{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SDL.Video.OpenGL ( -- * Creating and Configuring OpenGL Contexts defaultOpenGL , OpenGLConfig(..) , GLContext , glCreateContext , Profile(..) , Mode(..) , glMakeCurrent , glDeleteContext -- * Querying for the drawable size without a Renderer , glGetDrawableSize -- * Swapping -- | The process of \"swapping\" means to move the back-buffer into the window contents itself. , glSwapWindow , SwapInterval(..) , swapInterval -- * Function Loading , Raw.glGetProcAddress ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.StateVar import Data.Typeable import Foreign hiding (void, throwIfNull, throwIfNeg, throwIfNeg_) import Foreign.C.Types import GHC.Generics (Generic) import SDL.Vect import SDL.Internal.Exception import SDL.Internal.Numbered import SDL.Internal.Types import qualified SDL.Raw as Raw #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative #endif -- | A set of default options for 'OpenGLConfig' -- -- @ -- 'defaultOpenGL' = 'OpenGLConfig' -- { 'glColorPrecision' = V4 8 8 8 0 -- , 'glDepthPrecision' = 24 -- , 'glStencilPrecision' = 8 -- , 'glMultisampleSamples' = 1 -- , 'glProfile' = 'Compatibility' 'Normal' 2 1 -- } -- @ defaultOpenGL :: OpenGLConfig defaultOpenGL = OpenGLConfig { glColorPrecision = V4 8 8 8 0 , glDepthPrecision = 24 , glStencilPrecision = 8 , glMultisampleSamples = 1 , glProfile = Compatibility Normal 2 1 } -- | Configuration used when creating an OpenGL rendering context. data OpenGLConfig = OpenGLConfig { glColorPrecision :: V4 CInt -- ^ Defaults to 'V4' @8 8 8 0@. , glDepthPrecision :: CInt -- ^ Defaults to @24@. , glStencilPrecision :: CInt -- ^ Defaults to @8@. , glMultisampleSamples :: CInt -- ^ Defaults to @1@. , glProfile :: Profile -- ^ Defaults to 'Compatibility' 'Normal' @2 1@. } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) -- | The profile a driver should use when creating an OpenGL context. data Profile = Core Mode CInt CInt -- ^ Use the OpenGL core profile, with a given major and minor version | Compatibility Mode CInt CInt -- ^ Use the compatibilty profile with a given major and minor version. The compatibility profile allows you to use deprecated functions such as immediate mode | ES Mode CInt CInt -- ^ Use an OpenGL profile for embedded systems deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) -- | The mode a driver should use when creating an OpenGL context. data Mode = Normal -- ^ A normal profile with no special debugging support | Debug -- ^ Use a debug context, allowing the usage of extensions such as @GL_ARB_debug_output@ deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) -- | A created OpenGL context. newtype GLContext = GLContext Raw.GLContext deriving (Eq, Typeable) -- | Create a new OpenGL context and makes it the current context for the -- window. -- -- Throws 'SDLException' if the window wasn't configured with OpenGL -- support, or if context creation fails. -- -- See @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_CreateContext SDL_GL_CreateContext>@ for C documentation. glCreateContext :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Window -> m GLContext glCreateContext (Window w) = GLContext <$> throwIfNull "SDL.Video.glCreateContext" "SDL_GL_CreateContext" (Raw.glCreateContext w) -- | Set up an OpenGL context for rendering into an OpenGL window. -- -- Throws 'SDLException' on failure. -- -- See @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_MakeCurrent SDL_GL_MakeCurrent>@ for C documentation. glMakeCurrent :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Window -> GLContext -> m () glMakeCurrent (Window w) (GLContext ctx) = throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Video.OpenGL.glMakeCurrent" "SDL_GL_MakeCurrent" $ Raw.glMakeCurrent w ctx -- | Delete the given OpenGL context. -- -- You /must/ make sure that there are no pending commands in the OpenGL -- command queue, the driver may still be processing commands even if you have -- stopped issuing them! -- -- The @glFinish@ command will block until the command queue has been fully -- processed. You should call that function before deleting a context. -- -- See @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_DeleteContext SDL_GL_DeleteContext>@ for C documentation. glDeleteContext :: MonadIO m => GLContext -> m () glDeleteContext (GLContext ctx) = Raw.glDeleteContext ctx -- | Replace the contents of the front buffer with the back buffer's. The -- contents of the back buffer are undefined, clear them with @glClear@ or -- equivalent before drawing to them again. -- -- See @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_SwapWindow SDL_GL_SwapWindow>@ for C documentation. glSwapWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () glSwapWindow (Window w) = Raw.glSwapWindow w -- | The swap interval for the current OpenGL context. data SwapInterval = ImmediateUpdates -- ^ No vertical retrace synchronization | SynchronizedUpdates -- ^ The buffer swap is synchronized with the vertical retrace | LateSwapTearing deriving (Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) instance ToNumber SwapInterval CInt where toNumber ImmediateUpdates = 0 toNumber SynchronizedUpdates = 1 toNumber LateSwapTearing = -1 instance FromNumber SwapInterval CInt where fromNumber n' = case n' of 0 -> ImmediateUpdates 1 -> SynchronizedUpdates -1 -> LateSwapTearing _ -> error ("Unknown SwapInterval: " ++ show n') -- | Get or set the swap interval for the current OpenGL context. -- -- This 'StateVar' can be modified using '$=' and the current value retrieved with 'get'. -- -- See @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval>@ and @<https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval>@ for C documentation. swapInterval :: StateVar SwapInterval swapInterval = makeStateVar glGetSwapInterval glSetSwapInterval where glGetSwapInterval = fmap fromNumber $ Raw.glGetSwapInterval glSetSwapInterval i = throwIfNeg_ "SDL.Video.glSetSwapInterval" "SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval" $ Raw.glSetSwapInterval (toNumber i) -- | Get the size of a window's underlying drawable area in pixels (for use -- with glViewport). -- -- It may differ from 'SDL.Video.windowSize' if window was created with 'SDL.Video.windowHighDPI' flag. glGetDrawableSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> m (V2 CInt) glGetDrawableSize (Window w) = liftIO $ alloca $ \wptr -> alloca $ \hptr -> do Raw.glGetDrawableSize w wptr hptr V2 <$> peek wptr <*> peek hptr