{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module System.Linux.Netlink.Route
, RoutePacket
, getRoutePackets
, Message(..)
, getLinkAddress
, getLinkBroadcast
, getLinkName
, getLinkMTU
, getLinkQDisc
, getLinkTXQLen
, getIFAddr
, getLLAddr
, getDstAddr
, putLinkAddress
, putLinkBroadcast
, putLinkName
, putLinkMTU
, putLinkQDisc
, putLinkTXQLen
) where
import Prelude hiding (length, lookup, init)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (length)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, append, init, pack, unpack)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Map (insert, lookup, toList)
import Data.Serialize.Get
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import System.Linux.Netlink.Constants
import System.Linux.Netlink
import System.Linux.Netlink.Helpers
import System.Linux.Netlink.Route.LinkStat
data Message = NLinkMsg
interfaceType :: LinkType
, interfaceIndex :: Word32
, interfaceFlags :: Word32
| NAddrMsg
addrFamily :: AddressFamily
, addrMaskLength :: Word8
, addrFlags :: Word8
, addrScope :: Word8
, addrInterfaceIndex :: Word32
| NNeighMsg
{ neighFamily :: Word8
, neighIfindex :: Int32
, neighState :: Word16
, neighFlags :: Word8
, neighType :: Word8
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Message where
show (NLinkMsg t i f) =
"LinkMessage. Type: " ++ showLinkType t ++ ", Index: " ++ show i ++ ", Flags: " ++ show f
show (NAddrMsg f l fl s i) =
"AddrMessage. Family: " ++ show f ++ ", MLength: " ++ show l ++ ", Flags: " ++
show fl ++ ", Scope: " ++ show s ++ ", Index: " ++ show i
show (NNeighMsg f i s fl t) =
"NeighMessage. Family: " ++ show f ++ ", Index: " ++ show i ++ ", State: " ++
show s ++ ", Flags: " ++ show fl ++ ", Type: " ++ show t
instance Convertable Message where
getGet = getMessage
getPut = putMessage
type RoutePacket = Packet Message
showRouteHeader :: Header -> String
showRouteHeader (Header t f s p) =
"Type: " ++ showMessageType t ++ ", Flags: " ++ (show f) ++ ", Seq: " ++ show s ++ ", Pid: " ++ show p
instance Show RoutePacket where
showList xs = ((concat . intersperse "===\n" . map show $xs) ++)
show (Packet hdr cus attrs) =
"RoutePacket: " ++ showRouteHeader hdr ++ "\n" ++
show cus ++ "\n" ++
"Attrs: \n" ++ concatMap (showMsgAttr (messageType hdr)) (toList attrs) ++ "\n"
show p = showPacket p
showMsgAttr :: MessageType -> (Int, ByteString) -> String
showMsgAttr msgType
| msgType == eRTM_NEWNEIGH = showNeighAttr
| msgType == eRTM_DELNEIGH = showNeighAttr
| msgType == eRTM_GETNEIGH = showNeighAttr
| otherwise = showLinkAttr
showNeighAttr :: (Int, ByteString) -> String
showNeighAttr = showAttr showNeighAttrType
showLinkAttr :: (Int, ByteString) -> String
showLinkAttr (i, v)
| i == eIFLA_STATS64 = "IFLA_STATS64:\n" ++ showStats64 v
| i == eIFLA_STATS = "IFLA_STATS:\n" ++ showStats32 v
| i == eIFLA_AF_SPEC =
"eIFLA_AF_SPEC: " ++ show (BS.length v) ++ '\n':indent (showAfSpec v)
| otherwise = showAttr showLinkAttrType (i, v)
showStats64 :: ByteString -> String
showStats64 bs = case runGet getLinkStat64 bs of
(Left x) -> error ("Could not marshall LinkStat64: " ++ x)
(Right x) -> show x ++ "\n"
showStats32 :: ByteString -> String
showStats32 bs = case runGet getLinkStat32 bs of
(Left x) -> error ("Could not marshall LinkStat32: " ++ x)
(Right x) -> show x ++ "\n"
showAfSpec :: ByteString -> String
showAfSpec bs = case runGet getAttributes bs of
(Left x) -> error ("Could not marshall AfSpec: " ++ x)
(Right attrs) ->
concatMap (\(i, v) -> showAddressFamily i ++ '\n': indent (showAfSpec' v)) (toList attrs)
showAfSpec' :: ByteString -> String
showAfSpec' bs = case runGet getAttributes bs of
(Left x) -> error ("Could not marshall AfSpec': " ++ x)
(Right attrs) -> showNLAttrs attrs
getMessage :: MessageType -> Get Message
getMessage msgtype | msgtype == eRTM_NEWLINK = getMessageLink
| msgtype == eRTM_GETLINK = getMessageLink
| msgtype == eRTM_DELLINK = getMessageLink
| msgtype == eRTM_NEWADDR = getMessageAddr
| msgtype == eRTM_GETADDR = getMessageAddr
| msgtype == eRTM_DELADDR = getMessageAddr
| msgtype == eRTM_GETNEIGH = getMessageNeigh
| msgtype == eRTM_NEWNEIGH = getMessageNeigh
| msgtype == eRTM_DELNEIGH = getMessageNeigh
| otherwise =
error $ "Can't decode message " ++ show msgtype
getMessageLink :: Get Message
getMessageLink = do
skip 2
ty <- fromIntegral <$> g16
idx <- g32
flags <- g32
skip 4
return $ NLinkMsg ty idx flags
getMessageAddr :: Get Message
getMessageAddr = do
fam <- fromIntegral <$> g8
maskLen <- g8
flags <- g8
scope <- fromIntegral <$> g8
idx <- g32
return $ NAddrMsg fam maskLen flags scope idx
getMessageNeigh :: Get Message
getMessageNeigh = NNeighMsg
<$> g8
<*> (skip 3 >> fromIntegral <$> g32)
<*> g16
<*> g8
<*> g8
putMessage :: Message -> Put
putMessage (NLinkMsg ty idx flags) = do
p8 eAF_UNSPEC >> p8 0
p16 (fromIntegral ty)
p32 idx
p32 flags
putMessage (NAddrMsg fam maskLen flags scope idx) = do
p8 (fromIntegral fam)
p8 maskLen
p8 flags
p8 (fromIntegral scope)
p32 idx
putMessage (NNeighMsg f i s fl t) = do
p8 f
p8 0 >> p8 0 >> p8 0
p32 (fromIntegral i)
p16 s
p8 fl
p8 t
getRoutePackets :: ByteString -> Either String [RoutePacket]
getRoutePackets = getPackets
type AttributeReader a = Attributes -> Maybe a
type AttributeWriter a = a -> Attributes -> Attributes
type LinkAddress = (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
getLinkAddress :: AttributeReader LinkAddress
getLinkAddress attrs = decodeMAC <$> lookup eIFLA_ADDRESS attrs
putLinkAddress :: AttributeWriter LinkAddress
putLinkAddress addr = insert eIFLA_ADDRESS (encodeMAC addr)
getLinkBroadcast :: AttributeReader LinkAddress
getLinkBroadcast attrs = decodeMAC <$> lookup eIFLA_BROADCAST attrs
putLinkBroadcast :: AttributeWriter LinkAddress
putLinkBroadcast addr = insert eIFLA_BROADCAST (encodeMAC addr)
getLinkName :: AttributeReader String
getLinkName attrs = getString <$> lookup eIFLA_IFNAME attrs
putLinkName :: AttributeWriter String
putLinkName ifname = insert eIFLA_IFNAME (putString ifname)
getLinkMTU :: AttributeReader Word32
getLinkMTU attrs = get32 =<< lookup eIFLA_MTU attrs
putLinkMTU :: AttributeWriter Word32
putLinkMTU mtu = insert eIFLA_MTU (put32 mtu)
getLinkQDisc :: AttributeReader String
getLinkQDisc attrs = getString <$> lookup eIFLA_QDISC attrs
putLinkQDisc :: AttributeWriter String
putLinkQDisc disc = insert eIFLA_QDISC (putString disc)
getLinkTXQLen :: AttributeReader Word32
getLinkTXQLen attrs = get32 =<< lookup eIFLA_TXQLEN attrs
putLinkTXQLen :: AttributeWriter Word32
putLinkTXQLen len = insert eIFLA_TXQLEN (put32 len)
getIFAddr :: AttributeReader ByteString
getIFAddr = lookup eIFA_ADDRESS
getLLAddr :: AttributeReader LinkAddress
getLLAddr attrs = decodeMAC <$> lookup eNDA_LLADDR attrs
getDstAddr :: AttributeReader ByteString
getDstAddr = lookup eNDA_DST
decodeMAC :: ByteString -> LinkAddress
decodeMAC = tuplify . map (fromIntegral . ord) . unpack
where tuplify [a,b,c,d,e,f] = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
tuplify _ = error "Bad encoded MAC"
encodeMAC :: LinkAddress -> ByteString
encodeMAC = pack . map (chr . fromIntegral) . listify
where listify (a,b,c,d,e,f) = [a,b,c,d,e,f]
getString :: ByteString -> String
getString b = unpack (init b)
putString :: String -> ByteString
putString s = append (pack s) "\0"
get32 :: ByteString -> Maybe Word32
get32 bs = case runGet getWord32host bs of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right w -> Just w
put32 :: Word32 -> ByteString
put32 w = runPut (putWord32host w)