stack-all: CLI tool for building over Stackage major versions

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Stack-all is a tool for stack building of a Haskell project across multiple Stackage major LTS versions.

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Versions 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.1.2, 0.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.3, 0.3.1, 0.4,, 0.4.1, 0.4.2, 0.5, 0.5.1, 0.5.2, 0.6, 0.6.1, 0.6.2, 0.6.3, 0.6.4, 0.6.4
Change log
Dependencies aeson, base (<5), cached-json-file, config-ini, directory (>=1.2.5), extra (>=1.6.15), filepath, http-query, process, simple-cmd (>=0.1.4), simple-cmd-args (>=0.1.8), text, unordered-containers, yaml [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2020-2024 Jens Petersen <>
Author Jens Petersen <>
Maintainer Jens Petersen <>
Category Distribution
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by JensPetersen at 2024-10-13T09:29:21Z


Automatic Flags

aeson-1 needs unordered-containers


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

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Readme for stack-all-0.6.4

[back to package description]


A CLI tool for building Haskell projects easily over several Stackage major versions.

I use this to do Haskell build CI for projects locally with stack.


stack-all by default runs stack build over Stackage Nightly and LTS major versions (the current default range is nightly & major LTS versions back to lts-18) corresponding to latest major ghc minor versions, using appropriate stack --resolver options.

Note that stack only works in a project if a stack.yaml file exists. If no stack.yaml file is found in a .cabal project, stack-all will create one if there is a .cabal or "package.yaml" file. Of course it may still fail to build, but this allows for quick attempts to build a package that does not include a stack.yaml file.

Since 0.6, stack-all also works outside projects, like stack itself does.

Help output

$ stack-all --version


$ stack-all --help

Build project over Stackage major versions

Usage: stack-all [--version] [-k|--keep-going] [-D|--debug] [--refresh-cache] 
                 [-n|--newest MAJOR] [(-o|--oldest MAJOR) | (-a|--all-lts)] 
                 [(-c|--create-config) | (-d|--default-resolver MAJOR) | 
                   (-u|--update-resolver) | (-s|--make-lts MAJOR) | 
                   [MAJORVER... COMMAND...]]

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --version                Show version
  -k,--keep-going          Keep going even if an LTS fails
  -D,--debug               Verbose stack build output on error
  --refresh-cache          Force refresh of stackage snapshots.json cache
  -n,--newest MAJOR        Newest LTS release to build from
  -o,--oldest MAJOR        Oldest compatible LTS release
  -a,--all-lts             Try to build back to LTS 1 even
  -c,--create-config       Create a project .stack-all file
  -d,--default-resolver MAJOR
                           Set stack.yaml resolver
  -u,--update-resolver     Update stack.yaml resolver
  -s,--make-lts MAJOR      Create a stack-ltsXX.yaml file

Overriding stack.yaml

stack-all can use stack-ltsXX.yaml files to override the default stack.yaml file for particular Stackage major versions. Note that a stack-ltsXX.yaml file will also be used for older LTS major versions until another stack-ltsYY.yaml file is found. stack-nightly.yaml is also supported, but used only for nightly.

For example if you have stack-lts20.yaml and stack-lts18.yaml files in your project, then stack.yaml will be used as normal to build nightly, lts-22 and lts-21, but stack-lts20.yaml will be used for building lts-20 and lts-19, and stack-lts18.yaml will be used for lts-18, lts-16 (and older). Since stack-all overrides the exact resolver with the latest minor snapshot, the exact minor Stackage version specified in the stack*.yaml files doesn't actually matter: stack-all always uses the latest published minor releases of Stackage major versions.

stack-ltsXX.yaml files can be easily created using stack-all --make-lts ltsXX (or -s ltsXX for short).

(Other versioned stack.yaml filenames like stack-ghc-8.8.yaml are not currently supported.)

Specifying LTS versions

You can abbreviate lts-XX args to ltsXX on the commandline. lts is also accepted and resolves to the latest major LTS version.

You can also use ghc major version aliases: eg ghc9.6 corresponds to lts22 or ghc-9.2 to lts-20.

There are --oldest and --newest options to specify the range of lts versions to build over:

You can specify the oldest major LTS to build for with eg stack-all -o lts16. Otherwise if not configured the default oldest LTS is currently lts-18.

Similarly you can specify the newest LTS version to build from with eg stack-all -n lts20. (The default is to build from nightly.)

Alternatively, one can give one or more explicit LTS major versions to build for as arguments: eg stack-all lts19 if you only wish to build that version.

Configuring the oldest and/or newest LTS to build

You can configure the oldest working LTS major version for your project by running for example stack-all -c -o lts-19 which generates a .stack-all project config file like this:

# lts-18 too old
oldest = lts-19

(the comment line can be used to document why the older LTS doesn't work). This specifies that the oldest LTS version to build for is lts-19.

The newest LTS to build with stack-all can similarly be configured: stack-all -c -n lts21 or setting newest = lts-21.

Running other stack commands

By default stack-all just runs the stack build command over Stackage major versions.

You can also specify a stack command to run with options on the commandline: eg

$ stack-all test --no-rerun-tests

will run stack test over the LTS versions instead.

Any stack command can be used, possibly outside a project, eg: stack-all list aeson

Happy stack building!


The project is released on Hackage.

You can also build from a git clone with stack install or cabal install.


The project is hosted at under a BSD license.