stack: The Haskell Tool Stack
This is a package candidate release! Here you can preview how this package release will appear once published to the main package index (which can be accomplished via the 'maintain' link below). Please note that once a package has been published to the main package index it cannot be undone! Please consult the package uploading documentation for more information.
- These packages miss upper bounds: - Cabal - QuickCheck - aeson - aeson-warning-parser - ansi-terminal - array - async - attoparsec - base64-bytestring - bytestring - casa-client - companion - conduit - conduit-extra - containers - crypton - directory - echo - exceptions - extra - file-embed - filelock - filepath - fsnotify - generic-deriving - ghc-boot - githash - hi-file-parser - hpack - hpc - hspec - http-client - http-client-tls - http-conduit - http-download - http-types - memory - microlens - mtl - mustache - neat-interpolation - open-browser - optparse-applicative - optparse-simple - pantry - path - path-io - persistent-sqlite - pretty - process - project-template - random - raw-strings-qq - rio - rio-prettyprint - split - stm - tar - template-haskell - text - time - transformers - unix - unix-compat - unordered-containers - vector - yaml - zlib Please add them, using `cabal gen-bounds` for suggestions. For more information see:
Please see the documentation at for usage information.
If building a stack
executable for distribution, please download the
source code from
and build it using Stack itself in order to ensure identical behaviour
to official binaries. This package on Hackage is provided for convenience
and bootstrapping purposes.
Note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may change significantly, even between minor releases. It is currently only intended for use by the executable.
[Skip to Readme]
[Index] [Quick Jump]
- Build_stack
- Control
- Concurrent
- Data
- Network
- Options
- Path
- Paths_stack
- Stack
- Stack.Build
- Stack.BuildInfo
- Stack.BuildPlan
- Stack.CLI
- Stack.Clean
- Stack.ComponentFile
- Stack.Config
- Stack.ConfigCmd
- Stack.Constants
- Stack.Coverage
- Stack.DefaultColorWhen
- Stack.Docker
- Stack.DockerCmd
- Stack.Dot
- Stack.Eval
- Stack.Exec
- Stack.FileWatch
- Stack.GhcPkg
- Stack.Ghci
- Stack.Hoogle
- Stack.IDE
- Stack.Init
- Stack.List
- Stack.Lock
- Stack.Ls
- Stack.New
- Stack.Nix
- Options
- Stack.Options.BenchParser
- Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser
- Stack.Options.BuildParser
- Stack.Options.CleanParser
- Stack.Options.Completion
- Stack.Options.ConfigParser
- Stack.Options.DockerParser
- Stack.Options.DotParser
- Stack.Options.EvalParser
- Stack.Options.ExecParser
- Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser
- Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser
- Stack.Options.GhciParser
- Stack.Options.GlobalParser
- Stack.Options.HaddockParser
- Stack.Options.HpcReportParser
- Stack.Options.InitParser
- Stack.Options.LogLevelParser
- Stack.Options.LsParser
- Stack.Options.NewParser
- Stack.Options.NixParser
- Stack.Options.PackageParser
- Stack.Options.PathParser
- Stack.Options.ResolverParser
- Stack.Options.SDistParser
- Stack.Options.ScriptParser
- Stack.Options.SetupParser
- Stack.Options.TestParser
- Stack.Options.UpgradeParser
- Stack.Options.UploadParser
- Stack.Options.Utils
- Stack.Package
- Stack.PackageDump
- Stack.PackageFile
- Stack.Path
- Stack.Prelude
- Stack.Query
- Stack.Runners
- Stack.SDist
- Stack.Script
- Stack.Setup
- Stack.SetupCmd
- Stack.SourceMap
- Storage
- Stack.Templates
- Types
- Stack.Types.AddCommand
- Stack.Types.AllowNewerDeps
- Stack.Types.ApplyGhcOptions
- Stack.Types.ApplyProgOptions
- Stack.Types.Build
- Stack.Types.BuildConfig
- Stack.Types.BuildOpts
- Stack.Types.CabalConfigKey
- Stack.Types.Cache
- Stack.Types.Casa
- Stack.Types.ColorWhen
- Stack.Types.Compiler
- Stack.Types.CompilerBuild
- Stack.Types.CompilerPaths
- Stack.Types.Config
- Stack.Types.ConfigMonoid
- Stack.Types.ConfigureOpts
- Stack.Types.Curator
- Stack.Types.Dependency
- Stack.Types.Docker
- Stack.Types.DockerEntrypoint
- Stack.Types.DownloadInfo
- Stack.Types.DumpLogs
- Stack.Types.DumpPackage
- Stack.Types.EnvConfig
- Stack.Types.EnvSettings
- Stack.Types.ExtraDirs
- Stack.Types.GHCDownloadInfo
- Stack.Types.GHCVariant
- Stack.Types.GhcOptionKey
- Stack.Types.GhcOptions
- Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
- Stack.Types.GlobalOpts
- Stack.Types.GlobalOptsMonoid
- Stack.Types.IsMutable
- Stack.Types.LockFileBehavior
- Stack.Types.NamedComponent
- Stack.Types.Nix
- Stack.Types.Package
- Stack.Types.PackageFile
- Stack.Types.PackageName
- Stack.Types.ParentMap
- Stack.Types.Platform
- Stack.Types.Project
- Stack.Types.ProjectAndConfigMonoid
- Stack.Types.ProjectConfig
- Stack.Types.PvpBounds
- Stack.Types.Resolver
- Stack.Types.Runner
- Stack.Types.SCM
- Stack.Types.SetupInfo
- Stack.Types.SourceMap
- Stack.Types.StackYamlLoc
- Stack.Types.Storage
- Stack.Types.TemplateName
- Stack.Types.UnusedFlags
- Stack.Types.Version
- Stack.Types.VersionedDownloadInfo
- Stack.Uninstall
- Stack.Unpack
- Stack.Update
- Stack.Upgrade
- Stack.Upload
- System
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
developer-mode | By default, output extra developer information. | Disabled |
disable-git-info | Disable inclusion of current Git information in the Stack executable when it is built. | Disabled |
disable-stack-upload | For use only during development and debugging. Disable 'stack upload' and, instead, output information about the HTTP request that would have been made by Stack. | Disabled |
hide-dependency-versions | Hides dependency versions from 'stack --version'. Used only when building a Stack executable for official release. Note to packagers/distributors: DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FLAG IF YOU ARE BUILDING STACK ANY OTHER WAY (e.g. using Cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support requests more difficult. | Disabled |
integration-tests | Run the integration test suite. | Disabled |
static | When building the Stack executable, or the stack-integration-test executable, pass the -static and -pthread flags to the linker used by GHC. | Disabled |
supported-build | If false, causes 'stack --version' to issue a warning about the build being unsupported. Used only when building a Stack executable for official release. Note to packagers/distributors: DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FLAG IF YOU ARE BUILDING STACK ANY OTHER WAY (e.g. using Cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support requests more difficult. | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- stack-2.14.0.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
Package maintainers
For package maintainers and hackage trustees