smarties: Haskell Behavior Tree Library

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Versions 1.2.1, 1.2.1
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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5.0), haskeline, ilist, microlens, microlens-th, MonadRandom, mtl, QuickCheck (>=2.11), random, smarties, text, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Peter Lu
Author pdlla
Category Games, AI
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by pdlla at 2020-03-27T17:51:13Z


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Smarties is a general purpose behavior tree (BT) library written in Haskell. The library supports utility AI for advanced decision making. Smarties implements many of the design patterns outlined in this paper and some that aren't.

BTs are written in a DSL built with the NodeSequence monad. Monadic return values are used for computing utility and passing state between nodes.

To jump right in, please see the this tutorial example implementing Conway's Game of Life. There are other examples in the examples folder that I either put in too little or too much effort.


Understanding the NodeSequence Monad

NodeSequence is a computation that executes all it's internal nodes. At each >>= it will check the output and early exit if it reaches a FAIL.

NodeSequence has the following definition

data NodeSequenceT g p o m a =  NodeSequence { runNodeSequenceT :: g -> p -> (a, g, p, Status, [o]) }

The sequence represents a computation that takes a generator and perception and returns an output with the following types:

NodeSequence looks a lot like StateT (p,g) Writer [o] except with an additional Status output. The difference is that with each >>= if the input computation has Status FAIL, the monad will stop accumulating changes on p and appending to [o]. Note that it will continue to pass through p and g to evaluate the monadic return value a which is needed for things like utility selectors. Thus running NodeSequence produces an a and two thunks representing the perception and output up until the first FAIL.

The monadic return value is useful for passing general information between nodes. For example it's possible to implement loops:

howQueerIsMyFriend = sequence $ do
	x <- getFriend
	n <- numberFriendsOf x
	clique <- forM [0..(n-1)] (\n' -> do
		s <- getFriendOf x n'
		return queerness s
	return (mean clique)


Smarties provides the Smarties.Builders module for building your own logic nodes which are needed to actually use Smarties in a project. It supports the following types of nodes:

Each builder (except for Perception) has a simple variant (prefixed by Simple) which ensures the perception is immutable. You'll want to use the simple variants in most cases.

To keep the syntax simple in most cases, there are non-transformer variants of each builder which wrap the transformer ones.


Additional Features:

Some ideas for features to add to this package. I'll probably never get to these but feel free to submit a PR.