outsort: External sorting package based on Conduit

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External (disk-backed) sorting package based on Conduit, saving intermediate files to disk and later merging them all.

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Versions 0.1.0, 0.1.0
Change log ChangeLog
Dependencies async, base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring, conduit, conduit-algorithms, conduit-combinators, conduit-extra, containers, deepseq, directory, exceptions, filemanip, filepath, MissingH, primitive, resourcet, safe, safeio, temporary, text, transformers, transformers-base, vector, vector-algorithms [details]
License MIT
Maintainer Luis Pedro Coelho <luis@luispedro.org>
Category Algorithms
Uploaded by luispedro at 2019-07-11T06:38:36Z


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Outsort: generic (Haskell-based) external sorting


    import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
    import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB

    import Algorithms.OutSort (isolateBySize)
    import Algorithms.SortMain (sortMain)

    main :: IO ()
    main = sortMain
        (isolateBySize (const 1) 500000)

All that is needed is a decoder (ConduitT ByteString a m ()), an encoder (ConduitT ByteString a m ()), and a function to split the input into blocks (ConduitT a a m ()). Given these elements, the result is a programme which can sort arbitrarily large inputs using external memory.

Licence: MIT

Author: Luis Pedro Coelho (email: coelho@embl.de) (on twitter: @luispedrocoelho)