-- Module      :  Base
-- Copyright   :
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  agocorona@gmail.com
-- Stability   :
-- Portability :
-- | See http://github.com/agocorona/transient
-- Everything in this module is exported in order to allow extensibility.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds           #-}

module Transient.Internals where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map               as M
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import           Control.Exception hiding (try,onException)
import qualified Control.Exception  (try)
import           Control.Concurrent
-- import           GHC.Real
--import           GHC.Conc(unsafeIOToSTM)
-- import           Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (retry)
-- import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM  as STM (retry)
import           System.Mem.StableName
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.List
import           Data.IORef
import           System.Environment
import           System.IO

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import           Data.Typeable

import           Data.Atomics

#ifdef DEBUG

import           Debug.Trace
import           System.Exit

tshow :: Show a => a -> x -> x
tshow= Debug.Trace.traceShow
{-# INLINE (!>) #-}
(!>) :: Show a => b -> a -> b
(!>) x y =  trace (show y)  x 
infixr 0 !>

tshow :: Show a => a -> x -> x
tshow _ y= y
{-# INLINE (!>) #-}
(!>) :: a -> b -> a
(!>) = const


atomicModifyIORefCAS = atomicModifyIORef

type StateIO = StateT EventF IO

newtype TransIO a = Transient { runTrans :: StateIO (Maybe a) }

type SData = ()

type EventId = Int

type TransientIO = TransIO

data LifeCycle = Alive | Parent | Listener | Dead
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | EventF describes the context of a TransientIO computation:
data EventF = forall a b. EventF
  { event       :: Maybe SData
    -- ^ Not yet consumed result (event) from the last asynchronous run of the
    -- computation

  , xcomp       :: TransIO a
  , fcomp       :: [b -> TransIO b]
    -- ^ List of continuations

  , mfData      :: M.Map TypeRep SData
    -- ^ State data accessed with get or put operations

  , mfSequence  :: Int
  , threadId    :: ThreadId
  , freeTh      :: Bool
    -- ^ When 'True', threads are not killed using kill primitives

  , parent      :: Maybe EventF
    -- ^ The parent of this thread

  , children    :: MVar [EventF]
    -- ^ Forked child threads, used only when 'freeTh' is 'False'

  , maxThread   :: Maybe (IORef Int)
    -- ^ Maximum number of threads that are allowed to be created

  , labelth     :: IORef (LifeCycle, BS.ByteString)
    -- ^ Label the thread with its lifecycle state and a label string
  } deriving Typeable


instance MonadState EventF TransIO where
  get     = Transient $ get   >>= return . Just
  put x   = Transient $ put x >>  return (Just ())
  state f =  Transient $ do
    s <- get
    let ~(a, s') = f s
    put s'
    return $ Just a

-- | Run a "non transient" computation within the underlying state monad, so it is
-- guaranteed that the computation neither can stop neither can trigger additional
-- events/threads.
noTrans :: StateIO x -> TransIO x
noTrans x = Transient $ x >>= return . Just

emptyEventF :: ThreadId -> IORef (LifeCycle, BS.ByteString) -> MVar [EventF] -> EventF
emptyEventF th label childs =
  EventF { event      = mempty
         , xcomp      = empty
         , fcomp      = []
         , mfData     = mempty
         , mfSequence = 0
         , threadId   = th
         , freeTh     = False
         , parent     = Nothing
         , children   = childs
         , maxThread  = Nothing
         , labelth    = label }

-- | Run a transient computation with a default initial state
runTransient :: TransIO a -> IO (Maybe a, EventF)
runTransient t = do
  th     <- myThreadId
  label  <- newIORef $ (Alive, BS.pack "top")
  childs <- newMVar []
  runStateT (runTrans t) $ emptyEventF th label childs

-- | Run a transient computation with a given initial state
runTransState :: EventF -> TransIO x -> IO (Maybe x, EventF)
runTransState st x = runStateT (runTrans x) st

-- | Get the continuation context: closure, continuation, state, child threads etc
getCont :: TransIO EventF
getCont = Transient $ Just <$> get

-- | Run the closure and the continuation using the state data of the calling thread
runCont :: EventF -> StateIO (Maybe a)
runCont EventF { xcomp = x, fcomp = fs } = runTrans $ do
  r <- unsafeCoerce x
  compose fs r

-- | Run the closure and the continuation using its own state data.
runCont' :: EventF -> IO (Maybe a, EventF)
runCont' cont = runStateT (runCont cont) cont

-- | Warning: Radically untyped stuff. handle with care
getContinuations :: StateIO [a -> TransIO b]
getContinuations = do
  EventF { fcomp = fs } <- get
  return $ unsafeCoerce fs

runCont cont = do
  mr <- runClosure cont
  case mr of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just r -> runContinuation cont r

-- | Compose a list of continuations.
{-# INLINE compose #-}
compose :: [a -> TransIO a] -> (a -> TransIO b)
compose []     = const empty
compose (f:fs) = \x -> f x >>= compose fs

-- | Run the closure  (the 'x' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation.
runClosure :: EventF -> StateIO (Maybe a)
runClosure EventF { xcomp = x } = unsafeCoerce (runTrans x)

-- | Run the continuation (the 'f' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation with the current state.
runContinuation ::  EventF -> a -> StateIO (Maybe b)
runContinuation EventF { fcomp = fs } =
  runTrans . (unsafeCoerce $ compose $  fs)

-- | Save a closure and a continuation ('x' and 'f' in 'x >>= f').
setContinuation :: TransIO a -> (a -> TransIO b) -> [c -> TransIO c] -> StateIO ()
setContinuation  b c fs = do
  modify $ \EventF{..} -> EventF { xcomp = b
                                  , fcomp = unsafeCoerce c : fs
                                  , .. }

-- | Save a closure and continuation, run the closure, restore the old continuation.
-- | NOTE: The old closure is discarded.
withContinuation :: b -> TransIO a -> TransIO a
withContinuation c mx = do
  EventF { fcomp = fs, .. } <- get
  put $ EventF { xcomp = mx
               , fcomp = unsafeCoerce c : fs
               , .. }
  r <- mx
  restoreStack fs
  return r

-- | Restore the continuations to the provided ones.
-- | NOTE: Events are also cleared out.
restoreStack :: MonadState EventF m => [a -> TransIO a] -> m ()
restoreStack fs = modify $ \EventF {..} -> EventF { event = Nothing, fcomp = fs, .. }

-- | Run a chain of continuations.
-- WARNING: It is up to the programmer to assure that each continuation typechecks
-- with the next, and that the parameter type match the input of the first
-- continuation.
-- NOTE: Normally this makes sense to stop the current flow with `stop` after the
-- invocation.
runContinuations :: [a -> TransIO b] -> c -> TransIO d
runContinuations fs x = compose (unsafeCoerce fs)  x

-- Instances for Transient Monad

instance Functor TransIO where
  fmap f mx = do
    x <- mx
    return $ f x

instance Applicative TransIO where
  pure a  = Transient . return $ Just a

  f <*> g = Transient $ do
         rf <- liftIO $ newIORef (Nothing,[])
         rg <- liftIO $ newIORef (Nothing,[])

         fs <- getContinuations

         let hasWait (_:Wait:_) = True
             hasWait _          = False

             appf k = Transient $  do
                   Log rec _ full _ <- getData `onNothing` return (Log False [] [] 0)
                   (liftIO $ writeIORef rf  (Just k,full))
                               -- !> ( show $ unsafePerformIO myThreadId) ++"APPF"

                   (x, full2)<- liftIO $ readIORef rg
                   when (hasWait  full ) $
                       -- (!> (hasWait full,"full",full, "\nfull2",full2)) $
                        let full'= head full: full2
                        in (setData $ Log rec full' full')
                          -- !> ("result1",full')

                   return $ Just k <*> x

             appg x = Transient $  do
                   Log rec _ full _ <- getData `onNothing` return (Log False [] [] 0)
                   liftIO $ writeIORef rg (Just x, full)

                        -- !> ( show $ unsafePerformIO myThreadId) ++ "APPG"

                   (k,full1) <- liftIO $ readIORef rf
                   when (hasWait  full) $

                      -- (!> ("full", full, "\nfull1",full1)) $

                        let full'= head full: full1
                        in (setData $ Log rec full' full')
                             -- !> ("result2",full')

                   return $ k <*> Just x

         setContinuation f appf fs

         k <- runTrans f
                --  !> ( show $ unsafePerformIO myThreadId)++ "RUN f"

         was <- getData `onNothing` return NoRemote
         when (was == WasParallel) $  setData NoRemote

         Log recovery _ full _ <- getData `onNothing` return (Log False [] [] 0)

         if was== WasRemote  || (not recovery && was == NoRemote  && isNothing k )
             -- !>  ("was,recovery,isNothing=",was,recovery, isNothing k)

         -- if the first operand was a remote request
         -- (so this node is not master and hasn't to execute the whole expression)
         -- or it was not an asyncronous term (a normal term without async or parallel
         -- like primitives) and is nothing
           then  do
             restoreStack fs
             return Nothing
           else do
             when (isJust k) $ liftIO $ writeIORef rf  (k,full)
                -- when necessary since it maybe WasParallel and Nothing

             setContinuation g appg fs

             x <- runTrans g
                    -- !> ( show $ unsafePerformIO myThreadId) ++ "RUN g"

             Log recovery _ full' _ <- getData `onNothing` return (Log False [] [] 0)
             liftIO $ writeIORef rg  (x,full')
             restoreStack fs
             k'' <- if was== WasParallel
                      then do
                        (k',_) <- liftIO $ readIORef rf -- since k may have been updated by a parallel f
                        return k'
                      else return k
             return $ k'' <*> x

-- instance Monad (Cont r) where
--     return a = Cont ($ a)
--     m >>= k  = Cont $ \c -> runCont m $ \a -> runCont (k a) c

-- instance MonadCont (Cont r) where
--     callCC f = Cont $ \c -> runCont (f (\a -> Cont $ \_ -> c a)) c

instance Monad TransIO where
  return   = pure
  x >>= f  = Transient $ do
    setEventCont x f
    mk <- runTrans x
    resetEventCont mk
    case mk of
      Just k  -> runTrans (f k)
      Nothing -> return Nothing

instance MonadIO TransIO where
  -- liftIO mx = do
  --   ex <- liftIO' $ (mx >>= return . Right) `catch`
  --                   (\(e :: SomeException) -> return $ Left e)
  --   case ex of
  --     Left  e -> back e 
  --     Right x -> return x
  --   where 
      liftIO x = Transient $ liftIO x >>= return . Just

instance Monoid a => Monoid (TransIO a) where
  mappend x y = mappend <$> x <*> y
  mempty      = return mempty

instance Alternative TransIO where
    empty = Transient $ return  Nothing
    (<|>) = mplus

instance MonadPlus TransIO where
  mzero     = empty
  mplus x y = Transient $ do
    mx <- runTrans x

    was <- getData `onNothing` return NoRemote
    if was == WasRemote

      then return Nothing
      else case mx of
            Nothing -> runTrans y

            justx -> return justx

readWithErr :: (Typeable a, Read a) => Int -> String -> IO [(a, String)]
readWithErr n line =
  (v `seq` return [(v, left)])
     `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) ->
                error $ "read error trying to read type: \"" ++ show (typeOf v)
                     ++ "\" in:  " ++ " <" ++ show line ++ "> ")
  where (v, left):_ = readsPrec n line

read' s= case readsPrec' 0 s of
    [(x,"")] -> x
    _  -> error $ "reading " ++ s
readsPrec' n = unsafePerformIO . readWithErr n

-- | Constraint type synonym for a value that can be logged.
type Loggable a = (Show a, Read a, Typeable a)

-- data Serializable a where
--   serialize :: a .ç-> BS.ByteString
--   deserialize :: BS.ByteString -> a 

-- instance Serialize a => Serialie [a] where
--   serialize (x:xs)= 
--      let s= serialize x
--          l= length s
--      in makeByteString (#(#l,s#),serialize xs #)

-- | Dynamic serializable data for logging.
data IDynamic =
    IDyns String
  | forall a. Loggable a => IDynamic a

instance Show IDynamic where
  show (IDynamic x) = show (show x)
  show (IDyns    s) = show s

instance Read IDynamic where
  readsPrec n str = map (\(x,s) -> (IDyns x,s)) $ readsPrec' n str

type Recover        = Bool
type CurrentPointer = [LogElem]
type LogEntries     = [LogElem]
type Hash           = Int

data LogElem        =  Wait | Exec | Var IDynamic
  deriving (Read, Show)

data Log            = Log Recover CurrentPointer LogEntries Hash
  deriving (Typeable, Show)

data RemoteStatus   = WasRemote | WasParallel | NoRemote
  deriving (Typeable, Eq, Show)

-- | A synonym of 'empty' that can be used in a monadic expression. It stops
-- the computation, which allows the next computation in an 'Alternative'
-- ('<|>') composition to run.
stop :: Alternative m => m stopped
stop = empty

instance (Num a,Eq a,Fractional a) =>Fractional (TransIO a)where
     mf / mg = (/) <$> mf <*> mg
     fromRational r =  return $ fromRational r

instance (Num a, Eq a) => Num (TransIO a) where
  fromInteger = return . fromInteger
  mf + mg     = (+) <$> mf <*> mg
  mf * mg     = (*) <$> mf <*> mg
  negate f    = f >>= return . negate
  abs f       = f >>= return . abs
  signum f    = f >>= return . signum

class AdditionalOperators m where

  -- | Run @m a@ discarding its result before running @m b@.
  (**>)  :: m a -> m b -> m b

  -- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, after the whole task set @m a@ is
  -- done.
  (<**)  :: m a -> m b -> m a

  atEnd' :: m a -> m b -> m a
  atEnd' = (<**)

  -- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, once after each task in @m a@, and
  -- once again after the whole task set is done.
  (<***) :: m a -> m b -> m a

  atEnd  :: m a -> m b -> m a
  atEnd  = (<***)

instance AdditionalOperators TransIO where

  (**>) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO b
  (**>) x y =
    Transient $ do
      runTrans x
      runTrans y

  (<***) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO a
  (<***) ma mb =
    Transient $ do
      fs  <- getContinuations
      setContinuation ma (\x -> mb >> return x)  fs
      a <- runTrans ma
      runTrans mb
      restoreStack fs
      return  a

  (<**) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO a
  (<**) ma mb =
    Transient $ do
      a <- runTrans ma
      runTrans  mb
      return a

infixr 1 <***, <**, **>

-- | Run @b@ once, discarding its result when the first task in task set @a@
-- has finished. Useful to start a singleton task after the first task has been
-- setup.
(<|) :: TransIO a -> TransIO b -> TransIO a
(<|) ma mb = Transient $ do
  fs  <- getContinuations
  ref <- liftIO $ newIORef False
  setContinuation ma (cont ref)  fs
  r   <- runTrans ma
  restoreStack fs
  return  r
  where cont ref x = Transient $ do
          n <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
          if n == True
            then return $ Just x
            else do liftIO $ writeIORef ref True
                    runTrans mb
                    return $ Just x

-- | Set the current closure and continuation for the current statement
{-# INLINABLE setEventCont #-}
setEventCont :: TransIO a -> (a -> TransIO b) -> StateIO ()
setEventCont x f  = modify $ \EventF { fcomp = fs, .. } 
                           -> EventF { xcomp = x
                                     , fcomp = unsafeCoerce f :  fs
                                     , .. }

-- | Reset the closure and continuation. Remove inner binds than the previous
-- computations may have stacked in the list of continuations.
-- resetEventCont :: Maybe a -> EventF -> StateIO ()
{-# INLINABLE resetEventCont #-}
resetEventCont mx  =
   modify $ \EventF { fcomp = fs, .. } 
          -> EventF { xcomp = case mx of
                        Nothing -> empty
                        Just x  -> unsafeCoerce (head fs) x
                    , fcomp = tailsafe fs
                    , .. }

-- | Total variant of `tail` that returns an empty list when given an empty list.
{-# INLINE tailsafe #-}
tailsafe :: [a] -> [a]
tailsafe []     = []
tailsafe (_:xs) = xs

--instance MonadTrans (Transient ) where
--  lift mx = Transient $ mx >>= return . Just

-- * Threads

waitQSemB   sem = atomicModifyIORefCAS sem $ \n ->
                    if n > 0 then(n - 1, True) else (n, False)
signalQSemB sem = atomicModifyIORefCAS sem $ \n -> (n + 1, ())

-- | Sets the maximum number of threads that can be created for the given task
-- set.  When set to 0, new tasks start synchronously in the current thread.
-- New threads are created by 'parallel', and APIs that use parallel.
threads :: Int -> TransIO a -> TransIO a
threads n process = do
   msem <- gets maxThread
   sem <- liftIO $ newIORef n
   modify $ \s -> s { maxThread = Just sem }
   r <- process <** (modify $ \s -> s { maxThread = msem }) -- restore it
   return r

-- | Terminate all the child threads in the given task set and continue
-- execution in the current thread. Useful to reap the children when a task is
-- done.
oneThread :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
oneThread comp = do
  st    <-  get
  chs   <- liftIO $ newMVar []
  label <- liftIO $ newIORef (Alive, BS.pack "oneThread")
  let st' = st { parent   = Just st
              , children = chs
              , labelth  = label }
  liftIO $ hangThread st st'
  put st'
  x   <- comp
  th  <- liftIO myThreadId
          -- !> ("FATHER:", threadId st)
  chs <- liftIO $ readMVar chs -- children st'
  liftIO $ mapM_ (killChildren1 th) chs
  return x
  where killChildren1 :: ThreadId  ->  EventF -> IO ()
        killChildren1 th state = do
          ths' <- modifyMVar (children state) $ \ths -> do
                    let (inn, ths')=  partition (\st -> threadId st == th) ths
                    return (inn, ths')
          mapM_ (killChildren1  th) ths'
          mapM_ (killThread . threadId) ths'
            -- !> ("KILLEVENT1 ", map threadId ths' )

-- | Add a label to the current passing threads so it can be printed by debugging calls like `showThreads`
labelState :: (MonadIO m,MonadState EventF m) => String -> m ()
labelState l =  do
  st <- get
  liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS (labelth st) $ \(status,_) -> ((status, BS.pack l), ())

printBlock :: MVar ()
printBlock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()

-- | Show the tree of threads hanging from the state.
showThreads :: MonadIO m => EventF -> m ()
showThreads st = liftIO $ withMVar printBlock $ const $ do
  mythread <- myThreadId

  putStrLn "---------Threads-----------"
  let showTree n ch = do
        liftIO $ do
          putStr $ take n $ repeat ' '
          (state, label) <- readIORef $ labelth ch
          if BS.null label
            then putStr . show $ threadId ch
            else do BS.putStr label; putStr . drop 8 . show $ threadId ch
                    when (state == Dead) $ putStr " dead"
          putStrLn $ if mythread == threadId ch then " <--" else ""
        chs <- readMVar $ children ch
        mapM_ (showTree $ n + 2) $ reverse chs
  showTree 0 st

-- | Return the state of the thread that initiated the transient computation
topState :: TransIO EventF
topState = do
  st <- get
  return $ toplevel st
  where toplevel st = case parent st of
                        Nothing -> st
                        Just p  -> toplevel p

-- | Return the state variable of the type desired with which a thread, identified by his number in the treee was initiated
showState :: (Typeable a, MonadIO m, Alternative m) => String -> EventF -> m  (Maybe a)
showState th top = resp
  resp = do
          let thstring = drop 9 . show $ threadId top
          if thstring == th
          then getstate top
          else do
            sts <- liftIO $ readMVar $ children top
            foldl (<|>) empty $ map (showState th) sts
  getstate st =
            case M.lookup (typeOf $ typeResp resp) $ mfData st of
              Just x  -> return . Just $ unsafeCoerce x
              Nothing -> return Nothing
  typeResp :: m (Maybe x) -> x
  typeResp = undefined

-- | return  all the states of the type desired that are created by direct child threads
processStates :: Typeable a =>  (a-> TransIO ()) -> EventF -> TransIO()
processStates display st =  do
        getstate st >>=  display
        liftIO $ print $ threadId st
        sts <- liftIO $ readMVar $ children st
        mapM_ (processStates display) sts
        getstate st =
            case M.lookup (typeOf $ typeResp display) $ mfData st of
              Just x  -> return $ unsafeCoerce x
              Nothing -> empty
        typeResp :: (a -> TransIO()) -> a
        typeResp = undefined

-- | Add n threads to the limit of threads. If there is no limit, the limit is set.
addThreads' :: Int -> TransIO ()
addThreads' n= noTrans $ do
  msem <- gets maxThread
  case msem of
    Just sem -> liftIO $ modifyIORef sem $ \n' -> n + n'
    Nothing  -> do
      sem <- liftIO (newIORef n)
      modify $ \ s -> s { maxThread = Just sem }

-- | Ensure that at least n threads are available for the current task set.
addThreads :: Int -> TransIO ()
addThreads n = noTrans $ do
  msem <- gets maxThread
  case msem of
    Nothing  -> return ()
    Just sem -> liftIO $ modifyIORef sem $ \n' -> if n' > n then n' else  n

--getNonUsedThreads :: TransIO (Maybe Int)
--getNonUsedThreads= Transient $ do
--   msem <- gets maxThread
--   case msem of
--    Just sem -> liftIO $ Just <$> readIORef sem
--    Nothing -> return Nothing

-- | Disable tracking and therefore the ability to terminate the child threads.
-- By default, child threads are terminated automatically when the parent
-- thread dies, or they can be terminated using the kill primitives. Disabling
-- it may improve performance a bit, however, all threads must be well-behaved
-- to exit on their own to avoid a leak.
freeThreads :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
freeThreads process = Transient $ do
  st <- get
  put st { freeTh = True }
  r  <- runTrans process
  modify $ \s -> s { freeTh = freeTh st }
  return r

-- | Enable tracking and therefore the ability to terminate the child threads.
-- This is the default but can be used to re-enable tracking if it was
-- previously disabled with 'freeThreads'.
hookedThreads :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
hookedThreads process = Transient $ do
  st <- get
  put st {freeTh = False}
  r  <- runTrans process
  modify $ \st -> st { freeTh = freeTh st }
  return r

-- | Kill all the child threads of the current thread.
killChilds :: TransIO ()
killChilds = noTrans $ do
  cont <- get
  liftIO $ do
    killChildren $ children cont
    writeIORef (labelth cont) (Alive, mempty)
       -- !> (threadId cont,"relabeled")
  return ()

-- | Kill the current thread and the childs.
killBranch :: TransIO ()
killBranch = noTrans $ do
  st <- get
  liftIO $ killBranch' st

-- | Kill the childs and the thread of an state
killBranch' :: EventF -> IO ()
killBranch' cont = do
  killChildren $ children cont
  let thisth  = threadId  cont
      mparent = parent    cont
  when (isJust mparent) $
    modifyMVar_ (children $ fromJust mparent) $ \sts ->
      return $ filter (\st -> threadId st /= thisth) sts
  killThread $ thisth

-- * Extensible State: Session Data Management

-- | Same as 'getSData' but with a more general type. If the data is found, a
-- 'Just' value is returned. Otherwise, a 'Nothing' value is returned.
getData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => m (Maybe a)
getData = resp
  where resp = do
          list <- gets mfData
          case M.lookup (typeOf $ typeResp resp) list of
            Just x  -> return . Just $ unsafeCoerce x
            Nothing -> return Nothing
        typeResp :: m (Maybe x) -> x
        typeResp = undefined

-- | Retrieve a previously stored data item of the given data type from the
-- monad state. The data type to retrieve is implicitly determined by the data type.
-- If the data item is not found, empty is executed, so the  alternative computation will be executed, if any, or
-- Otherwise, the computation will stop.. 
-- If you want to print an error message or a default value, you can use an 'Alternative' composition. For example:
-- > getSData <|> error "no data of the type desired"
-- > getInt = getSData <|> return (0 :: Int)
getSData :: Typeable a => TransIO a
getSData = Transient getData

-- | Same as `getSData`
getState :: Typeable a => TransIO a
getState = getSData

-- | 'setData' stores a data item in the monad state which can be retrieved
-- later using 'getData' or 'getSData'. Stored data items are keyed by their
-- data type, and therefore only one item of a given type can be stored. A
-- newtype wrapper can be used to distinguish two data items of the same type.
-- @
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-- import Transient.Base
-- import Data.Typeable
-- data Person = Person
--    { name :: String
--    , age :: Int
--    } deriving Typeable
-- main = keep $ do
--      setData $ Person "Alberto"  55
--      Person name age <- getSData
--      liftIO $ print (name, age)
-- @
setData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setData x = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.insert t (unsafeCoerce x) (mfData st) }
  where t = typeOf x

-- | Accepts a function that takes the current value of the stored data type
-- and returns the modified value. If the function returns 'Nothing' the value
-- is deleted otherwise updated.
modifyData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> m ()
modifyData f = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.alter alterf t (mfData st) }
  where typeResp :: (Maybe a -> b) -> a
        typeResp   = undefined
        t          = typeOf (typeResp f)
        alterf mx  = unsafeCoerce $ f x'
          where x' = case mx of
                       Just x  -> Just $ unsafeCoerce x
                       Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Either modify according with the first parameter or insert according with the second, depending on if the data exist or not.
-- > runTransient $ do                   modifyData1 (\h -> h ++ " world") "hello new" ;  r <- getSData ; liftIO $  putStrLn r   -- > "hello new"
-- > runTransient $ do setData "hello" ; modifyData1 (\h -> h ++ " world") "hello new" ;  r <- getSData ; liftIO $  putStrLn r   -- > "hello world"
modifyData' :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => (a ->  a) ->  a ->m a
modifyData' f  v= do 
  st <- get
  let (ma,nmap)=  M.insertLookupWithKey alterf t (unsafeCoerce v) (mfData st) 
  put st { mfData =nmap}
  return $ if isNothing ma then v else unsafeCoerce $ fromJust  ma
  where t          = typeOf v
        alterf  _ _ x = unsafeCoerce $ f $ unsafeCoerce x
-- | Same as modifyData
modifyState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> m ()
modifyState = modifyData

-- | Same as 'setData'
setState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setState = setData

-- | Delete the data item of the given type from the monad state.
delData :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
delData x = modify $ \st -> st { mfData = M.delete (typeOf x) (mfData st) }

-- | Same as 'delData'
delState :: (MonadState EventF m, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
delState = delData

-- STRefs for the Transient monad

newtype Ref a = Ref (IORef a)

-- | mutable state reference that can be updated (similar to STRef in the state monad)
-- Initialized the first time it is set.
setRState:: Typeable a => a -> TransIO ()
setRState x= do
    Ref ref <- getSData
    liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS ref $ const (x,())
   <|> do
    ref <- liftIO (newIORef x)
    setData $ Ref ref

getRState :: Typeable a => TransIO a
getRState= do
    Ref ref <- getSData
    liftIO $ readIORef ref

delRState x= delState (undefined `asTypeOf` ref x)
  where ref :: a -> IORef a 
        ref= undefined

-- | Run an action, if it does not succeed, undo any state changes
-- that it might have caused and allow aternative actions to run with the original state
try :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
try mx = do
  sd <- gets mfData
  mx <|> (modify (\s -> s { mfData = sd }) >> empty)

-- | Executes the computation and reset the state either if it fails or not. 
sandbox :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
sandbox mx = do
  sd <- gets mfData
  mx <*** modify (\s ->s { mfData = sd})

-- | generates an identifier that is unique within the current program execution
genGlobalId  :: MonadIO m => m Int
genGlobalId= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS rglobalId $ \n -> (n +1,n)

rglobalId= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef (0 :: Int)

-- | Generator of identifiers that are unique within the current monadic
-- sequence They are not unique in the whole program.
genId :: MonadState EventF m => m Int
genId = do
  st <- get
  let n = mfSequence st
  put st { mfSequence = n + 1 }
  return n

getPrevId :: MonadState EventF m => m Int
getPrevId = gets mfSequence

instance Read SomeException where
  readsPrec n str = [(SomeException $ ErrorCall s, r)]
    where [(s , r)] = readsPrec n str

-- | 'StreamData' represents a task in a task stream being generated.
data StreamData a =
      SMore a               -- ^ More tasks to come
    | SLast a               -- ^ This is the last task
    | SDone                 -- ^ No more tasks, we are done
    | SError SomeException  -- ^ An error occurred
    deriving (Typeable, Show,Read)

-- | A task stream generator that produces an infinite stream of tasks by
-- running an IO computation in a loop. A task is triggered carrying the output
-- of the computation. See 'parallel' for notes on the return value.
waitEvents :: IO a -> TransIO a
waitEvents io = do
  mr <- parallel (SMore <$> io)
  case mr of
    SMore  x -> return x
    SError e -> back   e

-- | Run an IO computation asynchronously and generate a single task carrying
-- the result of the computation when it completes. See 'parallel' for notes on
-- the return value.
async :: IO a -> TransIO a
async io = do
  mr <- parallel (SLast <$> io)
  case mr of
    SLast  x -> return x
    SError e -> back   e

-- | Force an async computation to run synchronously. It can be useful in an
-- 'Alternative' composition to run the alternative only after finishing a
-- computation.  Note that in Applicatives it might result in an undesired
-- serialization.
sync :: TransIO a -> TransIO a
sync x = do
  setData WasRemote
  r <- x
  delData WasRemote
  return r

-- | @spawn = freeThreads . waitEvents@
spawn :: IO a -> TransIO a
spawn = freeThreads . waitEvents

-- | A task stream generator that produces an infinite stream of tasks by
-- running an IO computation periodically at the specified time interval. The
-- task carries the result of the computation.  A new task is generated only if
-- the output of the computation is different from the previous one.  See
-- 'parallel' for notes on the return value.
sample :: Eq a => IO a -> Int -> TransIO a
sample action interval = do
  v    <- liftIO action
  prev <- liftIO $ newIORef v
  waitEvents (loop action prev) <|> async (return v)
  where loop action prev = loop'
          where loop' = do
                  threadDelay interval
                  v  <- action
                  v' <- readIORef prev
                  if v /= v' then writeIORef prev v >> return v else loop'

-- | Run an IO action one or more times to generate a stream of tasks. The IO
-- action returns a 'StreamData'. When it returns an 'SMore' or 'SLast' a new
-- task is triggered with the result value. If the return value is 'SMore', the
-- action is run again to generate the next task, otherwise task creation
-- stops.
-- Unless the maximum number of threads (set with 'threads') has been reached,
-- the task is generated in a new thread and the current thread returns a void
-- task.
parallel :: IO (StreamData b) -> TransIO (StreamData b)
parallel ioaction = Transient $ do
  cont <- get
          --  !> "PARALLEL"
  case event cont of
    j@(Just _) -> do
      put cont { event = Nothing }
      return $ unsafeCoerce j
    Nothing    -> do
      liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS (labelth cont) $ \(_, lab) -> ((Parent, lab), ())
      liftIO $ loop cont ioaction
      was <- getData `onNothing` return NoRemote
      when (was /= WasRemote) $ setData WasParallel
--            th <- liftIO myThreadId
--            return () !> ("finish",th)
      return Nothing

-- | Execute the IO action and the continuation
loop ::  EventF -> IO (StreamData t) -> IO ()
loop parentc rec = forkMaybe parentc $ \cont -> do
  -- Execute the IO computation and then the closure-continuation
  liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS (labelth cont) $ const ((Listener,BS.pack "wait"),())
  let loop'=   do
         mdat <- rec `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> return $ SError e
         case mdat of
             se@(SError _)  -> setworker cont >> iocont  se    cont
             SDone          -> setworker cont >> iocont  SDone cont
             last@(SLast _) -> setworker cont >> iocont  last  cont

             more@(SMore _) -> do
                  forkMaybe cont $ iocont  more

         setworker cont= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORefCAS (labelth cont) $ const ((Alive,BS.pack "work"),())

         iocont  dat cont = do

              let cont'= cont{event= Just $ unsafeCoerce dat}
              runStateT (runCont cont')  cont'
              return ()

  return ()
  {-# INLINABLE forkMaybe #-}
  forkMaybe parent  proc = do
     case maxThread parent  of
       Nothing -> forkIt parent  proc
       Just sem  -> do
             dofork <- waitQSemB sem
             if dofork then  forkIt parent proc else proc parent

  forkIt parent  proc= do
     chs <- liftIO $ newMVar []

     label <- newIORef (Alive, BS.pack "work")
     let cont = parent{parent=Just parent,children=   chs, labelth= label}

     forkFinally1  (do
         th <- myThreadId
         let cont'= cont{threadId=th}
         when(not $ freeTh parent )$ hangThread parent   cont'
                                    -- !>  ("thread created: ",th,"in",threadId parent )

         proc cont')
         $ \me -> do

           case  me of
            Left e -> exceptBack cont e >> return ()    -- !> "exceptBack 2"     

            _ -> do
             case maxThread cont of
               Just sem -> signalQSemB sem      -- !> "freed thread"
               Nothing -> return ()
             when(not $ freeTh parent  )  $ do -- if was not a free thread

                 th <- myThreadId
                 (can,label) <- atomicModifyIORefCAS (labelth cont) $ \(l@(status,label)) ->
                    ((if status== Alive then Dead else status, label),l)

                 when (can/= Parent ) $ free th parent
     return ()

  forkFinally1 :: IO a -> (Either SomeException a -> IO ()) -> IO ThreadId
  forkFinally1 action and_then =
       mask $ \restore ->  forkIO $ Control.Exception.try (restore action) >>= and_then
free th env= do
--       return ()                                       !> ("freeing",th,"in",threadId env)
       let sibling=  children env   

       (sbs',found) <- modifyMVar sibling $ \sbs -> do
                   let (sbs', found) = drop [] th  sbs
                   return (sbs',(sbs',found))

       if found
         then do

--                                             !> ("new list for",threadId env,map threadId sbs')
           (typ,_) <- readIORef $ labelth env
           if (null sbs' && typ /= Listener && isJust (parent env))
            -- free the parent
            then free (threadId env) ( fromJust $ parent env)
            else return ()

--               return env
         else return () -- putMVar sibling sbs
                                                     -- !>  (th,"orphan")

       drop processed th []= (processed,False)
       drop processed th (ev:evts)| th ==  threadId ev= (processed ++ evts, True)
                                  | otherwise= drop (ev:processed) th evts

hangThread parentProc child =  do

       let headpths= children parentProc

       modifyMVar_ headpths $ \ths -> return (child:ths)
--       ths <- takeMVar headpths
--       putMVar headpths (child:ths)

           --  !> ("hang", threadId child, threadId parentProc,map threadId ths,unsafePerformIO $ readIORef $ labelth parentProc)

-- | kill  all the child threads associated with the continuation context
killChildren childs  = do

           ths <- modifyMVar childs $ \ths -> return ([],ths)
--           ths <- takeMVar childs
--           putMVar childs []

           mapM_ (killChildren . children) ths

           mapM_ (killThread . threadId) ths   !> ("KILL", map threadId ths )

-- | Make a transient task generator from an asynchronous callback handler.
-- The first parameter is a callback. The second parameter is a value to be
-- returned to the callback; if the callback expects no return value it
-- can just be a @return ()@. The callback expects a setter function taking the
-- @eventdata@ as an argument and returning a value to the callback; this
-- function is supplied by 'react'.
-- Callbacks from foreign code can be wrapped into such a handler and hooked
-- into the transient monad using 'react'. Every time the callback is called it
-- generates a new task for the transient monad.

  :: Typeable eventdata
  => ((eventdata ->  IO response) -> IO ())
  -> IO  response
  -> TransIO eventdata
react setHandler iob= Transient $ do
        cont <- get
        case event cont of
          Nothing -> do
            liftIO $ setHandler $ \dat ->do
              runStateT (runCont cont) cont{event= Just $ unsafeCoerce dat} `catch` exceptBack cont 
            was <- getData `onNothing` return NoRemote
            when (was /= WasRemote) $ setData WasParallel
            return Nothing

          j@(Just _) -> do
            put cont{event=Nothing}
            return $ unsafeCoerce j

-- | Runs the rest of the computation in a new thread. Returns 'empty' to the current thread
abduce = async $ return ()

-- * Non-blocking keyboard input

-- getLineRef= unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO Nothing

-- | listen stdin and triggers a new task every time the input data
-- matches the first parameter.  The value contained by the task is the matched
-- value i.e. the first argument itself. The second parameter is a message to the user for
-- the user. The label is displayed in the console when the option match.
option :: (Typeable b, Show b, Read b, Eq b) =>
          b -> String  -> TransIO b
option =  optionf False 

-- Implements the same functionality than `option` but only wait for one input
option1 :: (Typeable b, Show b, Read b, Eq b) =>
          b -> String  -> TransIO b
option1= optionf True

optionf :: (Typeable b, Show b, Read b, Eq b) =>
          Bool -> b -> String  -> TransIO b
optionf flag ret message  = do 
  let sret= if typeOf ret == typeOf "" then unsafeCoerce ret else show ret
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Enter  "++sret++"\tto: " ++ message
  inputf flag sret message Nothing ( == sret)
  liftIO $ putStr "\noption: " >> putStrLn sret
  -- abduce
  return ret
inputf flag ident message mv cond= do
    r <- react (addListener ident) (return ())

    when (null r) $ liftIO $ writeIORef rconsumed True 
    let rr= read1 r 
    when flag $ liftIO $ delListener ident
    case   rr  of
       Just x ->  if cond x 
                     then do 
                        liftIO $ do
                           writeIORef rconsumed True 
                           print x; 
                        return x  
                     else do liftIO $  when (isJust mv) $ putStrLn "";  returnm mv
       _      ->  do liftIO $  when (isJust mv) $ putStrLn ""; returnm mv

    returnm (Just x)= return x 
    returnm _ = empty
    read1 s= x where
        x= if typeOf(typeOfr x) == typeOf "" 
            then Just $ unsafeCoerce s
            else unsafePerformIO $  do
                   (let r= read s in r `seq` return (Just r)) `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> (return Nothing)
    typeOfr :: Maybe a ->  a
    typeOfr  = undefined

-- | Waits on stdin and return a value when a console input matches the
-- predicate specified in the first argument.  The second parameter is a string
-- to be displayed on the console before waiting.
input :: (Typeable a, Read a,Show a) =>  (a -> Bool) -> String -> TransIO a
input= input' Nothing

input' :: (Typeable a, Read a,Show a) => Maybe a -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> TransIO a
input' mv cond prompt= do
  liftIO $ putStr prompt >> hFlush stdout
  inputf True "input" prompt mv cond

rcb= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty :: IORef (M.Map String (String -> IO()))

addListener :: String -> (String ->  IO ()) -> IO ()
addListener name cb= atomicModifyIORef rcb $ \cbs ->  (M.insert name cb  cbs,())

delListener :: String -> IO ()
delListener name= atomicModifyIORef rcb $ \cbs -> (M.delete  name cbs,())

reads1 s=x where
      x= if typeOf(typeOfr x) == typeOf "" then unsafeCoerce[(s,"")] else readsPrec' 0 s
      typeOfr :: [(a,String)] ->  a
      typeOfr  = undefined

inputLoop= do
    x   <- getLine 
    processLine x
    putStr "> "; hFlush stdout

rconsumed = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False

processLine r = do
    let rs = breakSlash [] r
    return () !> rs
    mapM' invoke rs

    invoke x= do
       mbs <- readIORef rcb
       mapM (\cb -> cb x)  $ M.elems mbs 
    mapM' f []= return ()
    mapM' f (xss@(x:xs)) =do 
        f x 
        r <- readIORef rconsumed
        if  r 
          then do
            writeIORef riterloop 0
            writeIORef rconsumed False
            mapM' f xs 

          else do
            threadDelay 1000
            n <- atomicModifyIORef riterloop $ \n -> (n+1,n)
            if n==100
              then do
                when (not $ null x) $ putStr x >> putStrLn ": can't read, skip"
                writeIORef riterloop 0
                writeIORef rconsumed False
                mapM' f xs
              else mapM' f xss

    riterloop= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
    breakSlash :: [String] -> String -> [String]
    breakSlash [] ""= [""]
    breakSlash s ""= s
    breakSlash res ('\"':s)=
        let (r,rest) = span(/= '\"') s
        in breakSlash (res++[r]) $ tail1 rest
    breakSlash res s=
        let (r,rest) = span(\x -> x /= '/' && x /= ' ') s
        in breakSlash (res++[r]) $ tail1 rest
    tail1 []= []
    tail1 x= tail x

-- | Wait for the execution of `exit` and return the result or the exhaustion of thread activity

stay rexit=  takeMVar rexit
 `catch` \(e :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> return Nothing

newtype Exit a= Exit a deriving Typeable

-- | Runs the transient computation in a child thread and keeps the main thread
-- running until all the user threads exit or some thread invokes 'exit'.
-- The main thread provides facilities for accepting keyboard input in a
-- non-blocking but line-oriented manner. The program reads the standard input
-- and feeds it to all the async input consumers (e.g. 'option' and 'input').
-- All async input consumers contend for each line entered on the standard
-- input and try to read it atomically. When a consumer consumes the input
-- others do not get to see it, otherwise it is left in the buffer for others
-- to consume. If nobody consumes the input, it is discarded.
-- A @/@ in the input line is treated as a newline.
-- When using asynchronous input, regular synchronous IO APIs like getLine
-- cannot be used as they will contend for the standard input along with the
-- asynchronous input thread. Instead you can use the asynchronous input APIs
-- provided by transient.
-- A built-in interactive command handler also reads the stdin asynchronously.
-- All available options waiting for input are displayed when the
-- program is run.  The following commands are available:
-- 1. @ps@: show threads
-- 2. @log@: inspect the log of a thread
-- 3. @end@, @exit@: terminate the program
-- An input not handled by the command handler can be handled by the program.
-- The program's command line is scanned for @-p@ or @--path@ command line
-- options.  The arguments to these options are injected into the async input
-- channel as keyboard input to the program. Each line of input is separated by
-- a @/@. For example:
-- >  foo  -p  ps/end
keep :: Typeable a => TransIO a -> IO (Maybe a)
keep mx = do
   liftIO $ hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
   rexit <- newEmptyMVar
   forkIO $ do
--       liftIO $ putMVar rexit  $ Right Nothing
       runTransient $ do
           onException $ \(e :: SomeException ) -> liftIO $ putStr "keep block: " >> print e
           st <- get

           setData $ Exit rexit
           (abduce >> labelState "input" >> liftIO inputLoop >> empty)
            <|> do
                   option "options" "show all options"
                   mbs <- liftIO $ readIORef rcb
                   liftIO $ mapM_  (\c ->do putStr c; putStr "|") $ M.keys mbs
                   liftIO $ putStrLn ""
            <|> do
                   option "ps" "show threads"
                   liftIO $ showThreads st
            <|> do
                   option "log" "inspect the log of a thread"
                   th <- input (const True)  "thread number>"
                   ml <- liftIO $ showState th st
                   liftIO $ print $ fmap (\(Log _ _ log _) -> reverse log) ml
            <|> do
                   option "end" "exit"
                   liftIO $ putStrLn "exiting..."
                   liftIO $ putMVar rexit Nothing

            <|>    mx
       return ()
   threadDelay 10000
   stay rexit

   type1 :: TransIO a -> Either String (Maybe a)
   type1= undefined

-- | Same as `keep` but does not read from the standard input, and therefore
-- the async input APIs ('option' and 'input') cannot be used in the monad.
-- However, keyboard input can still be passed via command line arguments as
-- described in 'keep'.  Useful for debugging or for creating background tasks,
-- as well as to embed the Transient monad inside another computation. It
-- returns either the value returned by `exit`.  or Nothing, when there are no
-- more threads running
keep' :: Typeable a => TransIO a -> IO  (Maybe a)
keep' mx  = do
   liftIO $ hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
   rexit <- newEmptyMVar
   forkIO $ do
           runTransient $ do
              setData $ Exit rexit

           return () 
   threadDelay 10000
   forkIO $ execCommandLine
   stay rexit

execCommandLine= do
    args <- getArgs
    let mindex =  findIndex (\o ->  o == "-p" || o == "--path" ) args
    when (isJust mindex) $ do
         let i= fromJust mindex +1
         when (length  args >= i) $ do
           let path= args !! i
           putStr "Executing: " >> print  path
           processLine  path

-- | Exit the main thread, and thus all the Transient threads (and the
-- application if there is no more code)
exit :: Typeable a => a -> TransIO a
exit x= do
  Exit rexit <- getSData <|> error "exit: not the type expected"  `asTypeOf` type1 x
  liftIO $  putMVar  rexit  $ Just x
  type1 :: a -> TransIO (Exit (MVar (Maybe a)))
  type1= undefined

-- | If the first parameter is 'Nothing' return the second parameter otherwise
-- return the first parameter..
onNothing :: Monad m => m (Maybe b) -> m b -> m b
onNothing iox iox'= do
       mx <- iox
       case mx of
           Just x -> return x
           Nothing -> iox'

----------------------------------backtracking ------------------------

data Backtrack b= Show b =>Backtrack{backtracking :: Maybe b
                                    ,backStack :: [EventF] }
                                    deriving Typeable

-- | Delete all the undo actions registered till now for the given track id.
backCut :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransientIO ()
backCut reason= Transient $ do
     delData $ Backtrack (Just reason)  [] 
     return $ Just ()

-- | 'backCut' for the default track; equivalent to @backCut ()@.
undoCut ::  TransientIO ()
undoCut = backCut ()

-- | Run the action in the first parameter and register the second parameter as
-- the undo action. On undo ('back') the second parameter is called with the
-- undo track id as argument.
{-# NOINLINE onBack #-}
onBack :: (Typeable b, Show b) => TransientIO a -> ( b -> TransientIO a) -> TransientIO a
onBack ac bac = registerBack (typeof bac) $ Transient $ do
     Backtrack mreason stack  <- getData `onNothing` (return $ backStateOf (typeof bac))
     runTrans $ case mreason of
                  Nothing     -> ac
                  Just reason -> do
                      -- setState $ Backtrack mreason $ tail stack -- to avoid recursive call tot he same handler
                      bac reason
     typeof :: (b -> TransIO a) -> b
     typeof = undefined

-- | 'onBack' for the default track; equivalent to @onBack ()@.
onUndo ::  TransientIO a -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
onUndo x y= onBack x (\() -> y)

-- | Register an undo action to be executed when backtracking. The first
-- parameter is a "witness" whose data type is used to uniquely identify this
-- backtracking action. The value of the witness parameter is not used.
{-# NOINLINE registerUndo #-}
registerBack :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
registerBack witness f  = Transient $ do
   cont@(EventF _ x  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)  <- get 
 -- if isJust (event cont) then return Nothing else do 
   md <- getData `asTypeOf` (Just <$> return (backStateOf witness))

   case md of
        Just (Backtrack b []) ->  setData $ Backtrack b  [cont]
        Just (bss@(Backtrack b (bs@((EventF _ x'  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _):_)))) ->
          when (isNothing b) $ do
                addrx  <- addr x
                addrx' <- addr x'         -- to avoid duplicate backtracking points
                setData $ if addrx == addrx' then bss else  Backtrack b (cont:bs)
               --setData $ Backtrack b (cont:bs)

        Nothing ->  setData $ Backtrack mwit [cont]

   runTrans f
   mwit= Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just witness)
   addr x = liftIO $ return . hashStableName =<< (makeStableName $! x)

registerUndo :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
registerUndo f= registerBack ()  f

-- XXX Should we enforce retry of the same track which is being undone? If the
-- user specifies a different track would it make sense?
-- | For a given undo track id, stop executing more backtracking actions and
-- resume normal execution in the forward direction. Used inside an undo
-- action.
forward :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransIO ()
forward reason= Transient $ do
    Backtrack _ stack <- getData `onNothing`  ( return $ backStateOf reason)
    setData $ Backtrack(Nothing `asTypeOf` Just reason)  stack
    return $ Just ()

-- | 'forward' for the default undo track; equivalent to @forward ()@.
retry= forward ()

-- | Abort finish. Stop executing more finish actions and resume normal
-- execution.  Used inside 'onFinish' actions.
noFinish= continue

-- | Start the undo process for the given undo track id. Performs all the undo
-- actions registered till now in reverse order. An undo action can use
-- 'forward' to stop the undo process and resume forward execution. If there
-- are no more undo actions registered execution stops and a 'stop' action is
-- returned.
back :: (Typeable b, Show b) => b -> TransientIO a
back reason =  do
  bs <- getData  `onNothing`  return (backStateOf  reason)           
  goBackt  bs                                                  --  !>"GOBACK"

  runClosure :: EventF -> TransIO a
  runClosure EventF { xcomp = x } = unsafeCoerce  x
  runContinuation ::  EventF -> a -> TransIO b
  runContinuation EventF { fcomp = fs } =  (unsafeCoerce $ compose $  fs)

  goBackt (Backtrack _ [] )= empty                     
  goBackt (Backtrack b (stack@(first : bs)) )= do
        setData $ Backtrack (Just reason) stack

        x <-  runClosure first                                 --  !> ("RUNCLOSURE",length stack)
        return () !> "runclosure"
        Backtrack back _ <- getData `onNothing`  return (backStateOf  reason)
                                                                --  !> "END RUNCLOSURE"

        case back of
                 Nothing -> runContinuation first x                   --     !> "FORWARD EXEC"
                 justreason ->do
                        setData $ Backtrack justreason bs
                        goBackt $ Backtrack justreason bs     -- !> ("BACK AGAIN",back)

backStateOf :: (Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Backtrack a
backStateOf reason= Backtrack (Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just reason)) []

-- | 'back' for the default undo track; equivalent to @back ()@.
undo ::  TransIO a
undo= back ()

------ finalization

newtype Finish= Finish String deriving Show

instance Exception Finish 

-- newtype FinishReason= FinishReason (Maybe SomeException) deriving (Typeable, Show)

-- | Clear all finish actions registered till now.
-- initFinish= backCut (FinishReason Nothing)

-- | Register an action that to be run when 'finish' is called. 'onFinish' can
-- be used multiple times to register multiple actions. Actions are run in
-- reverse order. Used in infix style.
onFinish :: (Finish ->TransIO ()) -> TransIO ()
onFinish f= onException' (return ()) f

-- | Run the action specified in the first parameter and register the second
-- parameter as a finish action to be run when 'finish' is called. Used in
-- infix style.
onFinish' ::TransIO a ->(Finish ->TransIO a) -> TransIO a
onFinish' proc f= proc `onException'` f

-- | Execute all the finalization actions registered up to the last
-- 'initFinish', in reverse order and continue the execution.  Either an exception or 'Nothing' can be
initFinish = cutExceptions
-- passed to 'finish'.  The argument passed is made available in the 'onFinish'
-- actions invoked. 
finish :: String -> TransIO ()
finish reason= (throwt $ Finish reason) <|> return()

-- | trigger finish when the stream of data ends
checkFinalize v=
   case v of
      SDone ->  stop
      SLast x ->  return x
      SError e -> throwt  e
      SMore x -> return x

------ exceptions ---
-- | Install an exception handler. Handlers are executed in reverse (i.e. last in, first out) order when such exception happens in the
-- continuation. Note that multiple handlers can be installed for the same exception type.
-- The semantic is, thus, very different than the one of `Control.Exception.Base.onException`
onException :: Exception e => (e -> TransIO ()) -> TransIO ()
onException exc= return () `onException'` exc

onException' :: Exception e => TransIO a -> (e -> TransIO a) -> TransIO a
onException' mx f= onAnyException mx $ \e ->
    case fromException e of
       Nothing -> empty
       Just e'  -> f e'
  onAnyException :: TransIO a -> (SomeException ->TransIO a) -> TransIO a
  onAnyException mx f= ioexp f  `onBack` f
  ioexp  f  = Transient $ do
    st <- get

    (mx,st') <- liftIO $ (runStateT 
        case event st of 
          Nothing -> do
                r <- runTrans   mx   
                modify $ \s -> s{event= Just $ unsafeCoerce r}
                return () !> "MX"
                runCont st  
                was <- getData `onNothing` return NoRemote
                when (was /= WasRemote) $ setData WasParallel

                return Nothing

          Just r -> do
                modify $ \s ->  s{event=Nothing}  
                return () !> "JUSTTTTTTTTTTT"
                return  $ unsafeCoerce r) st)
                   `catch` exceptBack st 
    put st'
    return mx
exceptBack st = \(e ::SomeException) -> do  -- recursive catch itself
                      runStateT ( runTrans $  back e ) st  !> "EXCEPTBACK"
                  `catch` exceptBack st

  --   where
  --  -- drop the current exception handler from the stack
  --   stex st = 
  --       let list = mfData st
  --           emptyback= backStateOf(undefined :: SomeException)
  --           Backtrack b stack = case M.lookup (typeOf  emptyback) list of
  --                             Just x  -> unsafeCoerce x
  --                             Nothing -> emptyback
  --       in st { mfData = M.insert (typeOf emptyback) (unsafeCoerce $ Backtrack b $ tail stack) (mfData st) }

-- | Delete all the exception handlers registered till now.
cutExceptions :: TransIO ()
cutExceptions= backCut  (undefined :: SomeException)

-- | Use it inside an exception handler. it stop executing any further exception
-- handlers and resume normal execution from this point on.
continue :: TransIO ()
continue = forward (undefined :: SomeException)   -- !> "CONTINUE"

-- | catch an exception in a Transient block
-- The semantic is the same than `catch` but the computation and the exception handler can be multirhreaded
catcht :: Exception e => TransIO b -> (e -> TransIO b) -> TransIO b
catcht mx exc= do
    rpassed <- liftIO $ newIORef False
    sandbox  $ do
         r <- onException' mx (\e -> do
                 passed <- liftIO $ readIORef rpassed
                 if not passed then continue >> exc e else empty)
         liftIO $ writeIORef rpassed True
         return r
   sandbox  mx= do
     exState <- getState <|> return (backStateOf (undefined :: SomeException))
       <*** do setState exState 

-- | throw an exception in the Transient monad
throwt :: Exception e => e -> TransIO a
throwt= back . toException