr_ . map td_)
>>> :t table
table :: ('Td ?> a) => [[a]] -> 'Table > ['Tr > ['Td > a]]
>>> table [["A","B"],["C"]]
>>> import Data.Char
>>> html_ . body_ . table $ map (\c -> [[c], show $ ord c]) ['a'..'d']
And here's an example module:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Main where
import Html
import qualified Html.Attribute as A
main :: IO ()
= print
. page
$ map td_ [1..(10::Int)]
:: 'Tr ?> a
=> a
-> ('Div :@: ('ClassA := String # 'IdA := String))
( 'Div > String
# 'Div > String
# 'Table > 'Tr > a
page tds =
div_A (A.class_ "qux" # A.id_ "baz")
( div_ "foo"
# div_ "bar"
# table_ (tr_ tds)
Please note that the type of page
is inferable, so ask ghc-mod or
whatever you use to write it for you. If you choose not to write the
types, you don't need the language extensions. I strongly suggest
that you don't write type signatures for type-of-html
All text will be automatically html escaped:
>>> i_ "&"
>>> div_A (A.id_ ">") ()
<div id=">"></div>
If you want to opt out, wrap your types into the 'Raw'
constructor. This will increase performance, but can be only used with
trusted input. You can use this e.g. to embed some blaze-html code
into type-of-html.
>>> i_ (Raw "</i><script></script><i>")
is a lot faster than blaze-html
or than lucid
Look at the following benchmarks:
Remember this benchmark from blaze-html
This is comparing blaze with type-of-html
To look at the exact code of this benchmark look here
in the repo. The big table benchmark here is only a 4x4 table. Using
a 1000x10 table like on the blaze homepage yields even better relative
performance (~9 times faster), but would make the other benchmarks
How is this possible? We supercompile lots of parts of the generation
process. This is possible thanks to the new features of GHC 8.2:
AppendSymbol. We represent tags and attributes as kinds and map these
to (a :: [Symbol]) and then fold all neighbouring Symbols with
AppendSymbol. Afterwards we reify the Symbols with symbolVal which
will be embedded in the executable as Addr#. All this happens at
compile time. At runtime we do only generate the content and append
For example, if you write:
renderText $ tr_ (td_ "test")
The compiler does optimize it to the following (well, unpackCString#
doesn't exist for Builder, so it's slightly more complicated):
decodeUtf8 $ toLazyByteString
( Data.ByteString.Builder.unpackCString# "<tr><td>"#
<> builderCString# "test"#
<> Data.ByteString.Builder.unpackCString# "</tr>"#
Note that the compiler automatically sees that your string literal
doesn't need utf8 and converts directly the "test"# :: Addr#
to an
escaped Builder without any intermediate structure, not even an
allocated bytestring.
renderByteString $ tr_ (td_ "teſt")
Results in
( Data.ByteString.Builder.unpackCString# "<tr><td>"#
<> encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped prim (Data.Text.unpackCString# "te\\197\\191t"#)
<> Data.ByteString.Builder.unpackCString# "</tr>"#
If you write
renderBuilder $ div_ (div_ ())
The compiler does optimize it to the following:
Data.ByteString.Builder.unpackCString# "<div><div></div></div>"#
This sort of compiletime optimization isn't for free, it'll increase
compilation times.
Comparision to lucid and blaze-html
Advantages of type-of-html
- more or less 7 times faster
- a lot higher type safety: nearly no invalid document is inhabited
- fewer dependencies
Disadvantages of 'type-of-html':
- a bit noisy syntax (don't write types!)
- sometimes unusual type error messages
- compile times (30sec for a medium sized page, with
only ~2sec)
- needs at least ghc 8.2
I'd generally recommend that you put your documents into an extra
module to avoid frequent recompilations. Additionally you can use
within an blaze-html
document and vice versa. This
allows you to gradually migrate, or only write the hotpath in a more
efficient representation.
Example usage
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
module Main where
import Html
import Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
main :: IO ()
main = TL.putStrLn $ renderText example
example =
( body_
( h1_
( img_
# strong_ "0"
# div_
( div_ "1"
# div_
( form_
( fieldset_
( div_
( div_
( label_ "a"
# select_
( option_ "b"
# option_ "c"
# div_ "d"
# button_ (i_ "e")