{-#LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Transient.Parse where

import Transient.Internals

import Data.String

import Data.Typeable

import Control.Applicative

import Data.Char

import Data.Monoid

import System.IO.Unsafe

import Control.Monad

import Control.Monad.State

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8             as BS

-- | set a stream of strings to be parsed

setParseStream :: (Typeable str,IsString str) => IO str -> TransIO ()

setParseStream iox= setState $ ParseContext iox ""

-- | set a string to be parsed

setParseString :: (Typeable str,IsString str) => str -> TransIO ()

setParseString x = setState $ ParseContext (error "end of parse string") x 

-- | The parse context contains either the string to be parsed or a computation that gives an stream of

-- strings or both. First, the string is parsed. If it is empty, the stream is pulled for more.

data ParseContext str = IsString str => ParseContext (IO  str) str deriving Typeable

string :: BS.ByteString -> TransIO BS.ByteString

string s=withData $ \str -> do

    let len= BS.length s

        ret@(s',_) = BS.splitAt len str

    if s == s'

      then return ret

      else empty

-- many p= do

--         r <- p 

--         rs <- many p <|> return []

--         return $ r:rs 

manyTill p end  = scan


      scan  = do{ end; return [] }


              do{ x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }

dropSpaces= parse $ \str ->((),BS.dropWhile isSpace str)

dropChar= parse  $ \r -> ((), BS.tail r)

endline c= c== '\r' || c =='\n'

--tGetLine= tTakeWhile . not . endline

parseString= do


    tTakeWhile (not . isSpace)

tTakeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> TransIO BS.ByteString

tTakeWhile cond= parse (BS.span cond)

tTakeWhile' :: (Char -> Bool) -> TransIO BS.ByteString

tTakeWhile' cond= parse ((\(h,t) -> (h, if BS.null t then t else BS.tail t)) . BS.span cond)

tTake n=  parse ( BS.splitAt n)

tChar= parse $ \s -> (BS.head s,BS.tail s)

parse :: (BS.ByteString -> (b, BS.ByteString)) -> TransIO b

parse split= withData $ \str ->

     if str== mempty   then empty

     else  return $ split str

-- | bring the data of a parse context as a lazy byteString to a parser

-- and actualize the parse context with the result

withData :: (BS.ByteString -> TransIO (a,BS.ByteString)) -> TransIO a

withData parser= Transient $ do

   ParseContext readMore s <- getData `onNothing` error "parser: no context"

   let loop = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do

           r <-  readMore

           (r <>) `liftM` loop

   str <- liftIO $ (s <> ) `liftM` loop

   mr <- runTrans $ parser str

   case mr of

    Nothing -> return Nothing

    Just (v,str') -> do

      setData $ ParseContext readMore str'

      return $ Just v

-- | bring the data of the parse context as a lazy byteString

giveData= noTrans $ do

   ParseContext readMore s <- getData `onNothing` error "parser: no context"

                                  :: StateIO (ParseContext BS.ByteString)  -- change to strict BS

   let loop = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do

           r <-  readMore

           (r <>) `liftM` loop

   liftIO $ (s <> ) `liftM` loop