{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module SizedGrid.Coord where
import SizedGrid.Coord.Class
import SizedGrid.Ordinal
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Lens hiding (from, to)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.AdditiveGroup
import Data.Aeson
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Constraint.Nat
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Generics.SOP hiding (Generic, S, Z)
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GHC
import System.Random (Random (..))
type family Length cs where
Length '[] = 0
Length (c ': cs) = (GHC.+) 1 (Length cs)
newtype Coord cs = Coord {unCoord :: NP I cs}
deriving (Generic)
coordSplit:: Coord (c ': cs) -> (c, Coord cs)
coordSplit (Coord (I x :* xs)) = (x, Coord xs)
pattern (:|) :: c -> Coord cs -> Coord (c ': cs)
pattern (:|) a as <- (coordSplit -> (a,as))
where (:|) a (Coord as) = Coord (I a :* as)
pattern EmptyCoord :: Coord '[]
pattern EmptyCoord = Coord Nil
infixr 5 :|
_WrappedCoord :: Lens' (Coord cs) (NP I cs)
_WrappedCoord f (Coord n) = Coord <$> f n
instance All Eq cs => Eq (Coord cs) where
Coord a == Coord b =
and $
hcollapse $ hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy Eq) (\(I x) (I y) -> K (x == y)) a b
instance (All Eq cs, All Ord cs) => Ord (Coord cs) where
compare (Coord a) (Coord b) =
mconcat $
hcollapse $
hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy Ord) (\(I x) (I y) -> K (compare x y)) a b
instance All Show cs => Show (Coord cs) where
show (Coord a) =
"Coord [" ++
", "
(hcollapse $ hcliftA (Proxy :: Proxy Show) (\(I x) -> K $ show x) a) ++
instance (All ToJSON cs) => ToJSON (Coord cs) where
toJSON (Coord a) =
Array $
V.fromList $
hcollapse $ hcmap (Proxy @ToJSON) (\(I x) -> K $ toJSON x) a
instance All FromJSON cs => FromJSON (Coord cs) where
parseJSON =
withArray "Coord" $ \v ->
case SOP.fromList $ V.toList v of
Just a ->
Coord <$>
(hcmap (Proxy @FromJSON) (\(K x) -> parseJSON x) a)
Nothing -> empty
instance All Semigroup cs => Semigroup (Coord cs) where
Coord a <> Coord b = Coord $ hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy Semigroup) (liftA2 (<>)) a b
instance (All Semigroup cs, All Monoid cs) => Monoid (Coord cs) where
mappend = (<>)
mempty = Coord $ hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy Monoid) (pure mempty)
instance (All AdditiveGroup cs) => AdditiveGroup (Coord cs) where
zeroV = Coord $ hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy AdditiveGroup) (pure zeroV)
Coord a ^+^ Coord b =
Coord $ hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy AdditiveGroup) (liftA2 (^+^)) a b
negateV (Coord a) =
Coord $ hcliftA (Proxy :: Proxy AdditiveGroup) (fmap negateV) a
Coord a ^-^ Coord b =
Coord $ hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy AdditiveGroup) (liftA2 (^-^)) a b
instance (All Random cs) => Random (Coord cs) where
random g =
let (c, g') =
(hsequence $ hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy Random) (state random))
in (Coord c, g')
randomR (Coord mi, Coord ma) g =
let (c, g') =
(hsequence $
(Proxy :: Proxy Random)
(\(I a) (I b) -> state (randomR (a, b)))
in (Coord c, g')
coordHead :: Lens (Coord (a ': as)) (Coord (a' ': as)) a a'
coordHead f (Coord (I a :* as)) = (\a' -> Coord (I a' :* as)) <$> f a
coordTail :: Lens (Coord (a ': as)) (Coord (a ': as')) (Coord as) (Coord as')
coordTail f (Coord (a :* as)) = (\(Coord as') -> Coord (a :* as')) <$> f (Coord as)
singleCoord :: a -> Coord '[a]
singleCoord a = Coord (I a :* Nil)
appendCoord :: a -> Coord as -> Coord (a ': as)
appendCoord a (Coord as) = Coord (I a :* as)
instance Field1 (Coord (a ': cs)) (Coord (a' ': cs)) a a' where
_1 = coordHead
instance Field2 (Coord (a ': b ': cs)) (Coord (a ': b' ': cs)) b b' where
_2 = coordTail . _1
instance Field3 (Coord (a ': b ': c ': cs)) (Coord (a ': b ': c' ': cs)) c c' where
_3 = coordTail . _2
instance Field4 (Coord (a ': b ': c ': d ': cs)) (Coord (a ': b ': c ': d' ': cs)) d d' where
_4 = coordTail . _3
instance Field5 (Coord (a ': b ': c ': d ': e ': cs)) (Coord (a ': b ': c ': d ': e' ': cs)) e e' where
_5 = coordTail . _4
type family CoordDiff (cs :: [k]) :: *
type instance CoordDiff '[] = ()
type instance CoordDiff '[a] = Identity (Diff a)
type instance CoordDiff '[a, b] = (Diff a, Diff b)
type instance CoordDiff '[a, b, c] = (Diff a, Diff b, Diff c)
type instance CoordDiff '[a, b, c, d] =
(Diff a, Diff b, Diff c, Diff d)
type instance CoordDiff '[a, b, c, d, e] =
(Diff a, Diff b, Diff c, Diff d, Diff e)
type instance CoordDiff '[a, b, c, d, e, f] =
(Diff a, Diff b, Diff c, Diff d, Diff e, Diff f)
type family MapDiff xs where
MapDiff '[] = '[]
MapDiff (x ': xs) = Diff x ': MapDiff xs
instance ( All AffineSpace cs
, AdditiveGroup (CoordDiff cs)
, IsProductType (CoordDiff cs) (MapDiff cs)
) =>
AffineSpace (Coord cs) where
type Diff (Coord cs) = CoordDiff cs
Coord a .-. Coord b =
let helper ::
All AffineSpace xs => NP I xs -> NP I xs -> NP I (MapDiff xs)
helper Nil Nil = Nil
helper (I x :* xs) (I y :* ys) = I (x .-. y) :* helper xs ys
in to $ SOP $ SOP.Z $ helper a b
Coord a .+^ b =
let helper :: All AffineSpace xs => NP I xs -> NP I (MapDiff xs) -> NP I xs
helper Nil Nil = Nil
helper (I x :* xs) (I y :* ys) = I (x .+^ y) :* helper xs ys
in case from b of
SOP (SOP.Z bs) -> Coord $ helper a bs
_ -> error "Error in adding Coord. Should be unreachable"
allCoord ::
forall cs. (All IsCoord cs)
=> [Coord cs]
allCoord = Coord <$> hsequence (hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy IsCoord) allCoordLike)
type family MaxCoordSize (cs :: [k]) :: GHC.Nat where
MaxCoordSize '[] = 1
MaxCoordSize (c ': cs) = (CoordSized c) GHC.* (MaxCoordSize cs)
coordPosition :: (All IsCoord cs) => Coord cs -> Int
coordPosition (Coord a) =
let helper :: (All IsCoord xs) => NP I xs -> Integer
helper Nil = 0
helper (I c :* (cs :: NP I ys)) =
ordinalToNum (c ^. asOrdinal) * sizeOfList cs + helper cs
sizeOfList :: All IsCoord xs => NP I xs -> Integer
sizeOfList =
product .
hcollapse .
(Proxy :: Proxy IsCoord)
(\(I (_ :: a)) -> K $ 1 + maxCoordSize (Proxy :: Proxy a))
in fromIntegral $ helper a
type family AllDiffSame a xs :: Constraint where
AllDiffSame _ '[] = ()
AllDiffSame a (x ': xs) = (Diff x ~ a, AllDiffSame a xs)
moorePoints ::
forall a cs. (Enum a, Num a, AllDiffSame a cs, All AffineSpace cs)
=> a
-> Coord cs
-> [Coord cs]
moorePoints n (Coord cs) =
let helper :: (All AffineSpace xs, AllDiffSame a xs) => NP I xs -> [NP I xs]
helper Nil = [Nil]
helper (I a :* as) = do
delta :: a <- [-n .. n]
next <- helper as
return (I (a .+^ delta) :* next)
in map Coord $ helper cs
vonNeumanPoints ::
forall a cs.
( Enum a
, Num a
, Ord a
, All Integral (MapDiff cs)
, AllDiffSame a cs
, All AffineSpace cs
, Ord (CoordDiff cs)
, IsProductType (CoordDiff cs) (MapDiff cs)
, AdditiveGroup (CoordDiff cs)
=> a
-> Coord cs
-> [Coord cs]
vonNeumanPoints n c =
let helper :: Coord cs -> Bool
helper new =
(hcollapse $
(Proxy :: Proxy Integral)
(\(I a) -> K (abs $ fromIntegral a)) $
from (min (new .-. c) (c .-. new))) <= n
in filter helper $ moorePoints n c
tranposeCoord :: Coord '[a,b] -> Coord '[b,a]
tranposeCoord (Coord (a :* b :* Nil)) = Coord (b :* a :* Nil)
zeroCoord :: All IsCoord cs => Coord cs
zeroCoord = Coord $ hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy IsCoord) (I $ zeroPosition)
class AllSizedKnown (cs :: [*]) where
sizeProof :: Dict (KnownNat (MaxCoordSize cs))
instance AllSizedKnown '[] where
sizeProof = Dict
instance (KnownNat (CoordSized a), AllSizedKnown as) =>
AllSizedKnown (a ': as) where
sizeProof =
(sizeProof @as)
(Dict \\ (timesNat @(CoordSized a) @(MaxCoordSize as)))
class WeakenCoord as bs where
weakenCoord :: Coord as -> Maybe (Coord bs)
instance WeakenCoord '[] '[] where
weakenCoord c = Just c
instance ( b ~ CoordFromNat a n
, WeakenCoord as bs
, IsCoord a
, IsCoord (CoordFromNat a n)
) =>
WeakenCoord (a ': as) (b ': bs) where
weakenCoord (a :| as) = do
bs <- weakenCoord as
b <- weakenIsCoord a
return (b :| bs)
weakenCoord _ = error "Unreachable pattern in weakenCoord"
class StrengthenCoord as bs where
strengthenCoord :: Coord as -> Coord bs
instance StrengthenCoord '[] '[] where
strengthenCoord c = c
instance ( StrengthenCoord as bs
, IsCoord (CoordFromNat a n)
, IsCoord a
, b ~ CoordFromNat a n
, CoordSized a <= CoordSized (CoordFromNat a n)
) =>
StrengthenCoord (a ': as) (b ': bs) where
strengthenCoord (a :| as) = strengthenIsCoord a :| strengthenCoord as
strengthenCoord _ = error "Unreachable pattern in strengthenCoord"