Module      : System.Linux.Netlink
Description : The base module for the netlink package
Maintainer  : ongy
Stability   : testing
Portability : Linux

This is the base module for the netlink package.
It contains functions and datatype used by every netlink module.
All definitions are (supposed to be) generic enough to be used
by implementations of more specific netlink interfaces.
module System.Linux.Netlink
(   Header(..)
  , Attributes
  , Packet(..)
  , Convertable(..)
  , NoData(..)
  , NetlinkSocket

  , getPacket
  , getAttributes
  , getHeader
  , putHeader
  , putAttributes
  , putPacket
  , getPackets

  , makeSocket
  , makeSocketGeneric
  , getNetlinkFd
  , closeSocket
  , joinMulticastGroup
  , leaveMulticastGroup

  , query
  , queryOne
  , recvOne
  , showNLAttrs
  , showAttrs
  , showAttr
  , showPacket

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Hexdump (prettyHex)
import Control.Monad (when, replicateM_, unless)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM)
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (length)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, toList)
import Data.Serialize.Get
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)

import System.Posix.Types (Fd(Fd))
import qualified System.Linux.Netlink.C as C
import System.Linux.Netlink.Helpers
import System.Linux.Netlink.Constants

--Generic protocol stuff

{- |Typeclase used by the system. Basically 'Storable' for 'Get' and 'Put'

getGet Returns a 'Get' function for the convertable. 

The MessageType is passed so that the function can parse different data structures
based on the message type.
class Convertable a where
  getGet :: MessageType -> Get a -- ^get a 'Get' function for the static data
  getPut :: a -> Put -- ^get a 'Put' function for the static data

-- |Datatype to be used when there is no additional static header
data NoData = NoData deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Convertable NoData where
  getPut _ = return ()
  getGet _ = return NoData

-- |Data type for the netlink header
data Header = Header
      messageType   :: MessageType -- ^The message type
    , messageFlags  :: Word16 -- ^The message flags
    , messageSeqNum :: Word32 -- ^The sequence message number
    , messagePID    :: Word32 -- ^The pid of the sending process (0 is from kernel for receiving or "let the kernel set it" for sending)
    } deriving (Eq)

instance Show Header where
  show (Header t f s p) = 
    "Type: " ++ show t ++ ", Flags: " ++ (show f) ++ ", Seq: " ++ show s ++ ", Pid: " ++ show p

-- |Type used for netlink attributes
type Attributes = Map Int ByteString

-- |The generic netlink message type
data Packet a
        = Packet -- The "normal" message
      packetHeader     :: Header -- ^The netlink message header
    , packetCustom     :: a -- ^The datatype for additional static data for the interface
    , packetAttributes :: Attributes -- ^The netlink attributes
        | ErrorMsg -- The error message
      packetHeader     :: Header -- ^The netlink message header
    , packetError      :: CInt -- ^The error ID for this error message
    , errorPacket      :: Packet a -- ^The offending message
        | DoneMsg -- The done message, this should usually not be seen by a user
      packetHeader     :: Header -- ^The header of the done message
    deriving (Eq)

-- |Helperfunction for show instance of 'Packet' and further specializations
showPacket :: Show a => Packet a -> String
showPacket (ErrorMsg hdr code pack) = 
  "Error packet: \n" ++
  show hdr ++ "\n" ++
  "Error code: " ++ (show code) ++ "\n" ++
  (show pack)
showPacket (DoneMsg hdr) = "Done: " ++ show hdr
showPacket (Packet hdr cus attrs) =
  "NetlinkPacket: " ++ show hdr ++ "\n" ++
  "Custom data: " ++ show cus ++ "\n" ++
  "Attrs: \n" ++ showNLAttrs attrs

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Show (Packet a) where
  showList xs = ((concat . intersperse "===\n" . map show $xs) ++)
  show = showPacket

-- |Convert generic NLAttrs into a string (# and hexdump)
showNLAttrs :: Attributes -> String
showNLAttrs = showAttrs show 

-- |Helper function to convert attributes into a string
  :: (Int -> String) -- ^A function from element id to its name
  -> Attributes -- ^The attributes
  -> String -- ^A string with Element name and hexdump of element
showAttrs sh = showAttrs' . toList
    showAttrs' [] = []
    showAttrs' (x:xs) = showAttr sh x ++ showAttrs' xs

-- |Helper function to generically show a single attribute
showAttr :: (Int -> String) -> (Int, ByteString) -> String
showAttr sh (i,v) = sh i ++ ": " ++ prettyHex v

-- | Read packets from the buffer
  :: ByteString  -- ^The buffer to read from
  -> Get a -- ^The function to read a single message
  -> Either String [a] -- ^Either an error message or a list of messages read
getPacket bytes f = flip runGet bytes $ do
    pkts <- whileM (not <$> isEmpty) f
    isEmpty >>= \e -> unless e $ fail "Incomplete message parse"
    return pkts

-- |'Get' Attributes
getAttributes :: Get Attributes
getAttributes = fromList <$> whileM (not <$> isEmpty) getSingleAttribute

-- |'Get' a single 'Attribute'
getSingleAttribute :: Get (Int, ByteString)
getSingleAttribute = do
    len <- fromIntegral <$> g16
    ty <- fromIntegral <$> g16
    val <- getByteString (len - 4)
    isEmpty >>= \e -> when (not e && len `mod` 4 /= 0) $ skip (4 - (len `mod` 4))
    return (ty, val)

-- |'Get' the netlink 'Header'
getHeader :: Get (Int, Header)
getHeader = isolate 16 $ do
      len <- fromIntegral <$> g32
      ty     <- fromIntegral <$> g16
      flags  <- fromIntegral <$> g16
      seqnum <- g32
      pid    <- g32
      return (len - 16, Header ty flags seqnum pid)

-- |'Put' the netlink 'Header'
  :: Int -- ^The length of the message
  -> Header -- ^The header itself
  -> Put
putHeader len (Header ty flags seqnum pid) = do
    p32 (fromIntegral len)
    p16 (fromIntegral ty)
    p16 (fromIntegral flags)
    p32 seqnum
    p32 pid

-- |'Put' a 'Map' of 'Attributes'
putAttributes :: Attributes -> Put
putAttributes = mapM_ putAttr . toList
    putAttr (ty, value) = do
        p16 (fromIntegral $BS.length value + 4)
        p16 (fromIntegral ty)
        putByteString value
        when (BS.length value `mod` 4 /= 0) $replicateM_ (4 - (BS.length value `mod` 4)) (p8 0)

-- |'Put' a 'Packet' so it can e sent
putPacket :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Packet a -> [ByteString]
putPacket (Packet header custom attributes) =
  let attrs = runPut $putAttributes attributes
      cus   = runPut $getPut custom
      hdr   = runPut $putHeader (BS.length attrs + BS.length cus + 16) header
  in [hdr, cus, attrs]
putPacket _ = error "Cannot convert this for transmission"

-- |'Get' an error message
getError :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Header -> Get (Packet a)
getError hdr = do
  code <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32host
  packet <- getGenPacket
  return $ErrorMsg hdr code packet

-- | 'Get' the body of a packet (the 'Header' is already read from the buffer
getGenPacketContent :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Header -> Get (Packet a)
getGenPacketContent hdr
  | messageType hdr == eNLMSG_DONE  = skip 4 >> return (DoneMsg hdr)
  | messageType hdr == eNLMSG_ERROR = getError hdr
  | otherwise  = do
      msg    <- getGet (messageType hdr)
      attrs  <- getAttributes
      return $ Packet hdr msg attrs

{- | 'Get' a packet

This returns a 'Get' function for a netlink message.
The message may have additional static data defined by the protocol.
getGenPacket :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Get (Packet a)
getGenPacket = do
    (len, header) <- getHeader
    isolate len $ getGenPacketContent header

{- | Read all 'Packet's from a buffer

The packets may have additional static data defined by the protocol.
getPackets :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => ByteString -> Either String [Packet a]
getPackets bytes = flip runGet bytes $ do
    pkts <- whileM (not <$> isEmpty) getGenPacket
    isEmpty >>= \e -> unless e $ fail "Incomplete message parse"
    return pkts

-- | Typesafe wrapper around a 'CInt' (fd)
newtype NetlinkSocket = NS CInt

-- |Open and return a 'NetlinkSocket', for legacy reasons this opens a route socket
makeSocket :: IO NetlinkSocket
makeSocket = NS <$> C.makeSocket

-- |Open a 'NetlinkSocket'. This is the generic function
  :: Int -- ^The netlink family to use
  -> IO NetlinkSocket
makeSocketGeneric = fmap NS . C.makeSocketGeneric

-- |Get the raw 'Fd' used for netlink communcation (this can be plugged into eventing)
getNetlinkFd :: NetlinkSocket -> Fd
getNetlinkFd (NS f) = Fd f

{- |Send a Message over netlink.

This is an internal function.
The prototype directly reflects the interface of the C functions.
sendmsg :: NetlinkSocket -> [ByteString] -> IO ()
sendmsg (NS fd) = C.sendmsg fd

{- |Receive a Message over netlink.

This is an internal function.
The prototype directly reflects the interface of the C functions.
recvmsg :: NetlinkSocket -> Int -> IO ByteString
recvmsg (NS fd) = C.recvmsg fd

-- |Close a 'NetlinkSocket' when it is no longer used
closeSocket :: NetlinkSocket -> IO ()
closeSocket (NS fd) = C.closeSocket fd

-- |Join a netlink multicast group
  :: NetlinkSocket -- ^The socket to join with
  -> Word32  -- ^The id of the group to join, values of System.Linux.Netlink.Constants.eRTNLGRP_*
  -> IO ()
joinMulticastGroup (NS fd) = C.joinMulticastGroup fd

-- |Leave a netlink multicast group
  :: NetlinkSocket -- ^The socket to leave
  -> Word32  -- ^The id of the group to leave, values of System.Linux.Netlink.Constants.eRTNLGRP_*
  -> IO ()
leaveMulticastGroup (NS fd) = C.leaveMulticastGroup fd

-- generic query functions
{- |Query data over netlink.

This sends a 'Packet' over netlink and returns the answer.
This blocks in a safe foregin function until the other side replies.
query :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> Packet a -> IO [Packet a]
query sock req = do
    sendmsg sock (putPacket req)
    recvMulti sock

-- |The same as 'query' but requires the answer to be a single message
queryOne :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> Packet a -> IO (Packet a)
queryOne sock req = do
    sendmsg sock (putPacket req)
    pkts <- recvMulti sock
    case pkts of
      [x] -> return x
      _ -> fail ("Expected one packet, received " ++ (show . length $pkts))

-- |Internal function to receive multiple netlink messages
recvMulti :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> IO [Packet a]
recvMulti sock = do
    pkts <- recvOne sock
    if isMulti (first pkts)
        then if isDone (last pkts)
             -- This is fine because first would have complained before
             then return $ init pkts
             else (pkts ++) <$> recvMulti sock
        else return pkts
    isMulti = isFlagSet fNLM_F_MULTI . messageFlags . packetHeader
    isDone  = (== eNLMSG_DONE) . messageType . packetHeader
    first (x:_) = x
    first [] = error "Got empty list from recvOne in recvMulti, this shouldn't happen"

{- | Calls recvmsg once and returns all received messages

This should only be used outside of the package when reading multicast messages.

The prototype of this function is unintuitive, but this cannot be avoided without
buffering in userspace with the netlink api.
recvOne :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> IO [Packet a]
recvOne sock = recvmsg sock bufferSize >>= \b -> case getPackets b of
    Left err   -> fail err
    Right pkts -> return pkts

isFlagSet :: Bits a => a -> a -> Bool
isFlagSet f v = (f .&. v) == f

bufferSize :: Num a => a
bufferSize = 4096