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optics-core-0.2: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines the Cons and Snoc classes, which provide Prisms for the leftmost and rightmost elements of a container, respectively.

Note that orphan instances for these classes are defined in the Optics.Cons module from optics-extra, so if you are not simply depending on optics you may wish to import that module instead.



class Cons s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #

This class provides a way to attach or detach elements on the left side of a structure in a flexible manner.


_Cons :: Prism s t (a, s) (b, t) Source #

_Cons :: Prism [a] [b] (a, [a]) (b, [b])
_Cons :: Prism (Seq a) (Seq b) (a, Seq a) (b, Seq b)
_Cons :: Prism (Vector a) (Vector b) (a, Vector a) (b, Vector b)
_Cons :: Prism' String (Char, String)
_Cons :: Prism' Text (Char, Text)
_Cons :: Prism' ByteString (Word8, ByteString)
Cons [a] [b] a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Cons :: Prism [a] [b] (a, [a]) (b, [b]) Source #

Cons (ZipList a) (ZipList b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Cons :: Prism (ZipList a) (ZipList b) (a, ZipList a) (b, ZipList b) Source #

Cons (Seq a) (Seq b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Cons :: Prism (Seq a) (Seq b) (a, Seq a) (b, Seq b) Source #

(<|) :: Cons s s a a => a -> s -> s infixr 5 Source #

cons an element onto a container.

This is an infix alias for cons.

>>> 1 <| []
>>> 'a' <| "bc"
>>> 1 <| []
>>> 1 <| [2, 3]

cons :: Cons s s a a => a -> s -> s infixr 5 Source #

cons an element onto a container.

>>> cons 'a' ""
>>> cons 'a' "bc"

uncons :: Cons s s a a => s -> Maybe (a, s) Source #

Attempt to extract the left-most element from a container, and a version of the container without that element.

>>> uncons []
>>> uncons [1, 2, 3]
Just (1,[2,3])

_head :: Cons s s a a => AffineTraversal' s a Source #

An AffineTraversal reading and writing to the head of a non-empty container.

>>> "abc" ^? _head
Just 'a'
>>> "abc" & _head .~ 'd'
>>> [1,2,3] & _head %~ (*10)
>>> [] & _head %~ absurd
>>> [1,2,3] ^? _head
Just 1
>>> [] ^? _head
>>> [1,2] ^? _head
Just 1
>>> [] & _head .~ 1
>>> [0] & _head .~ 2
>>> [0,1] & _head .~ 2

_tail :: Cons s s a a => AffineTraversal' s s Source #

An AffineTraversal reading and writing to the tail of a non-empty container.

>>> "ab" & _tail .~ "cde"
>>> [] & _tail .~ [1,2]
>>> [1,2,3,4,5] & _tail % traversed %~ (*10)
>>> [1,2] & _tail .~ [3,4,5]
>>> [] & _tail .~ [1,2]
>>> "abc" ^? _tail
Just "bc"
>>> "hello" ^? _tail
Just "ello"
>>> "" ^? _tail

pattern (:<) :: forall s a. Cons s s a a => a -> s -> s infixr 5 Source #

Pattern synonym for matching on the leftmost element of a structure.

>>> case ['a','b','c'] of (x :< _) -> x


class Snoc s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #

This class provides a way to attach or detach elements on the right side of a structure in a flexible manner.


_Snoc :: Prism s t (s, a) (t, b) Source #

Snoc [a] [b] a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Snoc :: Prism [a] [b] ([a], a) ([b], b) Source #

Snoc (ZipList a) (ZipList b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Snoc :: Prism (ZipList a) (ZipList b) (ZipList a, a) (ZipList b, b) Source #

Snoc (Seq a) (Seq b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Cons.Core


_Snoc :: Prism (Seq a) (Seq b) (Seq a, a) (Seq b, b) Source #

(|>) :: Snoc s s a a => s -> a -> s infixl 5 Source #

snoc an element onto the end of a container.

This is an infix alias for snoc.

>>> "" |> 'a'
>>> "bc" |> 'a'

snoc :: Snoc s s a a => s -> a -> s infixl 5 Source #

snoc an element onto the end of a container.

>>> snoc "hello" '!'

unsnoc :: Snoc s s a a => s -> Maybe (s, a) Source #

Attempt to extract the right-most element from a container, and a version of the container without that element.

>>> unsnoc "hello!"
Just ("hello",'!')
>>> unsnoc ""

_init :: Snoc s s a a => AffineTraversal' s s Source #

An AffineTraversal reading and replacing all but the a last element of a non-empty container.

>>> "abcd" ^? _init
Just "abc"
>>> "" ^? _init
>>> "ab" & _init .~ "cde"
>>> [] & _init .~ [1,2]
>>> [1,2,3,4] & _init % traversed %~ (*10)
>>> [1,2,3] ^? _init
Just [1,2]
>>> "hello" ^? _init
Just "hell"
>>> [] ^? _init

_last :: Snoc s s a a => AffineTraversal' s a Source #

An AffineTraversal reading and writing to the last element of a non-empty container.

>>> "abc" ^? _last
Just 'c'
>>> "" ^? _last
>>> [1,2,3] & _last %~ (+1)
>>> [1,2] ^? _last
Just 2
>>> [] & _last .~ 1
>>> [0] & _last .~ 2
>>> [0,1] & _last .~ 2

pattern (:>) :: forall s a. Snoc s s a a => s -> a -> s infixl 5 Source #

Pattern synonym for matching on the rightmost element of a structure.

>>> case ['a','b','c'] of (_ :> x) -> x