tsession: A Transaction Framework for Web Applications
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The concept of this web transaction framework is influenced by sessions, transactions and software transactional memory. To web-developers it offers sessions with integrated transaction management that has an included server-side storage of key-value pairs. The transactions can be spanned over multiple web requests and only affect the database when a commit is instructed. Additionally, the sessions have access to the (not yet committed) key-value pairs and the status (e.g., the last requested page) of all other sessions that are active. As sessions have to be canceled after a given timeout, the framework has a garbage collector that safely cleans up the timed out sessions. The framework introduces a monad which encapsulates all the logic of the transactions and frees them of side effects. This is a concept known from the STM--monad and like in STM, the transactions cannot dead-lock each other.
For more information check my master thesis:
Versions | 0.1, 0.1 |
Change log | None available |
Dependencies | base (>4 && <5), containers, mtl, time, transformers [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | 2014 Florian Micheler |
Author | Florian Micheler <hackage@micheler.net> |
Maintainer | Florian Micheler <hackage@micheler.net> |
Category | Web |
Uploaded | by FlorianMicheler at 2014-06-22T21:37:43Z |
- Control
- Control.TSession
- tsession-0.1.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
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