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snap- Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework

Safe HaskellNone




This module implements the Heist snaplet without using type classes. It is provided mainly as an example of how snaplets can be written with and without a type class for convenience.



data Heist b Source #

The state for the Heist snaplet. To use the Heist snaplet in your app include this in your application state and use heistInit to initialize it. The type parameter b will typically be the base state type for your application.

heistInit Source #


:: FilePath

Path to templates

-> SnapletInit b (Heist b) 

The Initializer for Heist. This function is a convenience wrapper around heistInit' that uses defaultHeistState and sets up routes for all the templates. It sets up a "heistReload" route that reloads the heist templates when you request it from localhost.

heistInit' Source #


:: FilePath

Path to templates

-> HeistConfig (Handler b b)

Initial HeistConfig

-> SnapletInit b (Heist b) 

A lower level Initializer for Heist. This initializer requires you to specify the initial HeistConfig. It also does not add any routes for templates, allowing you complete control over which templates get routed.

heistReloader :: Handler b (Heist b) () Source #

Handler that triggers a template reload. For large sites, this can be desireable because it may be much quicker than the full site reload provided at the adminreload route. This allows you to reload only the heist templates This handler is automatically set up by heistInit, but if you use heistInit', then you can create your own route with it.

setInterpreted :: Snaplet (Heist b) -> Initializer b v () Source #

Sets the snaplet to default to interpreted mode. Initially, the initializer sets the value to compiled mode. This function allows you to override that setting. Note that this is just a default. It only has an effect if you use one of the generic functions: gRender, gRenderAs, gHeistServe, or gHeistServeSingle. If you call the non-generic versions directly, then this value will not be checked and you will get the mode implemented by the function you called.

clearHeistCache :: Heist b -> IO () Source #

Clears data stored by the cache tag. The cache tag automatically reloads its data when the specified TTL expires, but sometimes you may want to trigger a manual reload. This function lets you do that.

addTemplates Source #


:: Snaplet (Heist b) 
-> ByteString

The url prefix for the template routes

-> Initializer b (Heist b) () 

Adds templates to the Heist HeistConfig. Other snaplets should use this function to add their own templates. The templates are automatically read from the templates directory in the current snaplet's filesystem root.

addTemplatesAt Source #


:: Snaplet (Heist b) 
-> ByteString

URL prefix for template routes

-> FilePath

Path to templates

-> Initializer b (Heist b) () 

Adds templates to the Heist HeistConfig, and lets you specify where they are found in the filesystem. Note that the path to the template directory is an absolute path. This allows you more flexibility in where your templates are located, but means that you have to explicitly call getSnapletFilePath if you want your snaplet to use templates within its normal directory structure.

withHeistState :: SnapletLens b (Heist b) -> (HeistState (Handler b b) -> a) -> Handler b v a Source #

gRender Source #


:: ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

Like render/cRender, but chooses between the two appropriately based on the default mode.

gRenderAs Source #


:: ByteString

Content type

-> ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

Like renderAs/cRenderAs, but chooses between the two appropriately based on the default mode.

gHeistServe :: Handler b (Heist b) () Source #

Like heistServe/cHeistServe, but chooses between the two appropriately based on the default mode.

gHeistServeSingle :: ByteString -> Handler b (Heist b) () Source #

Like heistServeSingle/cHeistServeSingle, but chooses between the two appropriately based on the default mode.

chooseMode Source #


:: MonadState (Heist b1) m 
=> m b

A compiled action

-> m b

An interpreted action

-> m b 

Chooses between a compiled action and an interpreted action based on the configured default.

addConfig :: Snaplet (Heist b) -> SpliceConfig (Handler b b) -> Initializer b v () Source #

Adds more HeistConfig data using mappend with whatever is currently there. This is the preferred method for adding all four kinds of splices as well as new templates.

cRender Source #


:: ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

cRenderAs Source #


:: ByteString

Content type

-> ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

render Source #


:: ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

renderAs Source #


:: ByteString

Content type

-> ByteString

Name of the template

-> Handler b (Heist b) () 

heistLocal :: SnapletLens b (Heist b) -> (HeistState (Handler b b) -> HeistState (Handler b b)) -> Handler b v a -> Handler b v a Source #

heistLocal' :: SnapletLens (Snaplet b) (Heist b) -> (HeistState (Handler b b) -> HeistState (Handler b b)) -> Handler b v a -> Handler b v a Source #

type SnapletHeist b m a = HeistT (Handler b b) m a Source #

Orphan instances

MonadSnap m => MonadSnap (HeistT n m) Source #

This instance is here because we don't want the heist package to depend on anything from snap packages.

Instance details


liftSnap :: Snap a -> HeistT n m a #