snap-server- A web server for the Snap Framework

Safe HaskellNone




This module exports the Config datatype, which you can use to configure the Snap HTTP server.



data ConfigLog Source #

Data type representing the configuration of a logging target



no logging

ConfigFileLog FilePath

log to text file

ConfigIoLog (ByteString -> IO ())

log custom IO handler

data Config m a Source #

A record type which represents partial configurations (for httpServe) by wrapping all of its fields in a Maybe. Values of this type are usually constructed via its Monoid instance by doing something like:

setPort 1234 mempty

Any fields which are unspecified in the Config passed to httpServe (and this is the norm) are filled in with default values from defaultConfig.


Show (Config m a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Config m a -> ShowS #

show :: Config m a -> String #

showList :: [Config m a] -> ShowS #

Monoid (Config m a) Source # 


mempty :: Config m a #

mappend :: Config m a -> Config m a -> Config m a #

mconcat :: [Config m a] -> Config m a #

data ProxyType Source #


Note: this type changed in snap-server

emptyConfig :: Config m a Source #

Returns a completely empty Config. Equivalent to mempty from Config's Monoid instance.

defaultConfig :: MonadSnap m => Config m a Source #

These are the default values for the options

commandLineConfig Source #


:: MonadSnap m 
=> Config m a

default configuration. This is combined with defaultConfig to obtain default values to use if the given parameter is specified on the command line. Usually it is fine to use emptyConfig here.

-> IO (Config m a) 

Returns a Config obtained from parsing command-line options, using the default Snap OptDescr set.

On Unix systems, the locale is read from the LANG environment variable.

extendedCommandLineConfig Source #


:: MonadSnap m 
=> [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))]

User options.

-> (a -> a -> a)

State for multiple invoked user command-line options will be combined using this function.

-> Config m a

default configuration. This is combined with Snap's defaultConfig to obtain default values to use if the given parameter is specified on the command line. Usually it is fine to use emptyConfig here.

-> IO (Config m a) 

Returns a Config obtained from parsing command-line options, using the default Snap OptDescr set as well as a list of user OptDescrs. User OptDescrs use the "other" field (accessible using getOther and setOther) to store additional command-line option state. These are combined using a user-defined combining function.

On Unix systems, the locale is read from the LANG environment variable.

optDescrs Source #


:: MonadSnap m 
=> Config m a

the configuration defaults.

-> [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))] 

Returns a description of the snap command line options suitable for use with System.Console.GetOpt.

fmapOpt :: (a -> b) -> OptDescr a -> OptDescr b Source #

getAccessLog :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog Source #

Path to the access log

getBind :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString Source #

Returns the address to bind to (for http)

getCompression :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool Source #

If set and set to True, compression is turned on when applicable

getErrorHandler :: Config m a -> Maybe (SomeException -> m ()) Source #

A MonadSnap action to handle 500 errors

getErrorLog :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog Source #

Path to the error log

getHostname :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString Source #

The hostname of the HTTP server. This field has the same format as an HTTP Host header; if a Host header came in with the request, we use that, otherwise we default to this value specified in the configuration.

getLocale :: Config m a -> Maybe String Source #

Gets the locale to use. Locales are used on Unix only, to set the LANG/LC_ALL/etc. environment variable. For instance if you set the locale to "en_US", we'll set the relevant environment variables to "en_US.UTF-8".

getPort :: Config m a -> Maybe Int Source #

Returns the port to listen on (for http)

getSSLBind :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString Source #

Returns the address to bind to (for https)

getSSLCert :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath Source #

Path to the SSL certificate file

getSSLChainCert :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool Source #

Path to the SSL certificate file

getSSLKey :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath Source #

Path to the SSL key file

getSSLPort :: Config m a -> Maybe Int Source #

Returns the port to listen on (for https)

getVerbose :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool Source #

Whether to write server status updates to stderr

getStartupHook :: Config m a -> Maybe (StartupInfo m a -> IO ()) Source #

A startup hook is run after the server initializes but before user request processing begins. The server passes, through a StartupInfo object, the startup hook a list of the sockets it is listening on and the final Config object completed after command-line processing.

getUnixSocket :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath Source #

File path to unix socket. Must be absolute path, but allows for symbolic links.

getUnixSocketAccessMode :: Config m a -> Maybe Int Source #

Access mode for unix socket, by default is system specific. This should only be used to grant additional permissions to created socket file, and not to remove permissions set by default. The only portable way to limit access to socket is creating it in a directory with proper permissions set.

Most BSD systems ignore access permissions on unix sockets.

Note: This uses umask. There is a race condition if process creates other files at the same time as opening a unix socket with this option set.

setErrorHandler :: (SomeException -> m ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

setOther :: a -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

setPort :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

setSSLPort :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

setVerbose :: Bool -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

setStartupHook :: (StartupInfo m a -> IO ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a Source #

data StartupInfo m a Source #

Arguments passed to setStartupHook.

getStartupSockets :: StartupInfo m a -> [Socket] Source #

The Sockets opened by the server. There will be two Sockets for SSL connections, and one otherwise.
