{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module SizedGrid.Grid.Grid where
import SizedGrid.Coord
import SizedGrid.Coord.Class
import Control.Lens hiding (index)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Generics.SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GHC
newtype Grid (cs :: [*]) a = Grid
{ unGrid :: V.Vector a
} deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq1, Show1, GHC.Generic)
instance AllSizedKnown cs => Applicative (Grid cs) where
pure =
(sizeProof @cs)
(Grid .
(fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (MaxCoordSize cs))))
Grid fs <*> Grid as = Grid $ V.zipWith ($) fs as
instance (AllSizedKnown cs, All IsCoord cs) =>
Monad (Grid cs) where
g >>= f = imap (\p a -> f a `index` p) g
instance (AllSizedKnown cs, All IsCoord cs) =>
Distributive (Grid cs) where
distribute = distributeRep
instance (All IsCoord cs, AllSizedKnown cs) =>
Representable (Grid cs) where
type Rep (Grid cs) = Coord cs
tabulate func = Grid $ V.fromList $ map func $ allCoord
index (Grid v) c = v V.! coordPosition c
instance (All IsCoord cs) => FunctorWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
imap func (Grid v) = Grid $ V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v
instance (All IsCoord cs) => FoldableWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
ifoldMap func (Grid v) = foldMap id $ V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v
instance (All IsCoord cs) => TraversableWithIndex (Coord cs) (Grid cs) where
itraverse func (Grid v) =
Grid <$> sequenceA (V.zipWith func (V.fromList allCoord) v)
type family Head xs where
Head (x ': xs) = x
type family Tail xs where
Tail (x ': xs) = xs
type family CollapseGrid cs a where
CollapseGrid '[] a = a
CollapseGrid (c ': cs) a = [CollapseGrid cs a]
type family AllGridSizeKnown cs :: Constraint where
AllGridSizeKnown '[] = ()
AllGridSizeKnown cs = ( GHC.KnownNat (CoordSized (Head cs))
, GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))
, AllGridSizeKnown (Tail cs))
splitVectorBySize :: Int -> V.Vector a -> [V.Vector a]
splitVectorBySize n v
| V.length v >= n = V.take n v : splitVectorBySize n (V.drop n v)
| V.null v = []
| otherwise = [v]
collapseGrid ::
forall cs a. (SListI cs, AllGridSizeKnown cs)
=> Grid cs a
-> CollapseGrid cs a
collapseGrid (Grid v) =
case (shape :: Shape cs) of
ShapeNil -> v V.! 0
ShapeCons _ ->
map (collapseGrid . Grid @(Tail cs)) $
(fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))))
gridFromList ::
forall cs a. (SListI cs, AllGridSizeKnown cs)
=> CollapseGrid cs a
-> Maybe (Grid cs a)
gridFromList cg =
case (shape :: Shape cs) of
ShapeNil -> Just $ Grid $ V.singleton $ cg
ShapeCons _ ->
if length cg == fromIntegral (GHC.natVal (Proxy @(CoordSized (Head cs))))
then Grid . mconcat <$>
traverse (fmap unGrid . gridFromList @(Tail cs)) cg
else Nothing
instance (AllGridSizeKnown cs, ToJSON a, SListI cs) => ToJSON (Grid cs a) where
toJSON (Grid v) =
case (shape :: Shape cs) of
ShapeNil -> toJSON (v V.! 0)
ShapeCons _ ->
toJSON $
map (toJSON . Grid @(Tail cs)) $
(fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize (Tail cs))))
instance (All IsCoord cs, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Grid cs a) where
parseJSON v =
case (shape :: Shape cs) of
ShapeNil -> Grid . V.singleton <$> parseJSON v
ShapeCons _ -> do
a :: [Grid (Tail cs) a] <- parseJSON v
return $ Grid $ foldMap unGrid a
transposeGrid ::
( IsCoord h
, IsCoord w
, GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize '[ w, h])
, GHC.KnownNat (MaxCoordSize '[ h, w])
=> Grid '[ w, h] a
-> Grid '[ h, w] a
transposeGrid g = tabulate $ \i -> index g $ tranposeCoord i
splitGrid ::
forall c cs a. (AllSizedKnown cs)
=> Grid (c ': cs) a
-> Grid '[ c] (Grid cs a)
splitGrid (Grid v) =
(sizeProof @cs)
(Grid $
V.fromList $
(fromIntegral $ GHC.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (MaxCoordSize cs)))
combineGrid :: Grid '[c] (Grid cs a) -> Grid (c ': cs) a
combineGrid (Grid v) = Grid (v >>= unGrid)
combineHigherDim ::
( CoordFromNat a ~ CoordFromNat b
, c ~ CoordFromNat a ((GHC.+) (CoordSized a) (CoordSized b)))
=> Grid (a ': as) x
-> Grid (b ': as) x
-> Grid (c ': as) x
combineHigherDim (Grid v1) (Grid v2) = Grid (v1 <> v2)
dropGrid ::
KnownNat n
=> Proxy n
-> Grid '[ c] x
-> Grid '[ CoordFromNat c (CoordSized c - n)] x
dropGrid p (Grid v) = Grid $ V.drop (fromIntegral $ natVal p) v
takeGrid :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Grid '[c] x -> Grid '[CoordFromNat c n] x
takeGrid p (Grid v) = Grid $ V.take (fromIntegral $ natVal p) v
splitHigherDim ::
forall a b c as x.
( KnownNat (CoordSized b)
, c ~ CoordFromNat a (CoordSized a - CoordSized b)
, CoordSized b <= CoordSized a
, AllSizedKnown as
=> Grid (a ': as) x
-> (Grid (b ': as) x, Grid (c ': as) x)
splitHigherDim (Grid v) =
let (a, b) =
(sizeProof @as)
(fromIntegral $
GHC.natVal (Proxy @(CoordSized b)) *
GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize as)))
in (Grid a, Grid b)
mapLowerDim ::
forall as bs x y c f. (AllSizedKnown as, Applicative f)
=> (Grid as x -> f (Grid bs y))
-> Grid (c ': as) x
-> f (Grid (c ': bs) y)
mapLowerDim f (Grid v) =
(sizeProof @as)
(fmap (Grid . V.concat) $
traverse (fmap unGrid . f . Grid) $
(fromIntegral (GHC.natVal (Proxy @(MaxCoordSize as))))
class ShrinkableGrid (cs :: [*]) (as :: [*]) (bs :: [*]) where
shrinkGrid :: Coord cs -> Grid as x -> Grid bs x
instance ShrinkableGrid '[] '[] '[] where
shrinkGrid _ (Grid v) = Grid v
instance ( KnownNat (CoordSized b)
, AllSizedKnown as
, IsCoord c
, ShrinkableGrid cs as bs
, CoordFromNat b ~ CoordFromNat a
, CoordSized b <= (CoordSized a - CoordSized c + 1)
) =>
ShrinkableGrid (c ': cs) (a ': as) (b ': bs) where
shrinkGrid (c :| cs) =
combineGrid . fmap (shrinkGrid cs) . helper . splitGrid
helper :: Grid '[ a] x -> Grid '[ b] x
helper g =
asSizeProxy c $ \(pTake :: Proxy n) ->
(coordFromNatCollapse @a @(CoordSized a - n) @(CoordSized b))
(takeGrid (Proxy :: Proxy (CoordSized b)) (dropGrid pTake g) \\
coordFromNatSame @b @a)
shrinkGrid _ = error "Impossible pattern in shrinkGrid"