squeather: Use databases with the version 3 series of the SQLite C library

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This library allows you to use databases with the version 3 series of the SQLite C library. The biggest difference between this library and others available on Hackage is that it uses the extended error descriptions that SQLite makes available. It also cleans up resources such as database and statement handles in an automatic, though non-deterministic, fashion.

This library is unstable and incomplete. The most stable library that resembles it is direct-sqlite and you're probably better off using that library.

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Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring, text [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2020-2021 Omari Norman
Author Omari Norman
Maintainer omari@smileystation.com
Category Development
Uploaded by OmariNorman at 2021-06-19T13:01:50Z



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This library provides an interface to the version 3 series of the SQLite C library. For more details, see the documentation in the main Squeather module. Squeather's API is inspired by the direct-sqlite package, but all the code in Squeather was written from scratch.

This library is unstable and incomplete. The library that most resembles it is direct-sqlite and you're probably better off using that library.

Hackage page


No Maintenance Intended

I use this library for other proprietary projects that I don't make publicly available. I provide this library publicly in hopes that others will find it useful. However, the library already suits my needs. It's developed with my use-cases in mind and has been tested for these uses. Therefore I'm unlikely to review or accept any patches. I will be happy if you take this code and merge it into your own codebase, or if you improve the library and post your own version. I am also quite satisfied if you review this code and simply learn from it - either as inspiration of what you might do, or as a warning of what you shouldn't do (smile).