module Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Config
( ConfigLog(..)
, Config(..)
, ProxyType(..)
, emptyConfig
, defaultConfig
, commandLineConfig
, extendedCommandLineConfig
, completeConfig
, optDescrs
, fmapOpt
, getAccessLog
, getBind
, getCompression
, getDefaultTimeout
, getErrorHandler
, getErrorLog
, getHostname
, getLocale
, getOther
, getPort
, getProxyType
, getSSLBind
, getSSLCert
, getSSLChainCert
, getSSLKey
, getSSLPort
, getVerbose
, getStartupHook
, getUnixSocket
, getUnixSocketAccessMode
, setAccessLog
, setBind
, setCompression
, setDefaultTimeout
, setErrorHandler
, setErrorLog
, setHostname
, setLocale
, setOther
, setPort
, setProxyType
, setSSLBind
, setSSLCert
, setSSLChainCert
, setSSLKey
, setSSLPort
, setVerbose
, setUnixSocket
, setUnixSocketAccessMode
, setStartupHook
, StartupInfo(..)
, getStartupSockets
, getStartupConfig
, emptyStartupInfo
, setStartupSockets
, setStartupConfig
) where
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Monoid (Last (Last, getLast))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Typeable (TyCon, Typeable, Typeable1 (..), mkTyConApp, mkTyCon3)
import Network (Socket)
import Numeric (readOct, showOct)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr (..), ArgOrder (Permute), OptDescr (..), getOpt, usageInfo)
import System.Environment hiding (getEnv)
#ifndef PORTABLE
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, byteString, stringUtf8, toLazyByteString)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import Snap.Core (MonadSnap, Request (rqClientAddr, rqClientPort), emptyResponse, finishWith, getRequest, logError, setContentLength, setContentType, setResponseBody, setResponseStatus)
import Snap.Internal.Debug (debug)
data ProxyType = NoProxy
| HaProxy
| X_Forwarded_For
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data ConfigLog = ConfigNoLog
| ConfigFileLog FilePath
| ConfigIoLog (ByteString -> IO ())
instance Show ConfigLog where
show ConfigNoLog = "no log"
show (ConfigFileLog f) = "log to file " ++ show f
show (ConfigIoLog _) = "custom logging handler"
data Config m a = Config
{ hostname :: Maybe ByteString
, accessLog :: Maybe ConfigLog
, errorLog :: Maybe ConfigLog
, locale :: Maybe String
, port :: Maybe Int
, bind :: Maybe ByteString
, sslport :: Maybe Int
, sslbind :: Maybe ByteString
, sslcert :: Maybe FilePath
, sslchaincert :: Maybe Bool
, sslkey :: Maybe FilePath
, unixsocket :: Maybe FilePath
, unixaccessmode :: Maybe Int
, compression :: Maybe Bool
, verbose :: Maybe Bool
, errorHandler :: Maybe (SomeException -> m ())
, defaultTimeout :: Maybe Int
, other :: Maybe a
, proxyType :: Maybe ProxyType
, startupHook :: Maybe (StartupInfo m a -> IO ())
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
deriving Typeable
configTyCon :: TyCon
configTyCon = mkTyCon3 "snap-server" "Snap.Http.Server.Config" "Config"
instance (Typeable1 m) => Typeable1 (Config m) where
typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp configTyCon [typeOf1 (undefined :: m ())]
instance Show (Config m a) where
show c = unlines [ "Config:"
, "hostname: " ++ _hostname
, "accessLog: " ++ _accessLog
, "errorLog: " ++ _errorLog
, "locale: " ++ _locale
, "port: " ++ _port
, "bind: " ++ _bind
, "sslport: " ++ _sslport
, "sslbind: " ++ _sslbind
, "sslcert: " ++ _sslcert
, "sslchaincert: " ++ _sslchaincert
, "sslkey: " ++ _sslkey
, "unixsocket: " ++ _unixsocket
, "unixaccessmode: " ++ _unixaccessmode
, "compression: " ++ _compression
, "verbose: " ++ _verbose
, "defaultTimeout: " ++ _defaultTimeout
, "proxyType: " ++ _proxyType
_hostname = show $ hostname c
_accessLog = show $ accessLog c
_errorLog = show $ errorLog c
_locale = show $ locale c
_port = show $ port c
_bind = show $ bind c
_sslport = show $ sslport c
_sslbind = show $ sslbind c
_sslcert = show $ sslcert c
_sslchaincert = show $ sslchaincert c
_sslkey = show $ sslkey c
_compression = show $ compression c
_verbose = show $ verbose c
_defaultTimeout = show $ defaultTimeout c
_proxyType = show $ proxyType c
_unixsocket = show $ unixsocket c
_unixaccessmode = case unixaccessmode c of
Nothing -> "Nothing"
Just s -> ("Just 0" ++) . showOct s $ []
emptyConfig :: Config m a
emptyConfig = mempty
instance Monoid (Config m a) where
mempty = Config
{ hostname = Nothing
, accessLog = Nothing
, errorLog = Nothing
, locale = Nothing
, port = Nothing
, bind = Nothing
, sslport = Nothing
, sslbind = Nothing
, sslcert = Nothing
, sslchaincert = Nothing
, sslkey = Nothing
, unixsocket = Nothing
, unixaccessmode = Nothing
, compression = Nothing
, verbose = Nothing
, errorHandler = Nothing
, defaultTimeout = Nothing
, other = Nothing
, proxyType = Nothing
, startupHook = Nothing
a `mappend` b = Config
{ hostname = ov hostname
, accessLog = ov accessLog
, errorLog = ov errorLog
, locale = ov locale
, port = ov port
, bind = ov bind
, sslport = ov sslport
, sslbind = ov sslbind
, sslcert = ov sslcert
, sslchaincert = ov sslchaincert
, sslkey = ov sslkey
, unixsocket = ov unixsocket
, unixaccessmode = ov unixaccessmode
, compression = ov compression
, verbose = ov verbose
, errorHandler = ov errorHandler
, defaultTimeout = ov defaultTimeout
, other = ov other
, proxyType = ov proxyType
, startupHook = ov startupHook
ov :: (Config m a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
ov f = getLast $! (mappend `on` (Last . f)) a b
defaultConfig :: MonadSnap m => Config m a
defaultConfig = mempty
{ hostname = Just "localhost"
, accessLog = Just $ ConfigFileLog "log/access.log"
, errorLog = Just $ ConfigFileLog "log/error.log"
, locale = Just "en_US"
, compression = Just True
, verbose = Just True
, errorHandler = Just defaultErrorHandler
, bind = Just ""
, sslbind = Nothing
, sslcert = Nothing
, sslkey = Nothing
, sslchaincert = Nothing
, defaultTimeout = Just 60
getHostname :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getHostname = hostname
getAccessLog :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog
getAccessLog = accessLog
getErrorLog :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog
getErrorLog = errorLog
getLocale :: Config m a -> Maybe String
getLocale = locale
getPort :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getPort = port
getBind :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getBind = bind
getSSLPort :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getSSLPort = sslport
getSSLBind :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getSSLBind = sslbind
getSSLCert :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath
getSSLCert = sslcert
getSSLChainCert :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool
getSSLChainCert = sslchaincert
getSSLKey :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath
getSSLKey = sslkey
getUnixSocket :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath
getUnixSocket = unixsocket
getUnixSocketAccessMode :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getUnixSocketAccessMode = unixaccessmode
getCompression :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool
getCompression = compression
getVerbose :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool
getVerbose = verbose
getErrorHandler :: Config m a -> Maybe (SomeException -> m ())
getErrorHandler = errorHandler
getDefaultTimeout :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getDefaultTimeout = defaultTimeout
getOther :: Config m a -> Maybe a
getOther = other
getProxyType :: Config m a -> Maybe ProxyType
getProxyType = proxyType
getStartupHook :: Config m a -> Maybe (StartupInfo m a -> IO ())
getStartupHook = startupHook
setHostname :: ByteString -> Config m a -> Config m a
setHostname x c = c { hostname = Just x }
setAccessLog :: ConfigLog -> Config m a -> Config m a
setAccessLog x c = c { accessLog = Just x }
setErrorLog :: ConfigLog -> Config m a -> Config m a
setErrorLog x c = c { errorLog = Just x }
setLocale :: String -> Config m a -> Config m a
setLocale x c = c { locale = Just x }
setPort :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a
setPort x c = c { port = Just x }
setBind :: ByteString -> Config m a -> Config m a
setBind x c = c { bind = Just x }
setSSLPort :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLPort x c = c { sslport = Just x }
setSSLBind :: ByteString -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLBind x c = c { sslbind = Just x }
setSSLCert :: FilePath -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLCert x c = c { sslcert = Just x }
setSSLChainCert :: Bool -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLChainCert x c = c { sslchaincert = Just x }
setSSLKey :: FilePath -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLKey x c = c { sslkey = Just x }
setUnixSocket :: FilePath -> Config m a -> Config m a
setUnixSocket x c = c { unixsocket = Just x }
setUnixSocketAccessMode :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a
setUnixSocketAccessMode p c = c { unixaccessmode = Just ( p .&. 0o777) }
setCompression :: Bool -> Config m a -> Config m a
setCompression x c = c { compression = Just x }
setVerbose :: Bool -> Config m a -> Config m a
setVerbose x c = c { verbose = Just x }
setErrorHandler :: (SomeException -> m ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a
setErrorHandler x c = c { errorHandler = Just x }
setDefaultTimeout :: Int -> Config m a -> Config m a
setDefaultTimeout x c = c { defaultTimeout = Just x }
setOther :: a -> Config m a -> Config m a
setOther x c = c { other = Just x }
setProxyType :: ProxyType -> Config m a -> Config m a
setProxyType x c = c { proxyType = Just x }
setStartupHook :: (StartupInfo m a -> IO ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a
setStartupHook x c = c { startupHook = Just x }
data StartupInfo m a = StartupInfo
{ startupHookConfig :: Config m a
, startupHookSockets :: [Socket]
emptyStartupInfo :: StartupInfo m a
emptyStartupInfo = StartupInfo emptyConfig []
getStartupSockets :: StartupInfo m a -> [Socket]
getStartupSockets = startupHookSockets
getStartupConfig :: StartupInfo m a -> Config m a
getStartupConfig = startupHookConfig
setStartupSockets :: [Socket] -> StartupInfo m a -> StartupInfo m a
setStartupSockets x c = c { startupHookSockets = x }
setStartupConfig :: Config m a -> StartupInfo m a -> StartupInfo m a
setStartupConfig x c = c { startupHookConfig = x }
completeConfig :: (MonadSnap m) => Config m a -> IO (Config m a)
completeConfig config = do
when noPort $ hPutStrLn stderr
"no port specified, defaulting to port 8000"
return $! cfg `mappend` cfg'
cfg = defaultConfig `mappend` config
sslVals = map ($ cfg) [ isJust . getSSLPort
, isJust . getSSLBind
, isJust . getSSLKey
, isJust . getSSLCert ]
sslValid = and sslVals
noPort = isNothing (getPort cfg) && not sslValid
cfg' = emptyConfig { port = if noPort then Just 8000 else Nothing }
bsFromString :: String -> ByteString
bsFromString = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
toString :: ByteString -> String
toString = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8
optDescrs :: forall m a . MonadSnap m =>
Config m a
-> [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))]
optDescrs defaults =
[ Option "" ["hostname"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setHostname . bsFromString) "NAME")
$ "local hostname" ++ defaultC getHostname
, Option "b" ["address"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { bind = Just $ bsFromString s })
$ "address to bind to" ++ defaultO bind
, Option "p" ["port"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { port = Just $ read s}) "PORT")
$ "port to listen on" ++ defaultO port
, Option "" ["ssl-address"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslbind = Just $ bsFromString s })
$ "ssl address to bind to" ++ defaultO sslbind
, Option "" ["ssl-port"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslport = Just $ read s}) "PORT")
$ "ssl port to listen on" ++ defaultO sslport
, Option "" ["ssl-cert"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslcert = Just s}) "PATH")
$ "path to ssl certificate in PEM format" ++ defaultO sslcert
, Option [] ["ssl-chain-cert"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setSSLChainCert True)
$ "certificate file contains complete certificate chain" ++ defaultB sslchaincert "site certificate only" "complete certificate chain"
, Option [] ["no-ssl-chain-cert"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setSSLChainCert False)
$ "certificate file contains only the site certificate" ++ defaultB sslchaincert "site certificate only" "complete certificate chain"
, Option [] ["ssl-key"]
(ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslkey = Just s}) "PATH")
$ "path to ssl private key in PEM format" ++ defaultO sslkey
, Option "" ["access-log"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setAccessLog . ConfigFileLog) "PATH")
$ "access log" ++ defaultC getAccessLog
, Option "" ["error-log"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setErrorLog . ConfigFileLog) "PATH")
$ "error log" ++ defaultC getErrorLog
, Option "" ["no-access-log"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setAccessLog ConfigNoLog)
"don't have an access log"
, Option "" ["no-error-log"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setErrorLog ConfigNoLog)
"don't have an error log"
, Option "c" ["compression"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setCompression True)
$ "use gzip compression on responses" ++
defaultB getCompression "compressed" "uncompressed"
, Option "t" ["timeout"]
(ReqArg (\t -> Just $ mempty {
defaultTimeout = Just $ read t
}) "SECS")
$ "set default timeout in seconds" ++ defaultC defaultTimeout
, Option "" ["no-compression"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setCompression False)
$ "serve responses uncompressed" ++
defaultB compression "compressed" "uncompressed"
, Option "v" ["verbose"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setVerbose True)
$ "print server status updates to stderr" ++
defaultC getVerbose
, Option "q" ["quiet"]
(NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setVerbose False)
$ "do not print anything to stderr" ++
defaultB getVerbose "verbose" "quiet"
, Option "" ["proxy"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setProxyType . parseProxy .
$ concat [ "Set --proxy=X_Forwarded_For if your snap application \n"
, "is behind an HTTP reverse proxy to ensure that \n"
, "rqClientAddr is set properly.\n"
, "Set --proxy=haproxy to use the haproxy protocol\n("
, ""
, defaultC getProxyType ]
, Option "" ["unix-socket"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setUnixSocket) "PATH")
$ concat ["Absolute path to unix socket file. "
, "File will be removed if already exists"]
, Option "" ["unix-socket-mode"]
(ReqArg (Just . setConfig setUnixSocketAccessMode . parseOctal)
$ concat ["Access mode for unix socket in octal, for example 0760.\n"
," Default is system specific."]
, Option "h" ["help"]
(NoArg Nothing)
"display this help and exit"
parseProxy s | s == "NoProxy" = NoProxy
| s == "X_Forwarded_For" = X_Forwarded_For
| s == "haproxy" = HaProxy
| otherwise = error $ concat [
"Error (--proxy): expected one of 'NoProxy', "
, "'X_Forwarded_For', or 'haproxy'. Got '"
, CI.original s
, "'"
parseOctal s = case readOct s of
((v, _):_) | v >= 0 && v <= 0o777 -> v
_ -> error $ "Error (--unix-socket-mode): expected octal access mode"
setConfig f c = f c mempty
conf = defaultConfig `mappend` defaults
defaultB :: (Config m a -> Maybe Bool) -> String -> String -> String
defaultB f y n = (maybe "" (\b -> ", default " ++ if b
then y
else n) $ f conf) :: String
defaultC :: (Show b) => (Config m a -> Maybe b) -> String
defaultC f = maybe "" ((", default " ++) . show) $ f conf
defaultO :: (Show b) => (Config m a -> Maybe b) -> String
defaultO f = maybe ", default off" ((", default " ++) . show) $ f conf
defaultErrorHandler :: MonadSnap m => SomeException -> m ()
defaultErrorHandler e = do
debug "Snap.Http.Server.Config errorHandler:"
req <- getRequest
let sm = smsg req
debug $ toString sm
logError sm
finishWith $ setContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
. setContentLength (fromIntegral $ S.length msg)
. setResponseStatus 500 "Internal Server Error"
. setResponseBody errBody
$ emptyResponse
errBody os = Streams.write (Just msgB) os >> return os
toByteString = S.concat . L.toChunks . toLazyByteString
smsg req = toByteString $ requestErrorMessage req e
msg = toByteString msgB
msgB = mconcat [
byteString "A web handler threw an exception. Details:\n"
, stringUtf8 $ show e
commandLineConfig :: MonadSnap m
=> Config m a
-> IO (Config m a)
commandLineConfig defaults = extendedCommandLineConfig (optDescrs defaults) f defaults
f = undefined
extendedCommandLineConfig :: MonadSnap m
=> [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))]
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Config m a
-> IO (Config m a)
extendedCommandLineConfig opts combiningFunction defaults = do
args <- getArgs
prog <- getProgName
result <- either (usage prog)
(case getOpt Permute opts args of
(f, _, [] ) -> maybe (Left []) Right $
fmap (foldl' combine mempty) $
sequence f
(_, _, errs) -> Left errs)
#ifndef PORTABLE
lang <- getEnv "LANG"
completeConfig $ mconcat [defaults,
mempty {locale = fmap upToUtf8 lang},
completeConfig $ mconcat [defaults, result]
usage prog errs = do
let hdr = "Usage:\n " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...]\n\nOptions:"
let msg = concat errs ++ usageInfo hdr opts
hPutStrLn stderr msg
#ifndef PORTABLE
upToUtf8 = takeWhile $ \c -> isAlpha c || '_' == c
combine !a !b = a `mappend` b `mappend` newOther
combined = do
x <- getOther a
y <- getOther b
return $! combiningFunction x y
newOther = mempty { other = combined }
fmapArg :: (a -> b) -> ArgDescr a -> ArgDescr b
fmapArg f (NoArg a) = NoArg (f a)
fmapArg f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (f . g) s
fmapArg f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (f . g) s
fmapOpt :: (a -> b) -> OptDescr a -> OptDescr b
fmapOpt f (Option s l d e) = Option s l (fmapArg f d) e
requestErrorMessage :: Request -> SomeException -> Builder
requestErrorMessage req e =
mconcat [ byteString "During processing of request from "
, byteString $ rqClientAddr req
, byteString ":"
, fromShow $ rqClientPort req
, byteString "\nrequest:\n"
, fromShow $ show req
, byteString "\n"
, msgB
msgB = mconcat [
byteString "A web handler threw an exception. Details:\n"
, fromShow e
fromShow :: Show a => a -> Builder
fromShow = stringUtf8 . show