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snap-extras- A collection of useful helpers and utilities for Snap web applications.

Safe HaskellNone




initFlashNotice :: HasHeist b => Snaplet (Heist b) -> SnapletLens b SessionManager -> Initializer b v () Source #

Initialize the flash notice system. All you have to do now is to add some flash tags in your application template. See flashSplice for examples.

flashInfo :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> Text -> Handler b b () Source #

Display an info message on next load of a page

flashWarning :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> Text -> Handler b b () Source #

Display an warning message on next load of a page

flashSuccess :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> Text -> Handler b b () Source #

Display a success message on next load of a page

flashError :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> Text -> Handler b b () Source #

Display an error message on next load of a page

flashSplice :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> SnapletISplice b Source #

A splice for rendering a given flash notice dirctive.

Ex: type='warning'/ Ex: type='success'/

flashCSplice :: SnapletLens b SessionManager -> SnapletCSplice b Source #

A compiled splice for rendering a given flash notice dirctive.

Ex: type='warning'/ Ex: type='success'/